Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 27, 2017

What day is it?

When I volunteered to take the Q from Gastone earlier in the week (would have been his 3rd Q in a row for him and honestly, I didn’t want to receive a beatdown from a grumpy Gastone-happy Gastone is tough enough-I can’t imagine a grumpy one after 3 days of Q in a row…), I did not think about what my work week would be like. I guess we all have rough weeks and that is nothing special-we just get thru them and learn from them how to cope and appreciate the better times. It was a rough week and Thursday night I sat in my comfy chair with my dog Seymour, put on my ascott and bathrobe with matching slippers, lit my pipe, poured myself a scotch and worked on my weinke. I googled the date and looked for big events that occurred on this date in history-unfortunately I put the wrong date in-I put 1/28/17. Many important events occurred on this date, however the one that got my attention was the explosion of the Challenger 10 which killed all 7 passengers on 1/28/17 in 1986. I built my weinke around this, not realizing until I was finished that this was the wrong date. Once I realized I had the wrong date, I decided go with it anyway and make it work-no one will even notice what day it is, right? Who really listens to me anyway? As the Q, I am just some background noise like the guy named Steven in the back row snoring during some discussion about Henry VIII in 8th grade history class, right? Not today-as I broke into the game plan while we moseyed during the first 30 seconds, the cat was out of the bag and my mistake was pointed out by some knucklehead in the back of the mosey-my response-Don’t confuse me with the facts, keep moving and don’t interrupt me. I’m on a roll (I think)…..that lasted about 5 seconds so I then came clean and explained my mistake. Thankfully there was no mutiny and we kept going. Here is what I remember:

WU: 7 IC (7 crew members on Challenger 10) SSH, Squats, Merkins, then 7 burpees OYO


Mosey toward the parking deck with above quick discussion of the game plan then an explanation of why we were discussing tomorrow’s events today. We were going to do a (sort of) circle workout to represent the O ring that was responsible for the explosion. This would start with Hip Slappers on the wall X 10 then mosey to the parking deck. At the parking deck we were given instructions for the exercises-flutter kicks OYO to exhaustion then up the deck to the top for Merkins to exhaustion. In retrospect I wish we had done these IC as I think I seem to push myself more when we are counting-note to self for future. Once sufficient fatigue was achieved, mosey back to start past the art thing completing our circle.

At the start line (between cycles) I tried to give other important events that occurred either on 1/27 or 1/28 in the past and discuss a little about the Challenger 10 or present a quick excerpt from the Freedom from Fear book we are reviewing at the Crusade Ao on Tuesdays. Some of the events in history included Liberation of the remaining inmates of Auschwitz concentration camp in 1945, founding of the Univ of GA in 1785 (first public university in the US-I have been told if you drive thru Athens, GA with your window down they will try to slide a diploma in your car), and Andre the Giant died in 1993 from a heart attack.

We did this cycle 4 times-there were a few minor modifications along the way, but this was basically it. We did do 31 hip slappers during round 3 (I think)-thanks Squirt, you counting right next to me was the only reason I got to 31-tomorrow is the 31st anniversary of the Challenger explosion. My shoulders are still feeling that.

Thanks to the pax for putting up with my history lesson, even if it was the wrong date.

We finished with the COT, prayers, and named our FNG Geddy Lee.

The part from the book Freedom from Fear was basically encouragement to live each day to the fullest-something I needed to not only read today, but put into practice-think I probably failed at this today if I am honest with myself. I was grumpy at work and really was not focusing on the important things-“I want to seize every day that is given to me. I believe each day is a gift from “The Sweet Hereafter” was part of the excerpt I read-too bad I didn’t listen to myself. Tomorrow will be better.

By the way, Rush still sucks.



11 PAX made baseball a little more exciting at Midoriyama today by actually moving. It’s no secret that I am not a fan of the sport. I’ve tried but just cannot get in to it. I would much rather watch underwater basket weaving. Midoriyama has a lot of ball fields so I figured I might as well put them to good use.


Morrocan Nightclubs while we waited for all the PAX to get to the circle

SSH x 20 ic

Alternate high knees and butt kickers for a few minutes

Mosey to the baseball diamond

The Thang:

I made a bunch of cards with different hits and exercises and put them in a bag. Each PAX took a turn at bat by pulling one out. If it was indeed a hit we ran the bases and performed the exercise at that base. Multiples of the below were in the bag.

Foul ball- 40 Tri Dips at the bleacher or run the entire fence

Pop Fly(out)-10 burpees where you stand

Bunt(out)- 20 squats where you stand

Single-30 LBC’s or 20 merkins or lunge to 1st or zombie walk to 1st

Double-20 diamond merkins or 40 Freddy Mercury’s or 50 Flutter Kicks

Triple-Bear crawl from 2nd to 3rd or 20 wide arm merkins or 40 CDD’s

HR-15 sumo squat jumps or 20 LBFC’s or 15 Bobby Hurley’s

Some were pulled multiple times and a few never got pulled. All in all it worked out pretty good. We stayed moving the whole time. The only downtime was the brief time it took someone to draw another hit.

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge and 22 for the Vets.


Announcements- P200 meeting, Mudrun coming up, Frigid 5k see Pizza Man

Prayer Request


As always the PAX of Midoriyama didn’t disappoint. Great job by all pushing the rock today.Some complained! Some complained a lot but they pushed on anyway!

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