Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 18, 2017

Pay Your Taxes

Disclamer was said




Into the warm up (Brownstreak Style)…..with one of the Best Bands to calm us all 45 mins of TOOL playing out of the Bluetooth!




SST x 25 IC

1 Burpee

Hillbilly x 15 IC

2 burpees

Cotton pickers x 10 IC

3 burpees

Monkey humpers x 15 IC

4 burpees

Mericans x 15 IC

5 burpees

Lunges x 10 (each leg)

6 burpees

Toy soldiers x 10 IC

7 burpees

Squats x 15 IC

8 Burpees

Carolina Dry docks x 15 IC

9 burpees

Peter Parker x 15 IC

10 burpees


After the warm up ( lots of Mublechatter here it had to happen….


The Thang


Core Time with Tool Time

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

American Hammers -50

Mosey the on to a little Dip/Derkin action…

30 Dips IC then 15 Derkins IC

15 Dips IC then 15 Derkins IC

20 dips single count then 10 Derkins IC……

Short mosey around the parking lot

Then circle up 22 for the vets lead by Slaw!




It was great to Q again I’ve missed it …..I spoke about our call to be warriors and kings and sages to advance His Kingdom and challenged all of us to look for the opportunities in our everyday life to impact those around us.



Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Recon Paid Off

YHC showed at The Storm 25 minutes early to find the appropriate spot for the planned workout.  We always mosey by or around the soccer field there, but since YHC has started posting, I’ve never seen it used.  This would be the perfect location for the planned workout, but to my dismay all the gates are locked and a sign clearly reads “No Access without Permission of the Athletic Director”.  Well the thought of climbing over the 5 foot fence flashed through my head, but the recent run in with the police at the Yank makes me think maybe that’s not the best idea.  Lets see if we can find any other sports fields unlocked for use.  I figure if the soccer field is locked, there is no way the football stadium is open, but lets check anyways.  All gates securely pad locked, but whats that I see.  A super secret entrance that might be open?????? I quickly mosey through here and there and yes its OPEN!  Head on back to the pax and lets get this thing started.


Warm Up:

Omaha.  I’m so excited, I don’t know what to do with myself.  Follow Me!

I led the pax through here and there and through the super secret entrance.  Some might consider this omaha’d warm up a workout, but it definitely got us warm.  Here’s what we did.  Stadiums: Snaked up and down the stairs of the stadium bleachers at you fastest pace hitting every step.  Finish with 10 Burpees at the start.  Rinse and Repeat 3 times.

The Thang:

We moseyed back out the super secret entrance and to the parking lot for some corners work.  I really wanted to do this down on the football field, but didn’t want overload the pax on our new playground all in the first day.

We started at one island in the parking lot, traversed two rows then exercised, traversed the length then exercises, traversed the opposite two rows then exercised and traversed the final length to finish a round.  5 rounds in all, giving it all you got.

  • Round 1:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 2:
    • Width 1: Crab Walk + 20 CDDs
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Flutter kicks
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 3:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Werkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Freddie Mercury
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 4:
    • Width 1: Crab Walk + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Crunchy Frogs
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 5:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint

Mosey to the start and finish with 3 minutes of Mary.  Started with Dolph and went around the circle.  First time we heard Wheezy do a 4 count exercise and calls for his VQ began.  Also the first time we heard Oh Wow attempt a 4 count exercise and chatter and hilarity ensued.



  • Top Hat graciously volunteered to Q next week at the Storm so YHC wouldn’t do it again!
  • Burpathon still in the works.
  • Sign up for the Mud Run May 20th.

Prayer Request / COT

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead and for continuing to push the rock with me!

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