Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 22 of 26)

BackBlast: #TheStorm 9/15/15- Homecoming

BackBlast: #TheStorm 9/15/15- Homecoming

17 PAX battled the GLOOM and the lower than normal temperature this morning at #TheStorm.  It was like a homecoming with a lot of the PAX returning for their first workout in a week or two. (BA, Brown Streak, Jobu, Godfather, etc.). We also had a guest from F3 South Wake join us (Yosef).

The workout started with the official disclaimer…BA is an idiot and you are an idiot too if you follow him…. and all the legal jargon.  And then it began….


Side Straddle Hop x 9

Don Quixotes x 10

LBC’s x 15

-The Pledge Of Allegiance-

Mosey To Sidewalk Near Godfathers Mom Wagon

The Thang:

Cinder Block Fun- Partner Up (Small And Big)

  • Standing Chest Press x 200/ Run To Tennis Court x 5 Mericans
  • Upright Row x 200/ Run To Tennis Court x 5 Caroling Dry Docks

(In Between We Planked Regular, Right Arm, Right Arm Right Leg, Left Arm, Left Arm Left Leg)

Mosey To The Weight Room

Music Time…..

  • Sally Squats To The Song Flower By Moby
  • Burpees To The Song Thunderstruck By ACDC (Side Straddle Hops x 5 During A Guitar Solo)
  • Push Ups And Plank Jacks To The Song Roxanne By The Police

Wave Of Mericans (1,2,3,4,5)

Mosey Outside To The Cinder Blocks- Partner Up

  • French Curl (Triceps) x 150/ Run To Tennis Court x 10 LBC’s

Mosey To BA’s Truck With Cinder Blocks…. Throw Cinder Blocks Into BA’s Truck

Find A Curb

  • Derkins x 10
  • Little Baby Dips x 10

Circle Up

Monkey Humpers Also Known As Jobu’s (He loves them) x 10 (With Some Awkward Groans)

Hillbillies x 5

LBC’s x 20

French Fries x 7


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: Abba-Hope Builders 5k, Bandit-Mud Run, Bandit-CLT Runway 5k, BA- Thanks For Donations For Football Team Equipment
  • Yosef is welcome to join us anytime he is in the area.
  • Prayers: TopHat- Friends Who Are Still Unemployed, Yoseph- Wife And Himself Lost 2 Babies In 3rd Trimester
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 2 In Attendance


Scale the Mountain + Wheel of Pain

9 PAX posted in the GLOOM at Goat Island, including a record number that peeled in sideways at 0529. Still…right on time is still on time. Warmup as follows:

* Peter Parkers (remain in position after)
* Merkins (remain in position after)
* Mountain climbers
* Side Straddle Hop
* Squats

Pax then moseyed over to the parking lot side of the bridge and commenced the thang. First up was 5 trips climbing up the rocks beside the bridge. Props to all for staying upright despite the glasslike surface conditions courtesy of some ill-timed-but-much-needed overnight rain.

PAX then proceeded to #takethebridge (note: we need BA back, he has the best battle cry by far) and moseyed over to the park for a scenic tour.

First up was a 4-minute round of Col Trautman, making use of the monkey bars the Cramerton taxpayers generously provided. Afterward we moseyed around the walking trail to the cornhole boards and did 5 round of 1 burpee/sprint to the drink machine/1 burpee/sprint back. Then a mosey over to the playground where we did 3 rounds of squats followed by a trip around the playground by any means necessary (over/under/through the ropes that those darn kids make look so easy). Squats started at 20 and increased by 5 each circuit.

After the first circuit we did a mini-repeato, with a 2 minute Col Trautman and an abbreviated burpee/sprint circuit until we had to call time. Mosey back to the lot for COT. Thanks to all who posted, you gentlemen make it what it is!

– Prayers for TopHat’s friends out of work and looking.
– Prayers for law enforcement while we weather the current unrest.
– Need a Q for next Tuesday. Somebody step up!

BackBlast: #TheStorm 8/25/15- The Farmer, His Daughters Sally and Roxanne, and Their Dog Thunder.

The Farmer, His Daughters Sally And Roxanne, And Their Dog Thunder

18 PAX battled the GLOOM and/or no lights for a few minutes at #TheStorm this AM.  The workout consisted of some tunes, cinder blocks, dumbbells, and sweat.

The workout started with the official disclaimer… or some mumbling and the short version.  And then it began….


  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Monkey Humpers
  • 10 Don Quixotes
  • 20 LBC’s

The Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the weight room


  • The Farmer- Farmer Carry Dumbbells In A Circle To The Song Farmer’s Daughter By Rodney Atkins (3:30)
  • Roxanne- Push Ups and Plank Jacks to the Song Roxanne by The Police (3:08)
  • Sally- Squats to the Song Flower by Moby (3:26)
  • Thunder- Burpees to the Song Thunderstruck by ACDC (4:52)

Mosey Outside and Partner Up

150 Standing Chest Press with Cinder Block/Run To Tennis Court 5 Carolina Dry Docks…. switch until you and partner reach 150 Standing Chest Presses

Mosey Back To The Weight Room

  • The Farmer- Farmer Carry Dumbbells In A Circle To The Song Farmer’s Daughter By Rodney Atkins (3:30)
  • Roxanne- Push Ups and Plank Jacks to the Song Roxanne by The Police (3:08)
  • Sally- Squats to the Song Flower by Moby (3:26)

Mosey To The Parking Lot And Deposit Cinder Block Into BA’s Truck

  • Wave Of Merkins (3,2,1)
  • French Fries x 5
  • SSH x 25


  • Count Off
  • Announcements (T-Square Health Improvement, Mud Runs, Airport Run)
  • Prayers
  • Coffeeteria at Floyd and Blackies- 2 Attended





The Storm Back Blast – Last One…maybe not

18 PAX showed up hoping to do a workout in the rain…not much there.  Warmup consisted of:

15- SSW IC

15- Imperial Walkers IC

15- Merkins IC

15-LBC’s IC

15-Mountain Climbers

Took to the field and ran one lap, then proceeded to run 100 yards to other end for some field work.   Godfather commented we should’ve stopped on the other side during the run.  Good idea but not as fun.

Sleddin’ and Tire Flippin’

Broke off into 4 groups behind tires or sleds. Goal for sleds was to have one PAX every 20 yards.  First PAX pushes 20 yards and hands off to next.  Sled should go 100 yards and back.  While teammates waited for the sled they could do Merkins, LBC’s or SSH.  Teams with tires were to flip for 10 yard intervals then hand off while teammates completed their exercises.  Tire should go 50 yards. Those things are a lot heavier than they look…especially when wet.

Next we mosey’d to the bleachers and split into two group.  First group did people’s chair while second group ran the snake up and down the bleacher stairs.  Groups switched. Our first “last one” was a second rep of the same.

All headed up the stairs for the “last” (sorry, Q wasn’t that great with his watch) exercise.  Two rounds of 15 Dips each on bleachers.  Jogged back to parking lot for final last round of incline Merkins x 15. May have lost count at some point but gotta keep a good thing going.

Name-O-Rama and Prayer

BA can still use donations for Storm players who need equipment.




#TheStorm 8/11 Back Blast – Counting is Hard

19 PAX joined together in the GLOOM to complete another one of Godfather’s running-free workouts. With two #shovelflags firmly planted in the ground, the morning started with a…

Warm-Up (IC)

  • Side-Straddle Hop x15
  • Mt. Climbers x15
  • Imperial Walkers x15
  • LBC’s x15
  • Hillbillies x15
  • Merkins x15
  • Mosey to Flag for #PledgeofAllegiance

The Thang

The workout began with the PAX circling up in front of the monstrosity that blocked the near end zone (some would call it a soccer goal) and doing a round of BLIMPS. To finish a round of BLIMPS, you must do 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges (on each leg), 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, and 30 Squats. Side Note – The first letter of each exercise spells out BLIMPS.

After moseying (NOT RUNNING) to the opposite end zone and moving the other monstrosity away from the goal line, the PAX partnered up and completed Dora 1-2-3 using an aggregate counting system. One partner would complete exercises while the other ran to the 50 yard line and back, then swapped. Round 1 was 100 Merkins, Round 2 was 200 LBC’s, and Round 3 was 300 Squats.

After a quick time check, the PAX circled up for an abbreviated round of Super 21. A normal round of Super 21 includes 1 Merkin/ 1 LBC, 2 Merkins/ 2 LBC’s, 3 Merkins/ 3 LBC’s all the way up to 21 Merkins/ 21 LBC’s (a total of 231 Merkins/ 231 LBC’s) without stopping, but with the clock expiring, #Omaha was called and we only exercised to 10 Merkins/ 10 LBC’s. Several of the PAX expressed their disbelief that doing the full Super 21 was even possible.

Next was a quick mosey (AGAIN… NO RUNNING) to the ramp for another round of Godfather’s infamous Modified Zombie Walk. For those of you who’ve not had the pleasure of experiencing this beast, it’s a right leg lunge, a left leg lunge, and a squat for an extended distance. It’s fair to say that with the incline of the ramp’s four lengths, we covered between 60 and 70 yards for today’s MZW.

With six or nine minutes remaining according to some people’s watches, there was a short mosey to back to the parking lot for some MARY on the curbside. Anarchy broke out as the counting system crumbled mid exercise when one PAX who will remain unnamed *cough* BA *cough* started shouting out 69 and other silly numbers mid count. The exercises were Freddie Mercury, Scissor Kicks, and Flutter Kicks.

#TheStorm ended with a quick Name-o-Rama, a round of announcements, a challenge from JoBu, Bandit, and Godfather for the PAX to complete a #fivepack this week, and a prayer with Anthrax.

Extra Credit

  • Thoughts and Prayers to T-Square’s 17-month old and the Sadler family
  • 5 PAX met at @FandBcoffee in Cramerton, NC for a little #secondF
  • Monk will have his virgin Q at #GoatIsland this week
  • Speaking of Monk, did you guys know he has a Doctorate… #doctormonk
  • According to Godfather, you have to be a dad to be able to pray well out loud

Goat Island PostBlast

This morning, 14 faithful PAX showed up arriving slowly but surely to Goat Island for their morning beat down.

Warm-Up:  Lap around parking lot and through the nearby street at dogs began to bark letting their owner aware of our pack.  Proceed to side straddle hop, imperial walkers, mountain climbers, carolina dry dock, LBC’s and finished with Russian Twists.  All in cadence.

Next we progressed to some parking lot work as the guys began to wake up with inch worm to the truck and sprint to the other side.  This was followed by high knees, butt kicks, shuffles, bear crawl, and crab walks all followed by a sprint to the other side of the parking lot.

Circled up for a quick set of prayer squats in cadence and then a mosey to the playground area over the first bridge of the island.  Of course, this is when we heard the first “TAKE THE BRIDGE” scream from BA as he started to heat up. (Surprised the police have not showed up yet).

Circled up in the grass area by the playground as we began the TABATA training with Jobu’s inspirational music that could hardly be heard with nearby passing trains and heavy breathing from the PAX.  The TABATA training consisted of 20 seconds of merkins, with 10 seconds of rest x 8.  Next exercise was Freddy Mercury 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest x 8.  The PAX was struggling at this point.

Mosey across second bridge to the town of Cramerton.  Task, run up the hill do a burpee, run down and then back up the hill do 2 burpees until 4 burpees were completed.  Most guys were gased at this point but Dolph decided to lap the group and do an extra.  Plank until everyone finished.

Finally, mosey to the original parking lot across both bridges, and yes BA yelled “TAKE THE BRIDGE”.  The cool down consisted of some ab work with flutter kicks, LBC’s, and protractor work.

Good work this morning men.  Keep up the good work!  Enjoyed getting the chance to Q this morning.  Guys, wanted to share John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success.  Take a look!  You can click on the link for a more detailed explanation.  We all can apply his pyramid of success to our lives.

Pyramid of Success




Stop and Go’s and Wheelbarrows and Snakes (oh my)

18 pax posted in the GLOOM at The Storm for some split punishment from TopHat and Anthrax. As we gathered Whoopee shared tales of trial and tribulation from his experience at #SouthernDiscomfort, firmly entrenching the rest of us in the position that it was, indeed, #CSAUP. TopHat called us to order at 5:30 on the dot and led us through the following routine:

Lap around the track
10 windmills
15 SSH
15 CDD
15 crunchy frogs

Stop and Go down the field (10 yards forward, 5 yards back, repeato until you reach the other goal line)

Anthrax assumed the Q and proceeded as follows. Pax paired up, then wheelbarrow’d 25 yards at a time. At each stop we performed an exercise in cadence unless otherwise noted, then teammates switched places for the next 25-yard wheelbarrow.
Wheelbarrow to 25
3 count squat
wb to 50
burpees (15 oyo)
wb to 25
Imperial squat walker
wb to goal
wb to 25
wb to 50
Plank jack
wb to 25
High knees
wb to goal
French fries

Count up, count back to catch our breath.

Pax then moved to the bleachers to do snake drills (up and down from one end to the other) separated by the listed exercises.
Box jumps (25 oyo)

Mosey to the parking lot for COT. Thanks to all who posted, grateful for you guys.

Block Buster Backblast

Today 6 of Isotope’s finest (Mortimer, Blackbeard, Primetime, Mr. Burns and Jock Strap) post on F3 Gastonia soil to claim the NC Ghost Flag at The Storm… but they need to live through Dolph’s classic #SnotWoggler first…

Warmup in the parking lot included SSH, IW, probably some squats… YHC has poor STM.

Everyone grabs a cider block (don’t worry, BA and Outhouse brought extra) and mosey’s to the track for the pledge.

The Thang (with cinder blocks)

  • Chest Press IC x 20
  • Squat Press IC x 20
  • Curl IC x 20
  • Arm Raises IC x 20
  • Bendovers (not sure about the name here) IC x 20
  • Double Applesauce for 2 laps.  Dolph’s team does this warp speed of course.  Oh, yeah… you can leave your cinder blocks – no need to run with them.

Rinse and Repeat x 3

Preblast #TheStorm

Come out Tuesday to the Storm for a baseline test on some functional exercises. Well start with a timed one mile run, then max pull ups (if pull ups aren’t an option, do flexed arm hang), followed by 2 minutes of push ups, sit ups, and air squats.

All exercises after the run will be scored by a partner for correct form and reps completed. Any questions about form can be answered pretty simply by a Google search of us army and marine pt standards, but all of this will be demonstrated on Tuesday.

We will log this assessment and complete another test in 6-8 weeks to track our gains. Come get some.


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