Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2020 (Page 6 of 10)

Circle Derkins!

9 of the best athlete’s in Gastonia showed up for a Downtown burner.

The Thang:

20 Imperial Walker

21 SSH (Just forgot to end on 20)

Mosey to the bridge.

Backward Lunges across.

Using the wall at the other side of bridge.

25 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Incline Merkins. 20, 10, and 10. then 15, 10, and 10.

Mosey past the double set of stairs to the long railing.

Everyone up on the top rails, feet on one side hands on the other. Bottom of the hill guy bear crawls to the top. Rinse and repeat 1 more time.

Mosey back to steps. Everyone get a spot.

Legs together 25 Calf Raises, Legs Apart 25 Calf Raises, 15 Jumping Calf Raises, Toes in Heels out Calf raises 25, Heels in Toe’s out 25, end with 25 regular.

Bottom of the steps.

First step 1 Monkey Humper, 2nd 2 and so on. Once you made it too 20 meet at the top.

Then down the steps. 1st step 1 Squat, 2nd step 2. Once 20 then meet the group for some Mary.

While we waited on the finishers we did (Flutter, LBC’s, and a few more.)

Spiderman on the way back to us and we all did Hip Thrusts in a Crab position as he walked to catch up with us. (He might not recover)

Mosey back to bridge.

Lunge walk across.

Mosey to the wall close to bridge.

Wall Sits for 30 seconds with but below knee’s.

Hands in the air still in the position. We marched for 30 seconds.


3 Sets of Shoulder taps to 10.

Mosey almost back to start but stopped at round area.

We did Derkins in a circle. So they are called Circle Derkins. Just 10.

The end.

The Moleskin:

Easy Rider thought he might have to do something so he made me Q by calling me the night before. He really had to twist my arm. Seriously though, I just jump on the ball when it is on the ground. I believe I am finally getting right in my mind the last couple of months after a pretty tough 2019. Couple a week ago I finally made it to a beach and put my father’s ashes in the ocean which was his wish. I had know idea how much that must have been affecting me because it felt good to have that burden off me. Basically, before all this stuff happened in my life I thought I was tough.

Well now it’s been 2020 for a while and I still think it is better than last year.

Prayer’s for all that were mentioned.

Gastone Out@#@!



Slaw’s WOD

11 at the hottest AO in F3 Gastonia for what is named Slaw’s WOD(workout of the day) get your mind out of the gutter you sicko!


Warm! It’s already hot! Mosey to the soccer field in the back.

The Thang-Slaw’s WOD:

Each exercise is defined by Slaw’s age=47


run a lap

L-lunge(47 each leg)

run a lap

A-American hammers(47 each side)

run a lap


run a lap


run a lap

W-wide arm merkin

run a lap

O-one legged burpee

run a lap

D-diamond merkin

Mosey back to the flag


Announcements-5 year anniversary “celebration” this Saturday at the Gashouse


Prayer Request

Def took us out

Naked Moleskin:

So there are a lot of hero wod’s out there and I got to thanking about how if I do one the person it is for is usually not on my mind. Mainly because they haven’t had a direct impact on me. So then I thought about impact and how the person needs to be proximate to have impact. So I decided I would make some hero wod’s for the guys that are proximate to me and are my hero’s. Thus the Slaw wod. Some reasons Slaw is my hero-He loves the lord and most people and he has a great way of showing it. When you are down he is great to have around. He can take pretty much anything you can throw at him. He would give you the shirt off of his back both physically and mentally, sometimes to his own detriment. He is compassionate, hilarious, and he knows every line to every movie he’s ever watched. This comes in handy way more than you would think.



So Gumby has been slammed at work, and hesitantly gave up his Q for Thursday and since YHC didn’t get on the calendar for June he thought here’s your chance and he jumped. Thanks Pappy for letting me fill in! But filling Gumby’s shoes is no easy task and after Roundup’s beatdown Tuesday and Sister Acts beatdown coming Saturday YHC didn’t want to disappoint. So I thought what doesn’t get used at Folsom and trees is what came to my mind…


Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC but not IC

Imperial Squats or Hillbilly Squats x20 IC

Side Straddle Hops x10 IC

Here’s where the trees come into play:

10 Merkins at every single tree

20 Merkins where there’s a tree on both sides of the road headed toward the flag pole from the tennis courts parking lot

If you were wondering that’s 200 Merkins from parking lot to where the road splits

made it to the flag pole… said pledge

20 Big Boy Sit up’s

mosey to concrete seats at horse arena

4×4 Merkins on each level adding one for each level so 1-6 then work back down

moseyed to steps at horse stables and partnered up

P1 Down steps to stables: Australian Mountain Climbers x20

P2 Hillbilly Squats until partner returns

did that 2 Rounds

P1 Down steps to stables: Hip Slappers x20

P2 American Hammers until partner returns

did that for 2 Rounds

Line up single file…  time for a Burpee x3 Indian Run back to parking lot

22 for the Veterans      Thank you for your service and fighting for our freedom.

COT: Prayer Request

Roundup’s wife, baby, and family

James Goudelock

Sister Acts daughter and family

Purple Haze’s mom and dad


Guy from Newton’s church who had a wreck. Forgot his name, YHC apologizes

If YHC forgot any other prayer request, rest assured the One we pray to hasn’t!

Men once again thanks for letting me lead! You all push me to be better in all 3 F’s

Never forget: Men Merk and Woman Twerk

Wichita out and on to the next one

Three Ring Circus

A little cooler temps, light wind and some drizzle make for a perfect setting for a beatdown at the Goat. 13 PAX ready to roll when 0530 hits so let’s knock out the disclaimer and pledge and go to work.


After a lap around the town we stopped at the Fire Department and from that point all the way up 8th Ave to 1st Baptist we performed 3 Burpee’s at each power pole.

Next up was a Triple Nickel in the parking lot; 5 HR Merkins, run across the lot, 5 Big Boys.

Mosey across the street to the wall for a little 3D.

3 sets of 10 Dips (IC), 10 Derkins (IC), 10 Dirty Hookups (IC)

We’re done here, back down 8th Ave stopping for 3 more Burpee’s at the same poles all the way to the 9th St. YHC wasn’t very original with his Weinke today, so we did another round of Triple Nickel up the 9th St. hill. 5 Mike Tyson’s, run the hill, 5 American Hammers.

Time for a little ab work at the Gazebo. 33 LBC’s (IC), 33 Flutter’s (IC), 33 Big Boys (OYO) and 33 Oblique Crunches (IC)

We did two more laps around the town and time was up.



1 Peter 4:8 – “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

A common theme that continues to arise in various verses, studies, etc. that I’ve recently seen is friendship and the need to support one another. This verse was the You Version verse of the day yesterday and tells us the as Christ followers we must make demonstrating the love of Jesus to others a top priority, especially during seasons of suffering.



2nd F at The Station Friday at 5pm


Prayer Request

SA’s 2.1

Clavin’s M

Round Up’s M

Our Nation


Doodles took us out.


I’m Broke


YHC pulled into the parking lot at The PUB and according to that JOCKO dude we’re already over an hour late getting started.

Rumors indicate that a certain nefarious subversive group is running (running get it?) rampant on the dark lightly traveled roads in South and Southeastern Gaston County.

Who are those knuckleheads with that shovel flag? Who meets in front of a closed grocery store before sunrise? Why are they all dressed in yellow shirts? Are they Antifa? Probably not. Could it be the F.R.C., which happens to on the terrorist group watch list? Maybe. Report any suspicious activity.

This group exists. Really. They are secretive. Someone you know could be in it. Your friend. Your neighbor. Your doctor. A suspected member tossed a large rock at old Oompa this morning in the parking lot, but his wimpy soccer arms just didn’t have enough strength to hit YHC.

Okay, it’s 0530 let’s get after it. Pledge.

To avoid encounters with the FRC we ran towards our imaginary friends at Diablo Sammich. Well, those whom could run faster than the Q allegedly saw over a half dozen imaginary friends. Were mushrooms or LSD involved? Unfortunately, YHC needs more than 45 minutes to run 5 miles, so call it a Q fail.

We ran. Some ran fast. Some ran slower. Some ran shorter. All had fun, because nobody gets up to run at 0530 just for the heck of it.

No major announcements. Prayers for our country, the police, Whoopie’s & Sister Act’s girls.

YHC took us out.

Downtown 6/5/20



Mountain Mam Poopers x 20 IC

Seal Jacks x 21 IC

Mountain Climbers x 22 IC

Mosey to a parking lot and partner up for Lazy Dora

100 Merkins (Pax 1 x 10 while Pax 2 planks – flip flop)

200 LBC’s (Pax 1 x 20 while Pax 2 holds leg lift 6″ – flip flop)

300 Squats (Pax 1 x 300 while Pax 2 holds Al Gore – flip flop)

Mosey to the Old City Hall Blg for Calf Raises x 100,000 (Right Whoopee?)

Mosey across 74 for 11’s – Decline Peter Parker Peter and Monkey Humpers

Head back to the start for 2 sets of Route 66.  Set 1 Merkins, Set 2 Flutter Kicks.

Pay it forward set of 5 Burpees

Bear crawl around the pavilion



Storm 5/26/20

Better late than never, right?


Warm up:

Peter Parker x 20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC

Copperhead Squats x 20 IC


Mosey to the back of the school

11’s Mountain Climbers and Merkins

Mosey to the tables

Dips, Step Ups and LBC’s

x 10

x 20


Calf Raises

Mosey to the front of the school

Four Corners Forward

Corner 1 – 5 Burpees

Corner 2 – 10 Merkins

Corner 3 – 20 Squats

Corner 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks

Four Corners Backwards

Escalator Four Corners




20 Running/Rucking @ the Prison!!!

What a morning it was at the Prison Break! 20 men were pushing rocks this morning and logging miles! It was great seeing everyone getting after it. Each week this AO gets better and I’m stoked, let’s keeping pushing each other guys. Im excited for all the new guys coming out and really getting into it, Im excited to see what they will bring to the F3 group and what F3 does for them as well.


Thankful for you guys and I pray this AO continues to grow and draw other brothers to us. We are lights men in our community and everywhere we go for the kingdom of God. Lets continue to reach out and get those that are in our community that don’t know Christ as their savior!

{Prayer Request

Purple Haze parents

Sister Acts Family

My wife and the pregnancy with daughter number 3

Praise for Def Leppard and his family

Rabbit ears M and Hose Pipes M and their pregnancy

Our community

Thank you men!

Round Up

Just another JV workout

Things are starting to heat up at Midoriyama but 11 PAX didn’t let that stop them from posting for a JV workout at the region’s premier afternoon AO. All were veterans so the short form disclaimer was given and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. No need for a warmup, if you aren’t warm already something is wrong with you.


We moseyed to the large soccer field, set up a 5 sets of cones 20 yards apart on the shady side of the field and got to work. It went like this:

1 Burpee at start then run to 1st set of cones for 10 Merkins

Back to start for 2 Burpee’s then run to 1st set for 10 Merkins, then 2nd set for 20 American Hammers

Back to start for 3 Burpee’s then 1st set 10 Merkins, 2nd set 20 American Hammers, 3rd set 30 Squats

Back to start for 4 Burpee’s then 1st set 10 Merkins, 2nd set 20 American Hammers, 3rd set 30 Squats, 4th set 40 shoulder taps

Back to start for 5 Burpee’s then 1st set 10 Merkins, 2nd set 20 American Hammers, 3rd set 30 Squats, 4th set 40 shoulder taps, 5th set 50 LBC’s

Now come back down the ladder all the way to 1 Burpee and 10 Merkins


Next up was a little socially distant partner work. One partner does AMRAP of called exercise while the other partner runs to 3rd set of cones and completes a set number of reps of a different exercise. Flapjack. Repeat each round x3.

Round 1 – Flutter kicks AMRAP, 5 Burpee’s opposite end

Round 2 – Big Boys AMRAP, 10 Mike Tyson’s opposite end

Round 3 – Oblique crunches AMRAP, 10 Imperial Walker squats opposite end


Time was up so back to the start.



Proverbs 17:17 – “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

We are not called to do life alone, rather we are called to build relationships and form communities in Christ. A true Christian friend will stand by you in all situations, especially the hard times. Think about who you have this type of relationship with and what relationships you need to work on to get to this level.


Prayer Request

SA’s 2.1

Clavin’s M

Round Up’s M

Our Nation


Thanks to all the guys for coming out today and the hard work they put in. Bats were flipped, rocks were pushed, form was questionable and mumble chatter was heard. Typical Midoriyama.


I’m Broke

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