Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 22, 2019


The month of August is often a time of dread for some. Students, teachers, and parents all cringe at the thought of summer being over and another school year beginning. Homework, strict bed times, and packing lunches are right around the corner.

However, The Pub has a slightly different outlook on August. The summer often involves missed posts due to vacations or everyday summer fun. August offers the chance to get back into a routine of posting on a regular schedule, or in some cases, establishing new routines including taking Q for the first time. So at The Pub instead of going Back to School, the PAX goes Back to Cool.

A big part of Back to Cool is the Kotter who hasn’t posted at the Pub (or anywhere) for a while or the PAX that has never posted at The Pub because “it’s just a running AO”. Earlier this week, a Kotter reached out to me on the details of The Pub. I encouraged him to post and was hopeful that he’d show. I got an “I’m in” text on the way out of the door headed to The Pub.

I showed up to find several PAX waiting including the Kotter who was ready to go.

0530 on the clock, time to go.

Quick disclaimer and then the route. Out to Martha’s and back to see if we could actually find some Sambriches doing something.

First, The Pledge.

Then, the mosey.

At the start, YHC thought it was going to be a great, cool morning for a run. With a breeze blowing, it was ideal. It didn’t take long for the breeze to halt and the air to get thick. It may be Back to Cool, but these conditions were anything but cool.

Some of the PAX found Oompa who offered encouragement out of the window of his car before he soon joined the PAX in the mosey. Although we did find an Oompa, there were no reported sightings of the Sambriches.

Plenty of events to sign up for: Ragnar, 9/11 Stair Climb, JJ 5k, Stop Soldier Suicide Run in Belmont
The Murph on Labor Day at Martha’s
2.0 workout at The Yank
Rotary Club fundraiser
Tuna 200 mtg – 630 Wild Wing Cafe (if you forgot and are reading this, you’re too late)

Prayer Requests
Kids going back to school
Stinky Bird family business
Sargento Brother-in-law

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

By the way, there is one week of #BackToSchool remaining. If you haven’t posted at The Pub in a while, post next week. If you’ve never posted at The Pub, post next week. If the thought of a running workout concerns you, post next week (it ain’t that bad).

Ghost VQ

As YHC arrived, he found Whoopee off doing a little EC. Before YHC could get his ruck out and any stretching in, Whoopee appeared out of the gloom, followed by Dry Rub and Voodoo rolling in. Whoopee relayed he had to go in to work early, so he could not stay around for HoneyDo’s VQ. He said HIPAA offered to cover, but since there was no HIPAA, would YHC assist HoneyDo. In the meantime, Hush Puppy rolled in. Still no HoneyDo, but he normally cuts it close….surely he wouldn’t fartsack his VQ!

0530 hits, Whoopee rolls out and no HoneyDo!

YHC steps in and we head towards Union stopping at the bank to do the pledge. Taking a left on Union we ruck, stopping at the vet’s office to do 5 merkins and 5 squats. Continuing down Union turning on Huntsman to do another set of merkins and squats at the dentist office. Knowing Dry Rub needed to leave early, we had back via Rivermont and Valleywood stopping at the vet again for another round.
We drop Dry Rub off and continue down Riverwood, stopping at the old doctor office for another set. We turn around at River Ridge and get back to start with some time.
So we did some upright rows, LBCs, merkins, and squats. To finish up, Hush Puppy lead various forms of baby makers.

There are lots of announcements, although they are no listed here.

Voodoo took us out.

Watts Up powering down.

Florida Man Throw Back

It was a great morning to kick up the Jams at Folsom today. One of my favorite things about F3 is we take turns running the exercises. Enough Jibba jabber let’s get down to bid ness. T-Ron and I joke about Florida Man and I got some stories here’s how it all went down.

Warm up:
Ssh,cherry pickers.
Mosey to the court.
45 seconds on w/15 second rest.
Squat jumps,overhead lunge,merkins,mtn climbers.X3 then take a lap around the court.
Next set: 45seconds on 15 seconds rest. Skaters,glute bridge,rotation chop”both sides”,scissor hop. After one set then a lap I asked the pax of these three events that happened in my life which one in Florida?
1. I won 2nd place in a bellyflopp contest.
2. Watched stepbrother arrested for going AWOL by undercover government men then they gave him a good “talkin” punished by starring at Russia for 3 years.
3. I won first place in a dance contest.
Pax leaned heavy on question 2 however I did win a dance contest in Key West many years ago.
Then we did a repeat of exercise.All above are true but only one happened in Florida.
Dora 100 flutters, 200lbcs, 300 hillbillies. Pledge, prayer, nameorama.
Set list:
Return of the Mack
Mombo #5
Hip hop hooray
3 am eternal KLF
Pump up the Volume
You can’t touch this
Sold “Johnson county auction”
Hold on for one more day!

Announcements: 5ks stair climbs and speed for need
Prayers for Rockabilly as he changes to his new job.
Kids back to school and each of us.

The Bedpan is Full!

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