Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 23, 2021

PB Run

Good fellowship and good running by everyone here this morning. We all pushed a few rocks. Never stop moving forward!


50 miler September 3rd and 4th
2F lunch Thursday @ Bubbas
5k Sunday @ Crossroads- we will take up donations at each AO each month
F3 dads @ Gashouse July

Prayer Request
Turtle man
James Goudelock
Rabbit Ears sister about to have a baby
Youth and camp

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Baseball-like Four Corners

So, during the school year I have an arrangement worked out with my M. I try to be home by 6am to get the kids ready for school (make sure they are up and dressed, fed, etc…) so my M only has to worry about herself in the mornings. But this shortens my time at the workout with the other Pax, and gets me some razzing for only staying for “half” the workout (though, EC+30 minutes is still a full workout for me, but I guess Forestview and North Gaston math don’t mix). REGARDLESS, I thought to try to Q more,  and get outside of Folsom during the Summer months.

I instantly thought it would be neat to try to do a baseball themed workout at the Labyrinth. Now, being my first time trying this, I learned a lot (music would have been nice, and pairing Pax up initially would have worked better than trying to come up with something on the fly). But, the reason I wanted to do something baseball themed was… for one we’re at Martha Rivers Park, but mainly… a little known fact… I designed the new Labyrinth F3 shirts and the maze (or labyrinth) that is behind the Gashouse Minotaur is loosely based off a map of the baseball fields that is posted at the Park.

Warm Up:

20 SSH – IC
20 Gravel Pickers – IC
20 Nolan Ryan’s (10 each side – IC)
15 Mountain Man Poopers (look up “F3 Lexicon Mountain Man Shiterz” on YouTube if you want to see a funny video about the creation of this exercise from the Pax in Waynesville, NC who gave me my F3 name)

Mosey to the Park

Tha Thang – F3 Baseball… or OYO 4 Corners:

The “Batter” at home plate does 15 Burpees each inning, but the exercises and the method of getting to the next base changed each round/inning.

First Inning:
1st Base – LBCs
2nd Base – Merkins
3rd Base – Squats
Sprint to next base after the batter finishes his 15 burpees

Second Inning:
1st Base – Big Boy Sit-ups
2nd Base – Diamond Merkins
3rd Base – Monkey Humpers
Lunge Walk to next base

Third Inning:
1st Base – Bicycles
2nd Base – Nolan Ryan Merkins (one merkin, two nolan ryans, repeat)
3rd Base – Squat Jumps
NUR to next base

Fourth Inning:
1st Base – Flutter Kicks
2nd Base – Carolina Dry Docks
3rd Base – Gorilla Humpers
Carioca to next base

Mosey back to Pelicans and circle up…

20 Stogie-fied Gas Pumps – IC
20 Star Crunches
Mary with each Pax calling an exercise, though I let Oompa Loompa go twice ’cause I like his Marine-style cadence counting. It finished the workout with us all having smiles on our faces.


  • Jacked Up Leg 5K is this Sunday at Crossroads in Dallas
  • 2nd F Lunch is tomorrow (Thursday) at Bubba’s
  • 2nd F Laser Tag and Axe Throwing is this Saturday at the Gastonia Mall – meet at the Food Court around 11:30am.

Prayer Requests:

  • Time Frame’s 2.2
  • Big Pappy and his family
  • Sister Act and his family
  • Stogie’s job situation
  • Clavin mentioned a family member, or friend of the family (sorry Clavin, God knows)
  • All the Pax traveling


Thanks for the opportunity and allowing me to lead. See ya’ll around.


Light crowd at Midoriyama as many Pax on vacation this week.  Safe travel to all.  Go time arrives at same time as Purple Haze, give him a moment to join the party.  Warm up  was SSH, IW, grass pickers, 15X IC.  Stretches from plank position.  Pledge.

Mosey to parking lot by big soccer fields.  Using the width of the lot.  YHC tells pax that we doing an accelerator of sorts. One end of parkin lot is merkin end, the other is the “jack” end.  Middle is burpee zone.  Each time cross middle, 5 burpees, start with those.  Run to jack end for 20 SSH.  Run to other end, cross middle with 5 burpees on way.  At other end 20 merkins.  Run back to jack end, 5 burpees in middle, for 20 SSH plus 20 smurf jacks.  Other end for 20 merkins plus 20 hand release merkins.  You get the idea.

We kept crossing adding up to 20 SSH, 20 smurf jacks, 20 seal jacks, 20 toe touch jacks, and 20 start jacks on one end.  Other end 20 merkins, 20 hand release, 20 stagger left, 20 stagger right.  Last set of merkins ran low on time, so last pass through middle instead of burpees, was 10 each merkins, hand release, stagger left, stagger right, diamonds.

Head back to start.  Good work men, really tough work out.

Announcements: nail clippers and chap stick, 5k this Sunday at cross roads donations for charity, metro blood drive on July 31 at Harvest Center, Grow Ruck Aug 6 weekend.

Prayer requests: Westside daughter, Uranus and family, praise and continued prayer for Turtleman, Pax on vacation, YHC has some decisions to make on business.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor


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