Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 2, 2020

Rabbit Ears

YHC got there early considering it was my first Q. Pulled up and noticed a few PAX putting in some EC. The vehicles started rolling in and I was getting pumped. YHC knew it was going to be a good day. So at 5:30 we started the THE THANG.

warm-up: Bat wings

20 small forward arm circles IC

20 small backward arm circles IC

20 seal clap IC

20 overhead claps IC (I forgot to call this but just know it was planned)



Mosey to tennis courts

bear crawl a tennis court 10 Mike Tysons

bear crawl a tennis court 10 CDDs

bear crawl a tennis court 10 Hand release merkins

bear crawl a tennis court 10 diamond merkins

bear crawl a tennis court 10 wide arm merkins

stand up and head back

lunge walk a tennis court 10 squat jacks

lunge walk a tennis court 10 Imperial walker squats

lunge walk a tennis court 10 Regular squats

lunge walk a tennis court 10 Tippy to squats

lunge walk a tennis court 10 Monkey humpers

Mosey you’re bottom parking lot escalating four corners

10 Peter Parker merkins

20 outlaws

30 flutter kicks

40 diamond merkins

repeat counting backwards

mosey to back to parking lot for CoT

shared a message with the men:  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.””
Joshua‬ ‭1:9

I shared this message due to the ongoing problems of the world and how that could impact a man when he feels like he’s carrying the weight and worries of his whole family on his shoulders. I shared they don’t have to do it alone and encouraged them to reach out if anybody needed help with their problems.

Finished up with some exercises in the circle.



PT test July ehhhhh…..


prayer request:

SA’s family

Stogie’s dad

Sparky’s great uncle and family

Wirenut’s team member and other coworkers who were affected.



Vacation and Fartsackers

Later than usual, but here it is……

After a week of vacation on the Redneck Riviera aka Dirty Myrtle, I found myself with the Folsom Q. Although I got a few runs in, it had been 9 days since my last bootcamp. My body is pretty fresh so I came to bring the heat!

As expected, a lot of the “old” faces I usually see weren’t there. Some are on vacation, some having babies, and some just plain ol’ fartsackin’! Folsom has seen a huge influx of FNGs over the past few months and they are sticking around. It is great to see! Shout out to Sparky, Wichita, and the Parker family for adding some great new men to the group…men who have already brought their own FNGs!

As I scanned the crowd, I saw a lot of newer guys. You can see they are ALL getting faster and stronger but it takes time. You have to build your cardio and stamina. I knew I had the right workout planned. Plenty of running and plenty of cardio, perfect for these noobs!

SSH – 25 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC


First off, shout out to Roundup on the addition of his 3rd baby girl Maren Austin Parker, born 6/22 at a healthy 10 lbs 1 oz.

In honor of young Miss Parker, we are going to do something I call MAP.

Mosey – at each light pole, we do
Maren 10 Merkins
Austin 10 American Hammers IC
Parker 10 Peter Parkers IC

There werent enough light poles for my liking on the way to the park wntrance so we circled around and found a few extras…and grabbed one final set at the flag.

I hear some deep breaths from the peanit gallery.

We pledge and mosey to parking lot by the cotton gin.

Start Triple Nickel – Burpees and Bobby Hurleys – Newton breaks out running across the parking lot quickly and was saying something to the effect of ‘You guys need to catch up! Modify as needed!’

Now here is the truth, I like Newton. Despite being a newer PAX, he will bring some chatter and I dig that! Kinda reminds me of, well, me when I started. However, I’ve been hanging around some HIMs who can talk it…guys like Freight, Sister Act, and others. I also know the Qs job is to maintain control and do his best to make ’em work. When the chatter is going, I have to push everyone that much harder! I also know Newton is new and running is tough for newer guys so…..OMAHA! Let’s mosey!!!!!! LOL!!!! (For real though Newton, keep the chatter up! That is a BIG part of F3!).

We mosey around pond. Plank amd pilates as we wait for the six.

Now, Triple Nickel across the parking lot, 5 burpees, 5 Bobby Hurleys. Newton was talking again but I let it slide. He earned it. I appreciate the dedication!

Mosey back to the main parking lot, we took the scenic route.

Core time!

3 sets
LBCs 20 IC
Flutter Kicks 20 IC
Freddie Mercuries 20 ic
Superman/Iron Man – 10

Many PAX (self included) were on Struggle Street by this point. Lets get in one more blast of cardio.

Jacked up.


Prayer requests – Roundup and family, our country. YHC took us out in prayer.

I love seeing the new guys out there pushing the rock with us. You guys bring new life and attitude to F3. Some of these guys will be leading the pack soon and I will be struggling to catch up! Keep doing what you are doing and you will get better each week…each day. And Newton – keep talkin’!!! It is also great to see Hank back in the gloom regularly! I need some vets put there to wrangle in these young bucks! Thanks for the opportunity to lead today!

  • Montross

Nice Visit

YHC was thankful to be able to mosey with some of the fine PAX of F3 Gastonia this morning. We got in 5miles going to Martha’s and back. Something special about this region….we all pushed…we all got better…and we we were all thankful for our freedom and ability to be at The Pub. Now is the time that F3 Pax should shine their light. We have been training for times like these men. Our Faith, Our Families , Our Brothers, Our  Country need us  now men. Help someone today and the next and next…Ect….Male  Community Leadership! Let’s do this! Let’s impact for good! Let’s be Virtuous Leaders!

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:13-14‬ ‭NASB‬‬


Wall Stairs

Q at The Goat for a nice June morning a couple days before I was going to the beach. So I thought we all need to get the chest and abs in order. Took a short mosey around downtown Cramerton to the back alley. Partnered up, one partner up the stairs and around the building while the other partner did Merkins, then Werkins, then Burpees, then Diamond Merkins, then Hand Release Merkins. Once the chest was on fire, we moseyed on up to the Town of Cramerton Community Center. Keep your same partner, sit on the wall while your partner goes up the stairs for 25 flutters, then 25 Crunchy Frogs, 25 LBCs, then 25 oblique crunch right side, final round of 25 oblique crunch left side. Mosey back to downtown Cramerton. Throw your feet up on the wall and do some hip slappers, over head press, and Mike Tysons. I ran out of ideas and we still had time. Sister Act called something crazy so we did that for a while. And that was that.

Announcements, Prayer Requests, Pledge, Nameorama, and off we went to conquer Thursday.

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