Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2021 (Page 2 of 11)

F3 Dads Workout Lineup & Dates

Hello everyone,

we are excited to be kicking this off again this year after a year away.  The dates for the workouts are as follows, with the Qs.

June 19 – The Fighting Yank – 07:00 – Gavel, Bubba Sparxxx, Nutria

July 17 – Gashouse – 07:00 – OPEN Q (Need some dads)

August 21 – Folsom – 07:00 – Ball Joint, Purple Haze.

This will be separate from the regularly scheduled workouts. Bring out the kids and we will have a great time.  Snacks and drinks provided by YHC.


GrowRuck is coming (? some time in August if I remember correctly)-get signed up then show up for some EC with your ruck. Every Saturday we will have a few options. Today it was GasHouse and The Yank. We did similar workouts and the focus is more on ruck exercises and less on mileage with the ruck on. Both are important, but the mileage with the ruck takes a bit of time and this workout is meant to get you (un)comfortable with your ruck and exercises that maybe we don’t work on as much with regular boot camp stuff.  HIPAA took The Yank and I had GasHouse this week. Below is what we did at GasHouse. HIPAA probably did something similar-we discussed briefly earlier this week.

WU: 10 reps each X total of 4 sets: ruck military press, bent row, upright row, squat. At the start and between sets we did 25 big boy situps (total 100). WU over, we grabbed the toys out of the truck and went into the woods behind the Schiele. Today the toys were a 40# sandbag, old bicycle, and wheelbarrow with 80# weights in it. We got to the bottom of the hill in the woods and dropped the toys, made a few laps with lunges, bear crawls, short mosey then picked up the toys and did a few laps up and down the hill. At the top we did some squats and Merkins. We eventually did some Bear with Me: ruck on and do an exercise with 20 reps after bear crawling about 10 yards. The exercises were Merkins, Squats, Mtn Climbers, Flutter Kicks, and Upright Rows. We grabbed the toys and headed back to start.

This was a good start but definitely needs to grow in intensity and duration. I think we did about 40 minutes total. Honestly, I thought I was going to spew Merlot. My twins graduated high school today and last night we had a little celebration with some friends.

I guess I could have picked a better weekend to start this but sometimes you just have to say Nut Up or Shut up….


Short mosey around the park to the soccer field, then line up to do a Bantaan Death Crawl half the soccer field then partner up and do the broken wheel barrow the rest of the field swapping up half way.

We partnered up did farmer carries and Dora for about 3,000 reps.

100 curls

100 block swings

100 squats

100 LBC’s

100 merkins

for 5 rounds using the full length of the soccer field

The Cooper!


  • SSH x 30ic
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 ic
  • Hillbillies x 20 ic
  • Moroccan Knight Clubs x 20 I/c
  • Merkins x 10 ic
Mosey over to bridge leading to Goat Island
Each PAX lung walk across bridge and then to the playground and picnic area.
The Thang:
The Cooper
10 burpee, 10 squat, 10 merkin, then a lap around playground
Then 9,9,9 of them same. Count down to 1and then back up again as time permits

Announcements –


  • Blood drive June 16th at Tech Worx in Belmont, 1:30pm – 6:30pm,
  • Amoeba Ruck, Saturday May 22nd,

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtle Man
  • Brutus and mission trip
  • Pillager’s M

YHC closed out in prayer.

Thank you all for allowing me to lead this morning. Hard work was done!

Breaker Breaker

Back in the Saddle

It’s been awhile since YHC has taken the Q at Midoriyama (or any AO really), so YHC signed up for a hot Thursday in late May. With a great group of HIMs in attendance, we got to work.


YHC can’t remember all of it, but Abe Quixotes were called, goofballs, and some left over right and right over left stretches. Screw the patent. We did two rounds just to stick it to the man!


Mosey to large soccer field on the left for a new routine named “1st and 10”. Cones (and one tennis ball- YHC ran out of cones) were placed at 10 yard intervals from one end of the field to the other. All PAX line up on one goal line. Run to first cone (tennis ball), perform 10 hand- release Merkins, 1 Squat (supposed to be burpees, but YHC knew he’d have a mutiny on his hands if he called that). Sprint to far goal line, mosey back to 20 yard line, 9 hand-release Merkins, 2 Squats. Sprint to far goal line, mosey back to 30 yard line. 8 hand- release Merkins, 3 Squats, etc. It’s a  mixture of 11’s and suicides. Real crowd pleaser. The Nantan was suffering jet lag from his 1 1/2 hour flight, but he pushed through.

Next was another new one called “Jackass Burpee Webbs”. Seriously. Look it up. YHC led the PAX to a fence in the shade where the exercise was performed. It’s a 1:2 Burpee/ Donkey Kick ratio. Start with 1 Burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks. Take that all the way up to 10 Burpees and 20 Donkey Kicks. This had a much higher suck factor than YHC was expecting.

We then performed 4 corner escalator. While the Q was giving directions, he received the usual “what, what, what are we doing” from the former Nantan. Freight’s spewing his usual constructive sarcasm, and then Wojo started the “what are we doing” talk. It seems Def Leppard’s casual approach to the workout is spreading. For the benefit of the other PAX who were actually paying attention, we performed:

  • 1st corner – 10 Merkins
  • 2nd corner – 10 Merkins, 20 Squats
  • 3rd corner – 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 WW1’s
  • 4th corner – 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 WW1’s, 40 SSH (single count)

Mosey back to the flag for 22 Perfect Form Merkins for the vets. Perfect Form Merkins consist of a hand- release Merkin with alternating shoulder tap to ensure the PAX travel completely down and up on each rep. The cadence count for this was a freaking train wreck. You had to be there.

5 minutes left for some Mary-

  • Wojo called fire hydrants
  • Gomer called french fries
  • Montross called Freddie Mercurys
  • Love Boat called air presses
  • Pockets called forward/ reverse arm circles
  • Def Leppard called Penguins (a.k.a. back scratchers)

Time’s up.


  • Band Aids, Travel Size toothpaste for Freight’s service project
  • Murph on 6/1/21 at Martha Rivers Park at 0700
  • DBC  (Douche Bag Committee) emerging on 6/1/21 at Ingle’s in Dallas at 0700. Questions? Ask Freight. It’s really the Dallas Bike Club, but YHC couldn’t resist.

Prayer requests:

  • SA and his family
  • Turtleman
  • Big Pappy and his Family
  • Montross’s Cousin

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.


Site Q actually remembered to bring the flag this time, but forgot the Pledge! Qfail. Sorry, men! Thanks for coming out to the hottest AO in town and supporting YHC. It means more than you know. It’s great to be the object of the mumblechatter and sarcasm! It’s how YHC knows you really care!

Stay Frosty,


“Stay the Course” at the Pub

8 Pax came out and ran well in muggy weather. No one got lost; everyone finished.


Murph-Monday, 7a.m. Sandlot

June 16 Blood Drive

Sargento raising money for World Vision; $5000 by end of August is the goal. See him for details.

Prayer Requests:

Queso-Driving test


SA and family

Big Pappy

Roscoe Father-in_law staying at Hospice for weekend

Breaker Breaker daughter-in-law’s interview


YHC took us out.

Nice work, guys!


The 3rd Quarter

Gavel broke in his new rucksack by taking it for a spin with BOS, Whoopee and YHC.  JJ, Sargento, DDC, Stroganoff, and Roscoe ran the loop.

QSource wrapped up Freed to Lead, talking about Purpose and the Third 500.  D2X describes “what” men are led to do, and the Purpose helps define the “why”.  We got into a discussion about “who” (but left off the “where” and “how”).  JJ made a great point that we don’t always know who we are having an impact on, but sometimes you do get to see it.  He told a story of a girl at Christmas that they brought gifts to, and she immediately took and put everything on.  The youth that JJ was with got an understanding of how much their efforts meant and where they made their impact.  Those times we get to see it further motivate us to continue doing what we do.

A lesson from Freed to Lead that I’ve always taken to heart is that of the Third 500.  No scientific study here, but the 3rd quarter is often when the game is won or lost.  The beginning is a distant memory and the end is still a ways away.  It’s during this time that focus and attention is required to deliver an optimal performance.  In our lives, the 3rd quarter coincides with that “mid-life crisis” time.  As men with a purpose and a vehicle to continue to grow, it’s our duty to push on and make a positive impact on our Concentrica.  One of the things discussed is there comes a time in a man’s life when he looks around for the authority that’s always been there, and realizes it’s best found in the mirror.  It becomes time to step up and do what’s needed for the betterment of the group.  Having F3 gives us the opportunity to know that while we are the leaders in our community, we’re not leading alone, and we have other men we can grow as leaders with and can learn from.

Discussions on Freed to Lead were great.  Next up is Q’s choice at the Coconut Horse QSource.

As always, a privilege to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Burpee Penalty

12 strong at The Goat for a lot of bear crawls and a beatdown that went by so quickly, time expired with YHC still on Goat Island.  Here’s what I remember.

The Thang:

  • SSH x 10 (IC)
  • Side-to-side Lunges x 10 (IC)
  • Dying Cockroach x 10 (IC)

As always when YHC has the Q at The Goat, Sizzle Suicides is up next.

Starting from Floyd & Blackies, up the hill on 8th:

  • Run 1 pole – 10 LBCs
  • Run back – 10 LBCs
  • Run 2 poles – 20 LBCs
  • Run back – 20 LBCs
  • Run 3 poles – 30 LBCs
  • Run Back – 30 LBCs
  • Run 4 poles – 40 LBCs
  • Run Back

We moseyed back to the bridge to Goat Island and crossed it by doing:

  • High Knee Skips

Then moseyed to a pole about halfway between the two bridges for the Main Event.

Piggybacking a little off what YHC has Q’d and seen this week and following in the steps of EZ Rider’s Booyah Merkins on Monday, we partnered up and did the following:

  • Mosey in opposite directions to the bridge
  • Bear Crawl across
  • On the other side of the bridge, do:
    • 20 x Travoltas R (Nolan Ryan’s with a point)
    • 10 x Burpees
    • 20 x Oblique Crunches R
  • High Knees Skip back across the bridge
  • Mosey back to center to meet partner
  • 10 x Booyah Merkins w/partner
  • Mosey to the other bridge
  • Bear Crawl across
  • On the other side of the bridge, do:
    • 20 x Travoltas L
    • 10 x Burpees
    • 20 x Oblique Crunches L
  • High Knees Skip back across the bridge
  • Mosey back to center to meet partner
  • 10 x Booyah Merkins w/partner
  • (That’s 1 Round)
  • Complete a total of 3 Rounds

Well that’s what the Weinke said, but this went by extremely fast.  Or maybe I just had to take a really long time explaining it.  Regardless, we had finished Round 2 when time was running out.  YHC announced that the next half round would be the last, but only Clavin and Sister Act managed to finish the half round.  Time was ticking, so YHC called recover and went to get the Six.  By the time we got back, it was 6:17.

As the Q who brought the PAX in late, and as a repeat offender, YHC knew it was right to enforce a penalty on himself and after apologizing for trying to push things late, announced a 20 burpee penalty for the Q (10 burpees for each minute late) to be paid immediately after the COT.  That penalty was paid in full, accompanied by some forgiving and supportive PAX who didn’t have to, but weren’t going to let YHC have all the fun alone.


  • Blood Drive – June 16th @ Techworks in Belmont
  • F3 Dads – June 19th
  • Grow Ruck Charlotte – August 6th
  • Collect Bandaids for Freight
  • Music Box & BOS collecting shoes – let BOS know or drop at Floyd & Blackies

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Male Leadership in our community
  • Tracy Reading and family
  • Uranus and family on the surgery of their unborn daughter while in the womb


The Goat is one of my favorite places to Q, but I just seem to get so caught up in all the fun that I can’t get my timing right.  I’ve got another chance next month, so chance to make amends.

That’s the thing about The Gloom – there’s always another workout tomorrow.  If today’s didn’t go the way you want it – if you came out flat or it didn’t feel right or your head wasn’t in it – there’s another chance tomorrow to get it right.

Lookin forward to the next one.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The 3 Amigos

Today was the lightest turnout that I have seen in a very long time. Maybe it’s due to spring fever and everyone wants to sleep in?

Not the 3 Amigos! We showed to get our fixation of Painlab

Here we do 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest while listening to my favorite 80’s Rock:

Set 1 – Squats, Imperial Walkers, American Hammers, LBC’s Box Cutters and Reverse Crunches. Then a 1 minute rest. Rinse & Repeat

Set 2 – Power Push Away, Side straddle Hop, Shadow Boxing, Kettlebell Bicep Curls, Overhead Press and Lateral Triceps Curls. 1 minute rest Rinse & Repeat

Set 3 – Lunge out/ Bear crawl back to circle. Rinse & Repeat. 1 minute rest

Set 4 – Burpees, Triceps Bench Dips, Pull up Superman, Kettlebell 2 Arm rows, Kettlebell swings, Heels to Heaven. 1 minute rest. Rinse & Repeat

Set 5 – Merkins, Skater Hop, Bench-overs, High Hip Bucks, Peter Parkers and a little Yoga stretching to finish up

We met back at the Gashouse circle to make the official change-over of Site Q from Linus to Whoopee!

Welcome aboard Whoopee! We are glad to have your hands in the pot. And thank you Linus for your commitment to keeping the Gashouse alive and well!!


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