Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 7 of 10)

Don’t Be A Guppy

With forecast for rain, YHC wasn’t sure how many would post to celebrate one year. 0530 hit with 7 circled for the party.

Started with the pledge and then we went right to the warmup:
Goof Balls x 12 IC
Merkins x 12 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 12 IC

Now let’s get to work.

Mosey to Union and the down to the Fidelity Bank.

Four exercises.
Start with 12 reps.
Then run around the bank (long route)
Then do 11 reps.
Repeat until down to 1.
Reverse Crunch

I should mention that along the mosey, many avoided Whoopee as there many puddles in the path. There was an tad bit of grumbling about it being wet, when YHC called reverse crunches. This was made louder when it actually started raining.
F3 is held outside RAIN or shine.

I apologize to the bank customer who apparently was too afraid to stop at the ATM, even after we all completed all our reps and moved on.

Speaking of moving on, we moved to the drive up teller area for some calf raises.
25 Right Foot
25 Left Foot
25 Toes Out
25 Toes In

A quick lap around the bank or see if the customer was still lurking. They were not, so we did the 25 Monkey Humpers back in the teller area.

Even though we were literally across the street from our next destination, we reversed our route stopping at the wall in front of South State Bank.

10 Step Ups
15 Dips
5 Step Ups
7 Dips – Right Leg off ground
7 Dips – Left Leg off ground
5 Step Ups

Back to Snoballs

And that is time.

GoRuck Training every Saturday, starting 1 hour before workout. Training will include rucking and other activities. May or may not be back for start of normal workout, but will be back for COT. At Gashouse this week with Whoopee as Q. 0600 start.

Rice and Beans tomorrow. There is still room, if you want to join. This is worth doing. Great experience.

Prayer Requests:
TimeFrame’s M
Dry Rub’s M
Gumby’s Recovery

YHC took us out.

Shout out to all PAX of F3. I can’t express what F3 means to me. The encouragement, support and comradery is unbelievable, not to mention the physical and mental changes.

On a slightly different note, be sure to keep an eye on all aspects of your life. It’s easy to focus on one part to get it accelerating and then have others slump.

If you need help or to talk, reach out to a brother.

James 1:19-20
… everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

Watts Up powering down.

Psalm 119:105

A couple weeks ago, I was talking to Wichita and Roundup about plugging the 3rd F in a little more in the Folsom area! Thought that Monday mornings would be a good time to do this and a great way to start our week! So, I threw  it out on groupme and those guys were ready! We will meet at ingles at 530, or earlier if you want, run/ruck/walk, whatever you choose, which there were some guys getting after it in the pouring rain this morning,  but be inside ingles at 6! The pax that takes the Q will bring a verse, and that will be our weekly verse to commit to memory! And hopefully help each other grow spiritually! No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!
-Your prayer life will be strengthened! -Your witnessing will be sharper and much more and much more effective. – Your attitude and outlook will begin to change! – Your mind will become alert and observant! – Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced! – Your faith will be solidified!
A few reasons why so many have viewed scripture memorization as essential to the Christian life…

1 Conformity to Christ!

2 Daily triumph over sin!

3 Daily triumph over Satan!

4 Comfort and council for people you love!

5 Communicating the gospel to unbelievers!

6 Communion with God!

Knowing Gods Word is vital to our spiritual health and those around us!

I NEED those around me to pursue Christ! So that in turn, they can pour into me and push me to glorify God in all I do! And I need to be doing the same for them! “No man is an island “, we were designed to work together and build one another up daily! Your wife, children, pax, coworkers, need you to pursue Christ more then anything else whether they know it or not! With all that being said, this weeks verse is

Psalm 119:105- Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.

” He who walks in darkness is sure, sooner or later to stumble! While He who walks by the light of day or by lamp of night, stumble not, but keeps his uprightness “, Bible study tools.

psalm 119:105 is telling you that Gods word will help you navigate through this life! We have this tool! This light! Why not use it!

prayer request- pax, our community, Wichita’s dad fell last night and broke his hip and will be having surgery today.

Thank you men for allowing me to lead this morning! I am excited about what will come of this!





Weak turnout, strong work

The forecast of rainy weather must have caused some of the PAX to “forget” to set their alarms last night. The skies parted and the weather ended up being great for the 3 PAX that decided to resist the fartsack and start the week off right. Started with the pledge and then moseyed down to the BB&T to get to work.


Walls of Jericho

7 Reps of 7 exercises with a lap around the bank and parking lot after each set. The goal was to focus on good form and full execution of the exercise. Exercises were:

Hip Slappers (IC)

Mtn. Climbers (IC)


Mike Tyson’s

American Hammer’s (IC)

Plank Jacks (IC)

Lunges (IC)


Took a minute to discuss the teachings found in the story about the walls of Jericho. Be obedient to the teachings and instructions given to you by God and have faith that he will deliver you. Let’s mosey.


Stop at Central Ave and perform 10 squats at each light pole until you get to the bottom of the hill then NUR up the hill to Oakland St. and perform 50 LBC’s OYO. Continue up Central all the way to Hawthorne stopping at each light pole for 2 Burpee’s. Meet up at the steps in front of the auditorium for 10 regular calf raises on each step going up and 10 toes out calf raises on each step on the way down.


We moseyed to the cover in front of the middle school to finish up with about 10 minutes of ab work. Big boys, oblique crunches, flutters, etc….then finished up with 10 Burpee’s, 25 Dips and 10 Step Ups.




Rooster on Feb. 29th – put something on Slack if you’re interested in finding a team

Whoopee is working to get together a shooting event for PAX


Prayer Request

Gumby – recovering from hernia surgery

PAX struggling with injuries and other issues

Be on the lookout for this week’s prayer list from Tiger



Thanks to Red Ribbon and Pillager for coming out this morning. These guys were sprinting around the building during the Walls of Jericho and really pushed me today, I was definitely the six.


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke



Missionality at Midoriyama

After listening to the 43 feet podcast on missionality, I decided to make that my workout. This workout is a combination of the podcast and my own thoughts.

Today’s mission is to not just work out but to build teamwork as well. Let’s get fit together.

Warm up 20 in Cadence.





Toy soldiers


Jog to the small soccer field for team work.

F3 has a mission statement. The mission statement is to plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups with the intent of invigorating male leadership throughout the community.

As we Q our workouts we must keep the group on the mission. Just like in our daily lives we must stay on mission, we must keep those around us on the mission. Whether your mission be on the first F, like staying in shape so you can be there for your family or getting up earlier to be ready for scheduled appointments, second  F, like getting to know people more, being more outgoing, listening to others as they need help with life, or sharing with others your needs. Or just simply visiting someone.  Or your mission may be on the third F. Like learning to read more scripture, having a more routine for your faith or understanding more of your faith. Your third F mission may also be praying with others more.

Let’s do some teamwork.

Split into teams of 5.  The mission is to carry the tires the length of the field as a team. Our mission  is to carry the tires  stopping at the halfway mark completing an exercise and then continue to the end of the field and complete another set of the called exercise. Because we are a team, exercises are called by the PAX. We completed 10 different exercises and completed 5 trips up and down the field, while carrying the tires. 


With time running low, lets Indian run back to the start. The last man drops off and completes five squats before running to the front of the line. 


Sometimes the Q can complete the mission even though the organization is split up into several groups. Our new mission is to split up into groups of 2.

Complete these exercises in 10 reps. 

Hi five push-ups

Leg throws

Partner Merkin

Double jump.

My Mission

My Mission in life is to be  Christ centered. What is your Mission?

3 Questions for the Q and his team.

  1. Can a team prosper without a mission?
  2. How does the Q keep his team focused on the mission?
  3. What danger is there for a team that loses its focus?


Prayer Request.

Chavers family

Tater hole’s family.

Swimmer’s father n law

Timeframe M and family.

Tiger’s dad.

Whopper 2.0

Little sweet


Crossroads 1/12

13 PAX either rucked or ran at Crossroads. Welcome FNG Purple Haze (Eric Hendrix).


Praying for:

Gumby recovery from surgery

Breast cancer awareness and those battling this disease

Damage from overnight storm

Multiple PAX struggling with various issues

Those battling addiction


YHC took us out.

What a Rush

DaVinci needed a Q since he had a family conflict. I’ll take it! YHC began planning weinke. I wanted to try some new things so I did a little bit of recon Friday afternoon. Didn’t find what I wanted so back to the drawing board, literally. Found out earlier that week that Neil Peart, Drummer from Rush, had passed away battling brain cancer. I immediately knew what my playlist would be. Coincidentally, our FNG today said he was a drummer. Thought it was fitting to call out “Rush” during naming ceremony, glad it stuck! Weinke completed, let’s load up the M’s minivan because the Prius couldn’t hold all this gear! MVC FO LIFE!! FYI, YHC found a lovely tractor trailer tire on the West Blvd. Exit off 485. I’m sure Huckleberry, Big Pappy and Boudin have seen said tire. Been eyeballing it for couple weeks, finally had a chance to snatch it up. Nice size, not terribly heavy but still has some good weight to it.

Warm-up by JJ of The Bootcamps

Group split – we got 9!

The Thang

Tabata stations – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. I stressed to the PAX why I chose 20 and not longer. I made it 20 as it’s the perfect length to push your hardest while keeping form. Many times, especially with ropes, 30 seconds or longer and you begin to give up and not moving the ropes the way you should be, you become Lazy. Lazy is unacceptable in Pain Lab!

*Enjoy the weinke creation drawrings. Courtesy of my Samsung Note 8. Android Fo Life Britches!

4 compound stations


Station 1 – Diamond Merkin then move to Medium battlerope for alrernating waves. Then move to…

Station 2 – Normal Merkin then move to Tire with 17lb. Sledge hammer and beat the piss out of it. Then move to…

Station 3 – Wide Arm Merkin then move to 20Lb. Slam ball for Slams. Then move to…

Station 4 – Pseudo Planche Merkin then move to Heavy Rope for power slams.

Do this for 1 round


Let’s Indian Tire Flip around the parking lot.

PAX flip tire twice goes to end of line where he does 5 merkins, fall back in line until your turn again. Move to 3 flips, repeat. Move to 4 flips, repeat. Move to 5 flips. Fin!

Back to our station circuit for another round.


Move to benches. Dips IC. I slowed down on #10 & 11, feel that tricep burn baby! Step-Ups, 20 OYO, count right leg only.


Still got time. Time for some EMOM! Everyone grab a kettlebell or slam ball or sandbag.

EMOM for 12 minutes
Min 1 – 10 curls
Min 2 – 5 Burpees
Min 3 – 15 curls
Min 4 – 6 Burpees
Min 5 – 20 curls
Min 6 – 7 Burpees
Min 7 – 25 curls
Min 8 – 8 Burpees
Min 9 – 30 curls
Min 10 – 9 Burpees
Min 11 – 35 curls
Min 12 – 10 Burpees


Join Bootcamps for Mary

As always it’s a a true pleasure to lead all of you men. And for the last mother frikin time, 10 seconds on my timer is 10 dang seconds. 🖕!  WOPR, glad to see you out again. Consistency is key. Hermey, you have been posting at Pain Lab for over a solid month, would love to see you graduate to the next level and experience a Bootcamp! Trust me, you are ready! For the rest, keep up the great work and glad to see you posting at other AO’s during the week. Gump is a beast, when I see him push as hard as he does it makes me want to push that hard. He’s encouraging me, and I’m sure others, and he doesn’t even know it!!




So Freight got us out early for some GoRuck EC. It was tougher than I expected. We carried stuff and did some ruck thrusts so the legs and shoulders got a good warmup before my planned beat down. If you are looking for some EC over the next few months, look out for some info on this on both Twitter and Slack. We are meeting an hour before Saturday AOs for a 2 hour ruck training session and will finish with the Saturday AO COT. First week was Folsom and next week will be Schiele followed by The Yank with us alternating the Q. We will rotate between the AOs so we are coming your way eventually. All are welcome, but don’t expect us to just walk around with our purses-we are putting in some work.

After finishing the first half of EC, Freight, Watts Up, and Tiger split off from us. I tried to say a few things and get the WU started but…….the mumble chatter started sooner than I expected. Rookie mistake on my part…..been awhile for me so we did 3 or 4 reps of SSH then I just started running towards the flag at the front. I tried to hit every puddle (thanks for the info on today’s day HIPAA) with very few followers. Thanks Roscoe for obliging me on 1 big puddle. Just FYI, y’all are missing out. Jumping in those puddles is actually fun and I challenge you to do it without smiling. We made it up front to the flag for the pledge without too much trouble and did a few exercises on the way that I cannot remember. At the flag I gave a quick talk about Dredd’s speech at a prior CSAUP and his message that centered around 3 points: Roscoe remembered all of these with a little prompting on #3. I think a few others also remembered a few of these. The 3 points were the following: 1) Ask-Listen-Remember, 2) It all starts with Love, and 3) Fatigue makes cowards of us all. We briefly talked about these during the workout as this was not a time to lecture (SA was begging for more time to rest and talk but I just was not up for that). I wanted to remind us all about these 3 important points.

After the pledge we headed to the Turd Shacks with some mumble chatter, puddles, and a few exercises on the way. Once at the TS, we partnered up for some exercises. P1: run to TS from parking lot and do 3 Hip Slappers for each leg while P2 does exercises AMRAW. What is AMRAW you ask? Sounds a little like AMRAP, does it not? Well AMRAW is much better…..much more challenging……much more memorable (I think)……AMRAW is (drumroll………………….) As Many Reps As WHOOPEE.

The exercises were as follows: Bonnie Blairs (ouch), Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and BB sit-ups. I was planning on 2 rounds of this but HOLY NUTS those Bonnie Blairs kicked by arse… we moved on to the picnic tables for some reps AMRAW again. Grab a table and start going through the exercises as follows: Derkins (not so many), Step Ups (meh), Dips (again, not so many), and some BB sit-ups (I’ve been working on these and could tell progress for me personally).

Next we moseyed up to the tennis courts for some more AMRAW. We started at one corner and did 1 Burpee. Mosey to next corner and go up by 1 Burpee at each corner (2 at second corner, 3 at 3rd corner, 4 at 4th, 5 and 5th, and so on for AMRAW:As Many Reps As Whoopee). The night before I had dreams of hitting 20+ burpees on this-it was like I was Ralphie in the movie A Christmas Story and his theme paper. In my head all the pax were lining up along the tennis court lines clapping and cheering as I sprinted past them, confetti being thrown as I blew through those burpees, Folsom Women lined up for kisses and such as I finished my 50th burpee barely breaking a sweat…and then Saturday morning happened. I was sucking eggs as we  hit number 6. The number 50 was not in my vocabulary. My only motivation was trying to keep up with SA. Finally we hit 9 and all I could do was take a full lap before hitting the final 10 burpees and then we called it quits for the tennis courts.

We moseyed back to the Turd Shacks for some more AMRAW: I let the pax pick the exercises and P1 did 5 Hip Slappers each leg while P2 did the exercises. I can’t remember what we did but I do remember Montross picking Bonnie Blairs which I promptly vetoed and we did something else initially. To finish up we lunged and zombie-walked our way back with a few squats and planks along the way until we got back to start for some short Mary before calling time.

COT: prayers for Lyn Hamm, several pax with sick family members, pax with coworkers going through some rough times, among other requests.

Remember your brothers guys-those Kotters that are not showing up need you to reach out to them. Get them out in the gloom-it is the best antidepressant you will ever find and spending time with these GREAT HIMS of Folsom will make your day better. Thanks for the invite to Q. I needed this more than y’all realize….and the breakfast was covered by Allen Tate aka Chief of Folsom aka SeaBiscuit aka Mr. Ed aka Secretariat.


Two Years and Counting

Two years fly by! Hard to believe it has been 2 years since my first post. It’s definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve improved in all 3F’s in the past 24 months and, as a result, I truly believe my life has improved! There is a huge value by being part of F3 so I’m always looking for ways to invite friends to join us and encouraging Kotters to get back at it.
Ratchet, who has been MIA for the better part of the past 6 months, is trying to get back into the routine and had the Q. He reached out to me last week asking if I’d pick up the Q for him. I’m always willing to Q and I told him absolutely, with one condition…he had to post. It was great to see him at Folsom this morning and living up to his end of the deal! Welcome back Kotter!
Warmup: SSH, Mountain Man Sheeterz, and Don Qs.

The Thang: We mosey to the flag, Bedpan leads some core work while I pickup the 6. Pledge and short mosey to the large parking lot at the park entrance.
Today, we’ll did the Zachary Tellier WOD in honor of a US soldier who died from gunshot wounds serving our country and fighting the Taliban. With the tensions in Iran right now and troops being deployed, it seemed a bit fitting to honor a soldier!
10 Burpees, run a lap around the parking lot.
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, run a lap around the parking
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, run a lap around the parking lot
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, run a lap around the parking lot.
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats, run a lap around the parking lot.
We mosey back to the parking lot. I had something else in mind but time was running short so I called an audible.
Superman-Ironmans – 10 IC
Flutter Kicks – 15 IC – I have recently found that flutter kicks are both more difficult and put less pressure on my lower back if I put my hands behind my head and put my upper body in a crunch. I realized this a few weeks ago doing little baby flutter kicks (the Freight special!). Several tried it and agreed. As with all of us, I’m not a professional! That being said, give it a try and see if it helps you.
Repeat both exercise. Time!

COT: Two 5k’s coming up – Jan 25th is a fund raiser for Lincolnton Middle School. Sign up! See Sparky for more details. Meet at Ingles Monday morning to run at 5:30 – be in Ingles by 6:00am for a little bible verse discussion and other 3rd F thangs! We’re just trying it out to see if there’s interest and see if we can make it a regular thing. Sparky and Wichita are leading the charge but I think this will catch on quickly! Be part of it! Prayer requests: Medicine Woman, Gumby surgery, our troops and the Iran tensions. I’m sorry if I’m forgetting any others, I should have made a note!

Moleskin: I could rattle on and on about all the great memories I have made in F3 and how great I believe F3 is. I’ll just keep it short and simple though and say Thanks! Thanks first to Sparky for inviting me and thanks to everyone I’ve met along the way that make F3 a great thing to be part of!


The long road

10 PAX got a little better or worse, depending on how you look at it, at Midoriyama Thursday night.


Seal Jacks, Don Q, Merkins, Morrocan Nightclubs, Arm Circles

The Thang:

At the first light pole out on the road I explained we needed to get to the far parking lot to do some of our workout. We could easily run there but that would be to simple. Instead we bear crawled, crawl beared, crab walked forward and backward, lunged, hopped, broad jumped, burpee broad jumped, and chilly broad jumped(look it up) our way down the road. This caused a lot of grumbling right out the gate!

At the parking lot we did Billy Madison(look it up) with various exercises I listed out. Some in cadence, some not. Burpees were for graduation. I really enjoyed the conversation about what life was like for each of us during those years. Well except for DL’s junior high days! Don’t ask him.

Next we circled up for some howling monkey’s.

Back at the flag we crunched in some Iron Hulk up to about 7 or 8 I think.



Announcements-Goruck training Saturday 0530 at Folsom, More rumors about a Nantan Impeachment


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