Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 28, 2016

The Great Hushpuppy Migration

Hushpuppy likes Dave Ramsey.  He recognized the need to live like no one else so that one day he can live like no one else.  Sick of paying too much in utilities he saw the opportunity to move to a house with less utility expenses and keep his kids in the school they preferred.  Expecting to have a month to move, he began slow planning the move, packing and yard sale-ing to clear out some junk.  Suddenly the demand for the house he wanted increased and he was given an option: Move it or lose it!  With 2 weeks to plan the packing began.  The house he was moving to had to be vacated by a bum, and once evicted the cleanup and restoration began.  Landlord replaced carpet, had some cleaning done, and as many improvements as could be done in 5 days while YHC and the M packed and the 2.0’s watched us sell and scrap so much stuff they thought they might be next.  The day before the move was spent cleaning up the bums remaining mess, and the morning of the move we began taking car loads over and put on the finishing touches. A Uhaul was rented and at 1pm Saturday the Minivan Centurions began to arrive and the great Hushpuppy migration began! Rudolph arrived first, loading furniture and disassembling the trampoline, soon Bandit and Goose arrived and the drum kit and dressers were loaded, and the week began to catch up with me.  As the packing commenced I realized, the time had come and passed for a coworker to arrive with a small trailer to help put a piano in storage.  No response to the phone calls, no response to the texts, and an heirloom piano that must be moved. Little did I know he was lounging on the beach for his anniversary with his wife and my piano was the last thing on his mind.  The stuffing of the truck continued, and by 2:30 there was only remaining room for the piano.  By this time Roscoe had arrived and the daunting task of rolling the piano up the ramp was not so scary. With a man on all 4 corners of the piano, it was carried up the ramp and set in place all while YHC watched with great appreciation.  The truck was shut and it was off to the warehouse to store the piano.  The M met another coworker to get the key to the warehouse and it was delivered about 3pm.  As YHC attempted to unlock the warehouse I quickly realized the key did not fit the lock.  It was the wrong key! The coworker apologized profusely on the phone and I scrambled to figure out what to do.  Whoopee arrived for the final push and 6 men stood around wondering what to do.  I gave the order to set it out on the ground outside the door and pray it was still there when the correct key arrived.  The caravan headed off to the new house and by 4pm the trailer was unloaded and bandit was dehydrated.  Most had to go, and declined the offer for pizza and tea.  But great thanks to Rudolph, FI-LO, he stayed for one more trip to gather the remaining belongings and stuff the truck one last time.

Oh, and after dropping off the Uhaul, M and I returned to the warehouse to find the piano safe and sound.  It was rolled inside and stored for the future.  The grandmother who passed it on said “I want it to go your wife, where it is sure to continue to make music for the Lord” thanks to these men, it shall.

Now a week later, I have retrieved my final belongings I forgot; winter and Christmas stuff from the Attic, basketball goal, and my old neighbor gave me a riding lawnmower as a parting gift.  A church brother helped me retrieve this with a truck and trailer.

Thank you to all those who showed up. Many I have known for a decade, people whom I have helped several times were a No-Show, but my brothers in the shield lock showed up strong and I will ever be grateful.


Elevens, Sevens, and One, Two, Three, Five!

Many Pax have been encountering the same verse of scripture recently, as if the Sky Q was trying to tell us something.  Hebrew’s Chapter 12 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”  For the 3rd F devotional before the workout, YHC shared that in chapter 11 the writer shows example after example of High Impact Men (and women), chosen by God for pivotal times in history; how they had their sites set forward on the promises to come, and not on the circumstances.  This allowed the writer to say in verse 12 “Let us run with perseverance. . .fixing our eyes on Jesus”.  In these challenging times of life and in the chaos we often see in our country, let us fix our eyes on the promises to come, that the current cares of this world will not entangle us.  Also let the shield lock give us strength, that when we battle, we do not battle alone.  

The workout began with your humble correspondent’s  usual disclaimer “everything I say is a suggestion, and I suggest you get in the car and go back home”. None took my suggestion so it was on with the warm-up!  After some light jogging with butt kickers, high knees, and that sidways running thing that crosses right leg over left leg, and then reverses, I had planned on doind burpeewamba but again, technology failed so I had to wing it.  SSH IC X 20, Someone began making funny jokes, I lost count and started over, and we stopped somewhere around 23.  Then it was slow windmills IC X 15, then mosey up the street to a high curb for some Dips.

Dips IC X 15, Then across the lot to a wall for Hip slappers IC X 15, then Donkey Kicks IC X 11.Since YHC can’t count with his 6 above his head without wanting to splash merlot, Dr. Feelgood was kind enough to help with the counting.  Then another round of dips, then it was off on another mosey to the church parking lot with stairs.

Upon reaching the parking lot, we circled up for Plank-O-Rama, YHC’s favorite past time.  First it was alternating arms and legs up,  Then plank jacks IC X 10, then Merkins IC x 10, then Peter Parkers IC X 10, all without leaving the plank position.

At this time the sweat was dripping and I mercifully called the Q, and we partnered up for some Dora 1,2,3.  100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 flutters, while partner ran the stairs and back. Once some men completed their sets they picked some up for the 6 in what I can only describe as the shield lock in action.  Way to lift up your brother!  After this we moseyed over to the elementary school playground and track for some 7’s.  We split up into 1’s and 2’s and the 1’s took off across the field to start doing 1 pullup of some kind while the 2’s remained behind and started with CDD’s X 6.  Alternating back and forth each man completed 21 pullups and 21 CDD’s while running about an 8th of a mile with each set.  Once complete the time was not 7:45 and the mosey home began. Taking the long way, we moseyed a little over half a mile back to the Schiele museum with 2 pearls in between, one Plank-O-Rama and one some mini dips to catch our wind and the 6. Once back at the Schiele Rosco was kind enough to retrieve a cooler of water and the Pax slowly made it back to the circle.  With 5 minutes to go, YHC split us up into 4 groups, 1 group in each parking space making a shaped that kind of resembled some sort of rhombus.

Since we were unable to do Burpeewumba (Burpees to the song Chumbawumba, “I get knocked down, but I get up again”) YHC decided we would do a Burpee-Go-Round until we heard the sweet ring of the church bells at 8:01.  Group 1 did a Burpee, Group 2 did a Burpee, Group 3 did a Burpee, then group 4 would call “ONE!” and round and round as if in cadence.  There was some confusion as to who started and who finished, As group one may have become confused and thought they were group 4, but in the end, the PAX did 37 burpees in 4 minutes to finish out the workout!

Announcements: CSAUP Friday November 11th & 12th coming soon!  Preblast to come!, BRR in 2 weeks!

Prayer requests: Davinci’s mother with Chemo therapy, pray for 1 successful treatment.  T-Square’s son in the hospital, prayers for his quick healing and for victory in the battles his family has been facing, For the competitors in the BRR for strength and no injuries, and some others that YHC apologizes for not listing here.  I recorded them to better list them here but my battery is so depleted my phone will not play them.  My humble apologies.

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