Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 26, 2019

Core, Core, and Core!!

Not sure if it has something to do with YHC, but this is the 2nd time in 3 weeks that a PAX had to back out on a Q at the last minute and both happen to be from Folsom. Maybe they just don’t like coming to Cramerton! Just kidding, both Huckleberry and Roadie had legit reasons they were not able to Q, in fact when Roadie agreed, he said there could a possibility he may have to be out of town.

Well, YHC has to come up with a plan. No worries except for the PAX that shows up.

It’s 5:30am, time to go to work. No FNGs and give a quick disclaimer.


Warm Up:

SSH x 25 I/C

Toy Soldiers x 12 I/C

Merkins x 10 OYO


The Thang:

Mosey around parking lot

SSH x 30

Merkins x 12

High knees x 30

Burpees x 8

Freddy Mercury x 30

Squats x 30

Merkins x 12

Freddy Mercury x 30

JuMp Squats x 10

SSH x 30

High Knees x 25

Wall Sits – 60 secs

Run around parking lot

Rinse and repeat 3 times


10 mins of core

Freddy Mercury x 15 I/c

Elbow planks x 45 secs

Heels tobHeaven x 10

American Hammers x 16

Mountain Climbers x 15 I/c

30 sec rest 

Superman Planks x 8 reps per side

Left side planks x 45 secs

Windshield Wipers x 8 reps

Right side planks x 45 secs

Freddy Mercury x 15 ic

Mountain Climbers x 15 I/c


Mosey back to flag for the pledge



The Rooster this Saturday

Convergence on March 30th @ Folsom

Mt Mitchell Hike in May


Prayer Request:

Sister Act’s family battling the flu, PAX we haven’t seen in a while,

YHC closed out in prayer


Great work by everyone this morning. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Breaker Breaker


A stranger from a strange land of Princesses, Disney Princesses

Waylon Jennings and the country outlaws are playing as the Pax roll in.

no rain, we have an FNG Todd.  Disclaimer, Let the music begin.  Disney Princess Radio leads off, If you want to change the station please complete 5 blockee’s.

SSH in cadence, Imperial walkers in cadence, Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence.

Grab some blocks and move to the tennis courts.  Thank  you Sparky for bringing the coupons.  We have 14 pax this morning and only 13 blocks, luckily (remember what luck is) we had some extra 45 lb plates to use as well.

Thrusters x 15, bear crawl across tennis court, 15 American hammers each side, nur across tennis court, 15 mike tysons, bear crawl across tennis court, 15 freddy mercury’s each leg, nur across tennis court, 15 step back lunges each leg then run back to the beginning.

after first set we plank for the six.

This time, we take turns farmer carrying the 45 lb plates around the tennis courts whilst the pax continues with 2 more rounds of the above exercises. The pax seem to be enjoying the music even singing along with the Disney Princesses.  I thought these Folsom boys were tough guys, but apparently they have a soft spot for Princesses, or maybe they are Princesses.  Show to know.

As we plank for the six to finish the 3rd round some start to complain about the music.

As we circle up for some core time, Montross completes 5 blockees and request some more Waylon Jennnings.  We keep passing the 45s and work through various ab exercises including fan favorite reverse American Hammers, Straight Leg Freddys, Figure Eights, Extended Cross and Real Big Boys.  Time is running out.  5 minutes of Stretching, 22 for the vets, take the coupons back to Sparky’s Truck.



  • Convergence 30th of March (not February) at Folsom

–  Blart looking for people for the Rooster.  this Saturday March 2.

–  Medicine Woman with Q on Thursday

  • Swimmer with Q coming on Saturday

  • Remember to visit different AOs periodically.

Prayer Requests

  • Pax, Allent Tates Mom, RockaBilly Mom has Surgery, the community, Lawson Family.

FNG Todd Mayo.  From Dallas, NC.  Went to North Gaston.  Roundup EH’d our new member.  He owns his own landscape company Gaston Land Services and works also as a FireFighter.  Some Names got tossed around including Chief (met with strong opposition by one pax in-particular – no names but we all know whom).  We find out he enjoys to Listen to Lady Gaga.  Montross offers up Meat Suit.  No other suggestions.  Please welcome Meat Suit.

Sister Act and Broke were not present. No sighting of Huck either.

Sparky Takes us out in the BOM

UNO Numero Dos

When YHC signed up to Q at Snoballs, he’d forgotten that a fairly significant game would be taking place that evening. YHC thought a game-themed workout would be appropriate. Although the mumble chatter would be fierce for a Blue vs Blue Q, it was necessary to keep it somewhat civil and avoid a rivalry-based beatdown (However, that beatdown would come later that day). What better way to bring all fan bases together than with a game of UNO.

The forecast of rain may have kept some away, but YHC arrived to find several PAX ready to go. 0530 let’s do it.

Short disclaimer

The Pledge

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
Imperial Walkers x15

Mosey to the building between the baseball fields at the Martha’s.

Here’s how it works… Each color is an exercise. 1-5 multiple number by 10 to get exercise count. 6-10 multiple number by 5 to get exercise count. Reverse, Skips, Wild, Draw 2 and Draw 4 each have their own exercise. Seven cards are dealt face down and revealed one at a time.

Round 1:
Blue = LBC; Green = SSH; Red = Plank Jacks; Yellow = Squats; Skip = 20 Flutters IC; Reverse = 20 Monkey Humpers; Wild = Bear Crawl around the building; Draw 2 = 5 Burpees; Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

Inevitably, there is always one hand that is dominated by the same color. We got that out of the way in Round 1.

Hand #1
Green 5 (50 SSH)
Green 10 (10 SSH)
Green 3 (30 SSH) (These cards were shuffled)
Blue 4 (40 LBC)
Red 8 (40 Plank Jacks)
Yellow 2 (20 Squats)
Red Skip (20 Flutters IC)

Mosey around the outside of one of the baseball fields. Back for Hand #2

Round 2:
Blue = Big Boy Situps; Green = American Hammers; Red = Mtn Climbers; Yellow = Merkins; Skip = 20 Flutters IC; Reverse = 20 Monkey Humpers; Wild = Lunge around the building; Draw 2 = 5 Burpees; Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

Hand #2
Blue 7 (35 Big Boy Situps)
Green Draw 2 (5 Burpees)
Yellow 7 (35 Merkins)
Yellow 6 (30 Merkins)
Green Reverse (20 Monkey Humpers)
Blue 5 (50 Big Boy Situps)
Draw 4 (10 Burpees)

Mosey to the picnic shelter

Round 3:
Blue = Step Ups; Green = Dips; Red = Long Arm Crunches; Yellow = Sumo Squats; Skip = 50 Moroccan Night Clubs IC; Reverse = 20 Monkey Humpers; Wild = Diamond Merkins; Draw 2 = 5 Burpees; Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

Hand #3
Blue 3 (30 Step Ups)
Green 6 (30 Dips)
Red 9 (45 Long Arm Crunchies)
Blue Reverse (20 Monkey Humpers)
Draw 4 (10 Burpees)
Wild (10 Diamond Merkins)
Green 5 (25 Dips)

Short mosey around one light post in the parking lot. Back for an abbreviated hand using the same exercises as round 3. At this point, the wind started picking up and blowing the cards around. I believe I was able to get the cards back in the correct order.

Hand #4
Blue Reverse (20 Monkey Humpers)
Red 9 (45 Long Arm Crunches)
Yellow 1 (10 Sumo Squats)

During this last hand, there were groans about another round of Long Arm Crunches. I shared the Turtleman wisdom from earlier in the week about work in the winter and reward in the summer. That was met with the reminder that Turtleman was not present at this particular workout. To which, YHC had nothing.

Mosey back towards Pelican’s. Stop along the way for some IC exercise that I cannot remember at this point.

Mosey back to Pelican’s. Two quick rounds of Mary and then time was called.

Mt Mitchell outing (May 5th)
Latini Memorial Run

Prayer Requests
Big Pappy
Gastone’s father
Mason’s birthday (T-Square’s 2.0)

Prayer to close it out.

Welcome FNG Tombstone.

Until next time…

good to be here

11 dudes (and a Gomer for some Mary) showed at Folsom on Saturday.  After the disclaimer it was time to clock in.

Warmup: SSH and Toy Soldiers.

Mosey to the amphitheater and partner up. Dora 12345.  100 Australian mountain climbers, 200 merkins with feet on the wall, 300 squats, 400 flutter kicks and 500 lbcs while the other partner ran.

Money to the parking lot for route 66/ lunges and squats.

Mosey back to the launching point with everyone leading a mary exercise.

22 for the vets and the pledge


Annoucements and prayer requests

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


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