• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/14/2021
  • AO: Old School
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sargento, Gavel, Broke, Sister Act, Mayor, Dr Seuss, Gumby, Freight(QIC)

8 total at Old School Saturday morning. Well 7 really. Gumby was tri training but will give a pass and include him because he did do work fo sho! 3 put in 3.5ec before hand.


Some SSH and stretches


We partnered up and drug the 7′ piece of telephone pole out of the back of my truck. First two throw the pole on their shoulders and start around the track. Everyone else does 5 burpees and then catches up with them. The next two take the log and we do 5 burpees again. We did this rotating out for 1.5 laps.

At the end of the field we started flipping the log. Each person flips it twice while everyone else does lunges along side. We rotated until we reached the other end.

At the other end we partnered back up. With the log on it’s side each set of partners take turns rolling the log about 20 yds and back. This was supposed to be done in a somewhat plank position but it proved to difficult for most so they bailed. While they rolled the log the rest of the group rotated through some hand release merkins, jump squats and WW2 situps.

Ruck training is over lets get ready for some ironpax. This was shortened version of one from 2018 or 2019. 25 squats, 20 WWI, 15 Merkins, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 5 burpees, 400m run x 4. We plowed right through this way faster than expected. Some chose good form some chose well you know.

Let’s mosey. Some extra time worked out well because I was looking for some wall to do some muscle ups on and needed to check someout behind Carr. We made our way there stopping to do some of the ironpax exercises. We found the wall and it worked pretty well so we did 5 there before making our way back stopping to do the rest of the ironpax exercises to complete the round.



Announcements-Service project items for the month-canned tuna and crackers and granola bars