Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Matrix

Virtual Ruck

Today we tried something different. Some saw the message and some didnt that we’d be doing a virtual ruck today. YHC started his ruck at 0530, i was joined via Zoom a few minutes later by Sledge who wanted to know if he needed a kettlebell, nope not today just your ruck sack. Sledge took to the challenge and suited up. We had a great 2nd F during our ruck and talked about many things. It was a nice break from workouts. Managed to avoid the rain until the last 5 minutes or so. Got in 3.23 miles

Sledge took us out

The Anniversary WOD

Today I celebrate 15 years of marriage with my M. Love her to death. She has been there for me and believed in me since we met 18 years ago. To honor that I created “The Anniversary WOD”



IW 20 IC


The Thang:

Married on 5/28/05 for 15 years

15 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Burpees

28 Swings



15 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Burpees

28 Curls

5 Squat Thrusters


8 min left so lets get in some MARY

Flutters, LBC’s, Oblique Crunches, Freddie Mercs, Dying Cockroaches




Matrix is shutting down Saturday workouts based on attendance. Still operate on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now.

Prayer Requests:

Kids / Younger Generations to have no fear of having a voice in this world

End of Pandemic

YHC took us out

Thanks for the opportunity! Hope to see some of you on Saturday at PainLab!






Leg Day

Need to work on our legs


Good Mornings

Leg Pulls


1min on / 30 sec off

KB Swing to Goblet Squat



6 Min Each round – 45 sec on/15 sec off

Round 1 – KB Forward Lunge alt L/R every other min

Round  2 – KB Crush Grip Deadlift

Round 3 – KB One Arm Squat alt L/R every other min

Round 4 – KB Reverse Lunge alt L/R every other min

Round 5 – Single Leg Dead Lift alt L/R every other min

Round 6 – Bulgarian Split Squat alt L/R every other min


Thanks for joining Monk!


Old Faithful – 20 to 1

As I joined The Matrix via Zoom this morning, I immediately saw Sledgeomatic and could tell he had some things running through his mind. It was 5:31 am so I’m sure those questions were “am I all alone”, “who is the Q”, “should I go back to bed”…things like that. No one else was online so the 2 of us decided to put in some work! Since the Ville to Ville Relay is coming up this weekend, I wanted to keep it low impact and focus on coupon work.

Warmup –
SSH and Don Quixotes

Thang –
20 to 1 coupon work. I grabbed a cinder block, Sledge had the kettlebell of his choice (I can neither confirm nor deny he used a Bulldog). We started with 20 reps of each exercise, then 19, then 18…all the way to 1.

Exercises were:

Overhead Press
Tricep Extensions
Goblet Squats

The humidity made it very unpleasant, for sure. That suffering was, however, exceeded by the privilege of getting some work in with Sledge. Thanks for joining!

Prayer Requests: Sledgeomatic’s and Montross’s 2.0s, HIPAA, all those facing the Mental Battle, Montross’s Aunt. YHC took us out in prayer.

  • Montross

Eat your Salad before it gets cold

Three’s Company for The Matrix today. We were teamed up again with the HIM of Folsom. Because of a large Folsom group I warned that whoever joined Matrix would be doing lots of Burpees. Pappy was an HC then dipped to Bootcamp along with the rest after that comment. Dont blame you one bit.





The Thang

Bauer WOD – This workout is dedicated to Chicago Police Cmdr. Paul Bauer who was shot and killed in the line of duty after a chase and struggle on February 13, 2018.

2 Minute Elbow Plank

13 Burpees

18 Kettlebell Swings

31 Merkins

53 Goblet Squats

53 Burpees

31 Kettlebell Swings

18 Merkins

13 Goblet Squats

2  Minute Al Gore


We still got time

Half Kneeling Press – 20 Each Side

High Pulls – 25

Bent Over Rows – 15 Each Side


5 minutes left? Yes, I still got something for ya.

Goblet March – Goblet squat position march in place for 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.

We did this for 5 rounds.

Fun times, noodle salad.


We joined Folsom COT

Bed Pan took us out

Thanks for the lead again today men. You may think because I’m delivering a Q from the interwebs that its going to be light.  Never underestimate anything, always be prepared.




The 5 12

Matrix picked up a few PAX from the overflow Folsom workout. They had no idea what was in store. Told them to find a coupon. I think they found some things in the dirt, like Freights old 40oz bottles from his teen years, and used them as coupons.

Lets get it



Imperial Walkers


The Thang:

The 5 12. After all it is May 12th!


Min1 – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Curls

Min2  – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Swings

Min3 – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Overhead Extensions

Min4 – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Squat Thrusters

Min5 – 5 Burpees 12 Power to the People (6 each side)

x7 Rounds




Joined Folsom COT

Wichita took us out

Honor to lead the men that couldn’t make the normal bootcamp due to Covid-19 group restrictions. We’ll always be here for you!




Tabata With T-Ron – Folsom Edition

Back in the Gloom…dang it feels good! I was honored that Big Pappy asked me to Q a Saturday. We know Saturday at Folsom will bring well over 10 PAX so props to Pappy for lining up some Qs to help split the group with me and thanks to Oompa Loompa and Hacksaw for stepping in. I brought the weinke, we all brought the pain!

We haven’t had many join The Matrix on Saturdays since reopening and didn’t expect many today….but we leave no man behind!!!!! After talking it over with him earlier this week, HIPAA joined us virtually via Zoom and worked out alongside us. Tip: It is sometimes hard to hear a group online but an iPad seems to help. As we circled up, we always kept 1P2A close by. Thanks for joining 1P2A!!!!!

Hacksaw has an FNG and also asked to handle the workout so I obliged!

10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 Side Straddle Hops
40…..I can’t remember
50 Flutter Kicks

Yeah, that was the warmup! Hacksaw would have warmed us up for 45 minutes but I reigned him in!!!! I freakin’ love Hacksaw!!!!

Thang: Each group rotates from station to station.

  • Cash in each station with 1 set of Side Straddle Hops
  • Then do 4 sets of each exercise listed.
  • Cash out each station with 1 set of Burpees
  • Each set is 45 secs on, 15 secs rest.
  • We used workout timer apps…they never stopped and neither did the beatdown.

Station 1:

Mosey to the tennis courts

Cash in – 1 set SSH

4 sets each
Q’s choice exercise

Cash out – 1 set – Burpees


Station 2:

Mosey to the lower parking lot

1 min rest

Cash in – 1 set SSH

4 sets each
Mountain Climbers
Alt Lunges
Freddie Mercurys
Q’s choice exercise

Cash out – 1 set Burpees


Station 3:

Mosey to the ampitheater

1 min rest

Cash in – 1 set SSH

4 sets each
Hip Slappers
Mike Tysons
American Hammers
Q’s choice exercise

Cash out – 1 set – Burpees

Looks bad on paper, it was worse in person.

Welcome FNG Fabio! He has womderful flowing locks. Sandusky was on the table as was Minivan….maybe another day!

Announcements: Ville to Ville May 30, King of F3 in June (see Twitter) prayers for my M, Allen Tates mom, Def, Sister Act’s 2.1, those laid off.


With Gashouse reopening I had a feeling Saturday would be light for The Matrix. 0700 and no one on Zoom yet. I still went through the motions as I usually would, after all practice makes perfect right?



SSH 50

IW 25

Merkins 25

LBC 25

The Thang

So yesterday was 5/8, Ahmaud Arbery’s birthday. PizzaMan had come up with a a fantastic WOD in addition to the #IRunWithMaud 2.23 mile run/jog/walk challenge. YHC did not get a chance to do the WOD yesterday, although i did do the run, so I thought I’d bring the WOD to today’s workout. So here is how it went with a little modification

2 Rounds

23 Goblet Squats


23 KB Swings

23 Box Jumps

23 Chuck Norris Merkins

23 Goblet Squat Thrusters

23 Flutter Kick with KB Chest Press

23 Burpees

That legit took me 30-35 minutes, mainly the burpees took longest to complete.



Prayed for my brothers and their families


So why didn’t i just say screw it after no one showed up? Because we don’t do that, we don’t give up, we don’t quit. The Matrix will still be active for those that are not yet comfortable going back to in person workouts. We’ll be here to help you make that transition when you are ready.



Burnin’ Off Livermush

Since doing virtual workouts, I have grown to love using a timer for workouts. AMRAP allows everyone ton push as hard as they can at their pace. So, after crushing a a bunch of livermush last night, I kept today’s Tabata Timer workout core and cardio focused.

Disclaimer and warmup: SSH, Arm Circles, Toy Soldiers


3 circuits of 3 exercises
4 sets each
40 secs on, 20 secs rest


1 min rest

Mountain Climbers
Alt Lunges
Freddie Mercurys

1 min rest

Peter Parkers
Bobby Hurleys
American Hammers

2 sets of Burpees


AOs open Saturday, The Matrix will be available as well! Please continue to support it!

Prayers: Watts Up’s M’s leg, our leaders, those who are laid off and stressed, HIPAA. YHC took us out.


The Matrix Core-Cardio

I typically try to look at the bright side of things. As F3 men, it’s part of our training to encourage that. So amid this pandemic, the good things have been more family dinners, movies, and puzzles than we’ve shared during our chaotic schedules. I hate my oldest daughter is missing out on some of the fun parts of her senior year of high school, but again, we’ve had the chance to “hang out” more than we would have. Working from home has it’s positives too – for one, the commute is much faster than trying to out-race the crazies I join on I-85 to and especially from Charlotte where the south side of the interstate squeezes from four to three lanes. Since my home quarantine I’ve completed 51 workouts in 51 days. I’ve found a few YouTube trainers that I like and then mixing in some other fun stuff along with The Matrix. This is all the while trying to overcome a knee issue which I’m happy seems to have recovered. I’ve attended all but the first Virtual Q-Source (actually I dialed in but The Mayor said I was distracting him and I needed to figure out how to mute my microphone…gentlemen, that’s called Candor). So if I’m not decelerating, then I must be accelerating right? Well, all but for that 2nd F part, which is not the same when we can’t be proximate – but that change is on the horizon. But we make do with what we’ve got and leave that to the capable hands of HIPAA and Montross to make The Matrix a viable source of camaraderie while getting a good beatdown too. My legs are still hurting from HIPAA’s “Leg Day” this past Saturday.  While The Matrix, at least the ones I’ve attended, have used coupons, I decided to take a different route. As I said above, I’ve been doing a lot of different workouts via YouTube which jiggered some creative juices and after doing an old-school Insanity – knowing I had this morning’s Q, I went to work on a new Weinke. I sent out the pre-blast via social media hoping to find new blood or some lost sheep, or even some guys in our region I’ve not seen – but we ended up with the consistent PAX that have been faithful to The Matrix. So without further adieu, here is the punishment I dished out.


  • Seal Jacks IC x 10
  • Side to Side Lunges IC x 10
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10
  • Straight Arm Jacks IC x 10

Pre-cursor – Crazy Eights – 8 reps of each exercise

  • Merkins (sc)
  • Burps (sc)
  • Jack Merkins (sc)
  • Mtn Climber (dc)
  • SSH (dc)
  • Imperial Walkers (dc)
  • Jump Ropes (dc)
  • Burpees (sc)

Main Thang: first 5 rounds were three exercises for 30 seconds each, three circuits before a minute rest (4:30 if your keeping score at home); running short on time the last round only went two circuits with the same time.

  1. Goofballs, Frog Jumps, Wolverine Burpees
  2. Two SSH + Two Burps, Split Jacks-Alt Toe Touch, Merkin + Alt Toe Touch
  3. Diamond Merkins (knees down), Flutter Kicks, Crab Cakes
  4. Two Merkins + Two Groiners, Rocket Dips, Single Line Suicides
  5. Stack LBCs, Two Crunchy Frogs + Two Vups, Ski Abs
  6. Four Butt Kicks + Four Bobby Hurley, Hand Release Merkin + Corkscrew (R/L), American Hammer

COT: Prayers for HIPAA and upcoming doctor visit, Sledge is covering the QSource Sunday for his VQ, and then the rest of our country and leaders and F3 for guidance on decisions. Announcements for AO’s opening Saturday, Pizza Man’s half marathon tribute to his niece – see SLACK or Twitter for details.

Moleskin: Today was the first Q in a long time and I was both honored and excited to lead it. I’ve hit a lull in the work from home environment so putting together a beatdown was a good motivational distraction. I think the PAX liked it. The Matrix is a viable alternative but challenging on the mumble chatter – hence why Tool Time hasn’t posted (that I’m aware). Lots of heavy breathing though and with a solid 40+ minutes of cardio – that was the point. We did plenty of merkins and dips so despite a kettlebell, our arms were feeling it, at least mine were. This is a good Weinke that isn’t limited to The Matrix – we can add a few moseys between to push the heart rate higher. Thanks for the chance to Q once again. Look forward to seeing everyone soon.


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