Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith


  • Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/06/2019
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Oompa Loompa (R), Volt, Big Pappy, Rockabilly, Montross, Slaw, Broke, Tater Hole, Bedpan, Medicine Woman

You may have heard, I fartsacked my original Q date a few weeks ago. It was to be my virgin post and Q mid-week on the Folsom turf but for some reason the night before, I set my alarm for 5:45 am instead of 4:45 am. I checked F3nation’s lexicon and couldn’t find a word describing the failure I committed. Hopefully it will not be called a “Short Sale” although if it ever happens again, the boys at Folsom could easily make the reference, just like taking a mid-workout dump is called a Sparky (or is it a Huckleberry?). I took some deserved abuse on Slack and asked Montross for a second chance. Today was that opportunity. I set multiple alarms and asked my M to make sure I was up before she left for her workout. I arrived at 0520 amid a few cars and passed Volt on a solo EC run. To advertise the event, I offered to perform 5 burpees for any PAX that posted. That created a little stir that did bring a total of 10 men eager for a beat down; strangely the chief pot stirrers to the challenge, Sargento and Sparky were absent. Broke did make the effort to join a veteran group that required a brief disclaimer – modify as necessary, take a break when needed. We covered the pledge and got to it.


  • SSH
  • 4×4
  • Frog Jumps (essentially forward and back Bobby Hurleys)
  • 30 seconds each exercise for 3 successive rounds (4:30)
  • 30 second rest

Thang (stay where you are)

Round 2

  • Squats
  • Burps
  • Merkins
  • 30 seconds each exercise for 3 successive rounds (4:30)
  • 30 second rest

Round 3

  • 180 Jump Squats
  • Rocky Balboa
  • Burps + Plank Jacks
  • 30 seconds each exercise for 3 successive rounds (4:30)
  • 30 second rest

Short mosey to the picnic shelter at the end of the lower lot for Dora except this would be a different with no running.

P1 performs an aggregate of:

  • 100 Bench Sit-Ups (feet on the picnic bench, hands touch the floor, then the bench)
  • 200 Peter Parker (count both knees)
  • 300 Dips

P2 performs 25 SSH; switch

Back to the individual sets for 90 seconds to failure. Each set has 2 exercises, perform the first one until you break form or get tired of it, then switch to the other (and back to the first if necessary) until time. A thirty second rest was between each set.

  • Jump Ups & Merkins
  • Seal Jacks & Decline Peter Parkers
  • Scissor Squat Jacks & Moroccan Night Clubs

Head back to home base with about 3 minutes of Mary (though we got plenty of core work already).

  • Flutter Kick ICx20
  • Hold 12″ for a 10 count
  • Scissors (Chop Sticks) ICx20
  • Dying Cockroach until time

Announcements: Pizza Man’s 5k Run/Walk 8/17 (see his pre-blast), Stop Soldier Suicide 9/21, JJ5K 9/28

Prayers: Big Pappy and family working through the adoption process; Rockabilly’s job search (had 2 interviews today); Tater Hole’s upcoming mission trip to Boston to help college students move and share God’s message with them. I took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: Bringing my act to Folsom, I wanted to bring a different flavor than I had observed being done in the huge park: a core-cardio beatdown. We began fast and furious with over 13 minutes of activity in the first 15 minutes. In the luke-warm air, it was a challenge. Moving to the picnic shelter, we got after it again. Taterhole maybe did an extra 100 dips helping out the PAX. For those familiar with my shtick, I often employ timers to avoid the counts – this allows each PAX to focus on their ‘you vs. you’ battle while promoting the mumble chatter because the group stays together. A new playlist was a soundtrack to muffle the heaving breathing.

I didn’t have this verse handy at the COT but thought it serves the point of my redemption Q as I’ve thought about getting this second chance which is a bit like forgiveness.

Colossians 3:13 Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

We can be upset at being wronged. It happens on my daily commute to work that someone cuts me off and after a choice word, maybe starting with F (you’re surprised, huh?), but quickly it’s over and done with. I sometimes think how often I’ve unknowingly done something to a fellow traveler? Forgiveness – it can go a long way in the process to love our neighbor. Our current world can use a lot more of that. The example was set long ago and for those of us that believe, we’re blessed to have grace bestowed upon us, a slate wiped clean to begin anew. Among my F3 brothers, I was provided that opportunity and thankful to have it. After the COT, I began my self-imposed penalty for 5 burpees per man. All those around joined in, sharing the burden (although Slaw loves burpeess and I Omahaed the Weinke to avoid them). That is what this brotherhood is about. Sure we’ll send a few barbs downwind but we’re all here for each other, to pick them up and most importantly provide for second chances.

Playlist (Sargento – take note): Johnny B. Goode (Judas Priest version), Neon Knights (Black Sabbath), Don’t Tread On Me (Damn Yankees), Rocket Queen (G&R), Beat to Death Like a Dog (Rhino Bucket), Gonna Fly Now (theme from Rocky), For Whom The Bell Tolls (Metallica), Livin’ On a Prayer (BJ), I Stand Alone (Godsmack), I Don’t Wanna Stop (Ozzy)

1 Comment

  1. Clavin

    A most excellent message … it is my August must read recommendation

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