Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2021 (Page 8 of 12)

Who set off the alarm?

It a beautiful muggy morning and only 5 Hims show to know this am. What, do we have a Kotter?.. yes we do. Pacer makes an appearance after a year, hello! Nice surprise. We decided to combine Gashouse & Painlab with the small number.  We make our way to the circle for a warm up an some exercise.

I set the mood with some Korn radio to match the heat and humidity. We get our warm-ups out of the way and start with the first set.

Set 1: Side Straddle hops, Squats, Don Quijotes, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins  -50 seconds on/10 seconds off Rinse & Repeat

Set 2: Crunches, Flutters, American Hammers, Big Boys, Heels to Heaven, Mountain Climbers – 50 seconds on/10 seconds off Rinse & Repeat

Somewhere on round 2 the alarm starts going off inside the building. A few minutes later, two firetrucks show up. We relocated back to the parking lot and denied any wrong doing .

Set 3: Burpees, CDD’s, Reverse Crunches, Incline Pushups (without the yellow jackets) Triceps Dips, Superman pushups – 50 seconds on/10 seconds off Rinse & Repeat

We had to for 5 minutes of Mary.

Prayer requests , announcements. Pacer will be celebrating his 1 year on the 18th, good work.

Friday the 13th

Everyone knows that Friday the 13th can be an unlucky day. Whether you’re have a rough day at work or you’re running from a machete wielding psychopath, it can get pretty bad. Luckily for the 7 HIM who posted today, we weren’t in a life or death situation and we hadn’t even gotten to work yet. But this is what happened…

Warm Up

Goofballs, Don Quixotes, the Patented Right over Left

Mosey down the way to West Main Avenue. YHC explained the first session of pain, Route 66. Do a merkin at each light pole, adding one each time until we got to 11. Lot’s of fun!

By this point we’d made it to the new CaroMont Health Park and it was time for part 2 of The Thang, The JASON. 

J – 5 Jump Squats

A – 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps each arm

S – 15 Scorpion Dry Docks

O – 20 One Arm Pickle Pounders

N – 25 Newton’s Cradle each arm

After each exercise the PAX would run to the other end of the sidewalk. We liked this routine so much that we repeated it all over again.

Mosey east on Franklin Blvd., stopping at each traffic light for Monkey Humpers so the 6 could catch up. We kept going until we arrived at the parking deck where we began the final section of The Thang, 13’s. On one side of the parking lot, we did WW1 situps and on the other end, we did Bobby Hurleys. Add up the reps to 13, switching until they flip flop. In the middle of this routine we had to mosey back to get away from the garbage truck stank that filled the bottom of the parking deck. We finished just in the nick of time. Aye!

Announcements – JJ5K, collecting tuna & crackers, F3 dads August 21st

Prayer Requests – Watts Up, Turtleman, Whoopee’s family, PAX on IR, Covid, Kids in college and upcoming school starting

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. We survived. AYE!!!

Sandlot 8/9/2021

YHC did a little night before preparation for what turned out to be a good crew of HIMs in the gloom.

Disclaimer, Pledge, Warmup:

Mosey! Towards the former Dr’s office. BUT, stop at the first light pole and Zombie Walk to the next one. Mosey down to the Dr’s office for some parking lot fun! Playtime with Chalk! Gus (my 2.0) and I went on Sunday night to write a unique and never before done exercise in 9 different parking spaces. Here is the list of the new and revolutionary fitness moves:

1.) Big Boys x 25
2.) Burpees x 15
3.) IWS x 20
4.) Merkins x 20
5.) American Hammer x 30
6.) Mtn Climbers x 30
7.) Jump Squats x 20
8.) LBC’s x 40
9.) Jane Fonda x 15 each leg

Between every exercise, run down to the bottom of the driveway for 10 squats. Then run back up to the next parking space for some heavy breathing fun! Finished one round and then planked for our 6. After that, start again, but do half of the prescribed quantity. EZ Rider was the keeper of the time and reminded me to cut it short and head back to home base. Good work, men!

A couple minutes of Mary to conclude the workout!

Prayer requests / praise
Announcements, YHC is too late to post.
Stinky Bird, OUT!

Some Things Aren’t for Sale

At the Coconut Horse, we’re sort of flying by the seat of our pants. The Site Q has not posted in months. And the Q-Source Q has been recuperating from surgery and maybe a stale case of Sandy V. Here is the great thing about Sunday mornings at the Horse – you can get better even if you’re on the IR. How so you wonder? Please share this nugget of wisdom I’ve been seeking. The running, rucking, and/or walking has  a rough start of 0630. I’ve got there early, I’ve got their late. Sargento rarely arrives on time. Anyone is welcome to join us for the First F portion. But here is the nugget of wisdom, the Second F starts around 0730. Posting for the Q-source-ish portion of the morning, getting an overpriced coffee or just bring your own is all fine. As the Bible says, the 7th day is a day of rest and our bodies certainly need rest as evidenced by all the injuries. As First F Q, I highly encourage a rest day, two or three into your schedule. I’m only reminding of the 2nd F portion of the morning.

So, pushing the soap box out of the way…JJ, Udders, Gavel and I ran the loop this morning. It was muggy as an oversized wet blanket thrown on top of you unexpectedly. No escaping the humidity this morning but we all persevered.  Roscoe met us in the parking lot and we did about 30 seconds of merkins on video, sending it to Whoopee to cheer up his daughter. The idea is we’d do a merkin for every minute she sat up which is the next step of her recovery. So we banked about 150 minutes for today, hoping she can hit that mark soon.

Q-source: We finished Cowboy Ethics. I had the last three chapters. You’ve seen some highlights from Roscoe and I the past three weeks. Here again are a few brief bullets.

8) Talk less and say more.

  • Cowboys are often viewed as “strong and silent.”
  • The bigger the mouth, the better it looks shut
  • Cowboys were “doers” and not talkers; if they did, straight to the point
  • Imagine they offered candor in succinct doses – simple and profound, usually in curse words (kind of like Midoriyama)
  • Pat Summerall – for play-by-play guy on tv. He did it with so few words.
    • “Montana … back to throw. He fires downfield … for Jerry Rice … Touchdown, San Francisco!”
  • The Masters broadcast is similar – think of how much the crowd roars accentuate the moment. Some broadcasters say their line and step out to let the patrons cheers take over to support the players achievements.

9) Remember that some things aren’t for sale.

  • Author uses movie Monte Walsh to illustrate this point. Cowboys don’t earn much money, Walsh, played by Tom Selleck is offered a chance “play a cowboy in a traveling show. He is asked to wear a costume that embellishes what a cowboy (I’m thinking like a clown of sorts). After seeing himself in mirror, realizes the money isn’t worth it and didn’t want to dishonor his true profession.
  • There are some things we can’t trade in for money.
    • This is where words like integrity and values come into play.
    • We all have a price in our head.
      • What would you do for a million dollars? (maybe in today’s inflationary times that numbers is higher, but you’ve played the game).
  • What are some things you wouldn’t trade for money?

10) Know where to draw the line.

  • A few one-liners from the book:
  • “Just because something isn’t illegal, doesn’t mean it’s right”
  • “There’s right and there’s wrong, and nothing else in between”

Falling from grace doesn’t always happen in one big fall. Often happens in degrees, cutting corners, and small things adding up to big things.

Society has laws and rules to help us. But for day to day life, mostly we’re on our own. If we don’t have some moral code which we have established, either by our parents, education or other valued sources, we can get off track. Cowboy Ethics is a quick read with 10 concepts that can help you draw the line which you live your life. The more people you choose to associate can keep you accountable. F3 certainly can provide that support.

Announcements: JJ5k, F3 Dads (8/17 at Folsom). Prayers: Whoopee’s 2.0, Turtleman, Roscoe’s Father In Law, Linus’ dad. I took us out. Thanks to Udders for joining us once again – kind of extended family.

Hop Skip Jump

Warm up:

  1. Fire Hydrants – 3 w/ pause 3 quick (keep back and heels straight)
    1. Out to side bent
    2. Out to side straight
    3. Rear straight
  2. On 6:
    1. Single leg lifts 3 w/ pause 3 quick
    2. Double leg hip lifts
    3. Single leg hip lifts
  3. 11’s – Calf Raise, Toe Raises on curb

Mosey to Field:

  1. Heel to Toe walk
  2. Heel Walk
  3. Toe Walk
  4. Nur – Toe to Heel Walk
  5. Squat Walk
  6. Lateral Squat Walk
  7. Skips
  8. Straight Leg Bounds
  9. Alternating Bounds
  10. Drops
  11. Drop then jump
  12. Broad Jumps
  13. Single Leg Jumps
  14. Single Leg Bound to Lateral Bound, Land on Single Leg (all same leg)

Gotta make free throws when you’re tired

Last week at Floyd and Blackies, Orangeman detailed his ruck route through the Cramerton neighborhood between the railroad tracks and the river.  When he casually mentioned the basketball court, it sparked an idea… 

0530, let’s go:  Brief disclaimer, quick warmup of 10x SSH in cadence, then mosey toward the fire station and back up the hill towards the railroad tracks, stopping at every streetlight and rotating through the following exercises:
5 hand-release merkins
10 jump squats
15 mountain climbers
20 flutter kicks

Continued under the RR tracks, past the row of houses, then crossed the street where the basketball court was lit up as if they knew we were coming.  Hey, look at that, there are basketballs on the court!  After a count-off, PAX split up to opposite sides of the court (evens & odds). 

So here’s the deal for today, fortunately for some PAX a significant deviation from my past experiences:  Every PAX has to make one free throw.  The collective number of shots it takes determines the number of reps for the following routine.  That was the plan, at least.  Watts Up took too many shots to count, so we maxed out at 30 and it went like this:

At one end of the court, do 15 reps of one of the following: hand-release merkins, jump squats, mountain climbers, flutter kicks.
Run a “Suicide” (run to foul line and back, midcourt and back, opposite foul line and back, opposite baseline and back).
Do 15 more reps of the same exercise.  Rinse and repeat for all 4 exercises, except double reps (30 and 30) for the flutter kicks.

Round 2:  Clean slate, shoot free throws again!  Same plan, same result:  Watts Up easily took us back to a max of 30 reps.  Round 2 routine was same as Round 1 but with a Nur one way on the “Suicide,” plus mountain climbers and flutters were combined at the end in the interest of time.

Mosey back close to the flag (street in front of post office) for 4.5 minutes of Mary featuring six-shooters, Hello Dollys, and yet more flutter kicks among other PAX chosen exercises.

F3 dads in Folsom 8/21, check website for start time.
Sandlot and Mt. Hollywood will combine in McAdenville on Labor Day Sept. 6.

Watts Up’s M
Whoopee’s daughter
PAX searching for jobs

Lagniappe:  Back in the old days, my basketball coaches taught me that free throws often make the difference between winning and losing.  And, while it’s hardest to make free throws at the end of the game when you’re tired, that’s when they’re needed the most.  Our end-of-practice routine was that each player had to make 2 out of 2 free throws.  If you miss, run a “suicide” and try again, repeating until you make 2 in a row.  I distinctly recall running many, many suicides.  But the point extends beyond basketball – it’s critical that we’re strong enough to do hard things, especially when we’re tired. 

Thanks for the privilege to lead and to help make us all stronger!
– Nutria

Bad Reviews at the Pub

6 pax joined YHC for  what I call the “Sargento Route.”

This is a  run through the new neighborhood off of Lowell-Bethesda. At first, this was not a favorite, as Waterboy and I ended up in the mud, and we didn’t know where we were going. However, we had not done it in awhile so Sargento was excited about it, and I wanted to try it again.

However, despite several well-intended jabs and complaints, SA ran at a terrific pace. Broke had a new which he told me, in no uncertain terms, that he would rather not repeat.  Thanks to JJ for running with him. We don’t want him to get turned around..something which YHC knows well. Defib did well, despite some pain. Flintstone did 7 miles in all.


Labor Day weekend-50 miler

September 25-JJ5K in Stanley. I would highly encourage anyone who has not done this run to join us. It is a lot of fun and the camaraderie is good!

Tuna/crackers and granola bars-service project items

Prayer Requests:

Whoopee’s 2.0 post surgery

Flintstone’s 2.0 is a new driver

Broke’s 2.1


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

“ important aspect of sanctification: thinking through the logic of the gospel corrects, cleanses, recalibrate, transforms and sanctifies us emotionally as well as intellectually. It leads us to responding as a whole people to the situations in which we find ourselves. Instead of being captivated emotionally, our emotions are mastered by the gospel and begin to express its truth and power.” Devoted to God by Sinclair Ferguson

JJ took us out.

Thankful for you guys,



Mount Hollywood – August 9, 2021

We had a great morning with six men posting at Mount Hollywood.  Thumbs up to Bubba Sparxx who posted while on the IR and did his very own workout in the parking lot of the middle school.

Seeing now FNG’s I gave a quick disclaimer and we were off on a short mosey  where we ran, did high knees, karaoke, toy soldiers and butt kickers.

Windmill x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Produce Picker x 10 IC
10 burpees OYO

I like running in my AO and decided to try out the A.L.A.R.M. found in the F3 Exicon.

Carolina Dry Dock x 25
Squats x 25
Mountain Climbers x 25 IC
Run to ALARM #2 Location
Merkins x 25

Alternating Shoulder Taps  x 25 (DC)
Monkey Humpers x 25
Plank Jacks x 25
Run to ALARM #3 Location
Hand Release Merkins x 25

Overhead Press  x 25
Lunges x 25 (count each leg)
LBC x 25
Run to ALARM #4 Location
Diamond Merkins x 25

Shoulder Press  x 25
Jump Squats x 25 (count each leg)
Big Boy Sit Ups  x 25
Derkins x 25

With the bench outside the dentist office near the school we did 25 dips and 15 step ups and then 25 incline merkins and another 15 step ups.

There was about 10 minutes left so we did sprints across the parking lot. One pax would call a set exercise after time, each pax would sprint to the other side and so forth.

F3 Iron Pax begins on August 30.

See Round Up or Dr. Seuss regarding their 50 mile run on Labor Day weekend. They will run two miles every hour. They’re raising money for Dallas Ministries.

F3 10 Year Anniversary is October 8-10

Extinction Run is scheduled for November 6.

Radar’s son is going to college Tuesday. Prayers that he does well in school and has fun.

Bubba Sparxx is looking for a new job.


Rinse and Repeat in Mt. Hollywood

There was a mix up in the scheduling.  Bubba Sparxxx had the Q but forgot he was leading the group.  So I had to lead the workout.  I had already Q’ed two weeks before so I did a rinse and repeat of the workout.

Started workout with warm-up

SSH x 15

Toy Soldiers x15

Mosey to the school crossing in front of Ida Rankin Elementary School.  There are six utility poles between the school crossings, we started at one end and did 5 burpees at every pole until you get to the end.  Then we came back the opposite direction but this time doing 10 Big Boy Sit-ups.   We did one final set with 15 Merkins.

Mosey to the (Mt. Hollywood pit) parking lot behind the First Presbyterian Church.


Start with 10 Tiger push-ups with feet pushing against the wall, then bear crawl to the other end and 1 American Hammer. Repeat in ascending/descending order until you get to 1 Tiger pushup, and 10 American Hammers.

Mosey back to the Mt. Holly Middle School parking lot.

Had enough time for  some Iron Hulk.

Circled up and start with a 1:4 ratio we did 1 Merkin to every 4 Air Presses.  Each PAX would take a turn leading the cadence increasing the number until we got to 10 Merkins and 40 Air Presses.

That was the end of the workout.



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