Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

THE CLIMB – CSAUP Pre-Blast #2 – “Utterly Pointless” Violation

  • Post Type:
  • When: 11/11/16 & 11/12/16
  • AO:
  • QIC: GasHouse CSAUP Team
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: F3 Nation

UPDATED 9-26-16

Friday Night festivities to include:

Third F – Leadership on Veteran’s Day – Guest presenter – DREDD (Veteran, Country Lawyer and Co-founder of F3)

CPR – Ever wonder whether your F3 brothers could provide cardiac support in an emergency situation?  Gastonia Region Nantan, Whoopee, who is also a cardiologist will provide an opportunity for you to review / learn this life-saving skill.  We have personally seen this needed at an event before … and a life was saved.

Q School – New to leading an F3 workout or want to develop your leadership?  This is your opportunity.  Give those new guys the EH to come learn to lead a workout.  They will be better for it!

“Manly Man” Sport Warm ups – Loosen up and check that pride as some favorite sporting activities are enhanced for CSAUP worthiness

Sad clown disease has mutated into an even more pervasive, devastating societal ill reaching every level of government, our schools, and even our communities of faith. To combat the spread and cure the infected the GasHouse has learned that a secret stock of vaccine has been stolen from the CDC and now is hidden in our very midst. Only those with a true “Y chromosome” can enter into the lawless region at the foot of Crowder’s Mountain to find the antidote.

The Climb will be an “Amazing Race” style CSAUP demanding your best as teams work through clues and challenges to locate and rescue the antidote. In preparation teams will reside in cabins together and begin planning their course of action. Please indicate those PAX you want to include. Depending on numbers we may combine groups or split, but you will do our best to keep you with the brothers you have requested. Utilizing the natural beauty of Crowder’s Ridge camp and Crowder’s Mountain State Park expect a truly “mountaintop” experience.

PAX to convene on Veteran’s Day, Friday, November 11 with welcome table open from 1700 – 1800. Once we have assigned accommodations all PAX will enjoy a pre-Thang Thang. Dinner will be provided followed by periods of fellowship, and faith. Make every effort to attend Friday night.

Crowder’s Ridge has cabin accommodations, showers, etc. AND a mud pit, lake, and a BIG  mountain.  This is the perfect CSAUP venue so you should probably just stay home!

Fee for the overnight event – $50
Saturday morning only (bulk of first F) – $20
If not able to spend Friday night, please arrive Saturday morning by 0515.

To Register go to:
The Ms and 2.0s are welcome Saturday starting at 10:00 for celebratory fellowship or to comfort battle wounds.  There is also an option on the registration for paintball (M’s and 2.0s welcome) following the CSAUP event which will be run by the Crowder’s Ridge Camp staff.

Email questions to:


  1. BanjoTom

    Gathering level of interest to see about getting together a team from Triangle / CARPExDIEM area.

    • Dr Feelgood

      Excellent BanjoTom! Let me know if you need any additional information. Look forward to having you in the GasHouse for all three Fs!

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