Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2018 (Page 2 of 9)

Free Burpees for everyone



-warm up

   Goof balls 

   Mar Night Club

   Freddy Mercs



short mosey

   5 burp – knee slap

   Mosey – LBC on 6

   5 burp – sumo

   Mosey – flutter on 6

   5 burp – criss cross

   Mosey – dying cockroach on 6

   5 burp – merican side hop

   Mosey – Am hammer on 6

   5 burp – lunge jump

   Mosey – sweat angel on 6

   5 burp – jump spin

   Mosey – box cutter on 6

   5 burp – side hop

   Mosey – scissor on 6

   Team 5 burp – jump up

   Mosey – Dolly Parton on 6

   Team 5 burp – bench merican

   Mosey – alphabet on 6

   5 burp – jump from knee

Mosey – LBC on 6

single file line for bear crawl slalom

Roscoe called out 10 burpees OYO

Short Sale took us to bell with Baby Makers



On Saturday night, I got a Twitter message from HushPuppy asking if we were doing the Murph so I responded like I thought I should, maybe not like I really wanted at the time…..YES, I WILL BE DOING THE MURPH-WHO IS WITH ME????

I got a quick HC from Roscoe so I knew it was on. Sunday morning rolled around and I showed up with Defib ready to go and ShortSale not far behind. Roscoe was right on time so we got started. I brought my 10th anniversary of work gift from the hospital for entertainment-a sweet semi-water proof bluetooth speaker (probably $10) so I could pump up the George Strait…

Roscoe took off like he was after the Duke boys on a Saturday night in Hazard County and the rest of us tried to keep up. We got to Martha’s and the work started. The other 3 stuck to the plan, but I did Australian pull ups-last month I could not use my arms for about 5 days after the Murhph so I made the executive decision to go with a lighter version this time and make a better effort at doing some pull-ups during the month of August. I played some Van Halen, Eric Church, then settled in with Blues Traveler and got too tired to mess with it after that.

We made good time then moseyed back to start. I did my best to catch up with Defib on the way back to no avail. He did mention he heard footsteps the whole time so at least I know he was pushed a little on the running. I will catch him someday……

I really enjoy the Murph-it has a lot of emotion attached to it and really pushes me. I need to spend more time with the pull-up bar on a regular basis so I don’t have to do the Australian ones-l won’t mind if anyone harasses me a little with this…..except ShortSale, he already has enough ammo for harassing me.

Thanks for the push HushPuppy (and the 3 others that posted), even though you were not there. I expect you there next month, and I will do a better job with the publicity before the August Murph.



Wingin It

YHC made an attempt to sit this one out due to a minor foot issue that had occurred earlier in the week while playing basketball.  The effort wasn’t timely so I pulled a little webMD at home care this am on the foot and came up with the workout on the way in this am.  There were 9 Pax at the start and we had 2 show up while we were barley into the first set of Dora.

Warm Up; SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 15 IC, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC, LBC’s x 15 IC


Mosey to stop sign at the bottom of the hill at the VFW for Dora.  Partner 1 exercise, partner 2 run to top of hill and do 5 burpees, run back switch.

100 Mericans, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s

Mosey the complete cirlce around the grassy area and back to the gazebo, for 3 rounds of 10 pullups/ 10 dips partner work.  P1 did pullups, P2 runs to top of hill and did 10 dips and ran back, switch.  Next was 5 ToetoBar while Pax held plank.  Each Pax completed the ToetoBar and moseyed to the VFW wall and wall sat for the 6.  Next exercise was HipSlappers x 10 IC for 3 rounds and 30 sec wall sit in between sets.  Mosey back to the flag and circle up for Mary.  Wanderer called HighKnees, CoalAsh called SSH, Crosswalk called Boxcutters, Dr. Seuss called WW1, Slim Shady called Mtn Climbers, Anchorman called Flutter Kicks, Tesla called LBC’s with Twist, Gilligan called American Hammers, Clavin called Monkey Humpers, Buckeye called Mike Tyson’s, YHC called 5 or 10 – Dr. Seuss yelled 10 – Burpees.  Time

COT; Namorama, Announcements, Prayer Requests, Name FNG

BOM; Dr. Seuss took us out.

NMS; YHC didn’t know how this morning would go, but couldn’t let the Pax down.  Pretty good workout, I thought.  Gilligan, good to see you sir.  While we were in the first round of Dora, Crosswalk from Wilmington appears with FNG, CoalAsh.  We finished Dora and I gave a quick disclaimer.  Welcome Crosswalk and CoalAsh.  Nice work by all Pax.  GoatIsland is now in the hands of Dr. Seuss.  You will do well sir, keep doing what you’re doing.  You definitely don’t have to worry about motivation, your actions speak for you.  It was a pleasure to lead you men.  #DRP

Stepped up

12 Strong for a Gastone Q.

The Thing:

SSH 25

Imperial Walker 25

Mosey down the road to the bottom of Gastone’s Hill

10 Burpee’s

Head fake at the hill and mosey to Robinson School. 40 LBC’s while we recover.

Around to the back of the school for sidewalk railing planks while one person bear crawls under. 2 Rounds.

Mosey to the front of the school for the wall work.

2 Rounds (20 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Incline Merkins)

Mosey to steps behind school

21’s, 20 Monkey humper’s at the bottom and 1 squat at the top until we reverse the numbers for 20 at the top and 1 at the bottom. (Everyone’s favorite)

Mosey to Food Loin parking lot.

40 Flutter’s on your own.

Mosey to the start. Shortsale strong on the way back.

The Moleskin:

Great push out of everyone for this 2.6 mile beatdown. We kept a strong pace and lots of people pushing hard.

Pray for all the pax and family going through stuff,


Gastone Out, and as always it is an honor.



Jesus’ Brother

The Thang:


Study of James; Jesus earthly brother.

In our continuing study of men of the Bible, we looked at James. He went from an unbelieving sibling  to a model pastor to the church in Jerusalem and the author of the book of James.

Food and more fellowship.

If you’ve not been to the Forge, I would encourage you to come out.

Grits and Greens in Lowell; Wednesday’s at 6:30.

Dr. Seuss

Respect the run

8 gathered at Coconut for many guys with respect and Stroganoff’s approach to respect.

The Thing:
We ran 5 miles

The Moleskin:


Circle of trust and prayer

Strabucks for Fellowship

Gastone Out!

Name That Weinke

It was a bit cooler this morning rolling into the Folsom gloom. The fog added to effect rather nicely. Surprisingly, the humidity was still rather brutal. Folsom is currently marked up for a little facelift and additional recreation equipment installations. Word on the street is we are going to get our very own splash pad/water fountain! Slaw and YHC will most likely be the first to test it out during a WO. Anyway, trying to come up with something creative for today’s Q, I remembered a routine exercise that was used out at BlackBeards AO in Murrells Inlet. While keeping it simple and some modifications to said Q, it worked out well. 5:30 so Time to get at it.



mosey toward the park entrance and loop around down back down by the ballfields to the lower parking lot.


this routine exercise may have a name, but I’m just going with what took place. Each PAX chose an exercise. While PAX 1 runs a fast lap around the parking lot, the remaining PAX AMRAP given exercise. When PAX 1 completes lap, PAX 2 runs and PAX 1 joins the remaining PAX and continue to AMRAP said exercise. Keep the rotation until all PAX have run their lap. Switch to the next exercise and repeat.

Exercises were; Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Squats, Flutter Kicks, Plank Jacks, Alternating Lunges, 1 more that I can’t remember.

with about 7 minutes left, we mosey to the shelter for Step ups, Low slow Squats, calf raises all x20 IC

mosey back to start

Prayers for our families, Squirt’s M, my friend Tracy, Bedpan job interview

YHC took us out in prayer

Again, thank you men for letting me Q. I love this AO and the group of guys that make it what it is. Let’s keep it rolling!

MDub out

Mt. Hollywood Recon

3 men posted at the future Monday morning AO “Mt. Hollywood” for some recon work.  We logged 4 miles and explored most all areas of downtown  Mt. Holly.  We now have some great ideas and opportunities for the AO.  Official launch date for “Mt. Hollywood” is Monday August 6th @ 5:30am.  This AO will meet at 124 South Hawthorne Street Mount Holly, NC 28120.

Thanks to Tiger and Broke for joining me to scope out the area.

Walmart Special

9 HIMS showed to Folsom this morning looking to avoid the rain.  The chance of avoiding a potential beat down, well, that’s not going to happen if I can help it.  Getting close to start time and the PAX are still rolling in.  Here comes Sparky, so I am late or it’s definitely time to start, so let’s roll.


Warm-Up:    SSH x 10(IC)


The Thang:

Mosey towards the flag at the entrance to Folsom, along the way stopping at 4 different light poles and knocking out 5 Burpees OYO at each pole.  Got in 20 before we reached the flag.  Sort of like a mobile Slaughter Starter.  Go ahead and say the pledge, then we continue to mosey across the street to the back right corner of Walmart.

Exercise called was Walls of Jericho.  This exercise usually is performed around a large building.  Today we are using the Walmart building.  You pick 7 different exercises and complete 7 reps of each and run one lap around the building.  Exercise is complete once you finish your 7th lap.   The exercises chosen today were;  Burpees, Plank Jacks, Big Boys, Imperial Squats, Ski Merkins, CDD, and Seal Jacks.   Not a lot of mumble chatter during this exercise.  Only talk was of Sparky making an emergency pit stop into the Walmart.  He sure did take his time.  Then somewhere after the 2nd round, Allen Tate pops up out of nowhere.  Sort of like he was trying to sneak in like he had been there the whole time.  He swears he ran a 5k looking for us, but he wouldn’t provide his Fitbit for proof.  This exercise took longer than anticipated, and we were quickly running out of time.  We had to cut the last round short and start our mosey back to flag.

Still with a couple minutes left to spare, I didn’t want to waste any valuable time.  So a quick round of Burp & Merk was called.  This is when you begin a traditional burpee with a single merkin at the bottom, then complete.  Drop back down for a second burpee with two merkins, then complete.  We did this up to 7, and then worked our way back down to 1.   This was a crowd pleaser to end the workout.  Time.



Name-o-rama:    Completed rather quickly, not sure where Sparky was off “two”

Announcements:  CSAUP relay, JJ5K, Belmont 5/10k

Prayer request:  YHC took us out


It was an honor to lead today gentlemen.  Thank you for allowing me this opportunity.

Sister Act

We Ran

YHC was looking forward to PrisonBreak this AM. Running, or moseying for me, is one thing I can still do while the shoulder is injured. Shut-up Folsom. Anyway, moving along, 5 HIMS posted to run. Apparently the so-called “Chief”, Allen Tate, and his entourage were too comfy in the fartsack to attend. SMH. Sister Act arrives shortly after myself and takes off for EC about 5:15.  5:30 hits and the rest take off. No ruckers this morning. Good to see Blart out there. One day I’ll keep up with him the whole route. After about 1.5 miles, Sister Act breezed by as if floating on water. “If only I were 50 pounds lighter…..”. Anyway, all arrive back at start after putting in some miles.


Announcements; Snowbird registration(link is in a PreBlast), CSAUP relay coming soon, runs happening all the time, get involved

COT Prayers for our families, country, and those who didn’t make it out

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor to Q.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead PrisonBreak. I’m not a runner or true rucker per say, but the responsibility and obligation has pushed me to get better at it. I know the Folsom PAX will bust my balls later, but thanks to those fools, I’ve been pushing to post and do what I can do with the injuries I have. Without the trash talk and apparent love those guys have for me, I’d just be in “that dark place” ignoring the hand reached out to bring me to the light. (Little Folsom inside shenanigans) I keep hearing from other AO PAX how special the Folsom group is and the image of F3 it brings. I believe it’s not just happening at Folsom, but throughout the Gastonia region. I encourage our region to continue to grow in our fellowship and relationships among one another. The stronger the bonds within our AOs are, the stronger effect we will have in our communities to build more leaders!

MDub Out

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