• Post Type:
  • When: 05/25/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Squirt
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Smalls, Easy Rider, Spider Man, Stone Cold, Bulldog, Gaston, Turtle Man, Davinchi, T-Square, Defib, Linus, Sargento, Stroganoff

Disclosure: This was written 2 days ago on Friday after Gaston reminded me to do one. Been a little busy since then and this is the first chance I’ve had to post this. Have a great Memorial Day everyone.

Since 2 days have passed since this workout took place I’ve had some reflection time and I’ve come to the conclusion that it hurts! Every time I take a step or climb a set of stairs I’m reminded of the soreness of my hamstrings and butt muscles. Yesterday was quite painful but as they say “no pain, no gain”…I must be getting huge. But I digress and must move on to the important part…the workout. I broke what seems to be a Gas House tradition and did not do Side Straddle Hops to start off the workout! To be honest I’m not quite sure what all we did as those were unplanned and did them on the fly. Pretty sure we did some Don Quiotes, maybe some Mercans and we did eventually do the coveted Side Straddle Hops. After which we said the pledge and headed to the abandoned Lowe’s Foods parking lot.

A day before the workout I was reminded that I hadn’t put together a workout and decided to look at my F3 Pinterest board that I created. If you haven’t found Pinterest you need to check it out. Put in a topic and articles from all over the web appear. You can check them out or “pin” them to one of your boards. Although a lot of women use it, Pinterest has a lot of manly stuff as well…check it out. Sure enough I found a HIIT, high intensity interval training, workout I had pinned. It required very little preplanning but hit all areas of the body for a great full body workout. We did the following:

10 Burpees

20 Mercans

30 LBC’s

40 Squats

50 Mtn. Climbers

40 Alt Reverse Lunges

30 Side Straddle Hops

20 Plank Jacks

10 CDD’s

Total we completed this circuit 4 times with 1 to 2 minute breaks between. I was greatly encouraged by C-Spans method of encouraging us during breaks and took the opportunity to share about not giving up or stopping and to keep pushing.  I also shared about being a leader in our homes, businesses and communities.  One quote I shared and have shared in the past is from Dan; he is an ultra-marathon runner and said “run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must…just never stop moving”. This quote is powerful and can be applied to almost any area or situation we may face. So let me encourage now, whatever situation you may find yourself in…don’t stop, don’t give up and whatever you do don’t quit. It always encourages me to see that one guy who may be dead last in the group but his feet never stop; they plow forward and keep going.

After 4 rounds we headed back in time for 1 more exercise. I asked Stroganoff to finish us out with his favorite; flutter kicks. He willingly blistered us with 40 or 50 to end the workout! You are an awesome group to workout with and it was an honor to lead you. Keep those feet moving and I’ll see you next time.