Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Ricky Bobby (Page 1 of 9)

F3 The Ricky Bobby – June 5, 2024

YHC had the Q at the Ricky Bobby this morning. We had 3 PAX for the workout and five ruckers. It was great seeing Kool-Aid back out in the gloom. He is rehabbing his injury from Iron Pax.

Two laps around the track.
Goofballs x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (each direction)
SSH x 20 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

I was tired of doing some of my older Q’s so decided to give the Exicon a look and tried out something called Dirty MacDeuce.

4 sets of 12 merkins IC, 12 monkey humpers IC, 12 mountain climbers IC, and then a lap.

Next, we did 11’s (Dips and Squats)

For the last few minutes, we ran the loop in the parking lot to kill time.

Turtleman’s family.

We have a lot of events coming up. Check out the website for more information.


F3 The Ricky Bobby – March 6, 2024

Four PAX showed up to brave the rain at The Ricky Bobby. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Four sprints under the awning.

20 minutes. One random exercise per minute. (40 seconds on, 20 second of rest).

The rain seemed to taper down to a drizzle so we ran to the back of the school for suicide sprints (stack the exercises).
Light Pole #1: 10 merkins
Light Pole #2: 10 merkins, 20 squats
Light Pole #3: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 SSH
Curb: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 SSH, 40 plank jacks

*** Off in the distance there was a train, so 5 burpees.

We ran back toward the front of the school. Keeping the same theme with exercises at light poles, we did the following.
Light Pole#1: 5 wide arm merkins
Lunge walk to next Light pole.
Light Pole #2: 5 wide arm merkins, 10 Bobby Hurley’s
Bear Crawl to next light pole
Light Pole #3: 5 wide arm merkins, 10 Bobby Hurley’s, 15 Parker Peters (count one side)
Nur to next light pole
Light Pole #4: 5 wide arm merkins, 10 Bobby Hurley’s, 15 Parker Peters (count one side), 20 high knees (count one side)

****Minute wall sit followed by 10 air presses in cadence.

5 minute AMRAP (one minute per round)
5 burpees, 5 squats, 5 merkins (rest until the next round)

Rice N Beans, Tuesday, March 12 from 5:45-7:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army in Gastonia. See  Anchorman for details.
Food Ruck on Saturday March 16 at 5:45 a.m. beginning at the Fighting Yank. PAX will ruck to Harris Teeter purchase items and ruck back to the Fighting Yank for the start of the workout.
Convergence on Saturday, April 13 at 7:00 a.m. CaroMont Health Park.
Community Foundation Run 5K on Saturday, April 13 – Pushers are needed for the chariots. Contact Purple Haze on Slack for details.
Extinction Run is Saturday, April 20 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Primal Brewery.

Continue to keep the PAX who are ill and on IR in your thoughts.


F3 The Ricky Bobby – November 29, 2023

This morning, seven of us gathered at Ricky Bobby. No new faces, so I quickly gave the disclaimer and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

We started with some stretches and then did two laps around the elementary school parking lot.

Since it was Cheesesteak’s second time, we went over the five core principles of F3.

Next, we partnered up for doracides: 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 mountain climbers.

We mixed things up with lunges, bear crawls, and broad jumps between light poles.

We took a moment to learn how Cheesesteak got his name, thanks to Sargento’s encouragement.

Afterward, we did a Wall Sit with 10 SSH and 10 plank jacks, followed by benches near the baseball field for a lazy dora: 25 derkins and LBCs, then 25 dips and freddy mercuries. Each partner aimed for a total of 50 reps.

Seeing very little time left we headed to COT for a few minutes of MARY.

Convergence is Saturday, December 2 at the Yank.
F3 Christmas Party is Saturday, December 2 at Lewis Farm.
F3 Beer Ruck is Saturday, December 9 in McAdenville at 11:30 a.m.

Keep Jane Fonda in your prayers. He had some extensive damage to his home. We are fortunate to have some awesome brothers who helped out yesterday.
There is a third grade teacher at New Hope Elementary that could  use some prayers.
Tesla’s sister who is in Hospice care.
Lost loved ones during this time of year.


IPX Week One at the Ricky Bobby

We had six at the Ricky Bobby for the IPX week one challenge.  it was a 45 Minute you versus you workout and it was horrible.

Flintstone allowed YHC to borrow some coupons and the course was laid out behind the school in the parking lot under a light with a stereo system just waiting to rock out to the best 80’s and 90’s metal and new wave.

Whoopee arrived first, followed by Defib, Kool Aid, Tesla.  We started two minutes early and pledged allegiance to the flag before heading to the AO.  Defib carried his own coupon like Linus with his blanket.  It had indentions on both ends, likely giving him an advantage in the grip department.  I may need to get one of those.

YHC gave instructions, hit the music, and the drill instructor from Runkeeper yelled at us to get started.  J2C came in hot and got to work a few seconds after we started.

Round one  80 total reps, alternating between 10 Flying Squirrels and 10 WW3 Situps with a block.  At five minutes, the drill instructor ordered us to do the MOT (Mode of transportation) and carry the block while lunge walking ten yards and back.

After 80 reps, move onto round two which was burpees over blocks and no cheat (perfect form) merkins, ten reps at a time for a total of 80 reps.  The MOT this round was murder bunnies

After 80 reps of these, move onto round three which consisted of 10 block thrusters and 10 Jillian Michaels for 80 total.   The MOT this round was the Block Rifle Carry.  Every five minutes the Drill instructor (I hate to say it) kind of gave us a break.

At the 42 minute mark (since we started a few minutes late), Kool Aid had to bolt.  The rest of us finished at 45 minutes totally soaked in sweat and shoulders smoking.  Defib even allowed me to car transport his coveted block back around to his car as I believe he fell out of love with it in those 45 minutes.

This was a suckfest.  There was very little mumblechatter with the exception of talking a little about what was playing on the speaker.  George Strait is playing in Atlanta in October.  Nobody got the band “Saga” from Linus’s old CD days, and Black Sabbath and Scorpions were crowd pleasers, although Whoopee doesn’t like “Mob Rules” by Sabbath.

I would say that week one was bad, and we can probably look forward to it getting worse from here.  I think a relay with multiple PAX would be a little more “fun”, F3 Waxhaw style.  You can’t pretend to like burpee over blocks, Jillian Michaels, Perfect Form Merkins, WW3 Situps, etc.

Respect to Defib who knocked out a gazillion reps.  The guy is a beast.  Whoopee was likely second but I could barely count my own reps so I have no idea.  Kool Aid left early but had like 1800 reps.  J2C and Tesla were on the other side and stayed busy beasting the reps.

All in all a successful Week one.

Prayers for Tesla’s son, Defib’s son, YHC’s son, Turtleman, YHC’s mom’s knee surgery today.

Always a pleasure to lead and thanks to Flintstone for the blocks.


Surgical Strike

Whoopee had a HC FNG for Monday at the Sandlot and the guy was a no show due to being on call.  Fast forward two days at the Ricky Bobby and sure enough, there he was!  He works with Defib and Whoopee and the RB is closer to his house so instead of the Labryinth, we got him at the RB.

YHC wrote an FNG (sort of) friendly workout where we went over core tenants to F3 to enhance the PAX knowledge of F3 Nation.  Here is how it went down.

Warm up and Disclaimer

SSH, Merkins, Squats, and LBC’s.  We then moseyed to the track for a half lap and ended up behind the school for a review of the 5 core principles.  The PAX would call out one of the five, and we would do an exercise that starts with the first letter of the principle.

Free=Freddie Mercury’s

Outside=Oblique Crunches

Open to all Men= Outlaws

Peer led in rotating fashion=Peter Parkers

Ends in COT=Circle Burp

We moseyed to the other end of the parking lot for DORA, but before that we discussed the Credo: Leave No Man Behind but leave no man where you found him.

Partner up  Dora 1,2,3  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters

Several pairs converted Squats to LBC’s but then switched to squats.  #QFail

We then moseyed to the walkway to the back of the school and bear crawled to the top.
We hit the stairs for 50 calf raises with toes straight, 50 duck footed, and 50 pigeon toed.

Next we moseyed around the school and lunge walked and did two burpees at each light pole. We then walked backwards up the hill to the front of the school and stopped at each light pole for an exercise to include Mike Tysons, bird feeders, big boys, and 8 count bodybuilders.

Our FNG modified the big boys and contemplated merlot splashing for a few minutes.

We ended the workout a little early to dial in the COT and still went long!


Peak to peak this Sunday

Annihilation Saturday at the Gashouse

Labor Day workout at Fuse stadium (Convergence)

Coconut Derby the day before

We prayed for Turtleman, Huckleberry, Charlie with cancer, David, Norwood, a coworker of Blueprint.


We forgot the pledge (Qfail) but did a solid naming of our FNG.  A surgeon who worked odd jobs growing up to get money including shoveling snow in Ohio and working at a Dairy Queen we named him Blizzard.  As usual, it could have been worse.

Good job for Whoopee on the solid EH and for Defib for coming so he knew at least two PAX.
I put a post on onehimsjunk well over a year ago and am happy to report that I finally gave Buckshot the poster for his kids that I was supposed to give him many, many months ago.

There are many men in our region who aren’t posting with F3 and I am not sure why they don’t.  Be intentional in talking about F3 and being welcoming to new guys.  Although YHC didn’t modify much of a standard Q, it is always a good idea not to crush new guys as our goal is to get them back out!

Always a pleasure to lead,





F3 The Ricky Bobby – August 2, 2023

We had 8 this morning at The Ricky Bobby. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Two laps around the track at New Hope Elementary
SSH x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Reverse)
Windmill x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Plank Jack x 10 IC

New Hope has four light poles in the front of the school.  After each light pole we will stack the exercises.

Light Pole #1 5 hand release merkins
Light Pole #2 10 squats
Light Pole #3 15 mountain climbers
Light Pole #4 20 SSH

Three Rounds
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Squats
50 SSH

After each round run to the end of the parking lot and begin the next round.

Triple Nickle
5 big boy sit ups and 5 alternating shoulder taps (count one side)

We had a few minutes left so we took a mosey to the benches near the baseball field. Lazy Dora. One partner holds plank while the other does 10 derkins. Next exercise was 10 incline merkins and the last exercise was 10 dips.

Second F Lunch on Wednesday, August 16 at Pita Wheel in Belmont
F3 Dad’s event on Saturday, August 19 at Folsom
Hike on Sunday, August 27 at Crowder’s Mountain (see pre blast from Roscoe)

Termite’s and his family.
Continue to check the prayer channel for other prayers.

The Ricky Bobby – May 17 2023

We had 8 this morning at The Ricky Bobby for a Radar birthday beatdown.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer before we took off for a lap around the track.

WARM UP: (10 exercises, 47 seconds on, 13 seconds of rest)
Flutter Kicks
High Knees
Smurf Jacks
Alternating Shoulder Taps
American Hammers
Mountain Climbers

Beatdown #1
Keeping the theme of 47, I allowed the PAX to choose the 7 exercises. We would do four rounds and 7 reps. After each round, we took a lap around the track.

Exercises were: Jump Squats, American Hammers (count one side), LBC’s, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, Mike Tyson, and Derkins.

Beatdown #2
We had some time for 7’s. So 6 hand release merkins , and then run to the end of the parking lot and perform one plank jack. Do this until you perform 1 one hand release merkins and 6 plank jacks.

Exercises included Freddie Mercury, Six Shooters, and Ski Abs, followed by 5 burpees for the train.

Time Laps race this weekend at The Whitewater Center.
2nd F Lunch at The Lodge on Wednesday, May 24 at noon.
The Murph at Martha Rivers Park
Bike Ride, Run, Ruck in Forest City on June 3. See preblast by Purple Haze.
Tesla is on Q for a special July 4 workout at the Fighting Yank.

Continue to pray for my sister Mackenzie.
High school students graduating.
Storm damage in Cherryville.
Continue to check the Prayer Channel on  Slack.


F3 The Ricky Bobby – February 15, 2023

Five PAX came out for a cardio based workout where we worked about every muscle.

After a brief disclaimer and seeing no FNG’s we took two laps around the New Hope Elementary track before circling up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Arm Circles x 10 IC (each direction)
Goofball x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC

We ran to the back of the school where we did our first work out.

Five Rounds:
10 Merkins
20 Squats
30 American Hammers (count one side only)
40 Mountain Climbers (count one side only)
50 SSH
Run to the end of the parking lot and back.

The THANG 2:
Triple Nickle (Using the hill at the back of the school)
Five Wide Arm Merkins / 5 Jump Squats at the top of the hill.

Fellowship mosey to the bleachers near the baseball field.

The THANG 3:
10 Dips
10 Derkins
10 Step Ups (count one leg only)
10 Irkins
15 Dips
15 Derkins
15 Step Ups (count one leg only)
15 Irkins

Second F Lunch at Velencia on Tuesday, February 21 at noon.
March Madness Q vs. Q beginning Thursday, March 2 at The GOAT.
Extinction Run at Primary Brewery on Saturday, March 4 at 9 a.m.

Continue prayers for my sister as she continues her battle with cancer.
Watts Up 18 month old nephew.
Termite’s brother who was diagnosed with cancer.
Huckleberry and Turtleman.



Putting the DoD

YHC looked at the weather last night and was considering a planned fartsack, when the memory of telling Nutria YHC would Q TRB in the morn…. DOH!

YHC arrived a few mins early to ensure all the pieces parts were there:

1 Putter
2 Golf Balls
2 Cups
1 Deck of Death.

When 0530 hit 6 had joined YHC, buy the end of warmup it was 8.


Goof Balls 15 IC
Arm Circles Fwd/Bkwd
Side to Side Lunges 10 IC

Mosey along road, in the second entrance, and up to the door/awning.

Although the rules were simple, some seem to have trouble with the concept.

DoD determines the exercise.
25 is the count.
Putt the ball.
Toward the shorter cup ~ 1 yd, add/subtract 5 from the count depending on if you miss or hit the cup.
Toward the longer cup ~ 1.5 yd, add/subtract 10 from the count depending on if you miss or hit the cup.
After every 5, run a lap around the front of the school (later modified to 2 laps under the awning)

While we may have 1 or 2 future putt-putt champions, we definitely have some hackers.

Mixed in were 2 trick shots…

1 putt hit both cups

1 hit the ball while it was bouncing and still hit the far cup.


Announcements were made.

Prayers and Praises mentioned.

Pledge of Allegiance


YHC took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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