Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 22, 2016

Shady Day for Old Man VQ!

Having posted quite a few times, mostly in the warmth of Midoriyama, I knew one day I would probably get a chance to Q. I am not a very creative type and have always been amazed at how each F3 workout is unique. We had 9 Pax to start with and added one later (Ringo) with an FNG, Tool Time’s young nephew.

Disclaimer, I am not a professional, expert, modify as necessary, don’t get hurt, etc.


SSH IC x 20

Hillbillies (Appalachian Americans) IC x 20

Arm Circles (Forward, small, medium, large, Backward, small, medium, large)

Jump Squats x 20 (Count was messy due to VQ)



Mosey across parking lot around the outfield of Softball Field #1 to a “shady” spot down the right field line outside the fence. I called it a “Shady Dora 123”. Partner up with P1 running up the steps behind home plate and P2 beginning the count to 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s and 300 squats. Switch when each partner returns from the mosey. During this time, Ringo shows up after leaving work later than he expected but posts anyway. Impressive!

After a quick countoff, mosey up the hill behind Field 2 and Field 3 to the bathrooms near the  soccer fields. What do you know, a little bit of shade for what I called the “Huckleberry Special” with Huckleberry in attendance. OYO, Rocky Balboas x 20, Mountain Climbers x 20, Ascending Testicles (5 at 10 degrees, 5 at 45 degrees and 5 at BTTW), Donkey Kicks x 20, Rinse and Repeat. Tool Time getting it done!

A little mumble chatter as we mosey to the playground. Now a wise man, (starts with F and rhymes with Rate) once said, “If you can’t do it, don’t Q it”, so with that in mind I scheduled a “Six Pack” which is 5 pull ups with 1 CDD, then 4 pull ups with 2 CDD’s, etc. but called an Omaha when we got to 1 and 5 for “time”.

Mosey back to the flag with 5 minutes to spare. I have observed that the charter members of Midoriyama never coast into the end zone, so we dialed up a “Roscoe Special”. Split into 4 teams with Team One doing a burpee, immediately followed by Team Two, then Team Three then Team Four, repeat as many until time runs down. We made it to 25 burpees as time ran out and everyone seemed glad to be done.

Circled up for announcements, prayer requests, (Stroganoff’s Father-in-Law passed, I have heard very nice things about him from several friends, Pasour family) and name our FNG. He was a Buffalo Bills fan so he was named “Brady”. He wasn’t crazy about the name but great job by the young man! We discussed how Freight and Floppy Disk were helping with VBS and as an almost “empty nester” I encouraged all of the dads to enjoy those times with their 2.0’s as they grow up faster than you think. I encouraged us all to be “Strivers” to keep pushing ourselves to be better men! Thanks to F3 and the opportunity to lead!

Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Stop Talking

I keep hearing the same sentiment over and over again.  Spiderman, less talking.  Not in general, just out of you.

It’s either my deep philosophical remarks or 1980’s Sesame Street jokes.  I got the hint.  No mumble chatter, just muscles breaking down and stronger PAX emerging.

This one is dedicated to Rosco, who stayed the course, even when life is playing a prank on you! Thankfully nobody was is in distress.

Warm up:
Side Straddle Hops: 20
Squats: 10 in cadence
PeterParker: 10 in cadence
LBCs: 10 in cadence
PlankJacks: 10 in cadence
Merkins: 10 in cadence
Flutterkicks: 20 in cadence
Lap around parking lot


The Thang

4 Corners
Lunge straightaway
10 squats at the corner
Repeat 4 times

Deep Sea Divers (Hip Slappers on steps)
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence –  then move feet down one step
5 in cadence – then move feet down one step
5 in cadence – then move feet down one step
5 in cadence

Lap around parking lot

4 Corners
Bear Crawl straightaway
5 burpies at the corner
Repeat 4 times

Moroccan Nightclubs: 20 in cadence
Don Quixote: 10 in cadence

Lap around parking lot

4 Corners
Bear Crawl straightaway
5 burpies at the corner
Repeat 4 times

4 Corners
High Knees straightaway
10 LBCs at the corner
Repeat 4 times

4 Corners
Butt Kickers straightaway
15 Merkins at the corner
Repeat 4 times

2 Laps around parking lot

Deep Sea Divers (Hip Slappers on steps)
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence –  then move feet down one step
5 in cadence – then move feet down one step
5 in cadence

15 Freddy Mercuries
20 flutterkicks

2 furious minutes of Mary
WW1 Sit ups
Homer Marge

Prayers – Stroganoff and his family.

We prayed for God to use us in big ways.  Take our blinders off, recognize opportunities to serve in big ways,(kind words have tremendous ripple effects,  physical actions do to).   Serve big in God’s name.


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