Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 22, 2017








It was simple 4 stations run to each and perform 4 exercises

1ST Station= 40 Seal  Jacks IC , 30 Mountain climbers,  10 merkins IC , 10 werkins

2nd Station= 30 SSh , 30 mountain Climbers, 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Lbc’s

3rd  Station= 30 Seal Jacks, 10 Merkins , 20 lbc’s, Wide Merkins

4th Station=15 Mike Tysons  IC, 15 mountain Climbers IC 15 Hippslappers, IC

Give or take a few there ,

Then back to flag for a little leg work, it went  a little like this,  backward highknee lundge,squat thingamubob’s for about 25 yards . Not my best choice of the day but it got the blood flowing to the legs

I tried to keep it simple today and keep the heart rate up, I hope you enjoyed…..

22 Merkins for vets


Announcements;  Speed for need coming up; 4 miler, and Christmastown 5k,

COT; ToolTime Spoke A little and shared a blackblast about Lexington

PRAYER REQUEST;  Cheech’s Family, those traveling,

MOLESKIN; after hearing about the loss of a F3 brother I cant help but to exam myself a

bit ,I  have been thinking a lot lately about my time and how I am investing in others, I know I have a lot of room for improvement there.  I also mentioned that I hope to us this time with my brothers to become better so I can impact my family a lot more .


Share the load

Sorry I have been lax in posting this.  Excuses and reasons. . .

It was fitting that Rudolph shared in his 3rd F message on “Many hands make light work” but the message was so much more.  It was real; it as real that every man is often ashamed to ask or accept help.  We want to be able to carry it all and not let others down.  If we need help, we might not be strong enough.  Then life drops a brick on us.  We get an injury or we hit an obstacle and we are forced to humble ourselves and realize that sometimes we need help.  I ended up in my church in Gastonia 16 years ago when God decided to slow me down with an injured ankle.  I was forced to accept help from people I didn’t know and the events were set up to plant me where I belong.

As we all shook off that undeniable feeling that we could not do it without the help of others it was time for tha thang:

Disclaimer, get back on your car and go home.

Warm up: 10 SSH IC, then mosey to the flag pole for the Pledge led by Smalls.

Mosey down the sidewalk and plant it on the wall for some hip slappers called by Whoopee x 15 IC.

Mosey to the Chiropractor parking lot for some plank and some Peter parkers called by someone I can’t remember.  I needed help. I can’t get horizontal and count without the danger of Merlot.

Mosey through the neighborhood and meet up at the intersection for some Goof Ball, 15 IC called By Roscoe (ok, I wasn’t horizontal this time I just like it when others count).

Mosey some more and stopped in front of a nice house for some Monkey Humpers. Maidoff called the Cadence on this one as we jokingly led the moon fest in front of our friends house we are both trying to EH. I asked him Tuesday if he happened to look out his window and unfortunately he had not.

On to the park bench in the median and what do we find, Blocks!  YHC reminded everyone that when your brother is hit with a heavy weight to carry  we must walk with him and help carry the load. Everyone partnered up and we moseyed out to Belvedere with the blocks, trading with each other to share the load.

On Belvedere we found a nice intersection with a grassy median for some Dora 123.  100 overhead press, 200 squat, 300 curls (which I Omaha’d to 200 as it was already past 7:30 and we were 1.5 miles from home with a long way to go to carry the bricks).  Mosey to the jewelry store for some flutter kicks IC.  We wanted to toss the bricks in the bushes but I just couldn’t let our brothers down.  Mosey on to the strip mall formerly known as Showmars.  In honor of carrying the load while life brings your brother to a crawl, we bear crawled the entire length of the awning, crawling 4 posts while the partner carried the brick, then alternating; about 5 times each in all.  At this point it was 7:47 and I realized we never make it back to startex carrying the bricks so we stacked them neatly to the side and moseyed on.  We stopped at the big wall for some peoples chair and air presses, then mosey to the culdesac  and waited for the 6.  Mosey on up the hill past the school and back to startex, with 2 minutes to spare.  Rudolph already had the pain lab on their 6 and someone called for Smalls to call flutter kicks.  Big mistake.  I think he set a record at 62 before calling halt.  I had the final call for an exercise and called burpees, just in time for the bells to toll.

Strong work men.

During the workout I shared of a story I heard on the radio.  A woman who had a stroke in her early 30’s and it took her 2 years to return to a normal semblance of life.  Many of her friends were around here but grew impatient with her slow recovery.  “Oh look, she made lunch, she’s back to normal!”.  If only it were that simple.  Her closest friend became an older woman, more mature, who had also suffered a traumatic brain injury earlier in life.  She had the wisdom and patience to walk through the trial with her.  Our scars are not to remind us of our failures, but to remind us of what we have come through, and to give us credibility to those who we guide through their own battles.

If I could only have known during that time that we would later be grieving the loss of brother Cheech later in the week.  I hope that those in the Nation with their own scars will stand by the family; will walk with them and carry the weight they can’t seem to go any further.  My prayer to the Sky Q is that both mother and children will never be alone in their walk.  That those in Fia and F3 will walk patiently with them and guide them in wisdom.  God be with them.



The Pub Pool of Humid

3 cool people showed up to the Pub and we ran a little over 5 miles.

Outhouse ran a getting it back modified coarse. But, we all ended at the same time.

Great to see Outhouse back in the gloom.

Today was like running in a pool under water with concrete tied to our waste in humidity. But we did the run and that was better than all the fartsackers did.

August we are looking at a date for Mt. Mitchell up and down for the weekend of the 18th. Have picked which day. But, we would leave early get it done and come back.

Pray for our brother who lost his life running in SC. I did not know or I would have gone sleeveless for sure.

Gastone Out!

No Burpees – (Well, maybe)

If any Gashouse PAX have been around YHC for at least one workout, they will discover that I am a fan of the Burpee. When I announced to the Midoriyama boys that I had the Q, I promised no Burpees. This was met with immediate mumble chatter (ALL negative, I must say). Words such as liar, yeah-RIGHT!, B.S., were heard by YHC. Site Q Def Leppard stirred the pot via Twitter even more by posting a rather funny Ron Burgundy GIF stating “I don’t belive it”. Even when YHC showed up for the workout, he was met with more questions about the “no burpees” workout. With a total of 14 PAX posting, YHC decided to get things rolling.


  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Low, Slow Squats x 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes x 10 IC


Mosey to stairs at softball field across the parking lot for calf raises x 10 each step. Plank for the six afterward.

Form two lines and Indian run to the practice soccer field where each PAX grabs a coupon from the bed of YHC’s truck. Set up for some four corner work.

Corner 1: 21’s- bicep curls with 7 halfway up, 7 halfway down, 7 full extension. Mosey with coupon to next corner.

Corner 2: Block thrusters x 15. Mosey to next corner with coupon.

Corner 3: Tricep overhead extensions with coupon x 10. Huckleberry asked “why not 15 like the thrusters?’. Well, next round we will, sir.

Corner 4: 8 count bodybuilders (with coupon) x 5. THESE ARE NOT BURPEES! It may be a burpee with a plank jack, but it isn’t a burpee. Immediate explosion of mumble chatter ensued. Huckleberry asked YHC “only 5? Why not 10?”. Well, next round, we will sir! I love his motivated enthusiasm!

Mosey to first corner and drop coupon and line up at the base of the small hill for some 11’s. LBC’s at the bottom, merkins at the top. Good work by all PAX pushing through this. Great support encouragement during this evolution.

Grab the coupons and repeat the 4 corners except increase reps on the tricep extensions and 8 count bodybuilers.

Line up at one end of the field for some Rugby Sprints. Kudos to Pizza Man for guessing this one. All ab exercises with some 15 yard sprints. Exercises were Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, American Hammers.

YHC was contemplating another round of 11’s, but time was running short. Go to the hill and bear crawl up, 10 squats at the top, sprint back down. R&R x 2. Omaha’d the last bear crawl for Joe Hendricks.

Indian run back to the flag just in time for 22 merkins for the vets.


Announcements: Speed for need inaugural race July 4th at Dilworth in Charlotte. Gashouse’s first will be the Christmastown 5K the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

COT: Welcome to FNG Flounder. It’s great to have you with us.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: YHC also spoke briefly on encouragement and it’s impact on others. My first post at Midoriyama was a great example of how encouragement impacts others. My tail was dragging in the Midoriyama heat, and thoughts of laying down were running through my mind. But my brothers Tool Time, Pizza Man, Floppy Disk, Freight, and Def Leppard kept encouraging me through it. That gave me the boost to push through. We also should encourage each other through our spiritual battles as well. Life has its ups and downs. It helps me to know my brothers are praying me through when I am going through tough times. We never know what type of situation/issue our fellow brother may be going through. A word of encouragement may give him the boost he needs to push through.

Thanks guys for the encouragement. Thank you for allowing me to lead.

Until the next time,



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