Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2019 (Page 5 of 11)


5 + 1 for Diablo-the plus 1 was Hushpuppy, soon to be known as Rushpuppy since his mile time has dropped significantly with all the running he has been doing. We started with the pledge then headed to Gastone’s hill. I had my nice warm winter gloves on so my plan was make it a leg day. We stayed true to this and hit each mailbox on the right with 10 squats on the way up-I was cussing Clavin on the way up after about 8 or so mailboxes-WHY SO MANY MAILBOXES, CLAVIN????!!!!! I think I will now call them “hellboxes.”

We finally made it to the top then did again in reverse with only 5 squats at each mailbox-nur on the way down which was not so bad. Once we go to the bottom we headed over to the school and stopped for some step-ups at the brick wall along the breezeway. 20 each leg with rucks on got a little burny on the legs (yes Stroganoff, burny is a word. If you would spend more time reading instead of watching TV your vocabulary would probably improve). We then headed sort of towards the steps but I got sidetracked when I saw the grassy hill-this was much better than the steps and I plan to return soon for more work on said hill. We went up and down a few times then headed back to start. We got back in time for the COT then all headed out.

Along the way DaVinci volunteered to Q next week then we got to planning a Waffle House trip-initially we figured this would be good to do during January around the birthdays of HIPAA or Defib, then after some discussion it seemed better timing to do it when we could spend a little more time at breakfast (such as a holiday). WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW, NEXT THURSDAY IS THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS AND IS PRETTY MUCH A HOLIDAY AND AS FAR AS WE KNOW, NONE OF US HAVE TO WORK???!!!!! We thus proclaimed next Thursday our Waffle House Convergence for Diablo Sammich. We will invite the Pubbers and offer to drive them back to their cars if they would like-of course they are welcome to ruck with us back to Diablo Sammich start with us after getting some scattered and smothered good stuff then we can drive them back. All are welcome-come join us next Thursday at the new Waffle House on Union-we should be there by 0600. If you are lucky, they have a juke box and I’ll bring the quarters….


Buckeye Orangeman tag team duo



I needed to leave the q early and thanks to poor planning I did not have anyone arranged to q. Thankfully Orangeman stepped up and took the second half of the Q this morning.   Watts Up made it over to The GOAT,  he said he was scouting for a future Q.  Radar followed me up south point road and got stuck by a train. Breaker, Orangeman and Termite walked a little taller this week as they are still riding high from running the Belmont half over the weekend.   Dirt is recruiting Qs for The Storm.  Boudin was crushing burpees with perfect form.  Virus was dissatisfied with the lack of the stupid shuffle.

To finish up the workout, Orangeman called 15s (bigger than 11s) with merkins and CDDs.

Announcements were convergence on the 28th, Xmas morning Snoballs at usual time, New Year’s morning Snoballs at 7am, Xmas party Jan 4 at Lewis Farms

Prayer requests are Orangeman’s Mom, Lynn Hamm, Dry Rub’s M, Termite’s Mom, and families around the holidays.

Orangeman prayed em out.

“Mark Klement” Hero WOD

11 PAX posted at the finest evening AO in F3 Nation, Midoriyama.  Since I had the Q, why not introduce the PAX to another hero that lost their life protecting and serving.  It went like this….


SSH x 20 IC

Don Q’s x 10 IC

Let’s mosey…it’s always nice to stay in a pack and hear all the mumble chatter that goes on.  We stopped at a nice grassy area to put in work.


Tonight we honored “Mark Klement”…please take time to read about him below.

It went like this:

74 – 44 – 11 Reps of each:

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • Squats

With time still remaining we moseyed some more around the park making our way back to the flag.

Triple nickle was called out:

One curb – Mike Tyson’s x 5

1 Burpee in the middle

Other curb – Squats x 5

1 Burpee in the middle

Rinse and repeat for 5 sets

Finally 22 for the VETS…..TIME!!!


Image result for mark klement"

namesake photo
Background: This Hero WOD is dedicated to KHK Mark Klement of the Frankfurt (Germany) Police, who was killed in the line of duty on the night of July 7, 2019.

At the time of his death, KHK Klement and his team were attempting to locate and arrest a number of wanted suspects. During a short foot chase on nearby railroad tracks, KHK Klement was struck by a freight train and killed.



  • Pizza’s grandma
  • People battling addiction
  • Tiger’s dad
  • Termite’s mom and family
  • Stroganoff’s mom and family

Once again, there was strong work by all that came out to Midoriyama tonight.  Way to push yourselves to honor the fallen!!  Thanks again for the opportunity to lead and until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!

Crowded at Crossroads

MDub not feeling well so he asked someone to take the Prison Break Q (not Crossroads, Q Fail) so as I arrived I announced I would take it. It is a pretty cold morning around 30 degrees. I have seen Sparky, Dr. Seuss and Sister Act running pretty fast near the Courthouse on my way in. I heard Volt and Kingpin are already out there. We have 2 FNG’s invited by Sparky and here he comes back to ruck with them. Seuss and SA keep going their usual fast pace toward the college. Broke started slow and then passed everybody before we got to the college. Must’ve had a lot of caffeine. Slaw tries to chase Broke. Me, Blart and Montross try to chase Slaw. We see Oompa already running at the college. The FNG’s are rucking with Big Pappy, Wichita and Sparky. Several did EC, Some ran 5. Some ran less than 5. Some rucked. Some walked. Initial count was 19 but a recount revealed a total of 18 for Prison Break! That has to be close to a record! Nice work guys! FNG’s: Brent Green is named LB (short for Luke Bryan I believe). Jonathon Bates is named Callahan from his work in Auto Parts (Tommy Boy movie reference, I saw that one).

Ding Dong Ditch

8 men got swole this morning and didn’t even need kettlebells, blocks or bricks to do it. Their own sweat and a killer weinke were all that was needed to do the job. Here’s what happened.



Don Quixote (aka the Mayor)

The Thang:

YHC made up a routine of descending reps of each exercise all done under the covered part of the school. You might think that we wouldn’t get much movement in with this setup but you’d be wrong Mayor. That’s why we call it Ding Dong Ditch!

Start at one end of the covered part doing 20 Donkey Kicks, mosey down the way and pick an appropriate place to do 20 Dips, mosey a little more and do 20 Derkins on the round things, then go to the front door and do 20 Dirty Hookups. Wait, hold the phone! Upon realizing the the front door area of the school is glass YHC didn’t want to risk breaking anything or at least having to clean up so we omaha’ed the Dirty Hookups to be Alternating Shoulder Taps (keeping the shoulder burn going Mayor)!  Once everyone is done we mosey back to the start and do it again, just do 2 less reps than the time before.

What was fun, along with pushing the rock, was seeing how high Roscoe could jump and touch the wall with his soaked gloves. Another thing is that even though we tried several times to get a competent countoff from the PAX. Apparently we are brain dead because we only executed it correctly once or twice. Maybe it was a morning thing Mayor?

Well we finished up this routine with enough time to do a round of Mary with each PAX calling an ab-only exercise since we hadn’t worked the six-packs yet. YHC finished with the always crowd pleasing Bring Sally Up, Mayor’s favorite. He should’ve been here. Legend has it that Mayor was once seen at this AO but I’m sure that’s just a wives tale. Anywho, YHC really enjoyed leading such a fun and energetic group of fellow rock pushers.


Not CSAUP CSAUP, Convergence, Christmas Party January 4th

Prayer Requests:

Leppard’s son

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead men! AYE!!!


Back Half of a country Song.

With the weather being unpredictable today I planned for everything to take place under the shelter. With a lot of kids and families sick so close to Christmas I was not gonna have some kids Dad sick for the holidays.

The Thang:
Tabata style 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 3x at the end of each circuit 25 of the exercise listed.

Mtn climbers
25 reverse lunge
25 squat jumps
Ski moguls
25 big boys

25 hammers
Step ups
25 lbc’s
25 Flutters
Shoulder taps
25 big boys

25 derkins
Mo Rockin Nite Clubs
25 Merkins
Shoulder press
25 Wide arm merkins
Shadow box
25 Merkins

About half way through the workout this morning mumble chatter was going well.
Towards the end I mentioned to Sparky that my week was like an old Country song, minus the death and divorce part. My M. Had some Dental work done, my Dog had to have emergency surgery on his paw, and my Son has been sick for several days. I laughed for a moment and said “at least we are on the back half of the country song”. You know that part when the chord changes and there seems to be more determination in the singers voice to finish or bring it home. The right attitude and mindset can help you with life. Thanks to the men of F3 I am able to take on life’s obstacles better than before. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, remember that ultimately God carries us through life. Without his perfect gift to us none of this would even matter. Love those who need it, be kind and stop an extra moment over the next few days to listen to what random story your kid is telling you. Also
Do Some Dang Burpees!

40/50 day challenge service this Saturday’s each AO
Convergence 12/28


The Bed Pan is Full..

Deep Thoughts by Oompa Loompa

YHC rolled into Starkville about 10 minutes early to find all the PAX ready to go.  We took the weights up to the well lit tennis courts and set up 6 stations.

Station 1

  • 25 lbs – Squats

Station 2

  • 10 lbs each hand – Randys

Station 3

  • 10 lbs – LBC’s

Station 4

  • 15 lbs each hand – Triceps

Station 5

  • 3.5 lbs each hand – Moroccan Nightclubs

Station 6

  • 40 lbs – Curls


We listened to a nice selection of metal music, rotating stations at the end of each song. Right before time was up, we carried the weights back to start.

We did 22 merkins for the troops and then finished up with the pledge and COT.

Thanks to Oompa for the life long lessons learned this wonderful evening. Lessons like to “never take any responsibility” and to “be sure to go to the bathroom right before people start to pick up the chairs” at a church event. This was important information taught by a man with the ability to adapt, survive and excel in any situation.   This information has been logged in the Starkville Rolodex for future retrieval.

Thanks to all for the opportunity to lead.

Big Pappy

James 2:26 “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”

Better than Sargento’s

I was minding my own business preparing my Q at Bulldog when Sargento fired a shot across the bow at poor ol’ Mayor about my workout.  So naturally, being the kind person I am, I let it go and did not reply…..believed no one EVER.


I made him rais his game up and put some work in.

Disclaimer: Done

Pledge: Done

Warmup:  Grass pickers x10IC, MNC x25IC and Don Quixote x10IC.  Done

Thang:  90 seconds of merkins, SSH, Sit-ups, Lunges, Burpees, Flutter kicks for rounds.  Finish up with a few minutes to go so we grab 60 seconds of pistol crunches.  Watts up with 60 seconds of cross leg crunches, Clavin with 60 seconds of plank work and Tube with 60 seconds of six inches.  Done

Announcements:   Convergence 12/28, Not so CSAUP CSAUP 12/20, Christmas Party 1/4/20, Labrynth New Year’s Day at 0700

Prayers:  Dry Rubs M in hospital, Watts Up father-in-law due to fall, Pedals M, Outhouses Dad due to fall, Two women Mayor knows starting to deal with breast cancer, those with addiction and depression during the holidays….reach out to someone if you know, travel mercies during the holiday season.

Buckeye’s Birthday Bash and Burpees

It was a cool Monday Morning, a couple of HIMs did some EC.  Freon came out of a bush.  We did some group AMRAP with various Shoulder, Leg and Ab exercises.   SA commented on my excellent Merkin form.  The rain threatened but never really came.  We did not mosey far from home.  Neither Dr. Seuss or Golddigger broke a sweat.


Prayer Requests

Volt, Bed Pan, Anchorman, Whiskey, Utter, Pacer

Tigers Father

Virus son for safe travels

Kids taking exams



Convergence 28th at Schiele Museum at 7 AM

Pay Montross or Breaker Breaker for P200

January 4th Christmas Party – Lewis Farm –  Talk to Rhoadie


Shell Shock prayed us OUT

You Can’t Heat the Pavement With Your Body

‘Twas the Thursday before the Hustle, YHC was saving energy for the race, so a little bit of running, and some staring into space. (You did see the moon setting Thursday morning?)

Warmup: 12 burpees, 12 I/C SSHs, mountain climbers, low slow copperhead squats, and toy soldiers.

Mosey to the Goat Island bridge… LOCKED!! Omaha up the big hill to the school.

The thang: Core time with Orangeman, on the cold pavement, everything in 12s (check the date), PAX called exercises. This was suppose to be all core, but one of the PAX called merkins, so it became ArmOrCore, just be sure to keep your core tight! After each round, a quick run to the end of the parking lot and a bear crawl or crab walk back for another round. 5 burpees for the train, some complaining about the cold pavement and something about “don’t let Orangeman lead a camping trip”. Four rounds of ArmOrCore, and a mosey back to the start.

12 burpees for the bookend.


Announcements: Convergence at Gashouse on the 28th, Xmas party January 4th at Lewis Farms

Prayer requests: remember the F3 men that are injured or we haven’t seen in a while, Tiger’s dad, 2.0s coming home for the holidays, and remember the real reason for the season.


Dr. Seuss took us out in prayer.

A great honor to lead this morning. -Orangeman

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