Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2023 (Page 7 of 11)

Soggy Rocks Need Pushing Too

It was cold and rainy, but not memorably so, as 11 ignored doctor’s recommendations and played in the rain.  I’ve seen worse.

5 rucked and 6 ran.

We lost 2 and picked up 2 for QSource.  We talked about the Get Right.  Fitness first, then fellowship and faith.  Different times in life require us to accelerate in different directions.  The Gloom gives us an opportunity every day to start the day off right, regardless of what the rest of the day will bring.

Been a while, but glad to have secured my membership card.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Endurance Produces Character

No Super Bowl Hangover detected at The Sword, as we had 11 escape the fartsack and start the week off right.

“… we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” – Romans 5:3-5

The hard things mold and shape us into the strong and prepared HIMs we were called to be.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Round 11s

YHC waited too long to do the backblast.

Pledge (to no flag because Maybelline was late)

Mosey to maintenance shed.


Mosey to Parking Lot

We did 11’s and ran circles around islands x 2.

Then started 11’s to around the concession stand but ran out of time.

Mosey to entrance.

Everyone tried to set new PR on the “JailBreak” segment.

Some did, some tied PRs.

Announcements were said.

Prayer Requests were noted.

JJ took us out.




Watts Up Powering Down.

Mt. Hollywood 13-Feb-23

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.

Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT) – Joke today was I made a faux paux and send lets get back to the COT and end in a rotating fashion.  I owe Pilgrim two burpees.

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!


Warmup:  Easy lap, SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Marching Elephants, MNC x10IC
Metcon Work (HIIT) with 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off: Exercise and then run two laps around the school lot.
Split Squat – One leg, next round get the other one.
Step Ups
Squats/Squat Jumps
Mountain Climbers

We got three rounds in and grabbed 25 Tib Raises and 25 calf raises trying to work on muscles not typically worked that help the back and knee.

With a few minutes left we did some trivia for the mission and principles for some burpees as the prize.

Announcements:  Viking Dash 2/25 (5k, 10k, Half),  Extinction Run starts at 9:00 Get there early, May 15 Younglife Golf Tournament, looking for a new site Q at Hollywood.

Prayers/Praise: Huckleberry, Turtleman, Ratchet, DtD team (safety), PAX Injuries, Boudin (Back, Son and Daughter), Clavins M, Radars sister, Tooth Fairy, Wirenut, Pillagers M, Termites brother, Silent prayers by PAX


BOM: Pilgrim took us out.  Thank you all for coming out.

More Rain!

2 runners and 11 ruckers  for some wet weather fun this morning. Ozark with an early start and finish, not  making the COT or QSource due to a call to get to church for a sound issues. Big Pappy with his return to posting after being on the IR recently, also bringing with him his 2.0 Blue, that hasn’t posted in 3 years. Hopefully this is the first of many more.


Lunch?  see Balljoint

Viking Dash 2-25 get signed up

Extinction Run 3-4

Q v Q in March, get your voting in


Prayer Request:

Tooth Fairy’s 2.0

Ratchet’s 2.0

Wirenut’s family

Clavin’s wife

Radar’s sister



Watts Up’s family

earthquake  victims

Brokes  co-worker

Gump court date

YHC took us out, thanks again for the opportunity to lead.


First and ten and fall..

17 men showed up with what was supposed to be a rain out. This is how it went.  Brought the pipes out and did a circle up 4 feet apart . You are supposed to make the pipe stand and shift over to grab the next pipe without it falling. Needless to say it fell each time and we got to several rounds of burpees… ( or granny burpees as I call them ) anyway went from there to what is called 1st and 10… line up the cones 10 cones 10 yards apart and basically doing 11’s sprint to end and eliminate a cone each run back. Diamond merkins and low , (debatable slow squats). Then back round of mountain climbers and one other exercise… Old people can’t remember all this stuff anyway. After a count 10 down eagle hill mosey and back up the hill through eagle park stopping to wait on the pack with LBC’s… top of the hill still had time to get out the toys again ( pipes ) did Mary’s with whatever exercise was called the pipes were in use. Got pretty interesting. Oh and forgot to describe the fall. Somebody ( me laid out the cones with a blind speed bump) needless to say everyone was tripping over it and I kept warning them till I fell all over the place and busted my knee. In the famous pax fashion IM OK… then the next day my knee was swole up and hurting. Anyway great day thanks for the privelege to lead guys always an honor.

Anouncements: Que against Que march 2nd at goat, Grow ruck schedule also one in Charleston June 10th… talk to Tiger for more details, Extinction run March 4th starts at 9 am. ,

Prayer Request: Radars sister, Tigers mom, Praise from whats up nephew’s heart was good! Tooth fairy daughter, Termites brother

Ghost Flag is Back in the GASHOUSE 2023

When I first heard about the ghost flag I was intrigued! I heard tales of frozen Shelby convergences and trans regional rivalry’s! Apparently this used to be a big deal! So I started doing some Twitter research to figure out where this thing was. I tracked it down to the Statesville region back in April 2022, things happened and my plan to get the Flag never really got off the ground. Fast forward to January ’23, with my newfound position as 2nd F Q I thought now was the time to go get this thing! I reached out to KnarlyGoat and he said it was still in his garage! We made it to Downtown Statesville with about 15 minutes to spare and quickly found out that we were 1 hour late to a local Army vs Navy 2 hour CASUP. No worries we jumped right in! The order to grab the shovel Flags and let’s mosey was given I grabbed the Ghost Flag and We were off! I was a pretty good work out, we did some sandbag work, we marched in Caidance, ran up a big hill and finally at the end did a couple merkins and maybe a Burpee or 2. The Navy won the Casup , but the real winners were The Gashouse Clowncar as we came home with the Ghost Flag. Thank you, HIM for coming with me! Special shout out to F3 Goodwrench (Danny Barker) for coming across the lake to hang out with us as well. Now lets see how long we keep it this time!

Ball Joint


Last Q of My Forties

With great weather and the pushing rocks challenge there wasn’t many valid excuses not to post at Midoriyama this afternoon. 12 HIM decided to get better this afternoon.



15 Gravel Pickers IC

15 Hillbillies IC



Grab some blocks and head to the parking lot between the turd shack and the ball field. 5 different  exercises starting with 25 reps and 1 lap around the parking lot dropping 5 reps and adding 1 lap after each round. After finishing this up we moved to the curb for some Dirty 11’s.  10 Mike Tyson’s to start and a Blockee in the middle, Big Boy on the other side  .  Getting close to time so we put our blocks  up and head back to start.


Convergence 2/11    @06:30

Lunch ?

Viking Dash 2-25

Extinction Run 3-4

Q v Q in March, go vote for your favorites to battle it out


Prayer Request:

Wirenut’s family

Jackson Hall (Ratchet’s) 2.0

Tooth Fairy 2.0

Clavin’s wife

Radar’s sister



Watts Up family

my family

Great push guys! Appreciate each one of these men and  the opportunity to lead. YHC took us out.

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