Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 7, 2022

Warm Up, Run, Rinse, Repeat!

It was another workout minus the site Q… seems this has become the norm lately for Midoriyama!!!  But 10 PAX did show to make themselves better.  A simple “Q” but it got the job done.

The Thang:  IC

20 SSH / 1 Burpee

15 Gravel Pickers / 1 Burpee

10 Imperial  Walkers / 1 Burpee

5 Low Slow Squats / 1 Burpee

Run some

Rinse & Repeat

Finished up with some block work

COT:  Rice & Beans tonight / Super Dave looking for some good shoes 🙂  Prayer requests for Rutherford County Trooper John Horton Family, Stephanie Lane family,  a lady that Def Leppard works with her son committed suicide (28 y/o), family at Mayor’s church dealing with cancer & pregnancy loss, Bedpan’s M



Warm up: SSH and Merkins only

Run around Downtown Gastonia for about 2 miles stopping at many sites for some reps of Partner merkins, LBC’s, Calf raises, Dips, and we even bear crawled a little.  If you where there you would have seen all of the ways we incorporated each exercise into the workout – show to know

Mosey back to start for some merry

Announcements – Multiple relays coming up and Q school at gashouse on 1/22

Prayer request: Chris Howell’s daughter and grandson,  Family members of multiple Pax

Prayed us out

As always it was an honor to lead

EZ out!!

EC Opportunity

9 Pax posted to Midoriyama Thursday night. 3 went out and got in some EC before. Seuss was not one of them. SA managed to become the local legend running to Lowell and back. That may be why he didn’t let Seuss know he would be doing EC. They used to be running partners. I don’t know what happened. Hate to see it.


SSH ic x 7 we had to stop because some people can’t seem to sink up with the Q. People don’t like to be called out like this and we all often do the same thing. I’m guilty. I get to talking and doing my own thing instead of following the Q’s lead. While it may not be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things if we are developing leaders then we at least owe them the respect of following their lead. Also if you are in charge then take charge! Demand from the PAX that they follow you.

SSH ic x 10

Merkins ic x 10 now we’ve got some butt hurt people just refusing to follow my lead

Let’s roll

The Thang:

We headed up the road and circled around the long parking lot for a couple of rounds of some fartlek running. We picked up the pace for about half a lap then slowed it back down. We did this 3-4 laps then headed to the top of the parking lot at the soccer field. When I say we I mean some not all of the group. I could hear quite a bit of talking coming from back behind me and if the had picked the pace up like some of us did they would likely not been able to talk like that. Seuss was the only one that had permission to be talking due to his cardiovascular fitness.

At the top of the parking lot we partnered up for 11’s. Run around the island and do 10 burpees. Run back around to meet your partner for 1 booyah merkin. Continue on until reversed. I’ve done this one before and made the guys take turns carrying a block. This is a good one!

That eat up some time so when the batflippers finished up we called it and and moved on. From the top of the island to the curb, which about 2 parking spaces length, we did another round of 11’s. WWII’s, Ski burps, and duck walks back and forth. There was some grumbling and whining about knees when I said the duck walk. Of course before I could even say duck walk half the group of flippers had already taken off. Once again not following the Q’s lead. You know a good leader is also a good follower. During this exercise we had some good discussion about how SA just uses people over and over for his own personal growth but never gives back. This caused SA to lash out at #Hal. The long run this week may feel even longer!

I called for everyone to finish up where they were as we were running out of time. We took off running but Gavel being so very close to finishing refused to walk away without finishing it out. We circled back to get him then did a few more laps of fartlek run before heading back to the flag.


Announcments-lots of goof stuff coming from the new SLT. Leppard is not on the SLT this year if you didn’t know.  He seems a little sore about it. Watch your back Nantan!


Prayer Request-Gumby and his back issue

Neeked Moleskin:

I’ve said enough

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