Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 30, 2016

A punch in the gut!! #Folsom

6 men appeared in the gloom at Folsom this am. YHC came in with 2 minutes to spare. Huckleberry made a comment that the truck hadn’t stopped rolling as I jumped out. After a few second stretch. The short disclaimer was given and the warmup started.

The pax noticed the weinke and the mumble chatter started from there.
SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 15 IC, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC, Squats x 15 IC, Right side mosey around parking lot, left side mosey around parking lot. The pledge was next as the Q overheard something about being out of breath for pledge. AYE!

Thang; Mosey from parking lot to the tennis court. As YHC though about the workout last night, I remembered the photo that Medicine Woman posted pic from Rocky, where the Russian was landing a punch in the gut. First excercise 10 burpees OYO.
Partner up. P1 wheelbarrow P2 across first court and each pax perform 20 big boy Sit ups. P2 wheelbarrow P1 across next court and each pax 20 big boy sit ups. P1 WB P2 across court, 20 BBSU each. 6 courts total so each pax WB 3 times. Think there were was mumble chatter about staying in the bed and having done enough ab work yesterday with Hank. Well pax we have to make it back to the other side. Bear crawl across court 10 Hells to Heaven. Crab walk across next court and 10 heels to heaven. Continue rotation back for 3 rounds of bear crawl and 3 rounds of crab walk with HtoH at the end of each court. This seemed to be a crowd pleaser. 10 burpees OYO. Partner up again for 50 mericans sprint across 3 courts perform 5 jump squats and back, switch. 100 squats sprint across 3 couts perform 5 wide mericans and sprint back. 150 LBC’s sprint across 3 courts and perform 5 WWII SU and sprint back. This was Dora, so aggregate count. Mosey to the playgound. YHC gave directions to pax to plank up and one pax would perform 5 pullups while pax performed plank with shoulder taps IC till all pax had completed 5 PU. With time running out YHC led the pax back to parking lot and performed 10 burpees OYO. Time.

COT; Namorama; Prayer requests; Announcements- Roadie’s VQ on Saturday. AYE!

BOM; Huckleberry, thank you sir. Nicely done sir.

Always an honor to lead you men. Hard work by all. #DFQ The mumble chatter was great. Floyd speaking a couple of languages this morning, there was a short discussion about a name change. Medicine woman cleary already has a sixpack!! A pleasure to share a little time to cut up, be competitive and have a good time. Great way to start the day. Thanks guys. #DRP

Pull-ups, Merkins and AB’S Oh My (Repeato)

Well the PAX were in for a treat In honor of the man who EH’d me being back in town from Afghanistan we did a repeato  ….(well minus the warm up ….and some added special Merkins atthe end)…. of my VQ. For you High Roller! Thank you for bringing me into f3!



Nonexistent ….it was 86 degrees who needs a stinking warm-up!

The Thang:

YHC announced to the PAX that we would start on our six for an Abstravaganza oh and this is just the beginning…all exercises done with minimal breaks in between.

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

And to put the cherry on top….

American Hammers -50

After that the PAX moseyed to the playground for some pull-up and Merkin action… and on to the rest of the Challenge…

Wide Pull-ups -10 then Merkins -20 – X’s 2

Chin-ups 10 then Military Merkins (elbows in) -20 – X’s 2

Close grip pull-ups -10 then Werkins -20 – X’s 2

Vaulter pull-ups right forward 10 then Staggered Merkins left forward -20 -X’s 2 (switching arms for second round)

Burnout phase- 3 of each of the above listed pull –ups paired with 5 their corresponding Merkins.

( Slaw and Crash missed the rest of the workout….a case of SV I think)

After this the PAX moseyed from the Playground to the end of the road towards the park entrance ( because High Roller hates to Mosey ). When we got to the stop sign we circled up for something special …

Midoriyama Merkins the distance of the banner …..if you want to know what these are come post at Midoriyama …..You’ll love them!  I know the PAX sure did by all the mumble chatter!


Prayers for T-Square and his Family, Godfather and his Family, Defb’s step mother and several others going through tough times.

Mole skin

YHC spoke about the importance of the unseen world and how much more it should weigh on or hearts and minds than the seen world.. That we should be watchful and on guard because we are doing impactful things and or enemy doesn’t like this and will attempt to stop us from making an impact. That he will attempt to steal any and all of our joy. And that we ARE making an impact….to reach out to more men  and help them to become better men and leaders. Thank you men for helping me!


Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


As always it was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Goat Island Meets Crunchy Frog, The Alphabet, and Del Brown

9 PAX showed up this morning to put in some work at Goat Island.  The PAX experienced their first time with Fresh Prince at the Helm, as the turn out for my VQ a few weeks back was a much slimmer so it was good to lead a full PAX .  5:30 rolled around and we got started.

There was one FNG in the group so the disclaimer was disclaimed, this didn’t send him running so we got right into the warm up.

Warm Up:

20 SSH (IC)

20 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

20 Don Quixote (IC)

20 LBC (IC)

10 Merkins (IC)

Pledge & Word of the Week

The Thang:

Mosey the long way around the town up to the upper deck for some ab work.

15 Flutter Kicks  (IC)

10 Crunchy Frogs (IC) – This was a new exercise for Goat Island found in the Exicon but judging by the tone of the MC I like to think it was well received, but its hard to say for sure.

15 Box Cutters (OYO)

15 Russian Twists (IC)

15 French Fries (IC)

Rinse and Repeat.

After round 2 we finished out the ab work with 1 set of the Alphabet (OYO) – This was another new one for many.  On your six, with legs elevated, spell out the Alphabet (or Hawaiian Alphabet) with your legs.

Now that the abs are feeling good and warm we did another mosey down the hill to the Pharmacy. To catch our breath, We did a count off and admired May Flies (which were ample) around the light on the building.  YHC then said anyone know what the Del Brown is? I’m thinking we should do 5 sets.  At this point there was MC of Mutiny and the count was quickly Omaha’d to 1 set which was the right call as these proved to be more difficult than expected.  Hey it looked good on paper.

The Del Brown – The PAX lined up on one end of the building for 10 Merkins then crab walk to the other side (about 25 yards) for another 10 merkins, then crab walk back to the beginning for 10 Mountain climbers then Bear Crawl to the other end for 10 Mountain Climbers then Bear Crawl Back to the beginning.

Another Mosey back up to the BB&T alley for some wall sits while each PAX ran up the steps and around the building.  Once the last PAX did their lap we were just about out of time.  We mosey’d back to the main parking lot and in proper F3 fashion, YHC called for 5 Burpees OYO.

Name-O-Rama and COT

Monk let the PAX know that starting July 9th a Q for the 3rd F will be needed.  Goat Island needs Q’s for the next 4 weeks and most have been filled now.  Continued thoughts and prayers for Godfather and T-Square and their families as they are dealing with the loss of family members.

Our FNG let us know he’s a die hard UVA fan so he was properly named Hokie.  Welcome Hokie!

It was a pleasure leading the PAX today and I’m looking forward to my next Q in a few weeks.


It was a good day for F3 Gastonia. I believe there were 5 FNG’s in our 3 workouts. Not bad for a Tuesday. Midoriyama had two regulars on vacation and with 2 FNG’s we still had 9 in attendance. Not to bad evening crowd! I’m still used to the 3 we had for so long. With those numbers I got used to showing up with no plan at all. I went into this one thinking the same way. I grabbed a few coupons and headed out. As people started rolling in I had to keep coming up with coupons. Not a bad problem to have! I was challenged a bit by a certain PAX that a sweat probably wouldn’t be broken today…..wwwhhhaaatttt! Sorry FNG’s!


SSH x 15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 10ic

LBC’s x 10ic

Merkins x 10ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the end of the park and back….wait there’s a nice little hill at the the end we should do something here.

Bear crawl up- 10 merkins, Crabwalk down- 10 WWI. Rinse and repeat but this time with Joe Hendrick’s. Again sorry FNG’s! Blame the challenger not me. I did notice the challenger modifying here!

Now we can mosey back. Went to the the stairs for calf raises x 10 each step=130. SSH while you wait in line. Mosey back to the flag and coupons.

Each PAX got in a station for a 1 minute exercise with a 20 sec break to move to the next station. One round was completed of the following.

Box jumps, Dips, Jump rope, Curls w/block, Overhead press w/block, Blockee’s, 30 lbs slamball(on knees slam left then center then right), 40 lbs kettlebell swings, Farmers walk with blocks.

Circle up for some Mary.



Namearama, Prayer

Good work Men. I hope you broke a sweat. Good to have Belmont newcomer Edison out! Welcome father son duo FNG’s Ringo and Crash! It doesn’t get easier but you will get better.

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