Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2020 (Page 7 of 10)


Very brief disclaimer ( we are professional F3 brothers after all)
A SSH IC ( too bad for Gastone and Whoopee who keep on going ( EC?)
10 man makers

Mosey to Walgreens to read Joshua 6
Walls of Jericho
( took a moment to remember the 7 exercises I had in mind )
7 Imp Walkers
7 Monkey Humpers
7 Merkins
7 Plank Jacks
7 Mountain Climbers
7 Flutters
This way we would work down our body and perform at each wall going around 7 times but this was not to be an attack on Walmart Walgreens Wally World or any other institution … just an exercise
At second wall employee was coming in so on the fourth wall there is no parking and a very slim driveway plus  their loading/ unloading area … so in the interest of safety we forgo that wall and only perform on 3 walls but do so 7 times
Much mumble chatter ….. from the birds ( this group today was all business!)
Mosey back to start , once again Whoopee starts going another direction ….
I pick up speaker from tailgate and head to grass near Snoballs and we circle up in kneeling position for Jack Webb’s but we are to wait until the lyrics cut in …… We the Kingdom and Holy Water …… if you know the song …. play it again today …. if you don’t know it , find it and play it !
Opening line, “ God I’m on my knees again….”
Amazing song
If you REALLY love the song find and play the 7 minute version recorded in a church with Tasha Cobbs Leonard ….. woah!

anyway … plan was to keep building and stacking ( I was at 13 ) Whoopee begged for relief so I allowed the numbers to decrease until end of song

3 minutes of abs ( EZ rider tried to eat it all)

50 IC flutters

Whoopee with Jane Fondles

30 Squats from Captain Stubing

prayers for nation

Clavins M

Gastones Father in Law ( diagnosed late term dementia)

The Storm 6/2

13 men at The Storm on 6/2.  Went like this:


10 Burpees


The Thang:

Mosey to the roundabout in front of school.  Exercise called here is a WOD called DEE!!

4 Rounds

40 Squats

30 Hand Release Merkins

20 Burpees

400 meter run

Perform the 3 exercises, then run up the hill to the roundabout on main road.  That is one round.  Perform the exercises again, run down the hill to school to complete round two.  Do the exercises and the up and back down to complete the 4 rounds.  This wasn’t easy, especially with that dang hill.  Good work men.

Next mosey to school.  Here we did 2 rounds of:

10 Hip Slappers (IC)

10 Dips (IC)

10 Derkins (IC)

With some time remaining line up facing the parking lot for some Dirty 11’s.  Start out with 10 Big Boys, run to other side of parking lot for 1 Imperial Walker Squats.  Run back to start for 9 Big Boys then 2 IW Squats and so on.  Only catch is stopping each time you pass the halfway mark and do 2 Burpees.  We got about half of this workout complete before we ran out of time.  Mosey back to the flag!  Time!!!!


Prayer reqo



Appreciate the chance to lead today!!


Sister Act



Hill work at Folsom

Warm Up

30 SSH

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

Mosey to the first hill

Bear crawl 11’s

CDD at the bottom

Squats at the top

Finish up time to mosey to the next hill

Sprint up 1 burpee

Jog down 2 burpees

Sprint up 3 burpees

Jog down 4 burpees

We done this to 10 and it was terrible!

Time to mosey towards the flag we had a shovel flag but everyone looked like they would enjoy a trip up to the front for the pledge so that’s what we done.

First light pole

5 burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 Shoulder taps

Second light pole

6 burpees, 6 Merkins, 7 Shoulder taps

We make it to the small triangle and I ask Sister Act, Dr Seuss and Sparky for 3 workouts at each corner.

1st point 10 Jump lunges

2nd point 10 Burpees

3rd point 10 American Hammers

We knocked out 2 rounds of that and then continued to the flag stopping at the next two poles

7 Burpees, 7 Merkins, 7 Shoulder taps

8 Burpees, 8 Merkins, 8 Shoulder taps

We get to the flag say the pledge and get

9 Burpees, 9 Merkins, 9 Shoulder taps

Mosey back to the parking lot to finish up with giving our FNG his name!

Welcome Hose Pipe!

Prayer Request

Continue to pray for my M as our baby makes her way to our family! She will be here by the weekend

Sister acts family

Our Community and police officers

Pick someone out that comes into your head and pray for them no matter what. We need to be in prayer for each other wether we know what they need or not, God knows exactly what each of us needs. The power of prayer and the power of our God is awesome we just have to believe and follow.

Thank you for the support men!

Round Up


Down Dawg

It was a warm, muggy, and dry 75 degree morning at the Bulldog.  As the regular HIM’s rolled in we gathered in anticipation curious to see how the mornings workout would unfold.  There as usual were smiling faces and great chatter before the stroke of 5:30 am.  A perfect way to start the day.


5:30…Let’s get going!



SSH x 30

Mountain Murpees x 5 (this is an original combination of some classics.  From standing, down to plank, 2 mountain climbers, 2 merkins, back up and complete the burpee).

After that there was quite a but of Yoga, some core, just a touch of some light jogging, squats, calf raises, and more yoga.

Prayer requests:

Please continue to pray for Clavin’s M

Dry Rub’s M

Timeframe’s Dad

The civil unrest



Stoganoff’s 2.0

Whopee’s 2.0

It was a blast this morning fellas.  As always I was honored to be involved this am.  Such a great group.  Everyone pushed hard and did great.  I really appreciate the fellowship and comradery.

Have a great day.



K.I.S.S @ The Storm

YHC was having trouble for some reason designing a routine for the gloom of this morning.

It wasn’t fancy, it wasn’t pretty, but everyone got there money’s worth…. maybe.

0530 arrives with 9 joining YHC.

No FNGs, so a brief disclaimer, which lead to The Pledge of Allegiance.


10 Merkins OYO

Main Dish:

To start, we did a lap around the edge of the main parking lots.  This lap included moseying, nurring, karaoking, skipping, side steps and 5 burpees for a train, with the destination being the lower parking lot near the stadium.

At the parking lot, partner up for some Dora.

P1 does the exercise, P2 mosey around the loop. Flapjack.

100 HRMs
200 Squats
300 Flutters (Count 1 Right Leg only)
400 Air Presses.

From here a meander turned into a mosey to the school for some 11’s.

Dips at one end, Calf Raises at the other.  The catch being, each direction, a different form of locomotion had to be used. (meander, nur, mosey, bear crawl, skip, karaoke, high knee, toy soldier, etc)

This had to be cut short for time.

Prayer Requests were voiced and Top Hat took us out.

Termite has next week…


Watts Up Powering Down

Tater Hole wasn’t there. Neither was Huck.

Warmup-10 imperial walkers in cadence,10 cotton pickers in cadence, 10 side-straddle hops!!


The thang— mosey to Walmart and partner up for 100 burpees, 200 Hip-slippers, 300 Big Boy sit-ups while partner runs laps around Walmart.  There was so much mumble chatter that people thought we were protesting and rioting Walmart.  This simple but effective workout took up all the time

Always a pleasure being in the gloom with you Hims

We had a FNG who hated cam newton so welcome our new brother Newton.

Closed with COT and Prayer!!


Some HIM’s worked on breathing exercises by running.

Verse of the week:

Philippians 3:14   I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  ESV

So what is the upward call of God in Christ Jesus? That call is our Sanctification or being molded more into the image of Christ. It’s impossible to be become more like Jesus when we’re looking in the rear view mirror of our lives, whether  we’re looking and dwelling on past sin we committed, or that was committed against us, or reveling in our past accomplishments or “mountain top experiences”… either way, looking back and not looking up to Christ will lead to defeat.

Prayer Requests:

Our Nation, Our Leaders, Police Officer’s and First Responders, Mayor’s Wife, SA’s daughter and family, RoundUps Wife and Family

Thanks men for the opportunity to lead!

Wichita out and on to the next one

Something Like Midoriama Q’s……

Beautiful Saturday morning, nearly equal amount of Pax for Painlab and Bootcamp.  Disclaimer, pledge, a bit of warm up that went something like:

SSH:  20 ic

Merkin:  10 ic

LBC:  10 ic

Squats:  stopped around 9 ic, time to roll, Painlab follow Big Pappy.

Upward stroll to Grier parking lot.  I borrowed a maybe or maybe not so renowned exercise from Pizza Man implemented at Midoriama.  We picked a length a bit close to a football field length, maybe twice as long who knows…….The length will be to run after we perform the following at each side:

Burpees:  5

Merkins:  10

World War something or Big Boy sit ups:  10

Squats:  10

Rinse and repeat 4 times.  PM’s original version contained 10 burpees.  I figured my modification was best if we were to keep the Q (that would be me) from having to be carried back to homebase.

Finished, guys were looking at me for more whooping and I’m like, wait boy’s, I’m whooped.  Too bad, I’ve got the Q, let’s try another Midoriama favorite via straight from Freight’s book.  I had recently downloaded an interval timer.  Have to say for only $19.99 per month this thing works great?  Anyway, we did some modified from Freight’s original order AMRAP for 40 seconds on and 10 seconds off.  Freight’s original version was in the rain so we skipped the running after each completed round.  Instead we did Burpee’s.  Well, relying on my original notion of it would be better if I returned to homebase on my own we did a not so quick or too slow mosey a couple of hundred feet out and back.  The intervals looked something like this:

AMRAP:  40 seconds on and 10 second break…..

Merkins / Jump Squats / Flutters / SSH – Mosey not too quickly or too slowly a couple hundred yards

CDD’s / Monkey Humpers / American Hammers / Calf Raise – Mosey, mosey

Diamond Merkins / Rocky Balboa’s / Freddie Mercury / Goofballs (car came down the parking lot as we were doing this) – Mosey on……

Last round was Open Mic pick from original intervals.  I think we did Flutters, Hammers, and something else, who knows.  You can rest assured there was some exercise involved.

Almost time to go home, needed a time burner.  My typical go to is a mosey and hold position splitting half the group.  Count off 1’s and 2’s.  1’s run a certain distance while 2’s hold position…….1’s return and hold positions while 2’s run……and so on and so on.


Crabwalk Plank (you figure this one out)

Al Gore

6 inches

Time to go back, finished a set of flutters with Painlab.

8:00, time.


Gashouse Bootcamp Q’s for June:

Freight 6/13 (5 year anniversary), Hushpuppy 6/20 (Birthday), Whoopee 6/27

Still need 7/4

Painlab:  Sledge-O-Matic with Painlab Q 6/13

Little Theatre is conducting an awareness campaign featuring a Masked Singer.  There may or may not, or just may be a contestant standing in our circle today performing a rendition of Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen

CSpan’s recent Roundtable Podcast featured some excellent thoughts and words regarding current events happening in society

Check out Stroganoff’s recent interview on F3 American Yammer

Farmers Market is giving out facemasks


Prayer Vigil being held at the Rotary Pavilion Sunday night at 6:00 pm

Clavin’s M

Anniversary of D-Day Normandy landings

Always an honor……






Rock Pushing at The Sandlot

I volunteered to Q at The Sandlot to start off the week right so I drive from NOGA to SOGA to get some work in on a muggy 75 degrees with 80% humidity. That’s why it is called The Gloom!

Warm Up
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s all x 10 IC


Mosey around the new Planet Fitness parking lot and back to the rock pit. Everyone select a rock and fellowship mosey to bank parking lot.

Partner Up for Rocky Dora (I made that up).
100 Triceps Extensions, 200 Chest Presses on your six, 300 Curls while your partner runs around the bank and back and switch after each lap. Use your own block and Slaw chose poorly. Hard working group this morning with not a lot of mumblechatter. It could be possible that I have gotten used to a ridiculously high amount of mumblechatter and this morning was closer to the norm.

Mosey to the bottom of the Park’s parking lot for four corners.
5 Burpees, mosey to next corner.
10 LBC’s IC (called by Slaw), 5 Burpees, next.
15 Squats IC (called with varying degrees of speed by Watts Up), 10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, next.
20 Merkins IC (Yes I said in cadence, called by Gastone), 15 Squats IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, back down.
15 Squats IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, next.
10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, next.
5 Burpees. That may be a record number of Burpees in one of my Q’s. I’m not happy about it but Sister Act has been pushing me lately.

Mosey to a picnic shelter for what was supposed to be 80 D’s but modified to 40 D’s for time.
10 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Dying Cockroaches, 10 Diamond Merkins.

Mosey back.

Quick word about F3 stance on recent events that you may have seen but is worth repeating.
F3 Core principle. F3 is open to ALL men.
“A statement is not needed, our leadership is what’s needed… we’ve got to figure out, in each of our spheres of influence, how we will step into the void that exists where leadership should be. I’m not saying we should run for office, though that may be one way to do it. I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray, as certainly there is power there. I’m saying we must become something different. We must learn from these things that we are facing and strive to be better. We must embody grace and mercy and love, as that is what virtuous leadership should be built on.”
Now get missional, quit worrying about your little baby feelings and your ego, AND GET TO LEADING! We have been preparing for the times like these, men! This is our day. A few weeks ago when F3 made shirts that read “The Gloom Belongs To Us” ….that wasn’t just the morning Gloom we were talking about. Look around, the leadership situation in our world is GLOOMY. This is what we’ve been knowingly or unknowingly getting ready for. If you believe in what F3 stands for, then let’s get invigorated and get to work.”
Again… Core principle. F3 is open to ALL men.

Prayer Requests Dry Rub’s M is doing better. Clavin’s M, Sister Act’s daughter, Whoopee’s daughter, Stinky Bird’s foot, Roscoe, Stone Cold, Allen Tate and all police officers and our country.

COT Gastone took us out!

**NMM Thanks for coming out this morning guys! It was a nice time. I asked Slaw to pick up the six for me but everyone was right with us the entire workout. Way to push the rock!

GD Abs

YHC was a little banged up from the weekend, as he usually is…don’t worry about it…so he decided to show off his 8 pack and call 1500 reps worth of Dora, aka Cora. Then just to make everybody shut up about how stupid that was, YHC called for Colorado suicides (gotta hold your breath like you’re a mile high, or something like that). This was more torturous for some than others. And that was about it.

Pray for SA’s family…and then leave him to go workout with Frank at Gashouse on Saturday.

Until next time,


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