Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 23, 2016

Groundhog Day (or 26 Squats)

It was a nice cool gloomy morning. Weather keeps getting better! Not ready for the cold gear yet, but I’m starting to smell it!

For those guys that posted Monday and again today (Squeeker, Spiderman, EZ Rider), I’m sure you were thinking Groundhog Day! Admittedly, there was only a small variation in today’s routine. But when you have achieved perfection…. #JustSaying. For the record, Hush Puppy gave advanced notice he was not posting today since the Midoriyama studs beat him down severely yesterday afternoon. Since YHC had advanced notice, that officially counts as Smart Sack. Here is how it went down downtown…

– I’m Not Professional
– Participate At Your Own Risk
– You are Responsible for you
– Instructions are Suggestions
– Modify As Needed


Warm Up
– SSH x 26 (see note below)
– Squat x 20
– Toy Solider x 15
– LBC x 15
– Don Quixote x 10
– Mericans x 10
– Repeat0 x1 (reverse order)

Since Whoopee asked, the maximum number of reps for any exercise in a warm up is officially 26. Don Quixote’s were performed in honor of Tool Time who was somewhere nursing is calf. Get well soon brother! In honor of the men of the Fighting Yank, we also threw in 2 sets of 5 BOYO as the train rolled by. Thanks to Whoopee for the inspiration there.

After the “warm up”, we mosied around the corner to the wall for some impromptu shoulder/back work.
– Donkey kick x7
– Wall slappers x7
– We did this at least 2x

After a mosey in and through the parking deck, the PAX was served up a fine Four Corners (around the parking lot) with a selection of
– Dying Cockroaches x20 OYO
– LBC x20 OYO
– American Hammer x20 OYO
– Mountain Climbers x20 OYO
– After each round, we knocked down 10 Monkey Humpers for fun.
– Repeato x2

Next we mosied to the Place De ‘Art for some Dips and Step Ups… although we just skipped the step up part. At this point YHC was getting a bit fuzzy. Probably left over head cheese from Monday. As I instructed “the next exercise is the squat”, I was reminded that what I was doing was actually called a Dip. So from know on, this shall now be known as the Arm Squat.

– Arm Squats/Dips (whatever) x20, x15, x10

Next was the last mosey back to the to the pavilion where we circled up around the Rotary Wheel for some people’s choice Mary. Everyone had their favorites. We especially loved Spiderman reprise on Stroganoff’s classic flutter kicks (for the record, YHC had to carry my abs home in a plastic bucket). #NotNice

Finally we wrapped up with…. OH CRAP! Forgot the Namorama. Sorry guys, you all get your money back next week. So we finished up with Announcerama and BOM.

Prayer requests for Roscoe and his CMPD brothers who are doing the hard work of maintaining order in our chaotic community. Roscoe also asked that we keep his friend Basil in our prayers. He is in critical condition. We also keep Floppy Disk’s and his M in our prayers as she deals with medical issues. EZ Rider’s friend who is battling colon cancer. Also for Bandit’s mom who is dealing with pulmonary problems and undergoing tests. Also a request from Squirt (sorry bother, I missed the details on this so send me a note and I will update this).

Later today Stroganoff reminded us why F3 has made a difference for so many of us, and himself especially. It was one of those days that he (perhaps many others) would have preferred to snuggle in their fart sacks making their way to the AO in the 0530 gloom. While he was not feeling it, he went anyway and the group pushed him. #ISI #Accountability #I2 I hear you Stroganoff!!! Aye!

Great work by everyone!!

Anniversary Special, Ups and Downs!

This workout is a tribute to the M for 29 years of marriage. As I thought about all we have been through, the “Ups” and “Downs”, I decided it would be a chance to help the younger Pax as they journey with their M’s. I decided we would tour Midoriyama and at each stop I would announce a year and whether that year was an “Up” or a “Down” year due to events that happened in our family. I am not going to list all of the family events I mentioned as most are personal and kind of difficult for a softie like me to talk about. F3 has the Rings of Concentrica with the M as the most important relationship we have with anyone, so here goes.

Modified Whoopee Warm Up

SSH IC x 5, let’s mosey!


We would mosey at intervals of approximately a tenth of a mile around the outside of the soccer and softball fields and then exercise, you guessed it, 29 reps, some single count and some In Cadence. We wound up with 1.5 miles and well over 400 reps of various exercises.

Hill behind horseshoes, 1987, “Got married”, Decline Merkins, single count x 29.

Hill beside Field #4, 1990, “Son born”, Sea Turtles, single count x 29.

Field #4 left side, 1993, Mexican Squats, single count x 29.

Road side before soccer field, 1994, CDD’s single count x 29.

Hill near first soccer field, 1996, “Daughter born”, Hillbillies single count x 29.

Hill at the end of soccer parking lot, 1997, Freddie Mercury’s single count x 29.

Hill near dog park, 1999, Clock Merkins on a hill, 8 at 12 o’clock, 7 at 3, 7 at 6, 7 at 9 = 29. Mumble chatter.

Soccer parking lot near rest rooms, 2000, Rocky Balboas IC x 29, special guest counted by Huckleberry, who also said In Cadence was a bad idea, but we were ahead of schedule.

Outside right side of Field #3, 2002, Flutter Kicks IC x 29, Guest counted by Slaw.

Outside left side of Field #2 on a hill, 2003, Incline Merkins on a hill near Field 2, IC x 29, ouch! Guest counted by Ash Pond.

Beside Field #1 in the shade, 2007, LBC’s IC x 29

Parking lot for Field #1, 2009, Monkey Humpers IC x 29, bad idea. Mumble chatter. I was worried since Tool Time was on the IR we wouldn’t have sufficient mumble chatter, but Freight, Huckleberry and that chatterbox Blart kept it lively!

Steps near Field #1, 2010, “Son graduated high school” Calf Raises at steps, 2 per step, 3 at the top – 29.

Playground, 2013, Pullups 29 OYO, or as I did them, 7,7,5,5,5.

Back to rhymes with “Nerd” shack, 2014, “Daughter graduated high school and began college” Hip Slappers IC x 10, only stopped due to being out of time!

Every marriage is a journey and no one knows where the years will take you. Some years you are up and some you are down, but having the M there with you through it all helps you keep pushing. I encouraged all to make their relationship with the M a priority. Pleasure to lead! Happy 29th Anniversary, Mrs. Leppard, the best person I know! I was dared to mention in the backblast, someone said “Keep that pimp hand strong!” and someone may or may not have a “strained taint”, not sure what those mean!


Prayer Requests, Floppy Disk’s M, Sparky’s family, Tool Time’s calf, Ringo, Roscoe.





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