Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2018 (Page 2 of 8)

SWOLE PATROL at the Pain Lab

YHC purchased a Pain Lab T-shirt several months ago because it was cool and had the Iron Maiden “Eddie the Ed” feel with the famous Gashouse mascot on the back.  HIPAA is quite the designer and is basically an F3 Genie.  Think of something and he gets it done the same day.  The problem I had was I had never attended the Pain Lab although I have had great respect for Rudolph for the vision that really allows for a more realistic F3 experience for those that are on IR or unable to mosey.  I decided I needed to Q and earn my shirt.

I had a vision for what this Pain Lab was going to be and had printed out sheets of paper with exercises and in my mind I was going to do the workout in the parking lot with the car stereo bringing the tunes.  HIPAA agreed to bring his Pain Lab accessories and Short Sale agreed to bring his dumbbells we were all set until 0658 when the rain started.  Modify as needed.

JJ warmed us up with SSH and Merkins before we hit out sixes and did some LBC’s in the puddles of water and listened to the funny noises our now wet shirts were making on each rep.  We moseyed to the flag for the Pledge and then we broke into our groups.  Realistically I thought I had 3 HC’s for the Pain Lab.  When we broke up I realized that we had 9 for the Pain Lab.  We got back to the parking lot and the rain was steady.  I knew I needed to modify the plan and so I ordered everyone to grab the Kettlebells, jump ropes, Slam balls, mats, and dumbbells and take a hike on the nature trail for some pain by the pond.  The farmer’s carry with the weights could have been the worst thing called all day as the forearms and shoulders were spent by the time we made it to the pond.  There is a small cabana of sorts with a roof and I set up the pain stations which were something like this…1.  Goblet squats 2.  one leg deadlift  3.  100 reps jump rope  4.  One arm ground to overhead  5.  7×7 (in order without stopping…grab dumbbells, 7 curls, 7 overhead press, 7 triceps extensions, 7 bent rows, 7 jump lunges each leg, 7 burpees with weights to overhead)  We had multiple kettlebells from #20-#50 and dumbbells from #20 to #35.  The 7×7 with 35’s was a kicker.  Basically this was an AMRAP but since we had more people than pain stations we began to modify and add to the workout.  We added slam balls, wall balls, pond runs, picnic table presses, kettlebell swings, and curls.  I did some dips on the memorial benches by the pond that some #HIM’s donated in memory of a good friend who is no longer with us.  Basically everyone got after it for about 45 minutes.

Because I didn’t have a plan for music since I couldn’t bring my car to the pond, I played my IPhone which was not adequate at all for the large area we were covering or to overcome the steady and pounding rain.  I got heckled and tried to say something about bringing my son’s Beats Pill speaker and the Honorable Mayor shut me down immediately.  Something about not taking extreme ownership.  This was my favorite part of the workout.  I knew I had failed and I got zero slack for it.  Thanks for keeping me humble and accountable Mr. Mayor!

We continued on.  BA broke the jump rope.  The Mayor lamented having to use the #35’s each time.  When everyone was totally soaked from rain and sweat and with a little time on the clock YHC called Omaha and we circled up for Mary.  Each PAX had to pick one weight and then call an exercise in order for 5 reps.  Pretty standard exercises were called until we got to BA who called his favorite exercise…you guessed it….”Neckies!”  His instructions were clear.  Put your hand on a weight and do 5 Neckies.  Classic BA.   Glad to have him back in the Gloom.  He is one of the early and reliable Q’s and original Gashouse Pax.  Now to EH that Godfather fellow!

When we finished with Mary it was time to Farmer’s Carry the gear back to the parking lot.  JJ had the rest of the PAX waiting for us for more Mary but the bells rang before we could do the next exercise.  JJ covered the COT in his backblast so I won’t rehash it here, but this was probably the longest COT in the rain in F3 history!

I will admit this was a rough week for me with many things going on and not much down time to work on the Weinke.  But as usual a little spontaneity and lots of good men stepping up helped us make it a decent workout.  There was no clock and no particular order to do the workout.  You could take what you want and it was you versus you.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead and be held accountable.   I admit this BB is posted late as well.  I won’t even make a defense as to why it is late.  Thanks Mayor!

I promised that the PAX would join the “Swole Patrol” and I can say most were probably at least a little pumped up.  Hopefully everyone is feeling the effects of the workout and you got your money’s worth.  I am looking forward to my next post and/or Q at the pain lab.  What a great thing we put on the menu for the men of F3 Gastonia.   Take advantage of it sometime!





Crossroads Pre-Launch Run

5 showed for a pre-launch run of the new running AO, Crossroads.  The official launch date is set for 6/3.

All men ran today with everyone getting around the 5 mile mark.  Good run on a humid Sunday morning!




Prayer requests:  Continue to pray for Self family and each other



As always, it was a pleasure.  Looking forward to seeing everyone out here at Crossroads starting 6/3!


Sister Act

Q School

9 men showed for a soggy rainy morning at Folsom.  I  was looking forward all week to being out here with my F3 brothers on this morning in particular.  I have been working out of town for the last 13 weeks, and Friday was my return back home.  I was fortunate to be able to return home on the weekends, but wasn’t able to hardly make any workouts throughout the week.  Fortunately, we have some of the best HIMS in all of F3 Nation right here in the Gastonia region.  Keeping in contact with my F3 brothers,  held me accountable,  so I was driven to continue to push the rock as much as possible while out of town.  But being away,  you realize the significance of having your fellow F3 brothers beside you,  pushing you,  step by step.  Thats why you’ll continually hear veteran guys expressing the importance of just posting, and being there for one another.   So with my out of town work now behind me,  I was excited to be back with my F3 brothers.    So I figured the best way to celebrate an end to my work assignment, is a good ole fashioned beatdown.  Started the morning off with a little EC run with Tyson and Slaw to get the blood flowing.  Huck and Roadie got in some rucking.  Sorry,  Huck rucked solo, as Roadie slept thru a half dozen alarms.   Roadie did manage to make it to the workout.   With PAX continuing to roll in,  good to see that Squirt has joined us. time is almost at hand, rain is in the air,  6:30 hits and its go time.  No FNG, short disclaimer.


Warm -UP:    SSH, Hillbillies, 1 Burpee,  Mosey to lower parking lot


The Thang:

First exercise called has become one of my favorites.  Im pretty sure, if you’ve attended a workout when I was the Q,  that I always include some form of 11’s.  Good way to include 2 exercises with a lot of reps.  With that said, lets do 11’s, with Burpees and Booyah Merkins.   Told PAX to partner up.  P1 and P2 will start together in middle of lower parking lot.  Start off with 1 Booyah Merkin, then partners run opposite directions to ends of parking lot and perform 10 Burpees.  Meet back in middle,  2 Booyah Merkins, then run opposite directions to ends of parking lot with 9 Burpees.  Continued this until 10 Booyah Merkins completed in middle, and 1 Burpee at the ends.  This was a real crowd pleaser, and the mumble chatter was starting to increase.  I must admit, YHC was definitely feeling it after this.  Booyah Merkins combined with Burpees are no joke.  The shoulders were feeling pretty smoked and some PAX(which will remained unnamed), actually started to question my Q ability.  I just ignored their comments, and continued on.


Next up!  Not much of a surprise here, but more 11’s are called.  This time we switched and started from the side of the parking lot.  11’s are called with Tiger squats on the one side, Tuck Jumps on the other.  If both of these exercises are completed with form in mind, they can be brutal.  With the mumble chatter (complaining) in full swing,  figured I might as well give them something worth complaining about.  Lets make these Dirty 11’s!  2 Burpees are to be performed in the middle on each trip across parking lot to next exercise.   Start off with 10 Tiger Squats, mosey to center with 2 Burpees, mosey to side for 1 Tuck Jump, mosey back to center  with 2 Burpees, then back to start.  Continue with 9 Tiger Squats, 2 Burpees, 2 Tuck Jumps, 2 Burpees.  Continue this until you do 1 Tiger Squat, 2 Burpees, 10 Tuck Jump, 2 Burpees.    This was a tough exercise to complete, and it being really muggy outside, the sweat was really rolling.  Then the Sky Q  blessed us with some much needed relief.  The skies opened up, and it poured heavily until completion of this exercise.   And yes, Slaw did take his shirt off!  Good work by all PAX on this one.


Next lets mosey to the small Pavilion.   The rain continued to fall, more shirts were off, and the mumble chatter was still present.  With shoulders and legs smoked, lets do some more shoulder exercises.  This is really where one of our “Respected” members of F3 started to question my Q ability.  Kept on talking about going to Q school.  YHC made an observation about the increased amount of Sand present today!  I can’t exactly remember the amount of reps and sets done here.  Lots of distractions here, from the mumble chatter, to Montross and Slaw doing water puddle angels, to Slaw’s questions about Just For Men(Show to Know).  YHC had to quickly attempt to regain control of this  situation.  Exercises called were as followed:

Hip Slappers,  Derkins, Big Boys, Arm Squats,  Mike Tysons

We completed at least 10-15 reps (IC)  of each exercise for at least 3 sets.  Shoulders were done at this point.

Next lets mosey to flag pole at entrance to Folsom for the Pledge.  We did stop and do 3 more Burpees at some point along the way.  With time running short, mosey back to parking lot with shovel flag.  TIME!




Prayer Request:  Self family, YHC grandmother, each other.



It was an honor to lead today.  I feel very blessed to be associated with F3 and all my F3 brothers.   Great push by all PAX today.  It really is an awesome experience to Q, I encourage everyone to get out there and sign up to Q a workout.


Sister Act

Memorial Day Honor Flight

So I wrote the preblast for this and was talking it up a bit. What this is, is a flight for vets of WW2, Korea and Vietnam up to DC, a tour around the city and visits to the memorials and then a flight back home with a welcome. It was one of the most remarkable times of my life. I encourage everyone to try and do this if you can and if you know someone who is a vet of these wars and hasn’t been, reach out to and see what you can do to get them on it.

The family and I showed up at the airport around 7:15 and parked in the hourly deck. When we walked in, Whoopie texted me and said there was a line so don’t get in a hurry. We waited in line and got the parking validation and our boarding passes to clear TSA. We made our way all the way to the end of concourse D. That’s where Whoopie and his family were waiting. As we all caught up and talked about this and that and watched my youngest 2.0 terrorize the isles and play with bullwinkle, the crowd kept growing and growing. At the time of our sign up, there was over 400 people. On the way in, I chatted up the USO volunteer who said there were over 600 people expected. It got to be time and people were hustling around and honor guards, patriot riders, young Marines, etc. were taking their place. We heard the bagpipes and here they come. Each era group behind their own banner. First the WW2 vets. Leading them was a 100 year old pilot. Whoopie and I did some rough calculations and about the youngest age you could be is 94 if you were a WW2 vet. The greatest generation is getting away from us, both literally and figuratively. Imagine if we still held the ideals and promise of that generation.

Next was Korea and then the Vietnam Vets. It was a sight to watch all of the revelers welcoming these men and their chaperones home. There were family members with awesome signs. The girls made up some signs for the troops and on the back of them were Stanleys local hero Nic O’Brien and Tiny Tanks friend from west point Cpt. Daniel Whitten.

All in all, the procession lasted about 15 minutes. Whoopies M got after it. She was screaming the whole time and waving the American Flag and grabbing a hand as they went by and telling them Thank you. I was speaking with another Vietnam vet at church Sunday (Walter Hobbs USMC) who is a member of the Rotary that puts this on or helps out and he was saying they sent people home in ones and twos and he landed in Charlotte at 0400 and his parents picked him up….a long way from a parade. There were a couple of men who recorded their walk thru and one remarked that this was overwhelming. we did our parts to make sure these men know how much they are appreciated. I remembered the old pictures you see on facebook that says “that old man was way more of a badass than you will ever be.” How true those words are. There are just no real words to capture everything we felt, but I hope I did it justice.

Be good brothers,

I put some pictures up and supplemented one I saw on Facebook that was clearer.

The Murph

I won’t say I was nervous about being the Q today, but I wanted it to be good. I wanted it to be memorable. I wanted to say something that would be worthy of the reasons we gathered today for The Murph. I realized during my preparation, nothing I could say would be worthy of the lives of those we would be remembering today. I could, however, make sure it was worthy of your time getting up and coming out on a rainy morning to honor those men and women who gave everything so I could live in a country where I could put on a pair of clean socks this morning, stop by the Harris Teeter and get some water for this workout, and park my car in a parking lot with 30 + men who got out of the fartsack to bust their butts with me. A country where I can complain about having to wait in line for a drink and that is the worst part of my day, and hopefully I realize that waiting in line for a drink is really not worth complaining about. We have it pretty darn good here in the USA and every once in awhile we need something like The Murph to remind us of that.

I started by calling on Roadie to clarify the difference in Veterans’ Day and Memorial Day-look it up if you were not there. Roadie nailed it and I am sure there were others out there like me that maybe a week ago, may not have been able to tell you the difference. I talked a little about who Murph was, but really wanted the guys out there to look that up and learn on your own-there is plenty of info out there on the internet to fill you in on the details. I wanted to share the end of a book I got from Stroganoff called With The Old Breed. This book by E.B. Sledge describes his experience in the Pacific Theater during part of WWII. This book helped form the basis for the HBO mini-series “The Pacific.” Reading this book will open your eyes to a small part of what the military went through on Peleliu and Okinawa. To quote an article I found on the internet, “On Okinawa, Sledge and his fellow Marines fought in mud-mud that gave them trench foot and was often thick with maggots, rotting bodies, flies, and feces. Each battle was an ordeal, a fight against a fanatical enemy that was dug in and determined to fight to the last man.”

I read the last few paragraphs of the book this morning then gave the book to Roadie for him to read so I can’t quote everything I read. I did find part of what I read online: “War is brutish, inglorious and a terrible waste. Combat leaves an indelible mark on those who are forced to endure it. The only redeeming factors were my comrades’ incredible bravery and their devotion to each other.”

As a non-military man over age 25, I don’t know that I will ever fully understand what the above paragraph means. I can, however, appreciate that it truly sucked worse that anything that I have ever gone through (including BRR). I can make sure I am appreciative of the sacrifice that others have made, and I can make sure my kids do the same. I was able to do this with my kids (thanks Mayor) this past week watching the Honor Flight return at the airport. If I can help some of my brothers down this road also, I will be satisfied.

We said the pledge. We did a (sort of) disclaimer. We did NOT do a warmup, then we did The Murph. We then joined the 6 on his final mile as a group, which was my favorite part. It was not planned-it just happened that way. Great way to end the workout guys-together.

We then named our 3 FNGs and went for coffeteeria after a quick prayer. Later this morning I taught my youngest 2.0 the difference in Veterans’ Day and Memorial Day while I waited in line for some food with a smile on my face.

thanks for being my brother and keeping me on track-Whoopee


Sister Wives

Earlier in the week, YHC had to travel to Utah for a vendor meeting. While out there, I got a message from Stroganoff asking about the open Q at the Gashouse for the upcoming Saturday. YHC had already gotten several messages about being in Utah after posting about a trail run so I knew there was some decent material to create a weinke.

With the threat of rain looming, YHC arrived to find a number of guys already circled up and ready to go. The rain drops started to fall almost exactly as 0700 hit the clock. No FNGs so the disclaimer was short.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15

Mosey as a group to the flag at the front of the Schiele for the Pledge.

At that point, the Pain Lab PAX were going to go back and do their thing while the rest of us were headed towards Grier. I looked back to see how many of the PAX were going in each direction, and I quickly realized I needed to work on the marketing in the pre-Q message on twitter. Roscoe had the Pain Lab Q. He’d sent out a message with a ripped Arnold Schwarzenegger and the promise to get swole. YHC had sent out a gif of a pale guy in a skin tight Utah Jazz uniform doing some weird gyration. Can’t blame anyone for making that choice. Roscoe EH’d me and was Q at my first post so I have nothing but respect for the push he gives when he has the Q. Had YHC not been Q, there may have been one more in the Pain Lab PAX.

The plan for the Utah-inspired weinke had been work with multiple partners. We typically partner up in groups of 2, but the idea was to work in groups of 3 or 4. However, there were only 5 so breaking off into groups wouldn’t work. So we would just work in one big sister wife group of 5.

The group moseyed to the track at Grier for an Indian run in a lap around the track.

Mosey to the Grier parking lot out front for a couple of rounds of Conveyer Belt. Each Sister Wife would line up on a parking space line in the plank position. The PAX on the end would bear crawl to the other end of the line while the other PAX would move down one line towards the line that was just vacated. Once the bear crawling PAX hit the other end, the group did 10 merkins. Then, the next PAX now on the end would bear crawl to the other end, everyone moves down one line, 10 more merkins. Rinse and repeat until all 5 PAX had bear crawled to the other end. This was repeated with lunges to the end of the line, Al Gore while he lunged, and 10 squats once he got to the end until all 5 PAX had lunged.

Mosey to the steps at FPC steps for a round of BOMBS (Burpees, OH Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, Squats). One Sister Wife would run up the steps and back down while the others performed the given exercise. Once all 5 of the PAX had run/down the stairs, we’d move on to the next exercise.

Mosey to the top of the stairs. Since the theme was multiple partners, we had to get in a little OPP (OH Clap, Plank Jacks, Peter Parkers). Mosey down the back road and stop at the bottom of the hill. OH Clap x 20. Mosey to the bottom of the stairs. Plank Jacks x 20. Mosey up the stairs. Peter Parkers x 20. Let’s run that back. Mosey down the stairs. OH Clap x 20. Mosey towards the bottom of the hill. Plank Jacks x 20. Mosey up the back road. Peter Parkers x 20.

Now for a round of Dora with a slight twist. This is usually done with one partner, but that didn’t fit the theme. So we did something similar to the earlier BOMBS in which one Sister Wife ran down the stairs and back up while the others performed Merkins, LBCs, and Squats. One trip up/down per PAX for each exercise.
Mosey back to the Schiele using the back road down the hill and behind FPC. We got back with no sight of the Pain Lab PAX so we took an extra lap around the parking lot to kill time.

Quick round of Mary. We may have done something before, but I know we did flutter kicks. Then, the ball was passed to Short Sale. By the time he chose an exercise and did the demonstration, the bell was ringing. Time was up.

Murph on 5/28 at Marth’s 7am
Burpees by the lake 10/6 – Family-friendly so all levels of fitness encouraged to come.
Light Ruck 7/22 1pm
Crossroads – new running AO in Dallas

Prayer Requests
Hipaa Brother-in-Law’s mother
Cotter- Good to see BA out there
Roscoe parent’s neighbor has cancer


Until the next time…

During the mosey from Grier to FPC, the discussion was around a friend of a PAX who was a smoker and not in good shape. The fear was him coming out to post and having a heart attack. It was noted by another PAX that he was going to have a heart attack sitting on the couch and smoking. “Plus, I know CPR B*tch.” If that’s not encouragement enough to EH someone, I’m not sure what is.

The Mission: Make My First Downtown Q Memorable

I was really excited about having the Q this morning. Huck said similar things last week and I knew exactly what he was talking about. I’ve always thought the workout Downtown seems to be tough. Spiderman brings a tough workout and I see men like Gastone, Sargento, Roscoe, Slaw, Sister Act, Short Sale and several others who are regulars and I know they can bring it! As soon as I signed up a few weeks ago, I had one goal in mind: Montross was going to bring it too! I wanted my Downtown VQ to be a memory etched in the minds of all the PAX who attended. Sargento shows up with Tandem this morning and informs me this is his 2nd time posting. I think I said something like ‘you vs. you’ and ‘modify as needed’, but I probably didn’t hide my facial expressions well as I thought to myself ‘man, you are in trouble today brother!” Easy Rider said he’s glad there’s no Wal-Mart around (in reference to me calling Walls of Jericho around Wal-Mart a few weeks back). Little does he know…..LOL! 21 HIM showed for this workout, let’s get to it.


  • Disclaimer – no FNGs but I wanted to mention it again for the newer guys – I’m not a pro, you vs. you, modify as needed
  • Side Straddle Hops, IC, 2. No more needed. Why?
  • SLAW-TER STARTER!!!!! 20 Burpees OYO – the ultimate mumble chatter stopper and the greatest warm-up exercise ever! You know if I called 10 at the 2.0 workout, I’m calling them today!


Let’s mosey. Let me say it is MUCH easier to run downhill toward Franklin after a Slaw-ter Starter than it is to run up the hill at Folsom. I remembered this parking lot at the First Methodist Church from Spidey’s Q a few weeks back and that was our first destination. It seemed a little further away than I remembered so I ask Gastone to make sure we’re headed the right way and he confirms. The burpees must have just made it seem further away. The po-po were hanging out, waiting for us, but they wanted no part of the mess I was getting ready to call so they rolled out quickly. Good move guys! YHC realized he left the gloves in the car. Fortunately, this is the Cadillac of parking lots. The sealer makes a great smooth surface for my pencil-pushing hands. Things are going in my favor this morning.

  • Misspelled BOMBS – I’m going to level with you here. I told the PAX I wasn’t a good speller, but I lied. The Folsom guys will tell you I definitely make a lot of typos, but that’s different..I am a really good speller, I just didn’t want to do normal BOMBS today. Gumby called these 2-3 weeks ago at Folsom and I made note – even went back to the backblast to make sure we did the same thing today. You can thank him for this. Partner up, P1 runs while P2 completes exercise, rotate until you hit the target.
  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Big Boys (WW1 Situps)
  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 250 LBCS (I got you Roadie)

At one point, I asked Slaw “you hear that?” He says “What?” I told him ‘exactly, there is no mumble chatter this morning.” The only sounds in the parking lot were gasps for air, sweat pounding the pavement, and the grunts of men pushing the rock! Good job men! Frankly, we finished a few minutes faster than I thought! On a side note, this seems to be the perfect lead up workout to the Murph on Monday.

Quick recovery – well deserved! Let’s mosey back to the Pavilion. Slaw and a few others pick up the pace and beat me back to the destination, YHC rolls in a 5-10 seconds later and the lead pack grabs the 6 so I grab a plank. Several ask if it’s time for the circle of trust. NOPE!

  • Walls of Jericho – Remember Easy Rider made the comment before the workout about this exercise and I think there’s a 72.7% chance he stained his underwear when I made this call! The running was a bit easier today though since time was limited.
  • 7 Burpees, 7 Merkins, 7 SSHs, 7 Imperial Squats, run a lap around the pavilion – Repeat 7 times.

I MAY not have explained that part well as some ran early. There was some mumble chatter about this topic and this wasn’t how it happened in the Bible, but I quickly reminded them who was the Q and order was restored. Sargento agreed I called them correctly, BTW. I saw the despair in the PAX eyes as we hit laps 4 and 5. Some were saying ‘looked better on paper’. I replied “No, this is exactly what I expected!”….and that was the truth. I knew this was going to be hard. I wanted to push myself and everyone else. As I mentioned earlier, I had a mission. I was thinking Omaha, but I just couldn’t say it. We were so close to finishing this. Men were pushing and that pushed me. Then it happened….the 7th lap was complete

It was 6:10. Yes, there were a few more minutes on the clock but I was done and most of the PAX were as well. Time!

COT: Roscoe had a family member coming out of the hospital after surgery and I believe Gastone also had one (my apologies, I have a lot of trouble remembering the requests!). There was also a request for the Self family, victims, and the community. YHC took us out in prayer. Announcements: the 2nd 2.0 workout is scheduled at Folsom for June 16, Go Ruck Light event is coming up (see Boudin, a few have already signed up), the Patriot 5k and Murphy are both Monday – see HIPAA if you are interested in some Clown Car action, 40 Day Challenge Celebration Hike at Grandfather Mountain 6/23 (Hot For Teacher).

Moleskin: When I started F3 in January, I was only posting for a few weeks when I decided to venture Downtown. It was tough, but guys pushed me and helped me out. I was most definitely the 6 (and sometimes, I still am). I have always had a great appreciation for the work you guys do Downtown and I’ve learned from it. I’ve taken some of those things to Folsom for my Q’s! It was a little push outside my comfortzone this morning to Q Downtown and I appreciate the opportunity. I did not know whether we could get all that in and in planning this Q, I used the Pavilion for the Walls of Jericho to shorten the running and so we’d be in the right location if we couldn’t finish. Frankly, I fully expected we would have to Omaha about 1/2 – 3/4 of the way through it due to time. When I saw guys finishing the misspelled BOMBS and I noticed the time, I think started to think we may finish. I was tired but I had more left in the tank than expected. I got better today and I hope you did too. Thanks for the opportunity.


16 Strong

YHC showed up to the AO with Weinke prepared and ready to get the day started right. The PAX began to show up in the gloom. Most of them driving up, but in the distance I see  Orangeman getting in EC by running from his house to the AO.  Strong work brother. The watch struck 5:30 which I later found out my watch is 2 minutes fast.  Lets get after it.


Warm up

15 Seal Jacks IC (D fibs favorite)

15 Merkins  IC

20 Mountain Climbers IC

20 Squats IC

10 burpees OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the tennis court with a quick stop under the railroad tracks for 5 wall walks and 20 donkey kicks.

Once we arrived at the tennis courts it was time for BLIMPS.  Perform 25 of exercise then run down to end of parking lot and back then do the next exercise.


Lunges (each leg)

Incline Merkins

Mike Tyson’s

Plank Jack


Once complete 50 LBC while the 6 finished up.  Once done mosey to the Goat Island Bridge for a Triple Nickel.  5 Wolverine burpees run across the bridge then perform 5 Dive Bombers.  At one  point I heard a PAX critiquing his Dive Bomber form.  He was wandering how he managed to have  the number kids he has.  On the last round YHC stomach felt a little ruff.  I told Dr. Suess and Wet Nuts that I started to feel like I may splash merlot.   Getting close to time, mosey back to the start point for rounds of Mary.  Monkey Humpers and Flutter Kicks.  Time


Announcements: GoRuck Light event on July 22.  Let Boudin know if you would like to join the 4 HC or have any questions.  Memorial Day 5 K and Murph.  If you are running the race there will be a convergence before the race.  Also, keep an eye out for possible clown car scenario.

I took us out with prayer.  Cannot remember exact request, the Sky Q knows those request spoken and unspoken.

Thanks for the push men.   Great work by everyone.  Way to push through. I encourage everyone to get out there and sign up to Q a workout.

See you in the gloom!


Pub, fun was had…

I pulled up in the lot around 4:55 to get in some extra credit and noticed about 30 M’s going out for a run. Although this has been a regular occurrence but yet I still wonder why we do not see a group in Gastonia. Is it the case that Gastonia just can’t make this happen just like F3? But, if they decide and the word get spread around it would be our job to assist and educate on the way these work. It would be there job to find 10 females that are ready and willing to start FIA in the Gastonia area. I have mentioned to many but have not found the correct person I guess to take the ball and make it happen. So talk to your M’s and any athletes you find and invite them to there website.

The Thang:

5am I ran until the pax showed up for a slow extra credit.

5:30am the pax showed and we ran. I announced our trip to the Halfpipe and that we would do 3 trips back and forth before coming back. Just to be interrupted with a huge whining voice saying “I was not mentally prepared for the Halfpipe”

Of coarse after that the same person took off at a great pace and knocked the hell out of the run.

650 elevation and it was huge fun.

The Moleskin:

Pray for Oompa’s father.

Pray for the Self family and all around this family.

Monday at the Black Knight is the convergence and the Murph. It will be Q’ed by the ever great Whoopee.

Gastone Out!


Cod Possum returns for Fartsackapalooza

Six men took their #DRP and resisted the comforts of their fartsacks. This was a smaller crowd than what seems to be the new normal, but what we lacked in numbers, we made up for in work.  There were various reasons why people didn’t show: work, sandy V, etc… Cod Possum, which is Roadie’s brother was back for the second day in a row.  Roadie was running late by his time (still way early on Sparky’s time).  At 0530 it was time to clock in.

Warmup: Gravel pickers, Hillbilly and SSH all x 10IC.

Mosey to the flag.  On the way we stopped for sandy V and WW2 x 25.  At the flag: pledge, 22 for the Vets and LBC x 25.

Mosey to the Amphitheater and partner up.  P1 holds balls to the wall; P2 does the exercise.  Exercises were 10 burpees, 20 merkins and 30 lbcs.

Mosey to the lower shelter. Dips and step ups. Rinse and repeat.

Time was running low so we mosey back to launching point for Mary.   Exercises were Freddy Mercury, lbcs, v ups and one other.


Annoucements: Patriot 5k and Memorial Day Murph.  Post somewhere.  Warrior Dash.

Prayer requests: the Self family, Oompa’s Father in Law, Allen Tate’s Mother in Law, kids taking exams… and something I feel like I’m missing.  Sorry men, but the Lord knows.

BOM: Allen Tate took us out in prayer.

NMM: guys its been tough getting back at it and staying at it. Feels almost like starting over. But i appreciate the fellowship and the friendship and the push to stay with it. This is one special brotherhood. And in the world we live in today it is much needed and appreciated. Much love for my f3 brothers.

Chief Allen Tate

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