Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

The Great Pumpkin is Real!

Being the morning before Halloween, YHC was going to put some fright into the workout. He did some recon in the parking deck to set up some displays prior to the workout. However, upon the ascent in the deck he saw four of Gastonia’s finest staging for an op (with lots of pistachio’s) a floor from the top of the deck. Worried about being “FI’d” (field interview), he scaled back his plans and just posted an inspirational verse and the workout on the top deck with scotch tape and brought the scary pumpkin to the Pavilion and waited for the PAX to arrive.

Eleven strong showed up on time and Brown Streak was appointed the official timekeeper since my watch broke.

A quick warm up included SSH x 27, Merkins x 20, Don Quixote’s x 10, LBC’s x 20. The scary pumpkin made spooky sounds during the LBC’s and got everyone afraid of what was to come.
A quick jog to the parking deck and up the stairs to the top of the deck with 5.0 still lurking, just below our spot. A few curious PAX looked at the sheet on the wall that indicated what we were about to do. Here is what it said…

10 burpees
10 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Squat Jumps (a crowd pleaser…worse than burpees?)
20 Merkins
20 LBC’s
20 Sprinter Lunges
REPEATO x 5 or until time.

The first round was done together with instructions to do the rest OYO.  Brown Streak was instructed to tell YHC when it was 6:05 but we decided to hit snooze and go until 6:10. T-Claps to Dolph for setting the pace and along with Brown Streak getting it all in and watching the clock.

We recovered for 30 seconds and then performed:

  • 15 IC shoulder touches in plank position, then
  • 10 IC slow tempo merkins, then
  • OYO 10 fast tempo merkins.

The PAX were instructed to make their way back to the Pavilion. Some chose the stairs, and others ran down the deck again. The scary pumpkin appeared again and was now on noise activation mode in the middle of the COT making scary noise the entire time, up until the prayer. Very spooky.

A few PAX looking for work and/or interviewing…prayers offered. (use the F3 network!)
YHC reflected upon lots of FNG’s from the F3 inaugural launch last year that we don’t see anymore. Invite them back or invite a new FNG to experience F3 in the Gas House.
Dr. Feelgood invited us to attend his downtown Gastonia Rotary Club on March 3, 2016 when OBT and Dredd are scheduled to speak at the downtown Rotary club.
Tomorrow is the Airport 5K. Notify Bandit if you are going.

2nd F Opportunity….Saturday, November 7th at Martha Rivers, Whoopie and others are going to host an F3 2.0 workout followed by a cookout at shelter #1. Workout start time TBD but shelter is rented in Roscoe’s name from 1500-1900 hours. (3PM-7PM)

Brainstorming the Gas House 1 year Anniversary workout/event for March 2016. If you have ideas, send them to Roscoe. Initial ideas involve an extended beat down, pork, and Boss Hog (No coincidence there).

We are looking for a permanent site Q for Gashouse venue on Saturdays. You would arrange Q’s for each Saturday and fill in when none are available. Step up and lead!

Closed with a prayer.

I am humbled by the turnout and the effort this morning. Always a pleasure!

Comments on the Mud Run

As the comment function has been disabled on the actual Mud Run backblast, which is fine (author’s discretion), I just wanted to provide a separate venue for those that have further comments to be able to make them, if they are so inclined. I don’t have any comments because I wasn’t there, but I support (and occasionally instigate) discourse and the sharing of opinions. So away you go.

P.S. Please read the Ranger backblast. It’s mildly amusing.

3 Corners in Downtown

9 PAX posted in the GLOOM at Goat Island today. Q got a slow start thanks to a poor night’s sleep, apologies for that. Warmup of squats, Don Quixotes, merkins, and side straddle hops. Lined up for an indian run toward downtown Cramerton.

Pit at the picnic tables in the park for Hail Mary’s, with Q as the odd man out doing dips for the duration. Mosey the rest of the way to downtown.

Owing to downtown’s pseudo-triangular shape we commenced a 3-corners routine of exercises at each corner and sprints from one corner to the next. Rounds were as follows:

Three Corners Circuit 1

  1. wide merkin in cadence
  2. star jack x 15
  3. carolina dry docks in cadence

Freddie Mercury in cadence to catch our breath

Three Corners Circuit 2

  1. Diamond Merkin in cadence
  2. Prisoner Jump Squats x 15
  3. 1 minute elbow plank

Superman’s in cadence to catch our breath

Three Corners Circuit 3

  1. Regular merkin in cadence
  2. Detour to gazebo for 10 pullups
  3. Lunges x 30 (single count)
  4. Detour to alley for wall of fire (5 burpees each)

1 minute back plank, then 30 seconds each side

Moseyed back to the lot for a ring of fire then COT. Excellent effort from all today, grateful for the continued participation as the weather gets worse and family schedules get busier.

Drive Thru

YHC picked up the Q for Martha’s House yesterday for Stroganoff (get well soon brother).   This was going to be a similar workout to last Martha’s House with lots of running.  But at 5:30 am the PAX were about to mosey to YHC’s house and get the Q out of his fart sack. But wisely they decided to get the show on the road. It was raining pretty steady but at least it wasn’t 33 degrees.  In fact it was fairly comfortable in the upper 50s this morning.

So 4 pax mosey to shelter at the bank drive through and begin…

  • 10 BOYO
  • Run 1 lap (this was out to Neal Hawkins, left down the sidewalk, left at the next street, left into the bank parking lot and back to the shelter of the drive thru)
  • 20 Merkins IC
  • Run 1 lap

Ok… about this time the QIC (YHC) finally posts and 4 pax becomes 5 pax.  And we continue with what became a people’s choice workout.  After a quick 20-some SSH so the Q could warm up, it went something sort of like this…

  • 50 LBC IC
  • Run 1 lap (with wall step ups half way through)
  • 10 BOYO
  • Run 1 lap

Under the drive thru, there are 4 lanes divided by cement curb about 3 feet wide.  Outhouse led us in 4 sets of 25 SSH IC / 20 merkins IC accross each of the lanes.

  • Run 1 lap
  • Defib led us in a series of wall sits while each person ran 1 lap after each other.  We finished off with a set of 15 Donkey Kicks.
  • T-Square led us in 20 Dying Cockroaches IC
  • Run 1 lap
  • Wheel of Merkin (10 merkins of balance on curb each 90 degrees)
  • Run 1 lap

It was about here we stopped for the Pledge.

  • Back under the cover Dr. Feelgood led us in 2 sets of Bear Crawls (it was something like 5 steps forward, 4 back, 4 forward, 3 back, 3 forward, 2 back, 2 forward, 1 back, 1 forward) plus 10 Merkins IC.
  • Next we complete 4 sets of 20 Goofball’s / 10 LBC IC across the lanes.
  • Run 1 lap

Then for something really strange… Dr. Feelgood persuaded YHC to partner up to demonstrate some type of Indian arm wrestling, butt mashing, flip flop thingy.  After the demo the rest of the PAX just skipped that one.  You really had to be here for that.

I think we did some Freddie Mercuries in their somewhere and I probably forgot a few others.

Moleskin – Not my best today.  After oversleeping and getting to the workout late, I really felt as sharp as a sack of wet mice today.  But I will keep pushing the rock.  Thanks to the crew that posted here, this turned out to be a great workout.

Stroganoff – no charge for this one.


2016 Joe Davis Memorial Resolution Run Pre-Blast

The 4th Annual Joe Davis Memorial Resolution 10K/5K Run benefiting Keystone Substance Abuse Services is scheduled for Saturday January 9, 2016 at 8:00 AM starting at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC.

This family-focused/family-friendly event has special meaning to F3 because it is in honor of the brother of our own F3 Brother Rock Thrill… aka Chris Davis.  Chris and his family established this event to capture the hope that his brother, Joe, always held onto… “Hope…never lose this.”

Here are some thoughts from Rock Thrill:

On behalf of the Davis-Boyd families, please allow me to thank everyone from both F3 and FiA for both past participation and for considering participating again this year as we stand together to fight the awful sickness and disease that is Addiction. This event would only have a fraction of the impact that it has had if it were not for you!

Unfortunately, the odds are that each of us will be affected by Addiction in some way in our lifetimes, whether it be personally, a family member or a friend.

Every day in life, we talk about the “What.” In this case, a running race. But, the “What” matters only because of the “Why,” right?

The “Why” is to spread awareness that there is help available for those struggling; hope that our family wish we had known about. Help and support saves lives.

For our family, we hold tight to Romans 8:28, which reads,

“We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”

It is a tough pill to swallow when you lose a member of your family or a dear friend, but we feel called to make an impact because we believe God saves lives through earthly resources when we align with Him.  We believe this race is God’s purpose for us and we want Joe’s life to continue counting for good. Many times, when we are out at a restaurant, or in a race, or anywhere, someone recognizes us and tells us that they suffer from addiction or know someone who does, and that it has impacted their life in a positive way. Those times serve as confirmation that the race is making a difference!

Yes, we are asking you to leave your comfort zone, get out of a warm bed, early on a Saturday morning, and run a distance that is challenging, on one of the coldest days of the year. It will be tough, but isn’t it a great reminder of how tough it must be to get free of Addiction?

I hope you will join us as we celebrate Joe’s life on January 9th!

In Him,  Chris (Rock Thrill) Davis and the Davis-Boyd Family

Race Overview… Why You Should Sign Up!!

In 3 Years, the race has raised over $65K for the Keystone Substance Abuse Center.  Total participation has grown from 400 in 2013 to 600+ in 2015, including 200 F3 and FiA participants.  This year’s goal is to expand to 700-800 runners, including 225+ F3 and FiA participants… which is TOTALLY doable!

We need you, your M’s, your 2.0’s, your family, and your friends to sign-up!

Here are the reasons you should sign-up and run the Joe Davis Memorial Run on January 9, 2016:
1.  Proceeds raised from registration fees and donations go to support Keystone Substance Abuse Services, whose mission is promoting health, offering hope, and restoring healing to those impacted by substance abuse and addiction.

2.  Rock Thrill has given many of you, including YHC, tons of encouragement as you have come into F3 and set and achieved your personal fitness and leadership goals.  Your participation in the race allows you to give back support and encouragement to someone that has given a great deal to our PAX.

3.  Cool t-shirt!

4.  Family-focused/Family-friendly… The Davis/Boyd family does this for their family… but they believe this is about the BIGGER family!  You won’t find a nicer, more welcoming family than the Davis’s!  Bring your M, your 2.0, your friends, and you will see that you are considered part of the family!

5.  Ok… now something for YOU!  This is a great event to kickoff your 2016 fitness and commitment goals!  Last year, we had SEVERAL guys run their first 5K if not for the VERY FIRST TIME… at least in a long while!  The PAX always step-up and provide great support for all runners… young, old, fast, not-so-fast, first-time, long-time… it is just a great event for getting 2016 started in the right direction!

6.  Finally, by your participation, you encourage others in MANY ways… some ways you may never know…. You encourage neighbors with abusive addictions… You encourage your M’s, 2.0’s, friends and family to also participate… You encourage your PAX to push themselves to achieve something they might not thought was possible 6 months ago… You encourage a community to see what F3 is all about!!

Here is the link to sign-up.  In the “Team” field, indicate “F3” or “FiA” (as appropriate).

There are some early registration discounts, so just go ahead and get signed-up!  Slim Fast, Bushwood and other PAX will get you ready!!  Let us know if you have any questions.

There will be more information as we get closer… the main thing now is to get signed-up!!

Don’t be the Sad Clown working out alone on Saturday Jan 9, 2016!!!

Important F3 Gear Holiday Dates

Something to forward along to the Ms and family of the men of F3 nation:


[button link=”” color=”#b73e2e” size=”medium” target=”blank”]Shop Now[/button]

Fall 2015 Mud Run. 420 Pax Converge to take on the F3 Superbowl.

Over 400 pax converged at the Leatherneck Course in Gaston, SC for the 2015 Fall Edition of the Super Bowl of F3 – THE LEGENDARY ULTIMATE CHALLENGE MUD RUN.  This was a year of the “First”.  The fact that this was YHC’s first EVER MudRun was completely overshadowed by much more worthy “First” acknowledgements.

Thanks to the LEAP efforts, we have seen new Shovel Flags planted all across our great land. These new guys jumped to the challenge of the Leatherneck and couldn’t wait to see what the buzz was all about. Several regions had their first ever appearance at the MudRun.  We saw new regions representation from Shelby NC; Greenville, NC,  Sandhills NC, Jacksonville FL, Alpharetta Ga, Atlanta GA, Sumter SC, Winnsboro SC, Bluffton SC, Myrtle Beach SC, Greenwood SC, and North Augusta SC.  We even had several FNGs. We had FNG-Roofie from Greenwood, SexWax from Lexington,  Michelle and Woody that made their way from Chicago who are anxiously awaiting LEAP to make the hop to the Windy City. There were some other FNGs that I am leaving out, but I totally missed the Name O Rama (while off trying to makes sense of the finish times). I may even be leaving out a few other regions that tackled the Leatherneck for the first time.  Maybe the most humbling site was seeing the shuttle pull in with the 4 teams from the Oliver Gospel Mission. These guys rocked! Seriously have you seen the video of team “F3 Columbia-Mission That’s Possible” with Serena, Fountainhead, PapaSmurf and Buzzcut?

Check it out here: Mission Team Puts on the Superman Cape

Robber has done amazing things with this group from the Mission. Posting at the Mission has become my Saturday favorite for a  Double Down and sometimes a Triple Down opportunity. If you are ever in the area, you should really consider stopping by to see what it’s all about. The guys from the Mission who came to the Leatherneck will undoubtedly remember this event as one of the best moments of their lives. These guys are in complete disbelief that all of YOU from F3Nation “have  their backs” on their comeback trail as they strive to become better men….

There were some impressive performances from the pax.

  • F3 Nation represented the TOP 2 for the overall event.
  • 4 F3 Teams were represented in the top 5 overall.
  • 5 F3 Teams completed the course in under 1 hour.
  • 6 F3 Teams were represented in the top 10 overall.
  • 12 F3 Teams were represented in the top 21 overall.
  • 10 different F3 Regions were represented in the top 12 F3 Teams.
  • F3 represented 107 of the 372 total teams at the MudRun (almost 30%).
  • 420 Pax attended the event and MOST of these were first timers (over 300 runners were not repeat runners from the Spring Event).

The #F3BeerBoat would NOT disappoint and presented a bountiful harvest of hops.

OEW was not physically present on site, but we were still able to make our check presentation thanks to all of your donations.

Conditions: 59 and partly cloudy as the day warmed up. Absolutely perfect weather for a CSAUP event

The Thang:

New formal parking spots for the Shovel Flags 

  • New State Flag Row lined the front of the F3 Tent (12 F3 States)!
  • There were all new formal parking spots for all of the Shovel Flags in the “Shovel Flag Village”. What the hell is a Shovel Flag Village? Just trust me and plant them on the white spots!
  • UFO sightings turned out be false. It was Napalm piloting a drone to catch never before seen footage of F3 Nation and the Shovel Flags standing tall in proper formation.

Check Presentation for Operation Enduring Warrior-Fountainhead and Napalm presented our check for $2800.00.

Overall MudRun Prayer- Chaser “One day our bodies will be void of strength and energy… but TODAY is NOT that DAY!”. This was folded in gracefully with encouraging words about the flood in and around Columbia from a few weeks prior. Another unforgettable and moving prayer that only Chaser could deliver.

BOM-Dredd – Wow we got to hear Chaser and Dredd knock it out of the park in one day.  Everybody except our nephews and Tiny Tim got a shout out here.  I think I saw somebody’s leg trembling, but not sure if they were scared or just excited. I think I may have overheard one of the Mission guys say, “dang he’s gonna run with us?”.

 Beginning at 8:45, the pax embarked on the 6 mile course featuring 36 obstacles (well one was closed down and marked as too scary I suppose)… It goes without saying that Lewis and Clark may have even drifted off course on this day. “Go left, no right, wait, your going the wrong way, follow the arrow, NO that’s the arrow from LAST year when they ran in reverse, TURN AROUND, let’s just keep moving forward and see if it works out… It was unfortunate that the course markings failed to send us all down the correct path; and that there were not sufficient course guides suggesting the correct direction to take in that creek.

There isn’t really much we can do about this. At the end of the day, this would not overshadow all of the good that came out of this day in the grand scheme of things.

Congratulations to Team F3 Columbia-Hammer for winning the Busted paw AND winning the overall MudRun with the final official time of 50:11:320

Congratulations to Team F3 The Fort-Filthy Animals  for placing second (for both F3 Nation AND the overall MudRun with the final official time of 51:22:297

Congratulations to Team F3 Charlotte Metro-Team Biscuit for placing third for F3 and 4th place for the overall MudRun with the final official time of 54:15:070.

The FULL Official Mud Run results can be found in the link below:

***UPDATE: Numerous individuals reached out to me between Monday and Wednesday following the race. The inquiry was about some teams receiving time reductions on their finish times (related to getting lost on the course due to poor course markings). The concern was that some teams received time reductions while others did not.  Many teams went the wrong way in the creek. THAT FLAT OUT SUCKS, WE ALL GET IT. This was beyond our control. Today (Wednesday 10-28-2015), I met with the MudRun officials to gather all FACTS about teams that got time reductions. The investigation determined that the first 6 teams to cross the finish line received a 5 minute time reduction (no other teams did). This time reduction was authorized/facilitated by the company responsible tor tracking finishing times via the bib chips. The updated results within both attachments below reflect the official results published by the MudRun; AND what the adjusted results would be if ALL “Time Credits” were removed from these 6 teams. The investigation revealed that there was absolutely no change with the top 4 teams. The only change in finishing times was a swap between the 5th and 6th placed F3 Teams.  Bottom line is that nobody cheated, the top 5  F3 teams were still “Bad Ass Fast” and the result are the same no matter how you slice it, peal it or dissect it. 

There is a legend at the bottom of each spreadsheet is defined as:

(Red Font=Time was edit)

Black Bold Italics= Rank Increased)

Red Bold Italics= Rank Decreased)

Updated-All Runner Results

The F3 only Results can be found in the link below(this includes Overall Rank, F3 Nation Rank, F3 State Rank and F3 Region Rank):

Updated-F3 Nation Only Results

Drone Pics from overhead can be viewed in link below:


All Other Pictures from Ranger and the other course photographers can be found in the link below:

***UPDATE all course photos are now available via this drop box link below (Thanks Ranger!)

Drop Box Course Photos



  • Sway for the opportunity to Q this event. I think it was a text for Sway that said, “Hey Heist are you ready to give back a little bit?”. I think I said, “sure, do you need me to Q for you or something?” . HA, the rest is history.
  • Crash, Robber, Sway and Quisenberry  for handing a successful plan and a well oiled machine over to me to manage. Great advice, direction and support was provided along the way. I still remember the lunch at Salsaritas where they unloaded the plethora of details over to me in a matter of 30 minutes and said, “you’ll be fine”.  It’s truly a testament to F3Nation and the Qs before me that this event can almost run itself.  I sort of feel like I got to fly one of those huge 787 Dreamliners. When I sat in the Pilot’s seat, I realized that the jet was already on autopilot.
  • Crash and Sway one mention was not enough. Thanks for all of the daily support via tweets, texts, emails and calls. You really helped to keep me on track and prevented the train from derailing!
  • Region MudRun Qs:
    • Florida
      • Jacksonville- BigBird
    • Georgia
      • Atlanta-FogHorn
    • North Carolina
      • Asheville-GoodLuck
      • Charlotte MECA-ChickenStrip and Chowder
      • Charotte Metro-Razorback
      • Charlotte-North/Isotope-Mortimer
      • Charlotte South-Mermaid
      • Foothills-Abraham
      • Gastonia-Bandit
      • Greenville NC-CousinIt
      • Shelby-GoGreeneGo
    • South Carolina
      • Bluffton SC-Gambit
      • Charleston-Duggar
      • Columbia-Myrtle
      • Florence-Foxy
      • Fort Mill-OldBay
      • Greenwood-Juggernaut
      • Hartsville-ChuckyCheese
      • Lake Murray-FireDaddy
      • Lexington-ShadesOfGrey
      • Myrtle Beach-OneCall
      • Summerville-Picasso
      • Sumter-Waco
      • Winnesboro-Doobie
      • Thanks to all of the Regional Nantan’s as well for help with kick-starting the event and a bit of help along the way. I feel like I left somebody, but I’m truly thankful for all of the help and support each you provided along the way!
  • Refreshment Q and Beverage Warehousing: LoveSeat.
  • BeerBoat Provider: LowDot
  • Uhaul Trailer (Refreshment Wagon), Bullhorn, Cooler and Ice Delivery): Smokey.
  • Friday Night Prep/ Set up: TuffGuy, LoveSeat and Sway.
  • Drone Pilot: Napalm (that was just bad-ass)! Thanks for carving out the time to join us and capture this special event with all that you had going on in your life!!!
  • Saturday Set-up/Break Down Before, During, and After the Event: TuffGuy, Smokey, BigTime, TwinkleToes, LoveSeat, OnRamp, LowDot
  • Photographer Q: Ranger
    • Additional Photographers: Turnbuckle, Dunphy, Amanda Smith, Jennifer Gibbons (wife of SayWhat?!)
  • Refreshment Donations: All teams from F3Columbia, F3LakeMurray, and F3Lexington that donated drinks for the BeerBoat (This was the host region).
  • The Big Check (Creation and Presentation): Fountainhead, Napalm and Costanza.
  • The Powerful Prayer to kick off the overall MudRun Event: Chaser
  • Delivering the Classic BOM: Dredd
  • All of F3 Nation Pax in attendance For our Superbowl (especially those from out of Town)!

And with THAT we bring another awesome F3 Event to a close. In some ways, this brings back childhood memories. Remember back when you packed up for summer camp? You were excited to get to camp with some of you friends, catch up with old friends, and even meet some entirely new friends.  The sad part about those days is that summer camp came to an end. You had to pack up your chest and say goodbye. You knew that you would never see some of these guys again as you went your separate ways. You may have even left with a knot in your gut.

The difference here is that we are F3, and we are not going anywhere. We are all connected in a way that is often difficult to explain to others.  Each of us at F3 know exactly what I am talking about. Tomorrow we will wake up (rain, snow, hot or cold) and post with our brothers.  We’ll also travel to other areas, whether for work or pleasure, and post to any one of hundreds of other AOs and be welcomed in. There will be several other CSAUP events right around the corner that will also draw us in to take the challenge with other F3 Brothers from across the nation.

YHC was truly honored to be the Q at this MudRun event. Hope all in attendance enjoyed themselves.

See you in the gloom!



Run to the Hills

Seven faithful PAX showed up in the Gloom at the museum and we got right to it.

Warm Up:

SSH x 25

Merkin x 20

Moroccan Night Club x 25

Grass Pickers x 10 (don’t explain these to Whoopee)

Mosey to Flag for the Pledge

Yesterday Outhouse took the Downtown group for a tour of Main Street and Franklin. Today we decided to explore East Garrison. We ran to Grier Jr. High for a set of Derkins x 10, then crossed the road to church.

A quick idea came to mind to get wet so we hit our six for a quick set of LBC’s IC x 20. Then to the parking lot and stairs for Dora 1,2,3. We partnered up for 150 Merkins, 200 LBC’s, and 100 Prayer Squats while running the steps. The Prayer Squats were only 100 to save our legs for later.

Knowing there was a Mid-High lock-in, Dr. Feelgood suggested going into the fellowship hall to wake the sleeping kids and perform some exercise. Instead of testing the GasHouse 911 emergency response system, YHC decided a set of 10 Monkey Humpers outside the windows of the fellowship hall. This proved to be sufficiently risqué while also showcasing the importance of exercise. We quickly ran away through the woods (and heard a big deer snorting, warning us not to go too deep in the woods) to the Sherwood Elementary School track. One lap around the track and we stopped at the bottom of the Hill. All this and it was only 0730 hours.

The Thang: Descending sets of Merkins followed by hill sprints to the top. We started with 10 Merkins IC. What would normally be “1,2,3, HALT” was changed to “1,2,3,Take the Hill!!! Charge!!!, and other inspiring messages. A quick sprint to the top and mosey back down, 9 Merkins, Hill sprint, 8 Merkins, Hill Sprint, 7 Merkins, Hill sprint and then a “rest” lap around the track. We got back in position for 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. I heard some positive comments from the other side of the PAX that perhaps Squeaker was using this exercise time for quiet personal reflection, perhaps about what he ate the night before.

We then partnered up again for the track. One person would lunge walk and his partner would long jump behind until the first partner would call for a switch. After some grumbling it became apparent the lunges were perhaps easier than the long jumps. A little more than half a lap and then back to the hill for a set of 5 burpees and then a final hill charge.

Next it was run to the opposite end of the track to jump the fence and escape elementary school. YHC’s foot fell into a rusted and eroded drain pipe but luckily no damage. Instead of jumping the fence, Dr. Feelgood opened the gate and we walked through and began a neighborhood tour with Stroganoff taking the group on a tour of his old homestead on the way to the Library. We got the library for a round of ring around the tree. The PAX assumed the Merkin position on a curb and began to shuffle counterclockwise and then clockwise, followed by yet another set of Merkins.

Time was running low so we went back to the museum. (Brown Streak totaled us at 2.75 miles of running)

We circled up for something called the Piston. The PAX counted off and the odd members were going to squat on one and the evens would be up. When we started it was completely out of control and we had to stop and start over. I was called “Odd” by Stroganoff. Sticks and stones….

We had some members of the public at the Museum by now looking at this spectacle that someone claimed looked like the Oompa Loompas. In any event, the church bells didn’t seem to be ringing so we squatted, squat hold, and catcher’s pose for about three minutes until YHC called time.

We finished with Name-o-rama and prayed for our Mud Runner’s, finishing with the COT. Thanks for the PAX that came out today and thanks for the effort! It is always a pleasure to lead and be a part of F3 Nation.

Brown Streak totaled us at 2.75 miles of running

Merkins on Main

Twelve faithful battle the gloom for a tour of Main Street Downtown Gashouse

Circle up for Intro and disclaimer for one FNG


Warm Up
SSh x 30
Imperial Walkers x 20 cadence
LBC x 20 cadence
10 Burpees OYO
Flutter Kick x 20 cadence

Mosey to corner of 321 South and Main Street to start Tour

Tour consist of running down Main Street stopping at each cross street for said exercise

Corner 1 Merkins x 20 (County Police)
Corner2 Merkins x20 (post Office)
Corner3 Derkins x15 (pavilion)
Corner4 Wall March x 25 (MLK Blvd)
BTW 20deg hold-45 deg hold-90 deg hold
Donkey Kicks In Cadence x10 rinse and repeat
Inverted Wall Push Ups with partner 20 as a group
Corner 5 LBC x 50 (Bus Station)
Corner 6 Shrimp Boat French Fries for 2 min (shrimp Boat)

Indian Run to Tony’s for a shake to go with the Fries
Prayer Squats x30

Mosey up Franklin to Rotary Garden
Partner up for wheel barrow up hill switching as needed length of fence

Mosey back down Franklin dodging cars to Tree of Life (big metal thing that cost a lot) for
Wheel of Merkins starting at 5 and descending to 1
50 LBC

Mosey back to Pavilion for name aroma and COT.

Naming of FNG Adam Michaels (Steerwine)

Next Sat 10-31-15 Airport Run

Prayers for MUD RUN Warriors and T-Square on job interview

Finish with Prayer

As always a pleasure to be involved and have the opportunity to lead this great group.


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