Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 28, 2019

Mt. Hollywood 8/19

7 men put in some work at Mt Hollywood.  No FNGs, no disclaimer, time to go.


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey  to the corner of Hawthorne and W Central Ave at the front of Ida Rankin Elementary School.  First exercise called is Route 66.  We would use the light poles on the right going down W Central Ave.  Start with 1 Imperial Walker Squat at first pole.  Sprint 2 poles, then nur back 1 pole.  Then do 2 IW Squats, sprint 2 poles, nur back 1.  Continue this cycle of increasing the reps until you finish with 11 IW Squats at the last pole.

Next mosey to the bus drop-off area at Ida Rankin.  Next exercise called is 4 Corner Escalator. We would do this as a group.  Mosey to first corner for 5 Burpees.  Mosey to 2nd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins.  Go to 3rd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey to 4th corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 MC, 20 Jump Squats.   Good push men, but let’s finish this out . Now time to go back down the escalator.  Start at the corner we are currently at and do 20 Jump Squats, 15 MC, 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Go to next corner for 15 MC, 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Next corner 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Finish at last corner with 5 Burpees.  Good work men.

Next fellowship mosey to the covered area at the school.  Next exercise is called Jacked Up!  Here you do 5 exercises with no rest between the  exercises.  The exercises are 50 SSH (ic), 40 Seal Jacks (ic), 30 Plank Jacks (ic), 20 Crossover Jack’s (ic), 10 Smurf Jack’s (ic).  Nice work, that wasn’t fun!!

Still with a little time left,  short mosey to the small wall beside the school.  Next exercise called here is Lindsey’s.  Dips and Derkins are the exercises used here.  Start with 30 Dips and 10 Derkins.  Then 25 Dips and 15 Derkins.  20 Dips and 20 Derkins. 15 Dipa and 25 Derkins. Finally 10 Dips and 30 Derkins.  Man those Derkins sucked at the end, Terrible!!  Mosey back to the flag


9/14 – 9/11 Stair Climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k Belmont

9/28 – JJ5K in Stanley

Prayer Request

Honor to lead today men . Thank you for the push!

Sister Act



14 joined YHC at Midoriyama on Tuesday. F3 Royalty was all over the place.  There were some comments about what it means that these guys showed up for my Q. Let me just say…..I know I can be an A-hole/Smart-A, etc. Some of y’all be ackin like y’all don’t like it but I be seein ya(SA). Anyway it was my 1st “real” post in a month and my first “real” post at Midoriyama all summer. Having dang near died during a run the day before I knew it was time to step my game up and get back after it. I devised a workout that would push myself and hopefully others all the while keeping those batflippers moving.



Nah let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the far soccer field. Do some exercises OYO then run a lap. Try to step your pace up on the lap then once you are finished everyone go back at a slower mosey to get the 6. Once everyone was back we took a 1 minute breather before starting the next round. Here’s the exercises we did with a lap after each.

50 merkins

50 squats

20 WWI

20 Burpees

50 lunges count one leg( so this equals 100 total lunges for those that struggled with this)

50 in/out

25 hand release merkins

Run back to the flag


Announcements-PM needs some help on the Stop soldier suicide race, JJ5K, Golf tournament for a charity Shocker works with reach out to Tiger if interested, Murph on Monday, Mt Hollywood will be open for usual business.

Prayer Request-Kid named Asher with cancer, Tooltime, Me, those battling addiction



Man I have missed the trash talking and even the whining a little(you know who you are). It was great to be out and actually be working out! A lot of rock pushers showed out today. I could see them all from back in the back where I was. Thanks to all for picking up the 6. This setup worked really well keeping everyone moving and everyone picking up the 6. It’s great that we don’t leave anyone behind but it’s even better when we all pick them up. We covered anywhere from 2.7 miles to the batflipping 3.4. Good work guy’s! See you Thursday for a Def Leppard concert.


Fall is Near

Yes, fall is near. The temps are cooling and the PAX are starting to come out more. PrisonBreak, this morning, was a sign of that. As usual, Volt was on the course early. Hacksaw was spotted on the way into the AO.  Gumby, Broke, and sparky are all in marathon training so they hit the route prior to check in.  0530 hits and no FNGs, so QIC heads out for a few miles. All PAX returned accounted for and miles were logged.

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