Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 7, 2021

Fighting Yank 9/04

Light crowd on a perfect Saturday morning, but still good crowd.  YHC led a warm up of SSH, IW, gravel pickers all 15X IC.  Five burpees and some stretching.  Hipaa take the Bunker, others follow me.

Mosey to bottom of hill at Myrtle Street.  Suicides up the hill, using the utility post on the side opposite the park.  10 hand release merkins at each pole, back to start for 10 big boys.  At top of hill, head across the street to wall at First Baptist.  Step ups each leg, Dips, 4 count squats, 10, 15 and 20.  Stay at the wall for suspension planks, and add five merkins.  5 burpees for the train.  Head back to the start.  Couple mins to spare, get in some Mary.

The Bunker boys re-join.  Pledge.

YHC tried to keep the group together by planking after big boys until everyone finished.  Bubba Sparxx been doing this, and Tesla too.  YHC likes the idea.  The workouts we do somewhat resemble life.  For some they are easy, for some they are hard.  But most Pax are some where in the middle.  But there comes a time for everyone when a little help is needed, sometimes a lot of help.  Going to pick up the six may be the man the picks you up when you need it.

Announcements:  Christmas town 5k, JJ5K, Hacksaw and Round Up 50 miler, service items for the month (crackers, fruit cups, applesauce cups)

Nameorama: oops, phone out of memory, help me out Hipaa!

Prayer requests: Haiti, Afghanistan, people recovering from IDA, Westside and family, Flintstone family

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Tuesday Morning

There is a store named that at Akers Center.

It sells girly stuff to decorate a house.

It doesn’t sell bat flippers or anything a bat flipper would likely need.

Stay on point old man…..0530 rolls around.

All home folks, no FNG. No disclaimer. Same missing Fartsacker faces. Come on guys. Man up.

Warm up: SSH in cadence called by yours truly.

Bear crawl up the sidewall to the tennis courts.

Twenty Ones with Merkins, LBC’s & SSH. Start with one of each, run longways to far side of tennis court. 20 of each. Run back. 18 & 2, 17 & 3, ad nauseum.

Just barely enough Merkins to make Wichita happy.  Enough LBC’s to make the tum tum happy. Enough SSH to make the legs happy. Enough running to make the Q happy. All sweated. Some complained. No injuries to report.

Perfectly timed for the 0615 finish. Back to flag. Pledge.

Prayer requests:

Westside on the loss of his dad. Service is today. Keep him in your prayers.

Spackle on the loss of his grandma. Coworker with heroin OD.

Wirenut’s family, friends, kid with the back injury.

Bout Time, cousin with back injury.

EZ Rider.

Big Pappy.



JJ5K. Go the extra mile. Write your backblast.

No new ones I am aware of, check the older backblasts to see if I missed anything.

YHC took us out.

Thanks to Wichita for letting me Q.



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