Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 14, 2021

Matthew 1:18 at The Sword

There were runners and ruckers. I am still not running and letting my foot heal up so I used the opportunity to ruck with Bedpan and give him a recap of the F3 Christmas Party.

At 6, we all regrouped for a little 3rd F. My church has a series going about the Christmas story and one key takeaway I heard recently was to tell the story every year, even if people have heard it. It is a great reminder and it may reach new ears.

So we started at the beginning with Matthew 1:18.

Matthew 1: [18]Now the birth of Jesus Christ was in this way: when his mother Mary was going to be married to Joseph, before they came together the discovery was made that she was with child by the Holy Spirit.

We went on to talk about verses 19-25 as well and how Joseph was a man of great faith and planned to divorce Mary, as was customary at the time. He was going to do so quietly to not embarras her. However, an angel appeared to him to tell him the baby was the son of God and that je was to name the baby Jesus. Joseph decided to be obedient to God and stay with Mary. That is a man with great faith and courage!!!!!

Almost the 12 Days of Christmas

It was beautiful morning to get our move on. 8 HIM showed for some astronomy and exercises. This is what happened…

Slight disclaimer.
Warmup – Mosey

We went all the way around the and YHC realized the planned area for work was too bright to enjoy the plentiful shooting stars so we kept going over to beside the tennis courts. Perfect

The 12 Days of Christmas

First Day – 1 Squat – lap

Second Day – 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Third Day – 3 V-Ups, 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Fouth Day – 14 Rocky Balboas, 3 vups, 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Fifth Day – 15 Little Baby Dips, 14 Rocky Balboas, 3 Vups. 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

SixthDay  – 6 Oblique crunches each side, 15 LBDs, 14 RBs, 3 Vups, 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Seventh Day – 7 lunges each leg, 6 OCs each side, 15 lbds, 14 RBs, 3 vups, 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Eight Day – 8 Incline Merkins – 7 lunges, 6 OCs, 15 lbds, 14 rbs, 3 vups, 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Ninth Day – 19 Flutterkicks each leg, 8 Inclines, 7 lunges, 6 OCs, 15 lbds, 14 RBs, 3 vups, 2 merkins, 1 squat – lap

Last Day (ran out of time!) – 12 Boxcutters, 11 Werkins, 10 Mountain Climbers, 9 Flutterkicks, 8 Inclines, 7 lunges, 6 OCs, 15 lbds, 14 rbs, 3 Vups, 2 merkins, 1 squat

Mosey back to the start- Time!

In all I think we each saw at least 5 shooting stars each, some even more. What at beautiful wonder of God’s creation!!!

Announcements – Convergence January 1st, Half Marathon last Sunday in January

Prayer requests – folks in Kentucky, Termite career choices, Remember those who are struggling during this time of year

Sargento out!


Fumbling kettlebell, speaker, and iPhone while walking up to the cold Bulldog circle at 0530, YHC gave half a disclaimer before commencing with warmup exercises of side-straddle hops, Imperial walkers, toy soldiers, and Nolan Ryans (each 10xIC).  By December 14th there’s been enough Christmas music all around, so YHC dialed in 80s rock and kicked off The Thang, 4 “corners” of 4 exercises at each corner, with Van Halen’s Photograph:

Round 1 is 10 reps each:
Corner 1 (between Flag and covered walkway) = Dips, Derkins, KB pullovers, Merkin pull-throughs.
Corner 2 (middle of parking lot) = Scissor kicks, American hammers, windshield wipers, E2K’s
Corner 3 (different part of middle of parking lot) = One-leg babymakers, One leg deadlifts, KB swings, Backward lunges
Corner 4 (near end of covered walkway) = Flutter kicks, Freddy Mercuries, Reverse crunches, Big Boys

At each corner, YHC called cadence for the first two exercises (except for the deadlifts; Omaha-ed that to OYO).  Second two were OYO for the designated number of reps.

Beneath the falling stars of the Geminid meteor shower and the steady orbit of the ISS (or was it an airplane??), serious mumblechatter emerged between Corners 1 and 2.  Topics ranged from who’s responsible for maintaining school roads and parking lots (county, not city) to why the aliens who are inevitably out there, somewhere, haven’t reached out to make contact (with some debate on the relevant facts). 

After the first round, Rinse and Repeat with 15 reps.  In the interest of time, all 4 “corners” were completed in one spot.  It was a nail-biter at the end, but Round 2 finished up just in time for COT.

Convergence Jan. 1; details forthcoming
Time Frame seeking new Site Q for Bulldog:  Need a fresh HIM to step up and lead!

Prayer requests:
Hermie’s sister-in-law with Alzheimers
Spiderman’s co-worker with Covid

Privileged to lead a strong group of HIM’s this morning!

 – Nutria


The modern day philosopher John Wayne said “courage to is being scared to death but saddling up anyway”. 10 HIMS chose to saddle up this morning. The weather the perfect for what I had planned and with the chill in the gloom I knew I needed something to get the blood moving and the heart pumping! So here’s what did just that…


Squats x10 IC

Imperial Walkers x15 IC

CDD’s x10 IC

SSH x20 IC


100 Burpee’s in 10 min.

Head to the flag pole:

At every light pole do 4×4’s ‘4 merkins and 4 mountain climbers-count one leg’

At flag pole: Said pledge then:

10 Yes Dears ‘Folsom Exclusive’ show to know

30 Flutter Kicks IC

Ascending Curb Crawl to 10

Concrete Steps at Horse Arena:

Derkins, Merkins, Incline Merkins x5 for 5 Rounds

Back to the Parking Lot: Stop at the last for five light poles

Start with 5 Mike Tyson’s/5Hand Release Merkins and descend to 1

Circled up:

LBC’s 30x IC

With a few minutes to spare Sister Act called:

Merkin Jacks 1/4 ratio for 5 Rounds

Prayer Request: Sister Acts mother-in-law and family, Spackle and his family, Bed Pan and his family, Purple Haze and his family, Dave, Wichita’s co worker, the new leadership of F3 Gastonia and those affected by the tornadoes and those working/ volunteering.


New Years Day Convergence time and place TBA, Ball Joints one yr. anniversary beatdown Jan. 8


The gloom was beautiful this morning and I enjoyed leading you men!

Wichita, on to the next one!

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