Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 31, 2016

Time fly’s when you’re having fun!

2 men posted at Folsom this morning. Ahh who’s that coming in hot? Sparky’s here just in time, and right behind him driving like Bo Duke, Gomer is coming in even hotter. Now that everyone is here let’s get this started. Now 4 men strong this morning, good even number for the first set of exercises. No FNG’s so a short discaimer and start the warmup.


SSH, Windmills, Hillbilly’s, and Cherry Picker’s all x15 IC.



Mosey to the tennis courts for Dora 123, Partner up and do 100 merkins, 200 lbc’s, and 300 squat’s. 1 person sprinting to the 3’rd light pole and the other exercising. Aggregate count. Dora’s done and now we mosey to the favorite Folsom Hill.  Here we run down the hill and do 10 CDD’s  at the bottom, Bernie Sander’s back to top with 10 wide leg situps at the top for 3 set’s OYO. Mosey to the shelter at bottom of parking lot. 2 set’s of dips, stepups, and derkins x15 IC. Next we hit the parking lot for a halftime show of Roadies Touchdown Beatdown (Thank’s Roadie). It’s been nearly 30 days since we performed this set of exercises that we are going to revisit in another 30 days for a little friendly competition for the Folsom Trophy. Every 10 yards we do a set of exercises corresponding to the yardline you are at. 10yd = 10 CDD’s , 20yd=20 squat’s, 30yds=30 merkins,  40yds=40 lunge’s, 50yds=50 lbc’s, and back down the corresponding yard markers with the same exercises and count all the way to the 100yd line. Time is nearly up so we mosey to the starting point for the pledge.

COT: no announcement’s  or FNG’s at this time so we take prayer request and namorama. BOM. YHC takes us out.

Moleskin: Great work by everyone today. Way to push the rock! It was an honor to lead you!

Sidewalk Chalk and #UvsU

Very hot, sunny, and humid for a 0700 start of @F3GasHouse

Disclaimer without Legal Counsel (#FartSacker)

COP Warm-up with all my favorites, in cadence, to 10 repetitions, and your welcome…#JaneFondaVideo

Mosey to Flag, quick discussion on politics, Pledge in Cadence

Mosey up the street, stop by for some dips, stop dips because of weird #Bromance in the car in front of us, #mumblechatter, #weird, and only @F3Gastonia = Where was that other guys head really?

Mosey to Church Parking Lot

Sidewalk Chalk Board of Pain= (do station than run/bear crawl/long run/bear crawl/ run)
10 Flying Squirrels
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Squats
50 Calf Raises
60 Seal Jacks
70 SSH
10 Flying Squirrels
20 Merkins
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Squats
50 LBC
60 Hello Dolly
70 SSH

We did that for about 40 minutes…Dolph and his group set the pace #STRONG

Pick a partner you don’t know, go to that station you like the least, and do the exercise and hold each other accountable.

Switzer up for a quick sermon

Mosey home at your pace


Prayer and Praise


Naked Man Moleskin / Sermon Notes

-Thank you for the invite to Q
-Package is still sleeping somewhere…
-Read “Freed to Lead”
-Good crowd this morning and strong push on the #UvsU
-Be thankful for the fitness and body God gave you
-A man you don’t know will hold you more accountable than your best friend #whetstone
-It has been amazing to watch @F3Gastonia, what an awesome 1.5 years

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,



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