Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2017 (Page 5 of 6)

Mericans?!! Never heard of them!!!

In an effort to “one up” all previous F3 workouts, Quike decided to take a road trip to Sahiwal, PAKISTAN, 10 time zones away (yes, it is a real place)! For the southerners in the group, both of the “A”s in Pakistan are soft, like the “a” in America, not like the “A” in America. Pakistan is about the size of the most of the Southeast (VA, NC, SC, GA, AL, FL)) with 200,000, 000 people (thats a lot, by the way)!

I had been EH’ing a FNG for a while to attend workouts in Greenville (where he lives), but he had resisted to this point. Given that were were stuck at Bahr Manzah (the AO) together for a couple of days, a true compound (with 10 ft high walls and armed guards carrying automatic weapons ) for the week, I felt like I could get him to a workout.

I was a little nervous about the workout because FNG is an extremely good athlete who has completed half-triathlons and run several marathons in the past. I wasn’t sure if my weinke  would be up to par. Additionally, it is illegal to show a Weinke in public in Pakistan, with castration as the punishment). I  make every attempt possible to not stress my upper body, but you can do only so much lower body work (and the AO was pretty small). FinalIy,  also haven’t done a ‘merican in about a month (due to the Tuna), so I knew that any upper body exercise with more than  5 reps was likely to cause rhabdomyolysis (for the people who live north of I-85, it’s a fancy work for severe muscle damage).  As a runner, it is my firm belief that exercising and working out upper body muscles only serves to add weight and slow you down.

Because I was 100% confident there were going to be no other Pax or FNG there, our start time was flexible. I woke at 600. He was up walking on the treadmill for about 15 minutes prior to my waking, as he couldn’t sleep. Multiple time zone changes are tough on the body. We started the work-out at 620.  There was a general gloomy fog over the area, which is pretty common in Pakistan due to pollution. Prior to the work-out, a Great Dane (compound dog) the armed guard did come over to check us out and make sure neither of us was UBL (were were about 5 hours from Abbatabad, and he’s dead already).



15 Kastans (in a different country, these are referred to as “mericans”)

20 SSH

15 Don Quixotes-n I always think of Tool Time and smile

20 LBC

Mosey (there was a loop in the driveway of the compound, about 40 meters, we ran 4 laps)


100 Kstans (if you do “mericans” here, you get shot)

200 monkey jumpers (had to face the building/housing compound; it we would have done this towards any person, we would have been either beheaded or immediately from the country)

300 LBC

Mosey another 2 laps

4 corners- Dips, Inkstans, Prayer Squats (we did these to God, no Allah), and Moroccan night clubs (not really a real thing in Morocco, I have been as well). Did 3 sets, with 5, 10, and 15 reps of each

Next was ab work, 45 seconds of workout with 15 seconds of rest (I hate ab work)

Plank, flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury, low plank, and WWI sit ups (did I state that I had ab work!)

Recover (I hate ab work)

Mosey for about 3 minutes (got dizzy because the laps were so small), which took us until about 705.

We did not have a flag present, so we did not pledge the flag (plus the guards were watching, didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize our chances of going back next year)

Announcements (none)

Namorama- Urdugan is a true HIM. He is a the director of a multi-continent missions agency who lives in Greer, SC and he has a faith that is evident in every aspect of his life. There are truly few people that I am in awe of, and he is one of them.

Prayer requests- I was spending a week at Christian Hospital System in Sahiwal, it is part of the Nancy Fullwood Hospital System. This is a 100% Christian hospital in the middle of a 95% Muslim Pakistan. God has allowed it to find favor in the eyes of the Pakistan authorities (see Joseph in the Bible and his relationship with pharaoh) and is blessing the ministry of this endeavor. Pray that God will continue to bless this ministry and provide for more Christian doctors (there aren’t too many in Pakistan) to work there.

Although you guys weren’t with me in body this week, I am thankful that many of you were there in spirit, praying for me and my time there. Your prayers were heard (thanks, Fighting Yank) and I did feel them during the week, The fellowship and fitness are great, but for me, it is the FAITH that makes it all worth it. It would be empty actions without that.  AYE!!!


Feel the Burn…

I may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed with this wildness. Regardless, the burn was strong afterwards and I definitely was feelin’ it a day after. Appreciate the 10 PAX and their optimism in the midst of the BURN.

So, onwards and upwards  – here we go!

Warm-up (15 IC)

Imperial Walkers, Sidestraddle Hops, 5 Burpin Parkers, Goofballs, Al Gore

And then do a complete lap around the school to do


Merkins, Werkins, Derkins Pyramid – 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 with a parking lot lap in between sets

Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker, Plank Slaps (Partnered-up) 10-10-10. In between, leg raise countdowns 30-45 seconds

Well done HIMs…

Slim Shady out!


4 Corners

I fully appreciate the chance to lead today. It helped me to focus on something other than aging parents and Hospice care. It also helped me to step out of my normal comfort zone of being in the background.  However all that being said I Overthought  a lot in preparation (I’m very analytical… or so I’ve been told!!)  and had to continue to modify ….. sometime in the future I will challenge myself  and do everything spontaneously that way I won’t drop my Weinke again.Warm up.    SSH-20 in cadence( for Spider-Man …. ref “No Hops….”.).             Merkins -20.               Goofballs -20 in cadence.             Circle Pelicans.       Makhtar N’ DI -10.       Iron Mike-10.      The thang:                Mosie to Martha’s house explained since on playground let’s play four corners  except these four corners really were far away  …..unintentional  . Began with 10 burps in first corner next 20 Merckins followed by 30 seal jacks lastly 40 LB C’s .  Then we reversed direction ran in reverse returned to start  redoing all exercises .  Tried lunge walk stopped after the second station return to run between stations  and this time only performing 10 of each exercise at each corner reverse to start   Once more .  Flutter kicks sumo squats 10 each ….ran track….  lean on bathroom wall for one or two minutes ….. return to Pelicans  for final call of 50 Lbcs. Continue reading

46 years young

Warm Up (in cadence)
4-Burpee’s 4-Burpee’s
6-Merkins 6-WW2 sit ups
4-Burpee’s 4-Burpee’s
6-Sumo squats 6-Monkey humpers
Mosey to old Harris Teeters
Partner up   (one running light poles  & other exercise)
1. LBC x 346
2.Micheal Pheleps x 246
3. Shoulder taps x 146
4.Peter Parker merkins x 46
Mosey to Gastone’s hill –
Backwards run to 4th mail box – 6 burpees
Repeat 3 more times
Mosey back toward Snowballs with a stop at each light pole for the following:
Squats, Flutter kicks, monkey humpers, merkins, peter parkers, & couple others I forgot
F3 dads – Sunday at 3 pm Martha Rivers Park
Crawer Mtn to Kings Mtn hike next Sun.-See Roscoe
Prayer request
Texas, Clavin’s mother, & JK2 traveing this week

Epic Gloom

All the conditions were present that precludes a perfect storm. A rainy, overcast day. Daylight savings time has Midoriyama in the dark by mid-workout. A fog bank rolled in. The setting could’ve been the post card for epic gloom conditions. The icing on the cake actually began a couple days ago when the site Q  became a social media troll and raided my M’s Facebook page for an incriminating photo of YHC. YHC can’t prove it, but is 99% certain site Q got some tech assistance from Floppy Disc! YHC LOVES TWITTER! Almost all Gashouse PAX lit YHC up like a Christmas Tree on Twitter and helped fan the flames that help create awesome beatdowns. As YHC rolled in, he was instantly asked many questions on the meaning behind the pic. To make a long story short, YHC was  pushed into the Taylor Swift train (a couple years ago) via his 2.0 and her BFFs. Truth be told, many F3 dads have been on the same journey YHC is traveling. Man up and admit it. You guys like Taylor Swift as well. YHC was posing a silly pose to get a laugh out of the M and the kids. It has also generated a few laughs lately as well. Glad YHC could help out. As 17:30 hit, site Q rolls in hot while disclaimer is stated. PAX instantly did their greatest Taylor Swift heart pose to welcome him in. YHC was so proud. Alright men, let’s get to it.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Don Q’s (sorry Tool Time) x 10 IC
  • Merkin Wipes x 5 IC (look them up, work great. Great crowd pleaser)
  • Michael Phelps x 10 IC
  • Cherkins x 10 (It’s a slow motion Def Leppard Merkin and touch forehead to ground)


Mosey to playground real quick to get everybody’s daily dose of pull ups (Hats off to Pizza Man) 6,5,4,3,2. 20 total.

Mosey to long parking lot for bear crawl Merkin Ladder. Bear crawl across parking lot. Stop at every other line and perform 2 merkins. Keep this up for approx. 35-40 yards. Site Q accused YHC of performing these to punish him for the aforementioned photo trolling. Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, moving on…….

Mosey to large soccer field at back of park. Burpee Suicides. One Burpee at the end of field. Run to the different lines on soccer field and back, increasing burpee count by one. 28 total burpees.

Quick count off and then escalating four corners.

Corner one- 10 Werkins

Corner two- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats

Corner three- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s

Corner four- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s, 40 Flutter kicks (20 each leg)

YHC then called for de-escalator 4 corners. Same exercises as above, just performed in reverse order.

PAX then lined up for an Indian Run back to Turd Shack closest to the flag. Fastest Indian Run YHC has ever participated in, for sure!

Wall work at Turd Shack. 3 rounds of:

Donkey Kicks x 10

Hip Slappers x 10

Wall Sits with 25 overhead presses.

Short mosey to the flag with 22 Merkins for the Vets led by Oompa Loompa. AYE!

And that, as they say, was that.


  • Advisory Board meeting this Sunday @ Cavendish brewery.
  • Christmas party Dec. 1st at Lotus. $30 per person. Money must be in to Freight by 11/18/17.
  • Dec. 2nd – Convergence at Gashouse. All AO’s will post there. This is also when we will collect toys for Operation Sweet Tooth.
  • F3 Dads this Sunday @14:30. Reach out to Roscoe or Whoopee if interested.
  • F3 Ruck/ Hike on 11/19. Crowders Mtn. to Kings Mtn. (or vice-versa)

Prayer Requests:

  • Brown Streak and his family on the passing of his Father.
  • Oompa Loompa’s 2.0 is facing foot/ankle surgery.
  • Other PAX who have friends/ loved ones battling cancer.

YHC led us out in prayer.


The earlier darkness and cooler temps make Midoriyama a “morning like” AO. It was awesome to see my brothers pushing and encouraging each other in the foggy gloom. Every man was pushing his best. Defib and Tyson were in beast mode today. Lil’ Sweet shows up late and worked out in his work clothes! Tiger rolled in and joined us at the pull ups. Solid work, sir! Hope to see you back out at Midoriyama. Don’t look now, Roadie- you are becoming a runner! Shout out to Swimmer for not stopping and pushing every Burpee out during Burpee Suicides. Also, Oompa Loompa for posting in Houston, Texas this morning, then double-timing back to Midoriyama for the evening workout! Outstanding! Wojo can still out-sprint everyone even when his back is knotting up. Blart posted sick today and never splashed Merlot. He was close a time or two, but he choked it back down. Sister Act for getting the work done, no matter what you throw at him. He’s a machine. Tool Time- it’s great to see you back out in the gloom, sir. Solid work (as always). Freight was always keeping the mumble chatter lively while still encouraging the PAX in his own way. YHC calls it “constructive sarcasm”. That’s why he’s the Nantan. Def Leppard rolls in, plants the shovel flag, and immediately gets to it. Don’t let the Silver Fox fool you- he’s always “in it to win it”.

Like YHC stated earlier, great work by all. Thank You for allowing me to lead a wonderful group of men today. If you haven’t been to Midoriyama lately (or ever), come on out. The weather is fine.



No Hops of Staddling Sides

I do not know the origin, nor am I too interested, but I dare say the Side Staddle Hop is one of the most popular, if not most frequent starter exercise among the F3 legions. Many strikes of the 5:30 am haveth groups of men giggling and straddling in counts of cadence.  Websters currently defines a side staddle hop as; Side: a place, space, or direction with respect to a center or to a line of division,  Straddle: to stand, sit, or walk with the legs wide apart; to spread out irregularly,  Hops:to move by a quick springy leap or in a series of leaps.  Uban dictionary describes the side staddle hop as: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   – It’s up for grabs if anyone wants to submit a definition. The point is, we didn’t do any, and it was still a pretty good time.

Pater Parkers 10 IC, Peter Parker Peter 10 IC, Freddie Mercurys 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC.  5 burpies.


5 Burpies
Take a lap around the parking lot.
5 Burpies
Take a lap around the other parking lot.
5 Burpies

Mosey to the brick wall.

Wall sits
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs + Marching
Wall sits + Shoulder Presses + Marching

Mosey to the parking deck, down to 1st level.

Sprint straight aways,  backwards jog up the ramp.

Repeat to the top.

Merkins 5 IC
Derkins 5 IC
Merkins 5 IC
Derkins 5 IC


Partner Up:
1 PAX hits the mountain climbers, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH


1 PAX hits the plankjacks, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH


Merkins 10
Derkins 5
Merkins 5
Derkins 5

1 PAX hits the mountain climbers, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH

1 PAX hits the plankjacks, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  50 FlutterKicks
Sprint to next ramp.

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  40 FlutterKicks
Sprint to next ramp.

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  30 FlutterKicks
Sprint to next ramp.

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  40 FlutterKicks

Mosey to the metal Christmas Tree

Dips 10 IC
Squats 10 IC
Dips 15 IC
Squats 15 IC
Dips 10 IC
Squats 10 IC

To the Pavillion!

Freddie Mercurys 10 IC
LBCs 10 IC
Box Cutters 10 IC
American Hammers 10 IC
Squats 10 IC
Flutterkicks 20 IC

Ring of Fire – Merkins.  5 per PAX around the circle, then back.

COT: Monks collegue’s son has cancer returned, Stroganoff’s friends daughters cancer

Not a single side staddle hop was harmed in the making of this workout.

Walls of Jericho

For some reason, Sunday afternoon, Hushpuppy got the urge to Q Monday’s workout.  Maybe it was a drive to do more, or sheer stupidity, or maybe YHC just wanted a workout that didn’t include backwards running up hills.

Warm up: Imperial walkers, Toy Soldiers, LBC’s, Planks, Flutters, Mosey, Pledge:

Tha Thang: Mosey down to the SECU bank because it was the best building I could think of we could run all the way around.

Walls of Jericho: 7 reps of exercises, followed by a lap around the building:  7 merkins, then a lap, 7 hip slappers, then a lap, 7 SSH, then a lap, 7 squats, then a lap, 7 shoulder taps, then a lap, 7 hillbillies, then a lap, 7 Burpees, then a lap.  Mosey up union, through the neighborhood and to Marthas front yard.  Whoopees favorite, Jack Web 11’s.  Jack Webbs at the top, squats at the bottom.

Jailbreak back to startex:

Strong work.

Sorry it took me 6 days to post the BB.  Q’ing again Friday 11/7 Down Town.  Can’t wait!


YHC picked up the Q as hunting season kicks in and several PAX are out in the woods hunting the four legged deer. At least that’s what they tell the rest of us.  YHC can’t sit still, so sitting in the woods being still for hours would be  similar to some kind of ancient torture chamber. I would rather be administering the torture instead of being tortured, so 6 PAX  enter the torture chamber this morning. No FNG’s so with a quick disclaimer we enter the chamber.


SSH and Gravel Pickers x15 IC


Mosey to the bottom parking lot and then back up to the entrance for the pledge with stops at every speed bump for 5 burpees. This got the mumblechatter started, one pax (Slaw) in particular was beside himself with joy at the call for burpees, others not so much.

We get to the flag and pledge and mosey to the parking lot across from the entrance for some suicides with merkins starting at 10 and at every divider going up 10 ending with 40.  Zig zag a lap of the parking lot and back to start for LBC suicides and another zig zag lap and ending with Squats and a zig zag lap. YHC thought there was 4 dividers so we had to change it up to get the numbers in.

Next we mosey to the parking lot at the turd shack with speed bump burpees on the way. Here we Bearcrawl the length of the parking lot from bottom to top with 2 merkins at every other line. This was a real crowd pleaser and one YHC will save for another day.  Run a lap around the parking lot and hit the turd shack for 2 rounds of 20 with Donkey Kicks, Hip Slappers, and LBCs.

YHC called a mosey to shelter only to omaha to the amphitheater where we did 2 rounds of  20 Arm Squats and unspecified number of  Rocky Balboas. Then high plank to low plank till YHC couldn’t hold it anymore. Mountain Climbers were next and were done till Q called halt.

Mosey to the start with a detour around the  lower parking lot and another set of burpees at the speed bump. With 4 miles behind us time was up and so was the Q.

Announcements; Christmastown 5K, and Christmas Party December 1 at Lotus in Gastonia. Hit Freight up for reservations.

Prayer Request;  Stroganoff’s friends daughter, another young kid with cancer, Hank’s friend Don, each other.

Circle up and YHC takes us out.

Hard work by everyone today! It’s an honor to lead a great group of guys, and thanks for the push from the PAX! Volt has consistently been there nearly every day since he started and is showing improvement every time, keep pushing man. Good to see our newest guy Rapunzel pushing hard and coming back for more. Slaw and Sister Act getting down to business when the exercises are called. Sgt. Hulka welcome back after a little hiatus with things of life keeping you away for a bit, good work today.

Sponsored by 11

Today was a great day-weather was perfect, good turnout at Schiele, had an FNG, and the guns were out all around just for my M. That was the topic of our dinner conversation tonight-guns everywhere and “some things you can’t unsee” was repeated by my M. Thanks guys, you made me proud.

I put out a few pre blasts about being sponsored by the number 11. Just to test the literacy of the pax, I varied the number of reps for the warmup and thankfully, Roscoe did not let me down and called me out on my reps. Here is what I remember:


WU: 11 (or so) reps of SSH, Squats, Merkins, ? flutters then…what the heck, lets get some burpees, 11 of them after Roscoe was kind enough to point out not 11 reps on something. I then ‘splained that the theme was 11 and that every 11 minutes my alarm was going off and we would do 5 burpees (Slaw, where are you? I put this one in here just for you-it will return.)

Mosey to the front door of Grier Middle School to the speed bumps for 11’s. Start at 1 speed bump and run to other with 11’s using Burps and CDDs for our exercises on the ends. Think the timer may have gone off???? 7:11 am

Mosey to First Presbyterian Church steps. My original plan was 11’s with hip slappers but last time I did this…..well let’s just say there was blood and I was not really interested in that today since the parking lot was just repaved, so I changed things a little. We went up the steps, 11 hip slappers, came down the steps for 11 WWI (or was it WWII??) situps. Repeato but only 5 or 6 reps at top and bottom. The timer went off so we did some more burpees at 7:22 am.

We had a short mosey to the playground for something I really hate, figured others felt same way, and was excited to put on my weinke-Pull Up Plank Bridge: all pax stay in plank, during the plankorama, 1 or 2 pax at a time jump up, do a pull up with slow down phase. This was so much fun, we did it again but instead of plank, we did squats while pax took turns with the pull-ups.

Mosey to the track at Sherwood Elementary School, partner up for Booyah Merkin Clockwork. P1 starts mosey in one direction and will continue in that direction for whole exercise. P2 goes in other direction around the track. Every time they meet, drop and do booyah merkins. The reps start at 1 and increase every time you pass each other until you get to 11. Also, just for fun (with props to Gastone), every time you pass you change from Run to Nur or Nur to Run. This was a real crowd pleaser. The Nurring was a battery drainer for me. I think we did Burpees twice (7:33 am and 7:44 am) during this one-added a little salt to the wound which made me smile….

We recovered while I briefed the pax on a favor-my M would be dropping 2 of my 2.0s back at start right around 8am. My M is “not a fan” of the sleeveless shirts (AKA: sun’s out, gun’s out shirts). As many of you know, I am completely at the mercy of my (wonderful and loving) M and look for ways to break out from under her Communist-like control any chance I can, even if it is for 60 minutes on a Saturday morning while most of the world is still sleeping while I wear a shirt that makes her worried I may show up one day in a ’77 trans am with T tops and a firebird on the front…..where was I??????? Oh yeah, the favor….I asked everyone to tuck their sleeves and give her the 28 gun salute when she arrived back at home base. The pax happily obliged, some who know my M seemed especially eager-again, thanks.

We moseyed back to home base for some Mary, stopping for our last round of burpees on the way as the alarm went off at 7:55am. We got back for some Mary with a few of us leading and were saved by the bells at 8am. My M showed up a few minutes later with some choice comments, and was heard saying something like “some things you can’t unsee” as she drove away. Not sure who had a bigger grin, me or her…..probably me.

COT: few prayer requests: coworkers struggling with cancer, health issues, friend with daughter fighting advanced cancer and fundraiser going on today (Stroganoff led the charge up the hill on this one and Hushpuppy and I were there to support). Probably a few others I can’t remember. We named our FNG: Remo (Simon Aldridge) brought by Oompa Loompa. Just FYI, Remo will be starting his marine corps service (I think) in April. When you meet him, do your best to get him to keep coming back-let’s get him in shape as best we can and help this young man prepare to go and serve our country.

I had a great morning with all of you-thanks for the privilege of leading. I saw a lot of guys gutting it out this morning. I thought it was tough, but everyone really busted their tails and that kind of stuff really makes me work even harder when I see others pushing. Great work with the “iron sharpens iron” part.



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