Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2021 (Page 7 of 12)

Freight’s WODD again

9 Pax pulled in to the best afternoon AO around and under threat of storms and tornados proceeded with the workout. I saw Slaw had an Open Q so I signed up to help out a Site Q as all of us should be doing as much as possible.

Warmup SSH x 15 IC, Patented Right over Left, (Un?)patented Left over right, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Low Slow Squats x 10 IC, Hillbillies x 10 IC.

Mosey the long way to the picnic shelter in case of rain for the Thang.

Slaw had mentioned that he was going to use a WOD (workout of the day) if he had the Q so I figured I might recycle a WOD I used a while back. I didn’t really tell them it was a WOD but here’s how it started.
Flutter Kicks x 41 or 42 count right leg
Reverse Crunch x 41 or 42 single count
Run down the hill to the pier and back up to the shelter. I usually try to have a hill climb in my Q’s because I am terrible at hill climbs.
Elbow Plank x 1 minute
Imperial Walkers Squats x 41 or 42 count the squat
Run down the hill to the pier and back up to the shelter.
Goofballs x 41 or 42 count right leg
Hand Release Merkins x 40 single count
Run down the hill to the pier and back up to the shelter.
Travoltas One arm plank moving free arm Staying Alive Style 20 each side
Seal Jacks x 40 single count
Run down the hill to the pier and back up to the shelter.
Werkins x 40 single count
Outlaws Flutter position feet together, make an O 20 in each direction
Run down the hill to the pier and back up to the shelter.
Dying Cockroaches x 41 or 42 right leg
Then I overheard that Seuss would have done Dips so
Dips x 41 or 42.
Mosey back to the flag.
1 minute of Flutter Kicks and Time.
For those who didn’t notice the letters that begin each exercise, it spells Freight’s WODD, extra D for various reasons, some not suitable for publication. I told everyone that none of us would be standing here at Midoriyama without Freight as he was the founder of the AO and has kept it going through the years. As for the 41 or 42 reps, those were guesses of his actual age since he never tells his real age in the nameorama. I thought it would be a good day to recognize Freight as he is going through some changes.

Announcements: Combo Workout in McAdenville on Labor Day combining Mount Hollywood and Sandlot at 7:00 am.
F3 Dads Workout this Saturday at Folsom at 7:00 am with Purple Haze and Ball Joint on Q. Bring the kids.
F3 Gastonia will sponsor JJ5K again this year as we have a grudge match of Sister Act (Canoe) vs. Freight for supremacy in the 40-44 age group. Freight isn’t against a full contact race and SA has many, various injuries already so watch out! See Broke to help with the sponsorship.
We will participate in the ChristmasTown 5K and this will be a Speed For Need event and these are great and every Pax should be there.

Prayer Requests: Praise Report for Madeline Letts successful surgery, Westside’s Dad, Purple Haze’s Dad and Mom, Roscoe’s Father-in-Law and wife, Linus’ Dad, Turtleman and Kids and Teachers returning to school.

Timeframe’s 45-Day Q

Light crowd at the Labyrinth this morning.  We did have a visitor from the Lake Wylie area.  It was great to meet you Clutch.  Your a very nice guy.

5:30…Plant the flag, say the pledge, and get it going.

It was a super secret, ultra high quality,  intense, super conditioning, spectacular work of art.  Should have been there.




Until next time,



Bull What? ….Bull Dog!

5:30 and YHC showed with 1 minute to spare.  YHC thought there was plenty on time to meander on the way to to AO when time snuck up and shaved it a little too close for comfort.  However, still just on time we began.  There was some 11’s, stretching, SSH’s, squats, dips, calves, dips, LBC’s, pull overs with coupons, chest presses with coupons, merkins, and I’m sure other temporarily forgotten implements of destruction.

It was great to see the guys.  It was a fantastic way to start the day.


6:30pm tonight at Belmont Central Elementary.  De-weed the playground.  See Bubba Sparxxx.

F3 Dads at Folsom the coming Saturday at 6:30am.



Until next time



Psalm 119

The verse at the Sword this week is

Psalm 119:130 – “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.”

Great discussion as always. There is no better way to start a Monday than at the sword.

A Little Extra Weight

With Stogie on light duty, YHC had the fill in Q at Folsom.

After a quick warm up we took a short mosey to lower lot stopping to do 5 burpees at each light post. At the lower lot, we went back and forth completing the following exercises with a burpee in the middle. Starting wet a set of 10 and subtracting one till we for to 0

  •  Merkins
  • CCD’s
  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • LBC’s
  • Big Boys

We then worked our way up the lot completing 5 Nolan Ryans at each parking spot. At the top of the lot we did some more burpees and lunge walks, squats, and slew of Moroccan night clubs till we reached the flag.

We had a great COT. Special thanks to Mayor sharing a great story to make us think, then merkins for the troops and pledge.


  • Joseph
  • Sister Act
  • Westside
  • Mayor
  • Stogie
  • Injured Pax
  • Spoken and unspoken Prayers

Big Pappy


No Fred (or Tony) at the Storm

It was a good morning. Actually felt a bit cool (before we started). The rain paused for us this morning.

We were missing one thing though. As time crept closer to the start, we were missing our Q.

5:30…. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller??? No takers? Ok Site Q it is.

started with some SSH’s in cadence, Imperial Walkers, Grass Pickers….

Mosey to the other side of the school.

Route 66 – Merkins and Lunges

mosey a bit more to the round tables.

  • 5 dips and run to the loading dock
  • 10 Step Ups run to loading dock
  • 15 dips and run
  • 20 step ups and run
  • 25 dips and run

Mosey to loading dock – 3 rounds of bear crawls up jog down

Mosey back to other side of school

  • 10 Hip Slappers – lap parking lot
  • 20 Squats – lap parking lot
  • 30 Shoulder taps – lap parking lot
  • 40 lunges – lap parking lot
  • 50 Merkins – lap parking lot

Mosey to start

  • LBC’ in cadence
  • Flutters in Cadence




  • JJ5K coming up
  • 50 K race
  • work project at Belmont Central Middle on Wednesday (Bubba Sparxxx)

Prayer Requests:

  • Westside’s father in hospital on a ventilator
  • PAX with COVID
  • Injured PAX
  • PAX looking for work


Growruck and Ironpax

8 total at Old School Saturday morning. Well 7 really. Gumby was tri training but will give a pass and include him because he did do work fo sho! 3 put in 3.5ec before hand.


Some SSH and stretches


We partnered up and drug the 7′ piece of telephone pole out of the back of my truck. First two throw the pole on their shoulders and start around the track. Everyone else does 5 burpees and then catches up with them. The next two take the log and we do 5 burpees again. We did this rotating out for 1.5 laps.

At the end of the field we started flipping the log. Each person flips it twice while everyone else does lunges along side. We rotated until we reached the other end.

At the other end we partnered back up. With the log on it’s side each set of partners take turns rolling the log about 20 yds and back. This was supposed to be done in a somewhat plank position but it proved to difficult for most so they bailed. While they rolled the log the rest of the group rotated through some hand release merkins, jump squats and WW2 situps.

Ruck training is over lets get ready for some ironpax. This was shortened version of one from 2018 or 2019. 25 squats, 20 WWI, 15 Merkins, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 5 burpees, 400m run x 4. We plowed right through this way faster than expected. Some chose good form some chose well you know.

Let’s mosey. Some extra time worked out well because I was looking for some wall to do some muscle ups on and needed to check someout behind Carr. We made our way there stopping to do some of the ironpax exercises. We found the wall and it worked pretty well so we did 5 there before making our way back stopping to do the rest of the ironpax exercises to complete the round.



Announcements-Service project items for the month-canned tuna and crackers and granola bars



Not Much Running at Tequila Sunrise

Finally cooled off a bit and had a good crew this morning with the promise of not much running. Turned out a little more than expected with 1.8 miles covered and accomplished a lot of merkins as we knocked out the following:

Warm up – Good mornings (new stretch for this group, and a great stretch), Hill Billies, Merkins, Plank hold/Plank Jacks/Plank hold

Suicides in the bus lot with 10 WWIs at the start, 5 Merkins at 1/3rd, 10 Merkins at 1/2, 15 Merkins at 2/3rds, and 10 WWIs at the far end. Repeato going back the other way.

Dora with 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 bench squats (butt hits the bench).

Extra bench work with dips, erkins, and dirkins.

Wall time with people’s chair, hip slippers and Mike Tysons.

Time for Mary with dealer’s choice, 10x.

Announcements: F3 Dads

Prayers for Turtleman and Breaker Breaker

Be A Better Human

Tiger and VooDoo took the reigns at The Yank and The Bunker on 8/14.  Started with the entire group together.  YHC begins with the mission of F3, To plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Added a few words that the workouts are one of the ways to achieve a greater purpose.  Every man challenge himself to give his best effort every single time.  We don’t post to workout, we post to get better.

SSH, IW, gravel pickers, morocan night clubs (arm circles), all 15 X IC, also added some stretches.  VooDoo takes his, rest come with me.

Mosey up main st to old Sacred Heart campus, pick up Termite along the way.  Back side of property has on old tennis court, head there.  Just so happens there are many cinder blocks at the courts (YHC knew this, but did not know that most are of the extra larger variety).  There are three normal blocks and many big ones.  Grab one and let’s go.  Shoulder press, curls, chest press and squat all 100 reps.  40 blockies and 4 rifle carry to the opposite end of courts and back.  Any combination you want.  YHC chose to do 25 reps and 10 blockies then rifle carry.  Made it through three rounds plus one set of chest press.  No one finished before time to mosey back.  Tough workout with regular blocks, the big ones made it really tough.

Back to the Yank.  Pledge.

YHC came across a video earlier in the week of Ernie Johnson, host of NBA on TNT, that is very powerful, worth a watch

Announcement: F3 Dads at Folsom 8/21, combined workout on Labor day 0700 in McAdenville, Extinction Run in November

Prayer requests: Whoppee and family, Turtleman, Termite nephew, Tiger friend with covid, Watt’s Up, all returning to school over next couple of weeks

YHC took us out

Always and honor


Three Amigos………and………Tube

It was a rainy Tuesday morning at the Bulldog.  Spiderman, Hermey, and myself were getting it in doing some 11’s and other exercises.  Conversation was good, mumble chatter was moving along nicely.  Roughly 30 mins in we just happened to speaking of Tube and lo and behold Tube rolls up.  His ears must have been burning.  Better late (very) than never.  We all had a good time tho.


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