Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

BackBlast #TheStorm: The Murph

Nine mighty PAX post at #TheStorm for the Murph.

The Murph is…

Run to track (quick breather for the Pledge), take 3 laps, run to weight room.

10 pull ups
20 merkins
30 squats
Repeat x10

Run to the track, take 3 laps, run to parking lot.


TClaps to BA for getting us setup and gonig while Dolph was coming in HOT!


Backblast #GasHouse: Sherwood Log Jam

Thanks for the 14 PAX that came out Saturday and threw those logs around like a bunch of savages. The only thing that would have made the day better is if Dr. Feelgood had gotten his phone to work, and some rain, of course.

Start with the Pledge, of course.


Formation run up Garrison through church parking lot to Sherwood Middle School.  WU done to 4 count cadence.

  • Bend and Reach x10
  • Rear Lunge x10
  • Hi Jumper x10
  • Windmill x8
  • Forward Lunge x8
  • Rower x10
  • Dive Bombers x10
  • Overhead Arm Clap x2

Thang #1
Partner up then 3 rounds of 1 lap, max Merkins and max body weight rows or pull ups. PAX run together then while one’s pushing the other’s pulling, then switch exercises = 1 round.

Thang #2 (Log PT +/- 200lb each)

  • Squat x10 4 count
  • Overhead press x10 4 count
  • Thrusters x10
  • Back extensions x15
  • Bench press x20

Extra Credit (Ring of fire version 2.0)
1st man sounds off and every body does 1 rep (Merkins), 2nd man, 2 reps, third man, you guessed 3 reps and so on.

Mosey back for COT and Name-O-Rama.


Is anybody interested in training for a go ruck event ( ) or doing our own? We could add Monday or Friday to the rotation and start rucking once a week. Any questions or interest email Woody at and we can work something up.


Backblast #TheStorm: Crazy Eight and Stadium Stairs

Warm Up
20 – Imperial Walkers
20 – Side Straddle Hops
15 – Merkins
15 – Prayer Squats

Take a lap.

Crazy Eight

  • 20 Merkins then run along the goal line.
  • 20 Freddy Mercury (total of 40) then run to the 50.
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks then run to other side of 50
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (total of 40) then run to goal line opposite goal line.
  • 20 Prison Cell Merkins

Plank till everyone is finished.

Once everyone is done, repeat to other side of field.

Take a lap

Stadium Stairs

  • Lunge Up then 20 Mountain Climbers (total of 40)
  • Run Down then 10 Decline Merkins
  • Lunge Up then 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • Run Down then 10 Dips

Repeat the above to get back to starting point.

Those that could still mosey mosied.  The rest crawled like slugs to the COT.  I quit at this point and took it to the car!!

Blue Ridge Relay–Time to Step Up

As of this writing, there are 77 days left to the 2015 edition of BRR. There are 53 F3 Teams registered from all over our footprint with an additional 3 on the waiting list. That’s about 500 men who will be traversing the rugged NC mountains on foot and in a big white van. Teams from all over NC and SC, along with a team from the Commonwealth to our north (Richmond).

“Borrowing” from The Show’s Pre blast from last year. #wheel

Teams are listed here List of F3 Teams

Captains should sign up for updates from BRR here Blue Ridge Relay Race Site Make sure your team is familiar with all the rules.

As with every year, the course changes due to constuction, road conditions, or local resistance to runners coming through their slice of heaven in the middle of the night. So be sure to check the site frequently.


Time to start increasing the miles. Rule of thumb is to not increase mileage by more than 10% per week. While I’m sure each region has multiple running options, try to plan some “off the books” runs with your teams….it would be a good idea to eventually add a #double down evening run.

Also, since the race does occur in the mountains, it’s a good idea to add some hills to your training. Strong legs will not only help you run up these mountains, but will also keep you healthy through out training.

Just because you have to run more, don’t forget to attend your bootcamps. TeamSoccerArms is not the way to go. Strong men finish well. Be well rounded.

Anyone that wants a t-shirt can order one here. T-shirt

patches can be ordered here Patches


The following must be worn at night. “Reflective vest, flashing light on front and back and a headlamp or flashlight must be carried”


Rent Vans from Enterprise use code # 53SA320-BLU for race discount CLT area PAX can also check Adventure Vans

If you haven’t made reservations yet, it is strongly suggested you do so soon!


Only van 1 needs to be at the start and lodging will be dependent upon your start time and where you are coming from. There will be some updates available here for options.

Questions: Please contact me at

Good luck with your training. Continue reading

BackBlast #GoatIsland: Gone In 60 Seconds

11 Men battled the GLOOM this morning for the workout at Goat Island.

The morning started out with a bit of a shock to the PAX when we found out the gates were locked to Goat Island Park, but that did not deter anyone.  The PAX set up shop in the parking lot, grass, and gazebo and got to work.  Music, Cinder Blocks, Benches, and a Gazebo made for a great morning.

Start with Pledge of Allegiance


Circle Up (In Cadence)

  • Side Straddle Hop x 10
  • Don Quixotes x 10 Forward/Backward
  • Mericans x 10
  • LBC’s x 10



This comes from the movie Gone In 60 Seconds (Our Arms were gone in 60 seconds after this nice exercise).  Mericans set to cadence of the song Flower by Moby.  Bring Sally Up- Go Up, Bring Sally Down- Go Down.  x 3 minutes


Partner 1 does exercise 1 while partner 2 runs to designated area does exercise 2 and runs back and the partners switch exercise.  Continued until all repetitions are completed.  Plank Until all PAX are finished.

  • Blockees 75/ Carolina Dry Docks 5
  • Upright Rows 100/Mericans 5
  • Tricep French Curl 100/Dips 5
  • Bicep Curls 150/Derkins 5



  • Round 1- 20 Standing Cinder Block Chest Presses/PLANK
  • Round 2- 5 Mericans/PLANK



  • 50 Standing Chest Press/5 LBC’s

FRENCH FRIES x 10 Both Arms



  • Prayers
  • Upcoming Workouts and Q’s



  • Gate locked at Goat Island can become a problem.  JoeBoo and BA will get in contact with Cramerton Parks and Rec to try and come up with a solution.
  • Some of the PAX had the new shirts on and they looked sharp.  Other PAX will have to put their name on a wait list and when enough show interest orders will be reopen.
  • The song Flower by Moby seemed much longer than anticipated during the Bring Sally Up exercise.

PreBlast-Goat Island: Gone In 60 Seconds

Gone in 60 seconds at #GoatIsland

We won’t be boosting any cars tomorrow or driving a 1967 Ford Mustang named Eleanor, but you can channel your inner Memphis Raines (Nicholas Cage) while grinding through the upper body beatdown that BA will provide you.

Extra Credit to anyone who knows why this workout will be called Gone In 60 Seconds.



Martha’s House BackBlast – TheFort Invades Gastonia

Ten men including one FNG gathered in the gloom as Godfather made his solo-debut as Q. With three visitors from @F3theFort in town, the Godfather knew he had to impress…


  • Side Straddle Hop (x15)
  • Imperial Walker (x15)
  • Prayer Squat (x15)
  • Hillbillies (x15)

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to Covered Picnic Tables

Breakfast Table Beat Down – Start with 10 reps and mosey to the pole and back between sets, adding 10 reps for each set – 10, 20, 30

  • Step-Ups (each leg)
  • Dips
  • Derkins

Four Corners of Mary (x30 IC)

  • 1st Corner – Dolly
  • 2nd Corner – Rosalita
  • 3rd Corner – LBC
  • 4th Corner – Flutter Kicks

Ring of Fire – Circle up in plank position. Hold plank while each man completes 5 Merkins. (Rinse/Repeat x2)

Modified Zombie Walk – Start at sideline then right complete a leg lunge, a left leg lunge, and a prayer squat. (Rinse/Repeat across the field)

Mosey to parking lot then a few more exercises until the clock runs down…

  • Freddie Mercury (x20)
  • Ring of Fire (Merkins x5)
  • Plank (for those who like to show off, right/left arm and leg raises)
  • Merkins (x5)

During COT and the Name-o-Rama, the Godfather explained the importance of leading from behind the pack when exercising. #Tclaps to Bandit for leading exercises that were IC.

– Godfather

Yea I did some research

16 Pax conquered the fart sac to better themselves in a not so humid morning (only 80-90% I’m sure) Some good mumble chatter this morning about achy legs so I’ll try to keep the running to a minimum.

The Thang:

BRR boys took off running at crazy speed to continue training for that upcoming insanity while the rest of us took a lil mosey to warm up.  Broke off for a circle of LBACs small, big, and reverse. Prisoner squat x20 and Hill Billies x20.  Mr. Cotter better late than never.  Back on the mosey.

Peel off to circle up surrounded by trees for Variation of dying cockroach x15 Carolina dry docks x15 and pickle pumber x15 recover on the mosey.

Everyone down for a little plank compass while two pack ran up the stairs and did 30 LBCs and return continued this with variations of protractor staggered merkins and plankorama about half way through right after two pax went up for LBCs two Pax returned some a little confused thinking they did stairs grew beards and came back but it was our F3 brothers Fabio and Milo from Raleigh joining us glad you found us more the merrier.

Continued to pull up/dip bars splint into somewhat two groups for a six pack and lap around lake doom.  6 pack consisted up 1 pull up 5 merkins then 2 pull ups 4 merkins and so on to one… planked until our six arrived. Recovered on the mosey.

Peeled off again up towards volley ball court/sand pit? for deconstructed burpees.  Rinse and repeat. Mosey back to flag for some Mary.


Picked at random each pax called out an exercise x15 flutter kicks LBCs the real dying cockroach windshield wipers way to go Capt. stubbing for taking us to 15 on that one and damn burpees by Parrot head and a couple others I was too worn out to remember.  Thanks to Dr. Feel Good (Gastonia) Fabio & Milo (Raleigh) for coming out I believe you all were in Wilmington for some R&R so strong work for posting.


HDHH Thursday home brew store, Qs filled up for rest of the week thats good now lets work on filling next month up.  Tri span run with Parrot head coming up soon tackle some bridges.  Prayers for those in need of some mercy and fellow F3 that couldn’t post and to try and reach out to those in need.  Thanks as always for following my lead much respect hope you got to sweat. Till next time.



The Hurricane is coming!

F3 brothers the Hurricane is coming to North Charleston SC!

On Saturday, 27 June at 0700 F3 Summerville will kick out its first created #CSAUP! It will be a four hour event with lots of pain, suffering, and brotherhood. We have planned a great workout for you – challenging all parts of the body! To top it off we will hang out and drink some great beers brewed by the Low Country’s own Coast Brewing Company. You will also earn a Hurricane patch to boast of your exploits.

Since F3 Summerville first launched Faultline in January we have been blessed with tremendous growth. That first AO has spawned into so much more – Bootcamps – Faultline, Seismic, Aftershock and Magnitude. Running – Tremor. Biking – Oscillator. Swimming – Tsunami. Service – Landslide. Fellowship – Liquefaction. Faith – Epicenter. Even for all of us it is still incredible to see and feel the changes in ourselves and experience this as brothers. We have men who have never run a race prepping for the Blue Ridge Run. We have men who were in mediocre fitness levels training for a GoRuck in September. Men are challenging themselves and each other everyday and in doing so improving their lives all around – and serving the community!

F3 Summerville wants to thank all of our brothers that came down to get us started and show us the ropes. You have also offered guidance and direction in an ongoing manner! We are all appreciative of your support and this is a time to thank you! Please come out and join us – HC today and enjoy a great event with F3 Summerville.

Click here now for more details and to HC –

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