• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/15/2022
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Gear Wrench, Gumby, Sarlacc, Stogie, Bed Pan, Hacksaw, Volt, Purple Haze, Roundup, Ball Joint, Sparky, Goodwrench

We had a good crowd even though the site Q and various others didn’t join us.  I was going to write about it, but better leave the sandy V alone.


Warmup:  SSH x10 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, MNC x25 IC, Arm Circles

1) Pledge, Mosey to flagpole, 22 for vets and police.
state mission and principles.
Free, peer-led workout for men.  The mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout              groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership

Free of charge, open to ALL men, held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold, led by men who participate in a rotating fashion, end with a circle of trust

2) Partner up for lot (going up/down hill) for Dora

3) Mosey to Dragway pond stairs

4) Five (5) calf raises at each stair.  When finished, plank and wait on the six.

5) Dora from that general location up hill to the next speed bump for second round of Dora
Lunges (Each Leg)/CDDs/Leg lifts

6) Mosey to Tennis Courts
Do 10 reps and run to middle of courts and run back.  Repeat
Mountain climbers (count one leg)
French Fries (10 IC-4 count)
SSH (single count)
Michael Phelps (10 IC-4 count)
Plank Jacks (10 IC-4 count)
Freddy Mercury’s (10 IC-4 count)

7) One final lap to help some get to the 10 mile mark on the day, Announcements, Prayer/Praise, Name-o-rama, COT/BOM.

Announcements:  Q school 1/22, 2nd F lunch 1/19 at Buffalo Wild Wings, Rice and Beans ongoing, F3 retreat (15 spots left) 2/18-2/20, need four (4) runners for Smoky Mountain Relay (see Purple Haze), Downhill 1/2 May 13-14,

Prayers:  Gumby, Stogie, Roundup, Big Pappy