Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 11 of 26)

Through the Storm

Nice crowd at the Storm this morning, 17 PAX clocked in and ready to go to work at 05:30! We started with a short disclaimer, the Pledge and what has become my typical warmup of 5 Burpee’s OYO. Let’s mosey!


First stop is the roundabout in front of the school for a little core work:

25 American Hammer’s IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO

25 LBC’s IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO

25 Flutter Kicks IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO

25 Mountain Climbers IC

10 Big Boy’s OYO


Continue with the mosey around the back of the school for some 10 to 1’s at the loading dock. 10 Merkins at the bottom, jump up on the dock and do 10 Squats. Rinse and repeat with 9 reps, 8….all the way to 1.


Next up was a mosey over to the student parking lot for some partner work. Start in the middle of the lot with 10 Booyah Merkins IC. One partner runs to one end of the lot and does 10 Little Gumby in the Woods while the other partner runs to the opposite end and does 10 Bobby Hurley’s. Meet back in the middle then swap ends. Rinse and repeat all the way to 1.


The PAX are pushing the pace at this point and we’re doing great on time. Let’s grab some wall and do 3 sets of 10 Dirty Hookups and 10 IW Squats. There was a good bit of mumble chatter at this point about whether or not YHC could hear the train or was just ignoring it. I think I actually heard 2 trains, so 10 Burpee’s OYO.


Since we got the core work out of the way at the beginning, YHC wanted to leave some time at the end for a mosey instead of Mary. About 7 minutes of meandering through the parking lots and time is up.



Through the Storm

We’ve all been through a storm, are currently in one, or will experience one in the near future. We must remember that we aren’t alone, God is with us in the storms of life. He’s there to guide us through and help us repair any damage that the storm may cause. Too often, these are the only times we seek God and ask for his guidance and protection. Remember, we need God through the calm as much as we do in a storm.


Psalm 107:29 – “He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.”



August 3rd – Tooltime party at Sargento’s. RSVP ASAP

August 17th – Pizza Man hosting a run/walk/fellowship event at Rankin Lake in remembrance of his niece

September 14th – Stair climb for 9-11 in Charlotte

September 21st – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k in Belmont. SFN event, let Pizza Man know if you want to drive

September 28th – JJ 5k in Stanley


Prayer Request / Praise

Lynn Hamm and family

Trooper Wooten

Whetstone program

Gump – 14th wedding anniversary

Hayzus M going on mission trip

Doodles, Scribble and Headcase part of a group going on mission trip


YHC took us out.


Thanks to the large group of PAX for coming out this morning. Great to have Pillager back with us today, he recently moved to this side of the river and previously posted with Metro. Welcome to Gashouse brother, the best region in F3!


I’m Broke

Corewood Trivia

At 0530 YHC gave a quick disclaimer and said there would be some trivia in the workout.  A question would be asked and after a little time for deliberation the pax would have to give an answer.  If it was correct we just moved on to the next exercise.  If it was wrong, everyone had to do 5 burpees.  Dolph wished he had his phone to get some assistance from Google on the trivia questions, but that wasn’t allowed.

The warmup was a mosey to the traffic circle for some Corewood.  Buckeye knew it was coming.  We did 25 of each of the following exercises:

American Hammers
Crunchy Frogs
Pretzel Crunches (each side)
Dying Cockroaches

Mosey to the front of the school for some wall sits and merkins.  We did a 30, 40, 50 and 60 second wall sit with 10 merkins in between each wall sit rep.  Headcase saved us all from 5 burpees with his Larry Bird knowledge.

Mosey to the main parking lot and partnered up for Dora 1-2-3.  Pax 1 did the exercise and Pax 2 moseyed around the first island in the parking lot.

100 shoulder taps
200 jump squats
300 LBCs

Mosey around the parking lot to the other parking lot adjacent to the tennis quarts for triple nickel.  Lunges on one end and diamond merkins on the other.  Due to time it really only ended up being a triple triple.

Mosey back to where we started for the COT.

You boys know your car and basketball trivia, but not so good on your Disney movies and women’s world cup trivia.  It didn’t help that Sargento wasn’t there to get all of the questions right, like he usually does.


Prayer Requests:

Lynn Hamm – undergoing chemo
Righteous Fox’s family – M’s father passed away

Thanks for the push today fellas.  We all got better.

My Winkie Has a First Name

Welcome to Gaston Counties most elite premier excellent amazing foremost exhilarating bootcamp AO, THE STORM.

Boudin finishing some EC Ruck sacking  – right up to the wire.  Pax are rolling in, including Shell Shock – who is no longer an FNG, and back for more even after witnessing the mess that was Slaw at Mt Hollywood.  Sargento did not have an FNG like he promised, although he later mentioned his FNG as Shell Shock who was an FNG Monday.

Lets Roll.

SSH, MNC, Arm Circles, Burpees, Mosey

Stupid shuffle, tiger squats, big boys, Plank, Mosey

Dippity Dips, Step UPs (Anchorman, Hayzus (originally from Ohio or the Buckeye State), and myself discussed what exactly a Buckeye is and how it is not scary at all.  Then Anchorman pointed out there is a delicious chocolate desert called a buckeye – ask him for the recipe(also, the Wright Brothers are from Ohio – they also left that state to discover flight in the Carolinas)) whilst we discussed the pax continued to enjoy step ups – I finally let them know we need to do other exercises and they all grudgingly agreed to move onto six shooter abs.  Moses gave a 10 count.  We then moseyed.

Mike Tysons, Step back lunges, oblique crunch (also a good look when trying to impress your M) and extended Freddy Mercurys Mosey.

Plank, Jump UPs, Merkins, Mosey

One more round of Stupid Shuffle.  10 more burpees from SA, 20 Squats from Moses, 10 Flying Squirrels from Shell Shock. Mosey to the flag.

Few minutes of stretching.  Time.  Pledge.  Broke took us out in the BOM or COT


Dred and Dark Helmet will speak at Sargento’s Rotary Club a few Thursdays from now. Lunch at the downtown Gastonia Rotary Club – meetings are held at the Conference Center.  Contact Sargento if you are interested in attending.

Also, the Sargento’s will be hosting a going away party for the Tool Time’s August 3rd.  Contact Sargento for more details.

Bridge Camp first part of August – Talk to Anchorman if you are interested in volunteering.

Folsom 2.0 Saturday at 7 am

Prayer Requests

Slim Shadys family friend new baby had died.  The family originally had some trouble getting pregnant and when they were finally blessed tragedy struck.

Slim Shadys and his M will also be welcoming their 4th child soon.  Congrats and prayers especially after witnessing what their family friends are going through.

Lin Ham and her brain tumor

Breaker has some family members with illness, 3 members of his church are deployed, and Sarina’s girlfriend is on a trip with westward bound.

Get yourself some skillet

We stayed in the circle the entire time.  no running at all, not even a mosey.  thats right TopHat – no running – although I did see TopHat going for a jog after the bootcamp and Dirt did some mile prior.


alot of SSH, we tried to do merkins a few times, however, I could not remember how to count.  Also, we did one set of SSH silently.  Few lunges, bear crawls, squats, planks, mike tysons, few ab exercises and found out Time Frame loves oblique crunches.


Many pax lost loved ones or had many medical events – prayers to all

Best Backblast Ever!!! Running right past the rock

Tuesday morning, a beautiful cool day to push the rock. YHC remembers the days when the Monday AO was known as Derecho. It was a running based workout where we did stuff other than just run a certain route. We did creative stuff like sprints, hill work and fartleks (actually we never did fartleks but we could’ve). Mayor and Top Hat gave an audible groan when I mentioned what we’d be doing today. Time to have a throwback Tuesday!

Warm Up

Goofballs (of course)

Monkey Humpers

Dying Cockroaches

Mosey from the starting area around the parking lot to the small roundabout.

The Thang

Sprint to the first road hump, do 15 merkins, sprint to the next, 15 more, sprint to the next, 15 more, mosey to the stop sign. Props to the Mayor, he’s a pretty good sprinter.

From the stop sign the PAX nurred up the hill to the artwork. Once there the PAX woudl bearcrawl the circle. A few of the elder PAX decided to take the outside circle for a little extra effort. Nice job showing the young whippersnappers what’s up.

Mosey from there back to the small circle where we started.

For this round of action instead of sprinting we skipped and karaoked from speed hump to speed hump. At each hump the PAX did 10 burpees.

Get to the stop sign then nur up to the top.

We were going to bearcrawl around the artwork but Mayor had a great idea to do it backward. Anchorman said we should take that up a notch and not only go in the opposite direction but switch to crab walks. Once again the elder rockpushers took the long route around.

Mosey back for one more round. Sprint to each road hump and then do 25 LBCs. We made it through the 3 roadhumps before it was time to head back.

Once at our original start we had time for a round of Nolan Ryans.


Prayer requests: Anchorman’s mother in law, others I forgot

Announcements: Mt. Mitchell hike May 5th

Thanks for the opportunity men. It was a pleasure as always.

The Storm after the storm?

In last weeks addition of The Storm we more than moseyed. This week the decision was made to take the Storm to the next level and not leave the parking lot.  In fact, we almost did not even leave the warm up circle.

SSH to warm up – no counting here, just SSH.  Whilst we all SSH I explained the exercises written in a circle along with a few coupons.  As usually Buckeye’s classics hits are playing in the background, for some reason the music from my speaker is louder here than when I Qued Folsom a couple weeks ago.  Everyone loved the music except for SisterAct.

The Circle of Pain Lab?  These exercises were written in a circle  in the parking lot prior to some EC.  Turns out, the exact number of PAX showed to match the exact number of exercises planned for the morning.   Serendipity?

  • Squat press with 30lb dumb bells
  • 45lb plate carrier
  • Mike Tyson’s
  • Swimmers
  • Shoulder flys with 10lb dumb bells
  • step back lunge
  • bear crawl
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Plank
  • Curls with 20lb dumb bells
  • reverse bear crawl – SisterAct mentioned that there is an actual name for these but I dont have time for that – so we will call them BEEP BEEP Bear Crawl
  • Run – see not pain lab – we actually had a running exercise
  • SSH

We made it through just over 2 rounds of this when Sargento had to leave us making our perfect numbers no so perfect any more.  Time for a change.  Lets mosey.   We completed a short mosey to the wall on the side of the school where one round of the stupid shuffle was completed because Termite had never experienced it before.  Mosey around the back of the school back to the flag.

Tunes were selected for stretching, as always, we stretch with Disney Princesses.  5 minutes of stretching later and its time.



  • Hike May 5th – its a Sunday morning – see Gastone for more info.
  • Sargento has the Q for the next addition of The Storm
  • Community Run on Saturday
  • 3rd F Friday night with very “special” guest ToolTime

Prayer Request:

  • Breakers family and friends
  • the pax

Dirt took us out in the COT

Thanks Men, it was fun!


More Than A Mosey – I thought the Goat was on Thursday?

Welcome to the premiere elite exclusive reclusive top of the line one and only running AO/Boot Camp in the Gaston region.  The Storm.   On Tap:  The Buckeye 5K.  3.2 miles of more than a mosey.

12 pax ready to go, I let them know that I am an idiot and if they follow me they are also idiots.

SSH in cadence, Plank.  First bad joke of the morning:  ACC gets 3 number 1 seeds in the NCAA tournament (not the NIT) – this was not taken well – I did let the pax know my first joke would be a bad one.  Merkins in cadence, Imperial Walkers in cadence.  Time Frame rolls in.  Lets start over, SSH, Merkins.  Lets Mosey, check that, this is more than a mosey today.  With snow in the forecast we need to hustle.  Average moving pace today was 8:07 over 3.19 miles.

Hustle to the statue round about.  Grab the six.  Plank. Plank.  Plank some more.  recover.  Lets step back lunge AMRAP.  Lunge, Lunge, Lunge.  Plank.  2nd bad joke of the morning brought to you by Sister Act:  Have you heard the joke about constipation?  ………………………… has not come out yet.  Mike drop into  Mike Tyson’s in cadence, short demo for Radar.  Lets hustle.

Hustled to the stop sign near on our way to the Goat.  Plank.  Plank.  Plank.  We were in the middle of a neighborhood so Quiet shoulder taps in quiet cadence – I can not count this morning. Lets Hustle.

Hustled across Goat Island to the big bridge.  Plank for the six.  Half pax on one side, half on other.  Stupid shuffle to half way point of the bridge and switch sides.  This was a crowd favorite.  No jokes here.  Lets Hustle.

Hustled to the Church at the top of the hill – AMRAP good form Squats.  Pledge.  Hustle.

Hustled to the big bridge.  Bear crawl across the bridge – no walking or running is allowed on this bridge during an F3 bootcamp.  plank for the six.  Freddy Mercury with long extension AMRAP.  Recover.  Real Big Boys with full extension AMRAP.  SA and Broke were getting a rash – may need some Penicillin.  Lets Hustle.

Hustle back across the island into the neighborhood.  Plank.  Plank plank plank. Plank.  3rd bad joke of the morning brought to you by  – Sargento – a man walking into a doctors office wrapped only in cellophane – the doctor says – clearly I can see your nuts.  Lets Hustle.

Hustled back onto school property at the Storm – plank for the six.

Hustle – long Hustle back to the flag – Circle up as time expires.  3.18 on my watch.  Thanks for letting me Q today, it has always been a dream of mine to take the Storm to the Goat.

Prayer Requests

  • Sargento’s Mother in Law
  • SA wife and daughter traveling this weekend


  • Buckeye has the 9th – may have a co-q
  • Sargento has the 16th at the Storm
  • Dr. Seuss has the 23rd
  • The 13th is the community run
  • 3rd F on the 12th at Hush puppies church
  • May 5 hike with Gastone – Q-Source at the peak


5k at The Storm

With the P200 getting close, YHC needs to start logging a few more miles each week. Hopeful that a couple of other P200 PAX would post today, I decided to plan a Weinke that involved a good amount of running. After the typical Broke warmup of SSH’s, Don Q’s and Moroccan Nightclubs x10IC, we started on our journey.


Mosey out the lower entrance to Lakewood Road and stop for some Merkins, Plank Jacks and Shoulder Taps, all x10IC. Back to your feet and across Lake Drive and up Armstrong to the roundabout for a salute to the morning commuters. Monkey Humpers, Rosalita’s and LBC’s x15IC. After a mosey down the main entrance we paused in front of the school for three rounds of Dips and Derkins x20OYO. Mosey through the parking lot and around the back of the school for a stop at the back entrance. Mike Tyson’s and American Hammers x10OYO, run to Hwy. 74 and back and repeat. Around the back of the school and up to the baseball field for 10 Burpee’s then backtrack around the rear of the school and back to the start. Still got some time and only at 2.90 miles so let’s knock out 10 more Burpee’s and mosey around the parking lot to get in a total of 3.15 miles.


Still had time for 6 minutes of Mary and 5 Burpee’s for an imaginary train heard by Sister Act.


Moleskin / COT

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

If you’ve ever heard Tiger pray, he almost always quotes this verse at the start. God didn’t design us to go non stop and never rest. He told us to rest on the seventh day, HE rested after creating the Heavens and the Earth, and Jesus found time to rest even when he was surrounded by people. Examine your life and find time to rest.



Convergence 3/30 at 7am at Folsom

Nomads 3/9 heading to AG Middle in Charlotte

May 5th Mt. Mitchell hike

March 22nd 2nd F event at ODB in Dallas (M’s welcome)


Prayer Requests

Allen Tate – health issues

Sargento and Family – loss of M’s aunt

Each other


Strong work by the PAX this morning. You guys continue to push me to get better.


YHC took us out.




Welcome to the Storm

Dirt and Breaker Breaker with some EC

Let the Music Begin. Started out with some outlaw country.  Johnny Cash, Merle, Chris, Waylon, Willie, and the Boys.

SSH in Cadence, MNC in Cadence, Imperial Walker in Cadence.  Lets Mosey.

3 Rounds

3 exercises – Tiger Squat x 10, Merkin x 15, Crunchy Frog x 20

Sprint to end of row in parking lot, karaoke step to the first brick and back to row, nur to parking island, bear crawl to end of island and back, sprint to beginning.

plank between each set with shoulder taps and various planking positions for the 6

Mosey to next spot

3 Rounds

3 exercises – Mike Tysons x 10, American Hammer 20 each side, 30 squats

Sprint to end of row, karaoke step to first brick and back to row, nur to parking island, bear crawl around island, run to start, side shuffle to brick and back

flutter kicks between,  shady had a ten count in there, TopHat did not enjoy the music so we switched to The Black Keys Radio

Very short mosey.  next round – exercise followed by sprint.

Big Boys then sprint, single leg dead lift then sprint, oblique crunch then sprint, finally protractor called by moses then sprint.

Easy mosey back to the start.

Grabbed the pledge.

Change music to my daughters music channel for some stretching – lucky for us the perfect song for 5 minutes of stretching – Circle of Life – Lion King Sound Track.


CSAUP – sign up by 2-16, event is 2-23 with Stinky 2nd F immediately following at Buffalo Wild Wings

QSource on Sundays at 7:30 am

Prayer Requests

Breaker Breakers Family, the pax, special prayer for f3LKN lost a member recently.  TopHat father passed away Sunday.

Dr. Seuss Took us OUT in the COT aka BOM


Pushing the rock and finding the line

8 men of impact showed to the Storm this am looking to push the rock and better themselves.  We were lucky enough to get one last post in before the yucky weather arrives.

During the disclaimer this am it was discussed the difference in feeling the burn and getting stronger and feeling pain and hurting yourself.  We also discussed finding the line between the two and how close we can get but not crossing it.


SSH x 20

Mountain climbers x 20

Slow merkins x 5


Mosey long way to circle.:

Ring of fire…

Heels to heaven until everyone one by one high knees around circle.

Mosey to front of school where 5 circular rocks await the pushing they will surely receive…..

Pair up.

3 sets amrap.

P1 runs roughly 150′ and back while P2 does called exercise.  Switch x 3.


Step ups…at this point it was asked by YHC how everyone is feeling?  Anchorman replied the we have found the line previously discussed.  This was good news.

Yoga break..down dog, cobra, plank, lower back stretches.


Incline merkins…literally pushing the rock.

Yoga break.  Same as above.


American hammers x 20

V ups x 20

Merkins x 20

Rinse and repeat x 15

Meander to wall for calf raises x 20 feet together and x 20 spread apart.

Most back and time!


HIMs for Rice and Beans meet tonight at the Point Church in Belmont across 74 from Walmart at 6:15pm.

Please is you have and questions about the Mt Mitchell hike see Gastone.  This sounds quite cool.

Prayers for us, families, health, and community.

Big fat Q fail.  I forgot to do the namarama.  Oops.

It was my honor and privilege to lead such a great group of HIMs this am.  You guys make me better and I am grateful.





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