Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2020 (Page 4 of 10)

Big Crowd at Folsom

YHC rolled through Big D a little early on Saturday morning and there were PAX scattered all through town getting in some EC. The parking lot was almost full at 0615 and YHC was thinking about how to rework the Weinke to ensure that the large group would get the proper beatdown. 31 PAX at 0630 and its time to put in some work. Since we had an FNG a full disclaimer was given, pledge was said and warmup was skipped. Off to the tennis courts to get started.



5 Burpee’s on the first court then run to second court for 5 Merkins. Back to start for 5 Burpee’s then to third court for 10 Merkins. Rinse and repeat across all courts increasing Merkins by 5 reps each court.


Rinse and repeat as Hammercides

5 Big Boys at start and increasing reps of American Hammers


After a mosey up to the horse arena, partner up and let’s do some Dora. One partner performs the exercise while the other runs a lap on the track. A shorter run was offered, but these rock pushers all took the long route.

100 HR Merkins

200 Big Boys

300 Squats (YHC originally called jump squats but was quickly informed of how bad an idea that was)


Over to the bleachers for a Triple Nickel

5 Diamond Merkins at the bottom, up the bleachers with a squat on each level then 5 lunges at the top. Back down the bleachers with a squat on each level.

Rinse and repeat x5.


Getting short on time so back to the start and finished off with 10 Burpee’s.



We need to Transform

Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of the work, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Conforming – behavior / works from the outside in

Transforming – changing character / works from the inside out

Restated (Broke version) the verse could be said this way – Do not behave as the world behaves, rather trust in the Lord who lives in your heart to behave in accordance with his will.



Annihilation workout at Folsom on June 27th

PT test at Gashouse on July 18th – Painlab and bootcamp combined, Yank and Folsom are open


Prayer Request

SA’s 2.1

Each other and the day to day battles that many are facing

HIPAA recovery from hernia surgery

Round up and family

Get in a Shield Lock and get involved with Whetstone


YHC took us out.


Welcome to Jacob Spikes, now known as “Higgins”. Great crowd this morning and a lot of relatively new guys really pushing and posting on a regular basis. Iron sharpens Iron and you need to look no further than the Gashouse to see this in action. PAX were pushing each other during EC, going back for the Six and offering encouragement all thru the workout.  Great morning and greater group of HIM’s.


I’m Broke

Dippin Dots Anyone???

This month is a struggle; today is a struggle…I was 2nd guessing myself at 4:30am. “I probably shouldn’t Q this morning. I should text E-Z Rider & tell him I can’t do it.” But, I showed up & did it. Pax were slowly trinkling in like cows coming to the milk house, while I was using my artist abilities to draw chalk dots in the Pavilion.
-Disclaimer, Pledge & WU (Goof Balls -12IC & Dying Cockroach-13-IC)

started out with the Dot Drill for foot speed. If you want info on this, ask Rudolph’s calves. 4 exercises @ 30secs with 10sec rest. Finished with bear crawls around the P.
short mosey to parking lot-ab suicides-NUR to cone / exercise (1st cone 10 Big boys, 2nd cone 20 Freddy Mercs, 3rd cone 30 Flutters, 4th cone 40 LBC) / NUR to start.

circle up, social distance Partner Up. O.P.P.’s. P1 People’s Chair doing OH Claps while P2 does 10 Plank Jacks. Switch for 3 sets. Sargento started spitting some tunes, only proving how Caucasian he is. Naughty by Nature would not approve.
mosey to wall for Pure Burns. Look it up for details. It’s a squat thang. Knees were popping all along the wall. May need to re-name Geriatric Knee Bends.
we went back to dots, then more Ab suicides & finish with one more round of O.P.P. During which I heard someone say Sally.
so we mosey back to flag for extended version of Sally then finished with ‘Merican Roxanne.
just a few minutes left. Mary was in order. Gastone took us out with Flutters so Whoopee couldn’t get in on the fun. I’m sure he probably would’ve just called “Go Jump In A Puddle” anyway.
COT – Huckleberry, HIPPA (someone chimed in saying the hernia was only a cover up for his re-assignment surgery. Others confirmed the rumor & was later on CNN’s bottom line, so it must be true.) I closed us in prayer.
so, as I told this story throughout the morn, today, 4 years ago was Father’s Day. God blessed us with seeing my stepdaughter Lauren in Boone. There’s no reason it should’ve happen, cause circumstances just wouldn’t have played out for it to, but God did it. This would be the last day we would see her alive. The next time, she would be in a body bag. I told attendees to take the time today to take a few selfies with their 2.0’s &/or loved ones, because they can be gone in the blink of eye.

THANKS for everything GasHouse Region!!!

T-Square over & out

Welcome to The Ricky Bobby!

Last night Sargento posted he had been EHing about 9 guys and felt good that a couple would be out to the gloom @ TRB AO. YHC prepared the Wienke and was ready to deliver a beatdown to all PAX that avoided the fartsack and came out to TRB!

4:45 AM alarm goes off, out of bed, get dressed, wake up Serena, and out the door we go! Show up at TRB and looks like we have a good crowd. Sargento felt good that his EHing was going to start paying off. 1 FNG, 2 FNG, and 3 FNG along with a Kotter, CandyMan. Sargento’s persistence is paying off. 

FNGs, Welcome to The Ricky Bobby! Let’s get to work!



Hillbillies x 20 I/C
Don Qs x 20 I/C
Toy Soldiers x 12 I/C
Burpees x 10 OYO


Mosey around front parking lot

80 SSH (This was a crowd pleaser!)

Lap around front of school building and buses

25 LBCs
25 Freddy Mercury
25 LBCs
25 Freddy Mercury

50 SSH

Lap around parking lot

Legs and Arms 

25 squats with overhead presses
25 Lunges, each leg
25 squats w/overhead presses
25 Lunges, each leg

50 SSH

Lap around parking lot

25 merkins
25 chest flies (I/c)
25 merkin
25 chest flies

50 SSH

Lap around parking lot


25 American Hammer (I/c)
25 flutter kicks (I/c)
25 American Hammers
25 Flutter Kicks

Lap around parking lot

50 SSH

10 burpees


Prayer Request

YHC closed in prayer

Thank you men for allowing me to lead this morning. As always, it is an honor. Welcome FNGs

Breaker Breaker


Fast Paces at The Pub



Good crowd of HIMS at The Pub today for the ” Up-around-Snowballs and Back” run .

YHC couldn’t catch Diva, who commented that he ran a sub-seven. No wonder.

Stroganoff said it was one of his best.

Sargento ran a 7.37, which, he said, was the fastest he’d done in a while!

Broke said he wasn’t going to run all five, but he his new Saucony’s..and Breaker thanked him for the push!

JJ, Roscoe, Leppard, Defib, Oompah are all an inspiration!

(Hushpuppy citing, see Watts Up’s  2+1 Backblast)


First Annihilation- June 27 at Folsom-Goldigger Q

Coconut Horse-back to normal meeting this Sunday



SA family and daughter

Jennifer Davis’ husband’s death

Prayer: JJ took us out.


Always great to catch up at Pub with guys I don’t see as often..good camaraderie!




Tour De Folsom part Deux

It was a nice cool damp morning rolling into Folsom this morning. With the turnouts we’ve been seeing over the past few weeks, YHC had no doubt today would be different. After a minute or two of chatter, QIC called time to clock in.

No FNGs, but a disclaimer was in order.

SSH and Gravel pickers X10 IC
Mosey up the road and around to pond 1 parking lot.

Thang starts here;

Line up for Route 66. We’re doing Bobby Hurley’s and lunges walking each parking space in between; 1 up to 11

Mosey down to the larger parking lot by the ball fields.

Line up on the curb for some 11’s. Mike Tyson’s on the curb, run across to the other curb for squat jacks. 10/1, 9/2, 8/3, you know the drill, but each time you cross the center of the lot get a burpee in.

Short recovery here for some words. YHC has a quote that I keep in the back of my mind daily. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke. This should be an encouragement for men to step up and be men. Lead as we were designed by the Sky Q. With all that’s going on, just remember that people are watching. We should shine in the darkness. We are called to lead in our families and our communities. We should be open minded, but at the same time stand true to our beliefs. Lastly, love each other and those around you. It doesn’t take much to have a positive impact on the ones you are in contact with.

Now, mosey on down to the lower main lot for some hill work. Triple nickel was called here. Big Boy sit-ups at the top run to the bottom for hand release merkins. Repeat it 5 times. Mumble chatter started to pickup even from the newer men, but all went to work.

Mosey back to the tennis courts. With a couple minutes remaining, Q calls for some Mary and asked several PAX to call their picks. Time was called at 0615.


Prayers: RoundUps wife(baby), HIPAA surgery Friday, Pockets mom Recovering, our country leadership

Moleskin: it was an honor to lead the fine men of Folsom, the Premier AO of the region. It had been a while since I had. With all my mess going on, I want to thank you men who continue to encourage me and check in to see how I’m doing. That’s what has motivated me more than anything to be out there. Remember, be a leader. Lead by example. Respect and love others because it is contagious and will help generate and expand it to make our communities better.

MDub out!

Folsom 6/13

19 men at Folsom this morning.  FNG, so disclaimer was given.  Time to work!!



Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees)


The Thang:

Stayed at the COT area for the first exercise.  Here we would do the WOD, “Fat Amy”.  Goes like this:

50 Squats

10 Burpees

40 Big Boys

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

10 SSH

Break to give the FNG the 5 core principles of F3.

10 SSH

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

40 Big Boys

10 Burpees

50 Squats


Mosey to the tennis courts.  Everyone lined up facing the entire length of the courts.  Exercise called is the Triple Nickel.  Exercises used are Wolverine Burpee and Hand Release Merkins. Wolverine is when you go down for regular Burpee, but add left knee to chest then do a Merkin, right knee to chest then a Merkin, then jump up.  That’s one! Start with the 5 Wolverine Burpees, run to other end, 5 Hand Release Merkins, run back.  Do that for 5 rounds.  This was pretty awful!!

Next line back up on sideline.  Use the width of one tennis court for some 11’s.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear Crawl to other side of court. 10 Imperial Walker Squat.  Lunge walk back.  Then 2 Mike Tyson, bear Crawl, 9 IW Squats, lunge walk.  Continue until you flip the numbers and finish with 10 Mike Tyson and 1 IW Squats.  

Still time left, so let’s do a quick 4 corner escalator using the entire tennis court area. First corner 10 Diamond Merkins.  2nd corner 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges.  3rd corner 10 DM, 20 JL, 30 Peter Parker’s. 4th corner 10 DM, 20 JL, 30 PP, 40 CDD


With some time still left, mosey back to sideline of first tennis court. Exercise called here is Rugby Sprints.  Call out an exercise, pax perform exercise until I call out go.  Then it’s sprint width of 2 courts, sprint back, then walk.  I called 4 different ab exercises.

Head back to COT.  Still with a couple minutes to go, Slaw had a great idea.  Might as well finish it off with a Slaughter Stopper!!  20 more Burpees to finish it off.  Good work men!!


Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.

Sister Act

The missed puddle

8 Men gathered but one of them was seen in the distance of the parking lot. Hushpuppy went for a run, he was awake and running while you were sleeping along with the rest of us.

The Thang:

Seal Jacks 20

Imperial Walker 20

CDD 20

Mosey to bank lot across the street.

Blip kind of workout. We did 10 Seal jacks, 20 CDD, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Flutters, and 20 Wide Arms.

Then we ran around the building back to start. We repeated 3 times only changing the 10 counts to 20 and the Wide Arms to Diamonds.

Mosey across the street to the Funeral home. 2 Medians along the entry. Start with 20 Mountain Climbers, Middle do Sumo Squat Jumps 10 (Constant), other side 2 Big boy sit ups. Rinse and repeat. We stopped a little early to run behind the building for Lunge Walk and Karaoke both  ways.

Mosey back tot he front for a backwards run to the entry.

Mosey back through neighborhood street. Stopped for 20 CDD, 20 CDD, and 20 Hand Release on the way back.

Finished just on time.

The Moleskin:

Mubble Chatter was higher due to slowing the pace of running and keeping the group together. Seal Jacks were comical due to the off beat clap sounds of our workout. We all had a good workout and burnt the arms up some.

Clavin attempted as the video shows to Whoppee puddle splash me on the Name-O-Rama. He failed greatly by missing the puddle by 20 yards. He tried to make up for this but at this point he ran over by himself to do this and got his shoes wet. Oh, the humor.

Prayers up as always for the family members.

Gastone Out!


The 300 Introduction

4 showed early to partake in The 300

It’s pretty simple. We ran 5 miles and we did 300 Merkins.

Started with 30 at the beginning and then did 30 every half mile.

Whoopee suggested we do this. I had came up with the thought last year but suggested we do Burpee’s.

I will say that Merkin’s were tough.

Gastone Out!

Prison Break 6-17-2020

The rain held off and a strong group of 19 PAX and a 2.0 showed at Prison Break to get in a run. Multiple routes were taken, multiple paces were run, all got stronger. Great work!!!



Annihilation workout at Folsom on June 27th at 0630. Folsom regular boot camp will be open.

PT Test at Gashouse on July 18th at 0700. Regular Gashouse boot camp and Pain Lab will be closed. Yank and Folsom will be open.


Prayer Request

Round Up and family

HIPAA upcoming surgery

Big Pappy’s mother

SA’s 2.1

Our Nation


YHC took us out.


As always brothers, it was a pleasure to lead.


I’m Broke

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