Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 27, 2016

Are we doing more Burpees?

As YHC had reported on Twitter, 11 hard chargers posted for a great workout in the Midoriyama afternoon gloom. It’s been really great to see this many PAX post at Midoriyama lately. Before the workout began, Huckleberry asked YHC “Are we doing more burpees? We did burpees this moring at Folsom.” YHC just replied with a sinister grin. The look of hope and optimism quickly left his face and was replaced with a look of genuine disgust. The beatdown had begun, and we haven’t started the warmup yet!

As we began, I introduced myself to the PAX, gave the disclaimer (in detail) due to FNG among us, and got down to business.


  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Hillbillies x 12 IC (Don’t ask….remember who’s posting this BB)
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC


The Thang:

Indian run to the back of Midoriyama for some Deconstructed Burpees. Starting at 10 reps, Pax perform 10 squats, 10 Burps (from plank position, bring knees to chest and back out), 10 Merkins, 10 more Burps, then stand. PAX then repeato decreasing 1 rep at a time until down to 1. YHC was very surprised at the amount of mumble chatter this created!

Next, Indian run back to playground where the PAX partnered up. Partner 1 does 5 Pullups, while partner 2 does 10 Derkins. Rotate exercises for partner 1 and 2. Repeato except replace  Derkins with Werkins (wide grip merkins).

Mosey to parking lot closest to the flag for some B.L.I.M.P.S. Nearly all PAX requested demo (AKA Stalling). They go like this:

B- Burpees x 5

L- Lunges x 10 each leg

I- Imperial walkers x 15 single count

M- Merkins x 20 single count

P- Plank Jacks x 25 single count

S- Squats x 30 single count

Rinse and repeat.

Noticing PAX were getting gassed, YHC slowed the pace down for 20 Flutter Kicks IC (You know, to get our breath)

Next YHC set out some orange cones every 4 parking spaces for some CDD suicide ladders.

Very simple exercise, but the Suck factor increases exponentially. PAX runs a full suicide (first cone, back to start, second cone, back to start, third cone, back to start, fourth cone, back to start) then do 5 CDDs. The goal is to repeat suicides and increase CDDs by 5. After 2 rounds, all PAX (including YHC) were completely gassed. YHC Omaha’d and all moseyed back to the flag.

With 7 minutes to go, YHC wanted to ensure all PAX were getting their money’s worth. Last exercise is the Bearmuda triangle. 3 cones are spaced 10 yards apart in triangular shape. Starting at one of the cones, PAX perform 1 Burpee. Bear crawl to the next cone, 2 Burpees. Bear crawl to the last cone, 3 Burpees. 2 total laps were performed ending with 6 Burpees.

Circle up at the flag for announcements- wait- 22 Merkins for our veterans (thank you, Gomer). And…….TIME!


  • CSAUP- Nov. 11th- Nov. 12th. Sign up if you haven’t already.
  • Advisory Board leadership changes (to prevent burnout)
  • F3 Nomads- ask Freight- he has the lead Q for this


Please keep Floppy Disk and his M in your prayers. They really need them. We miss you at Midoriyama, sir, but we understand. Huckleberry and Allen Tate’s aunt passed away today. Lift these men and their families up as well. Pray for each other- as F3 men- to be the dads and husbands we have to be for our families. Also, ToolTime, who is on IR for a leg injury (or SV- just kidding, brother). Get back soon. Blart has taken the title of major mumblechatter in your absence!

Also, welcome FNG Oompa Loompa! You did outstanding for your first time out! Keep coming back. As it’s been said before- it doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger! Kudos to Def Leppard for EH’ing him!

YHC lead us out in prayer.

Awesome work by all today. Nobody was going to let their fellow F3 brother down. It got really tough near the end, but every man pushed that rock all the way to the end! AYE!

Until next time




You’ve got to show to know

When YHC rolled out of the fartsack this morning he knew the odds were stacked against him. A Monday morning running workout with a giant thunderstorm nearby. If this workout was going to happen it was up to him to bring out the A game.

Upon arrival at the AO, the lightning was flashing but no rain and everything seemed far enough way for a relatively safe  workout. When the time came to start, well, there I stood…alone.

Disclaimer, I’m an idiot (obviously), it’s you against you (two for two) and if you get hurt, it’s your own fault (the trifecta!!!)


SSH x50IC, Morrocan Night Clubs x50IC, Merkins x50IC, Burpees x50 OYO

The Thang

WIth the PAX thouroughly warmed up, I headed out for some laps. From the small roundabout sprint to the stop sign, backward sprint up the hill to the artwork and mosey back down to the start. After completing this 7 times I realized it was time for the main event.

Even though it was Derecho, YHC wanted a more full body workout so it was time for a little Dora 123! Cumulative 100 CDDs, 200 LBC, 300 lunges each leg.  Feel the burn!

By the time the PAX wrapped this up it was time for the pledge.

No announcements, prayers for all the fartsackers, Namorama, COT.

It was great leading me today! AYE!

Followed by Cofferama and personal 3rd F at home.

BackBlast- #TheStorm: Cinder Blocks, Cinder Blocks, and More Cinder Blocks

6 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

Decided yesterday I would take the Q since no one was on the schedule.  Also, I figured I would bring back the cinder block beat down from the past.  Even though we only had 6 men come out this morning I thought the effort was good and everyone got some good work in.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs  x 10
  • Squats x 10

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey To Softball Field, Partner Up, and Pick Up One Cinder Block Per Group

Cinder Block Beat Down-

  • 300 Standing Chest Presses/ Run To End Of Concrete x 5 Monkey Humpers
  • 300 Bicep Curls/ Run To End Of Concrete x 5 Squats
  • 300 French Curl/ Run To End Of Concrete and Skip For Height Back
  • 300 Laying Down Chest Press/ Zombie Walk To End Of Concrete and Jog Back
  • 300 Rows/ Backwards Zombie Walk To Stands and Jog Back

Mosey Back To Where We Started



Announcements: Sign Up For CSAUP

Prayers: TSquare’s Family, BA’s Father, And America

Coffeeteria: 3 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


It was good leading the workout today.




With the events the past week in nearby Charlotte of death, civil unrest, riots and protests, and LEOs taking a lot of s#!t, along with a very taxing week at work, I found it very hard to find any quiet within my head and heart.  So I decided the PAX would visit 3 places where folks are quiet (…most of the time…sometimes).


Thanks to Squirt for Q’ing the warmup, YHC is usually winded by 15 SSH….so he began with SSH IC x 15, followed by (in no particular order) Imperial Walkers IC x15 , Merkins IC x 10-15 (?). Somewhere in the midst, Dolph reminded us that at Fighting Yank, any time the train goes by we drop and do 5 burpees.  Sure enough, we could hear the diesels pumping and horns blasting all the way from downtown G-town, so 5 burpees it was.  Then we slow moseyed around the parking lot including High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke left and right then to the flag for the POA (may Old Glory forever fly!)  Squirt graciously handed the Q over to YHC and after count-a-rama of 15 we moseyed to the little church in the west.

The Thang

In my Q’s I have taken a cue (pun intended) from C-SPAN who guest Q’ed a few weeks ago and had us choose one exercise we hated the most and do more of it.

So after running up that hill to the church parking lot, we began with Ring Of Fire since I hate Merkins.  (Also most PAX planked until 6…YHC …got there, but I Omaha’ed from a distance to Al Gore instead and continued that for Brownstreak’s slooowww count of 15) On the second round of ROF, Mayor and Dolph decided to make them Handclap Merkins….good work men!

Next we saluted Garrison Blvd with Monkey Humpers IC x 10.  It was then decided that any jet flyover over would result in 6 Monkey Humpers IC (I dunno where 6 came from) which was repeated at least 3-4 more times during the morning.

Our next quiet place was the library, so down the hill we moseyed.  We reminisced one of the very first F3 workouts in Gashouse with plank walk on the curb around the big oak tree near the loading dock, followed by Rocky Balboas OYO x 20.  Headed around back for some Dora 1-2-3, SSH x 100, lunges x 200, flutter kicks x300 with a partner or trio.  I still get confused in the moment on single count and double count so we may have done 600 flutters instead!

Moseyed up the steps to Garrison (Tclaps to Blart for doubling up the steps!) for another planned salute of Monkey Humpers x 10 IC.  Mosey to Grier parking lot for our 3rd quiet place (this is where the sometimes quiet applies…..I know from experience decades ago that ISS is pretty quiet).  I misjudged the remaining time so we cut what I had planned and saluted Garrison a third time with Crab Humpers IC x 10, then moseyed back to Schiele parking lot.  

With 15 minutes left we headed downhill to the nature trail (bonus quiet place!) and partnered again. P1 takes a lap around the grist mill and P2 burpeed until they dropped (omaha was called by some esp by YHC), 2 laps each.  Then we headed back up that monster hill for some Mary.  (Let it also be known at this point, the mighty mighty Dolph was winded.)

Imperial Walkers IC x 20 (thank you Lord Vader may I have another?), Appalachian Americans (Hillbillies) IC x 10, Moroccan Nightclubs IC x 30 and a few burpees and more Monkey Humper flyovers.  It seemed like time was dragging slowly so we called it at 7:59.58 on HushPuppy’s clock and the bells of freedom rang during the beginning of Name-o-rama.

I encouraged the PAX to make time each day, even if just a few minutes, to find that quiet place in their mind whether it’s praying, meditating, music, whatever.  Just pause and reflect in the midst of the chaos.



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