Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

Romper Room

17 PAX met at the Schiele for fun and games and got right to it.

Warm Up

  • Side Straddle Hop
  • Merkins
  • LBC
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Windmills

Mosey to the flag for the #PledgeOfAllegiance

The Thang

Mosey to the middle school for a ladder (Dora 1-2-3) between the buildings. Partner up. One partner performs the exercise and counts while the other goes up and down the staircase until you hit the numbers:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Prayer squats
  • 300 LBC’s

We walked to the track and immediately went into Railroad Tracks for a lap. The men soon realized it was better to create space between PAX instead of planking right beside each other.

After a little more than half a lap we audibled into Leapfrogs. The PAX began leaping over each other for one rotation, the lead PAX would call an exercise and all would perform it and then repeat the jumping over each other. Burpees, merkins, and others I can’t remember. Another half a lap and then another audible into the center of the football field where there just happened to be a couple of inflatable balls.

Dodge Ball: A few throws and we realized the smaller ball would work best. Countorama…the odds and evens either were in the circle or out to start the game. The rules were very fluid, but it was clear that if you hit someone in the head with the ball you would run to the goalpost and back as a penalty. Safety first you know. Well we have some rule breakers in the PAX…those kids! The first throw hit a PAX in the head so the penalty was enforced right away. No more than a few throws and someone would be hit and the whole group would exercise. There was a theme with PAX in the center trying to catch the ball. Whoever threw the ball would call the exercise. Lots of merkins, “Bandit burpees”, Homer/Marge, a switch of teams and then LC called a lap for his exercise, and quickly was hit again and called another lap.

After Dodge ball we formed a tight circle shoulder to shoulder and went swimming with the Backstroke (on your six, feet at six inches, backstroke your arms in cadence)

Next, we locked arms and then did Windshield Wipers in cadence, trying to look like the pool scene in Caddyshack. (Spaulding, NO!)

Next was Wave of Merkins to failure.

Followed by the Tunnel of Love.

After YHC’s conversation with Grier football coach (see moleskin), Dolph soon came to my rescue and we returned to the Schiele for the COT, prayer, and on with our Saturdays.


  • The Grier Football coach had appeared while we were working out on his field and was either impressed with our effort, the synchronization and grace of our exercises, or peeved that we were on his field.  Regardless he called me over as the PAX returned to the Schiele. I thought I was in trouble in school again like old times, but Coach wanted to know if the fields could be of better use to us and others in the community. I volunteered the services of F3 Nation to help improve the fields, tracks, or anything else we could do. We exchanged numbers and hope to work together to make the track a better place for the students, community, and F3 Nation. Another opportunity to make an impact.
  • Welcome to our new FNG (Bubbles), and to those that we missed, see you next week!
  • Ros”Q” has enjoyed his first 3 opportunities to lead and looks forward to many more. If you haven’t been Q, check with Bandit. There will be many opportunities in September.

The People’s Choice


  • Side Straddle Hop IC 25
  • LBC 15
  • Merkins 10
  • Prayer Squats: 10
  • Windmills: 15

WarmUp Continued…

  • Mosey rail bridge and cross with walking lunges
  • Mosey to wall and complete 5 wall walkers (sort of like ascending testicles)
  • Mosey to FUMC and complete:
  • 1 minute step ups
  • Marge/Homer/Flutter
  • Mosey to top of parking deck


  • 25 squats IC
  • Halfway down 20 merkins
  • Halfway down 25 squats
  • Halfway down 20 merkins
  • Halfway down- 25 squats (Monk answered extra credit question prompting the audible)
  • Joe Hendrix (Backward Bear crawl up incline)

To the bottom and up the stairs for The Peoples Choice all the way back down: Dying Cockroaches, LBC’s, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Prayer Squats?

Mosey back to Pavilion for:

Romper room preview:

  • Railroad Tracks
  • Leap Frog with the Peoples choice: Merkins, LBC’s, (train went by at this time and I can’t remember what else we did)

Mosey to Flag Pole for Pledge of Allegience

A couple more minutes remained so we finished with wave merkins to failure and 8 count bodybuilders, and windshield wipers.

Prayer and Name o’rama


  • An honor to lead this morning. Lots of good effort and the small numbers made it difficult to “hide”. Great accountability. I am always excited to go to F3 and I hope you are.
  • EO Thirst at the US National Whitewater Center: Oct 4
  • Runway 5K-October 31 (family event)

GasHouse Throw Back Thursday

On short notice, YHC opted to call plays from inaugural GasHouse beatdown, with several audibles.  After quick disclaimer (no FNGs) we were off.

Mosey from parking lot to playground for COP.

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IW X 15 iC
  • Merkins X 10 IC
  • Peter Parkers X 10 IC
  • Wide Arm Merkins X 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers X 10 IC
  • Diamond Merkins X 5 IC

Mosey to Alley (across bridge, up sidewalk, alley on left)

  • 11’s with squats and merkins.
  • People’s chair until everyone finishes, followed by 10 Donkey Kicks IC, 10 Derkins OYO

Mosey to Pavilion

  • Jacob’s Ladder (to 7) between Pavilion and up the hill to the street.  Half way through audible was given to only head 1/2 back to pavilion.  After all, this was really about the burpees!

Mosey back to Parking Lot

This started with slug-paced walking mosey (after Jacob’s ladder), then back to regular mosey.  Once we hit bridge, the PAX were given new play… bear crawl, crab walk, bear crawl across bridge.  Plank and wait for the 6 in the parking lot.

Partnered up for merkin flapjack.  Partner A does 10 merkins while partner B sprints halfway down parking lot and back.  Flap jack X3

Finished up with 6MOM

  • LBC
  • Homer and Marge (Heels to Heaven)
  • Rosalitas
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hello Dollies

Finished up with COT and BOM.


  • Bannister’s grandfather – Bannister is travelling this past weekend to visit.
  • Rudolph – for healing so he can join his F3 brothers back in the gloom!
  • VA shooting victims – prayers for all those impacted by evil and for our strength to standup for good.  Let’s be #HIM.


  • Abba asked if we can get everyone together for dinner and Stuart Cramer football game.  Trying for Sept 4.  BA to check on if we can tailgate/grill in parking lot.

Family Q at GasHouse!

22 PAX showed up in the gloom Saturday for what promised to be a nice family Q.  They had been warned that this wouldn’t be a typical family picnic.  Disclaimer disclaimed and off we went.

Seacrest on Q


SSH x 25

WM x 15

MNC x 50 (a lot of mumble chatter here – PAX looked like they were dancing through the pain)

Merkins x 10

Peter Parker x 10

Parker Peter x 10

Wink on Q

Line up on the goal line and partner up…size matters.

Partner carry to the 50, switch partners and finish the field.  I heard some PAX ask Wink if he was serious…yes he was.

Line up on the opposite goal line and wheel barrow the entire field.  Switching as needed to finish.

Next – Line up head to foot leaving enough space to bear crawl in and out.  2 lines formed and the winner was promised an incentive.  1 by 1 we start from the back of the line and bear crawl the entire field.  It was a tight race, but we did have a winner.  Loser received 10 burpees…winner received 9.  The PAX agreed to do 5 each.  Wink decided it was 9 each.  Lots of mumble chatter from the PAX after this.  We really need a name for this exercise…

Seacrest on Q

We talked about how F3 is about creating #HIM.  Men who act like “Him” and High Impact Men.  There are 4 things that men can think about in all aspects of their lives to naturally be #HIM.

Reject Passivity – Accept Responsibility – Lead Courageously – Invest Eternally

Let’s Mosey…

We ran to the church parking lot and someone had piled rocks there…heavy rocks.  Keeping the same partner, we grabbed a coupon.

Dora 1-2-3…4

As a team, 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s and 400 calf raises.

While partner A is doing these, partner B runs to the top of the hill, 10 curls or presses, and runs back to pass coupon.

Run back to COT for a few hello dollies, protractors, and 5 burpees OYO to finish.



Anthrax pushed me through this entire workout.  He was really moving and I enjoyed going through this with him and all PAX.

Good to see these PAX again.  A lot of #HIM in this group.  Great to see how this AO has grown and F3 Gastonia in the last 5 months.

Honor to lead with Wink.  Amazing to see F3 working in both of our lives.

Continue to Reject Passivity – Accept Responsibility – Lead Courageously – Invest Eternally

We are called to LEAD and this world needs us to step up and accept our calling more than ever before.  Step up and let’s accept the challenge together.

Pray for Rancher and his family, the Sadler family and their loss, my brother-in-law’s nephew during heart surgery and Rudolph in his recovery and move.  Please lift them up!


Thanks for the opportunity to guest Q.

Until next time…

Seacrest, out!




Off Campus at Martha’s House!

13 of the finest the GasHouse has to offer rolled into the gloom at Martha’s House expecting business as usual around the park.  YHC had different plans for some parking lot jumping and exploring some new area at this fine AO.

The Thang:

Mosey to the bank parking lot.


WM x 15

SSH x 15

Merkins x 10

MC x 15

LBC x 15

Line up for some 11’s.  Derkins on one side and squats with a calf raise on the other.  Seems like calf raises were a popular workout this week.  More to come Saturday…

Mosey to the AutoZone parking lot.

Ring of Fire

Merkins x 10

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot.

Broad jump across the lot.  Make sure you jump as far as possible, PAX were rewarded with 1 burpee for every jump it took to complete the lot.

Mosey to the old Harris Teeter parking lot for something new.

13 PAX plank head to foot with enough space to go in and out between them.  Starting at the back, PAX bear crawl in and out 1 by 1 until all have finished 1 round.  Rinse and repeat.  We really need to think of a name for this new exercise.  I’m taking recommendations…

Mosey to the Food Lion parking lot for the hill.

Jacob’s Ladder for 5 sets of merkins.

Mosey to Dollar Tree parking lot for a back road run back to COT.

Still some time…

Ring of Fire #2

High Knees/Body Builder x 10/1 (crowd pleaser)


This was my first Q at Martha’s House.  I was a little under the weather leading up to this, but felt much better the morning of the workout.

I heard some mumble chatter from Bandit about keeping the PAX guessing during my Q’s…I’ll try to keep it up!

Honored to lead.


Riding with Martha in Tanks and Choppers

After suffering through a few tweets from Whoopee earlier in the week promising zombies and helicopters, 10 Pax fought off the urge to fartsack and spent the morning with Martha traveling in Tanks (zombie lunge walk) and Helicopters (chinook). It was a great morning for me, however my knees felt the aftershocks for the next 8 hours-I almost felt bad about kicking the old lady off the elevator to make room for me…..she’s got a walker, no use wasting that on an elevator (duh, it’s called a WALKER for a reason lady-get off my elevator!!!).

Here’s what you missed:
SWU: speed warm up, sort of..
5 reps each of SSH, Burp, Flutter Kick, Merkin, LBC, Mtn Climber

In honor of Fear the Walking Dead, we did a zombie lunge walk (made popular in GasHouse by Godfather) alternating with chinook (fast mosey with hands waving wildly in circles above your head) from home base to the park in a winding route to the first station. Along the way I think a few cars slowed to dial 911 and alert the authorities that a few men had escaped from the 7th floor of the hospital-Stroganoff, don’t act like you don’t know that’s the psych ward-I’ve seen you there before (apologies to HIPPA). Bandit commented we were more like tanks and helicopters so I’m going with that. The first station consisted of the following:
IC: 20 each (double count): flutter kicks, Merkins, Squats, Mtn Climbers, Freddy Mercury

Next, we continued the zombie lunge walk alternating with chinook from station 1 to the playground for station 2 which was really short to save time for the musical ending below:

Pull-ups or something resembling hang on for life alternating with squat jumps X 1 min each as many reps as possible (AMRAP).

We then wandered out of the dark and scary playground and chinooked to the picnic benches for station #3:

IC: 25 each (single count) dips, burps, LBCs, Merkins, LBCs. We added another 30 dips at the end just for fun.

That concluded our tour of duty so we zombie walked/chinooked our way back to home base. Monk felt some uncommon valor and pulled into the lead allowing me to temporarily hand over the keys to our transportation. Without shame Stroganoff made us give him shout outs as his mother stopped by to bring him some lemonade during his workout. That was really nice of her to wipe the sweat off your brow- aaawwwwwwwwwww, bless your heart.

After finally making it back to home base, Whoopee pulled out the final mission: Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees alternating with plank in sort of 30 second intervals while listening to the song Jump by Van Halen-thanks for the musical inspiration 24hrs earlier by BA at The Storm workout and a suggestion from DJ Jazzy Screw for the song selection-thanks guys.

We had some time left over so we did a variety of exercises by various Pax-great job leading-good practice if you have not been Q yet (hint hint). We finished off with a couple Bojangles Biscuits around the dead ice cream place.

Had some important prayer requests, props to the guys that helped out Rudolph moving last weekend, Plan to help Dr. Feelgood this coming weekend at the garden, CONSIDER the mudrun-have 1 team, hope to have few more from GasHouse-check with Bandit if interested.

Finally, props again to the guy(s) who are providing positive peer pressure to get me and others out there in the gloom each morning-you know who you are.

I mean it when I say it is an honor and privilege to be able to be out here with all of you. THANK YOU.


BRR–September 11th-12th….The Final Turn

F3 Nation–

On September 11th 55 teams from F3 Nation will find their way to Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia and begin the 2015 edition of the Blue Ridge Relay.  Congrats to everyone for a) getting registered; b) getting physically prepared; and c) trying to keep your teams together.  (C may be the most difficult)

In case you haven’t seen it, start times have been posted.

If you are looking to join a team or you are looking to fill a spot on your team, let people know.  Tweet it…tag your region or tag @f3nation   at this point, it’s the best way to connect.

  1. There will be a lot of us.  F3 will be very visible. Let’s make sure that we realize that we are guests and show our appreciation to all the locals, other teams, and especially the volunteers.  This is an opportunity for us to make a positive impact on everyone that we encounter.  This is a Post that OBT shared last year.  I believe it accurately states the ideals that we want to uphold.
  2. As the race gets nearer, people are training harder, running farther, posting more.  All good things, but….be smart.  It’s better to be 10% undertrained than 1% overtrained.  This is not the race to run with an injury.  If protecting yourself from injury is not enough motivation, then do it for your teammates.  If you can’t carry your weight, then your teammates will have to.  I bet every man running will be happy to step up, but how about we be smart and not kill ourselves the next 2 weeks and catch up with our training.
  3. Navigation–there are a lot of stories of guys getting lost.  The cue sheets have mileage on them.  If you wear a GPS, use it.  It will help.  Nothing deflates team momentum like a runner getting lost on the course for an extra hour at 3AM.
  4. Rules—there are a lot of RULES  Know them.  They are there for several reasons, primarily, your safety.  Everyone must have a reflective vest and lights.  Captains…please print these out and share them with your teams.
  5. Nutrition–you will all be burning a lot calories.  Those legs, even the “moderate” ones are no joke.  Make sure you are eating and hydrating appropriately.  Its a fun event, unless of course, you collapse due to dehydration or completely cramp up because you didn’t eat enough…again, just be mindful.  Most of you don’t usually run 3-4 or even 6 times in 24+ hours.  You know who you are

One last thing, we’ve got a lot of new teams this year.  All you veterans, please feel free to chime in the comments for “best tips”

Best of luck to all you.  For those of you looking to compete next year, regisration opens December 1st.  I wonder if F3 can hit 100 teams next year?

See you in THE mountains!





BackBlast: #TheStorm 8/25/15- The Farmer, His Daughters Sally and Roxanne, and Their Dog Thunder.

The Farmer, His Daughters Sally And Roxanne, And Their Dog Thunder

18 PAX battled the GLOOM and/or no lights for a few minutes at #TheStorm this AM.  The workout consisted of some tunes, cinder blocks, dumbbells, and sweat.

The workout started with the official disclaimer… or some mumbling and the short version.  And then it began….


  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Monkey Humpers
  • 10 Don Quixotes
  • 20 LBC’s

The Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the weight room


  • The Farmer- Farmer Carry Dumbbells In A Circle To The Song Farmer’s Daughter By Rodney Atkins (3:30)
  • Roxanne- Push Ups and Plank Jacks to the Song Roxanne by The Police (3:08)
  • Sally- Squats to the Song Flower by Moby (3:26)
  • Thunder- Burpees to the Song Thunderstruck by ACDC (4:52)

Mosey Outside and Partner Up

150 Standing Chest Press with Cinder Block/Run To Tennis Court 5 Carolina Dry Docks…. switch until you and partner reach 150 Standing Chest Presses

Mosey Back To The Weight Room

  • The Farmer- Farmer Carry Dumbbells In A Circle To The Song Farmer’s Daughter By Rodney Atkins (3:30)
  • Roxanne- Push Ups and Plank Jacks to the Song Roxanne by The Police (3:08)
  • Sally- Squats to the Song Flower by Moby (3:26)

Mosey To The Parking Lot And Deposit Cinder Block Into BA’s Truck

  • Wave Of Merkins (3,2,1)
  • French Fries x 5
  • SSH x 25


  • Count Off
  • Announcements (T-Square Health Improvement, Mud Runs, Airport Run)
  • Prayers
  • Coffeeteria at Floyd and Blackies- 2 Attended





Running With Fred

Posting for Roscoe…

9 PAX met in the Gloom among the Rotary Pavilion and didn’t need to travel far. Fred has short legs.

Warm up
Side Straddle Hop
Press Press Fling (Haters in the PAX)
Carolina Dry Docks
Around the world Merkins (Clock Dial)
The Thang
Indian Run carrying Fred: If Fred hits the ground, ten burpees. I think someone “accidentally” dropped Fred.

Petting Fred
The PAX formed two lines and tossed Fred to the other side and then performed Merkins and/or squats. When Fred hit the ground, and he did, ten burpees.
Fred had to urinate so we continued on without him.

1 minute SSH, Squat Jumps, Merkins, Mountain Climbers

Return to Flag for # PledgeofAllegiance

Leap Frog People’s Choice Aerobics:
The PAX formed a line and performed burpees OYO, the last man leapfrogs over the PAX to the front, and then calls the next exercise…
Burpees, Merkins, LBC’s, French Fries, Burpees, 8 count body builders, plank jacks, Freddie Mercury

1 minute of step ups on the Pavilion Stairs

Alphabet abs: Each PAX on top step of Pavilion for Heels to sky aka Homer/Marge. First PAX starts with A and spells it in large letters with feet together, next guy B while everyone keep feet of the ground. (Dr. Feelgood doesn’t know his ABC’s…had to keep asking which letter was next)

Wave merkins to failure….the PAX formed a circle in merkin starting position. One PAX would go down for the Merkin and the next guy around the “Stadium” and continue until failure. Just like at real stadiums, it took a few starts to get it going correctly.

COT, Prayer with Roscoe

Announcements: Tomorrow we help move Rudolph since he is on IR. Next Saturday another workday at the Rotary Garden (Dr. Feelgood). Dr. Feelgood shouted out well wishes to Bandit aka Long Root. He is on IR for a week or so.
Virgin Q for Roscoe and I appreciate the support (Whoopee). Welcome FNG Foley and hope to continue to grow F3 Gas House and become #HIM.

The Storm Back Blast – Last One…maybe not

18 PAX showed up hoping to do a workout in the rain…not much there.  Warmup consisted of:

15- SSW IC

15- Imperial Walkers IC

15- Merkins IC

15-LBC’s IC

15-Mountain Climbers

Took to the field and ran one lap, then proceeded to run 100 yards to other end for some field work.   Godfather commented we should’ve stopped on the other side during the run.  Good idea but not as fun.

Sleddin’ and Tire Flippin’

Broke off into 4 groups behind tires or sleds. Goal for sleds was to have one PAX every 20 yards.  First PAX pushes 20 yards and hands off to next.  Sled should go 100 yards and back.  While teammates waited for the sled they could do Merkins, LBC’s or SSH.  Teams with tires were to flip for 10 yard intervals then hand off while teammates completed their exercises.  Tire should go 50 yards. Those things are a lot heavier than they look…especially when wet.

Next we mosey’d to the bleachers and split into two group.  First group did people’s chair while second group ran the snake up and down the bleacher stairs.  Groups switched. Our first “last one” was a second rep of the same.

All headed up the stairs for the “last” (sorry, Q wasn’t that great with his watch) exercise.  Two rounds of 15 Dips each on bleachers.  Jogged back to parking lot for final last round of incline Merkins x 15. May have lost count at some point but gotta keep a good thing going.

Name-O-Rama and Prayer

BA can still use donations for Storm players who need equipment.




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