Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Labyrinth (Page 9 of 10)

Blood, Sweat, & Years

YHC arrives to Gaston probably out terrorizing the neighbor hood mailboxes with squats and merkins for EC. Stroganoff out for EC. YHC out for EC. No clue where EZ Rider was hanging out. Gaston, the birthday boy graces us with his presence and donning his new hairdo. About dang time he had a birthday, seems like he’s been 46 forever. Maybe he counts in reverse dog years, seven years to gain one. Anyway, Happy Birthday brother!

I had sent a challenge out for a Folsom invasion of The Labyrinth. Seems like only Bedpan has a pair. Were they Kenny Roger’s “Cowards of the County” afraid of an Oompa Q? Did they got lost due to many renames of this AO? Will their ankle bracelets not let them past 321?

0530 Time to start. First time I got the Q here.

All home folks here so brief disclaimer. Go back home. It’s only a suggestion. If you fall and bust yo ass its on you. Can’t sue me. Yada, yada, yada.

Warm up
10 SSH (IC)
20 Abe Vigodas (IC)
30 Flutter kicks (IC)
40 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
50 LBC (IC)

The Thang
Mosey to park entrance gate with burpees – adding one every light pole. Since YHC is from Midoriyama and can’t count and it’s still too dark to see his own weinke, do the Alphabet. Mosey to press box/concession stand/pavilion at center of ballfield. Trip. Boom. Down goes Oompa. Karma. Tis only a flesh wound. That’ll sting in the morning.

Seal Jacks 20 (IC)
Calf Raises 20 (IC)
Dips 20 (IC)
Freddie Mercury 20 (IC)
Mountain Climbers 20 (IC)
Squats 20 (IC)
Shoulder Taps 20 (IC)
Dying Cockroaches 20 (IC)

Reps got called out by which Pax was volun-told by the Q. It’s called sharing.

First intermission: SSH 20 (IC)
Rinse & repeat above. Pax went rogue and some called 10 or 30 IC instead of 20 as instructed. Midoriyama math travels well.
Second intermission: Hand release merkins (OYO for a change up)
Rinse & repeat.
Third intermission: LBC 20 (IC)
Rinse & repeat.

Grand Finale: Wall-sit air presses 20 (IC)

Mosey back to park entrance gate, plank for six, right arm, regular, left arm. Finish off the last few sets on way back to flag. Pledge. That’s a wrap.

Upcoming events
Mt Mitchell Hike

Sister Act’s family
IR – Allen Tate, Short Sale, Slaw, Def Leppard, and others knicked up.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thanks for letting me Q.

Working Outside the Gym

After a long absence, the time has arrived for YHC to remind the PAX at the Labyrinth what a true JV workout feels like.

Warmup and head to the gym!

Main event of the morning: 10-1 Hand Release Prison Cell Merkin Burpees. You don’t even want to know how bad those were…

Pit stop at the grocery store for some legs.

Final stop at Gastone’s Hill for the co-main event: Recycled ab escalator from Hollywood going up the hill… Plenty of time, so let’s re-escalate back down the hill!

Mosey back home, with various nonsense along the way.

Announcements: Mt. Mitchell climb 9/27, Annihilation 8/29 @Gashouse

Prayer Requests: EZ Rider, SA, First responders, and our Nation.

Until next time,


Midweek Countdown

13 PAX made it out to Labyrinth this morning for a midweek workout in weather that was “slightly” better than it has been in previous days. After a disclaimer and the pledge we headed out toward Planet Fitness where we would do the warmup.


Countdown – 10 to 1

Seal Jacks, Merkins, Big Boys and Squats at an uptempo pace with no rest between sets.


Partner up on one side of the parking lot. Partner 1 performs AMRAP of called exercise while Partner 2 sprints across lot and performs a set number of reps of a different exercise. Flapjack.

Round 1 – Flutter kicks, 10 Burpee’s

Round 2 – Freddie Mercury’s, 20 Diamond Merkins

Round 3 – Dying Cockroaches, 20 Werkins

Round 4 – LBC’s, 10 Burpee’s


Mosey around the lot to the wall beside the car wash for some Lindsay’s. 30 Wall Jumps and 10 Mike Tysons. Repeat with 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30.


Recover with some wall sits. PAX line up on the wall doing wall sit and each PAX takes a turn running a lap through the car wash.


Loop around Riverwood Parkway on the way back and stop and the bank for some Route 66 in the parking lot. Lunge walk and squats then repeat with bear crawl and Merkins. Time is officially up!



Colossians 4:6 – “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

A Christian should speak in ways that are uplifting and helpful and our faith should be evident in our speech.



Annihilation workout this Saturday at the Yank

Mt. Mitchell hike on Sept. 27th


Prayer Request


SA 2.1 and family

T Square

Allen Tate shoulder

Gastone friend with cancer


I don’t make it over to this side of town to workout as often as I should, but each time I do I’m impressed with the work this group of PAX is putting in. It was a pleasure to lead this morning and I appreciate the opportunity.


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke

Have it your way

While shooting the $h@t got sidetracked on time until Watts up suddenly yells at the top of his lungs while backhanding me repeatedly to start the workout since he has paid “top dollar “ for these cheap seats and demands to get something of value ( in truth we were maybev1/2 of 1/3 of 1/10 of a second late ….)
Told pax this disclaimer won’t be as good nor as strong as Hushpuppys( he ALWAYS delivers a great disclaimer …. perhaps our regions best) I tried though …. finished by telling all that If they try to sue …. they’ll have to deal with my M who’ll call them idiots if they chose to follow me!


Tell all let’s do a short easy light warm up ( hehehe)

Lil Gumby in the woods IC x11
5 burpees
Makhtar N’Diayes IC x11
4 burpees
Shoulder taps IC x11
3 burpees
Jumping lunges IC x11
2 burpees
Merkins IC x11
Seeing a pattern yet?

5 burpees!!!

American Hammers IC x11
Yes…. finally 1 burpee

Let’s go ….

Planet Fitness parking lot to hopefully drum up some more future F3 idiots ( if any are out disappointed by PF being closed)

Monkey humpers starting at one end and Mike Tyson’s 10 at building with a burpee twist in middle until you reverse it all!

Mosey to back ramp for 2 sets of bear crawls and mosey back to front lot for BK day … what’s Burger Kings slogan? Have it your way!

11s again but the twist is you choose what to concentrate on for your 2 exercises but keep the burpee in the middle constant … Watts Up tried to change that too …. i gave him the option of 2 burpees …… seems he settled on only one!
We’re in the judgement free zone but I will say all pax chose different exercises …. great work!

Ask Gastone at one point to show EZ rider how to deliver a proper 10 count ( don’t ask EZ rider EVER to …. he calls “10!” )

Over to the ramp for 2 turns of jump up and bear crawl with a single burpee at end

Waterboy amazed all by jumping clean over the dock the ramp AND thr dumpster ….. we thought we were rewatching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! This dudes got some serious game!

mosey to the wall and at Gastonia request we relax under the sprinklers basking in the glorious liquid sunshine ( gloom shine?) all while doing 20 IC dips finish mosey and Time!!

PT Test Gashouse this Saturday

Mt Mitchell still in works

prayers for Ez Riders Son

Gastones Family

Stinky Birds Dad (surgery tomorrow)

Pastor Ronnie Bowers ( Flint Groves) upcoming triple Bypass

prayer from Book of James ( the boom of tough love!)

”Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”


Core Run

Simple work out this morning


Warm up : 15 LBC, 15 Flutter kicks, and 15 Dying cockroaches

Mosey down toward Gastone’s hill with 3 stops to get in  50 LBC, 50 Flutters, and 50 Dying cockroaches

Mosey up toward Dollar general parking lot and do 100 LBC, 100 flutters, and 100 Dying cockroaches

Mosey to Planet Finest parking lot and partner up for 300 LBCs, 300 Flutters, and 300 Dying cockroaches – partner 1 starts the exercise while partner two runs the parking lot.

Mosey back to the start in reverse stopping an only doing 10 each of the 3 exercise ,  with 30 seconds left so run around the bank and through the sprinklers

2.6 miles complete along with the listed reps above.

Announcements:  PT test at Gashouse on July 18

Prayer request: family members, Hippa, JJ’s parents, and others

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!


Until next time

EZ out!!


Good Group For The Soup

It was a hot soupy but dry Wednesday morning at the Labyrinth.  Very nice group of HIM’s gathering for the imminent beat down.  Everybody seemed in good spirits and ready to get this thing moving.

5:30…Lets Go!


Warm up:

Mosey to the bank for a quick 5×3.  This was SSH one side and merkins on the other.  Everyone seemed to have a good time with that.

The Thang:

Mosey to the newly paved Planet Fitness parking lot for a bit of work.

There are 4 long parking lines that we would use for this part.  The instruction is to complete x10 per line, mosey around that back of Planet Fitness, and return to start with 50 LBC’s.

The called exercises were:


Jump Squats

Mountain Climbers


Next was a but of Mary.  This included:


Leg Climbers (a real pleaser)

Oblique crunches


Next we moseyed to the wall for some wall sitting action.  Had some overhead claps.  The jokes and chatter were flying around at this point.  It was fun.

No touch partner work included P1 staying back with AMRAP merkins until P2 moseys to the far curb and back…flapjack x 3.


Kareoke right and then left on the way back.

Once back Whoppee led merkins for approx 1 min until times up.

Great work fellas.  It was a real honor.

Prayers for EZ Rider’s family members



First responders


Broke is having a PT Test on July 18th.  Sounds like LOTS of fun.

Until next time.



The missed puddle

8 Men gathered but one of them was seen in the distance of the parking lot. Hushpuppy went for a run, he was awake and running while you were sleeping along with the rest of us.

The Thang:

Seal Jacks 20

Imperial Walker 20

CDD 20

Mosey to bank lot across the street.

Blip kind of workout. We did 10 Seal jacks, 20 CDD, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Flutters, and 20 Wide Arms.

Then we ran around the building back to start. We repeated 3 times only changing the 10 counts to 20 and the Wide Arms to Diamonds.

Mosey across the street to the Funeral home. 2 Medians along the entry. Start with 20 Mountain Climbers, Middle do Sumo Squat Jumps 10 (Constant), other side 2 Big boy sit ups. Rinse and repeat. We stopped a little early to run behind the building for Lunge Walk and Karaoke both  ways.

Mosey back tot he front for a backwards run to the entry.

Mosey back through neighborhood street. Stopped for 20 CDD, 20 CDD, and 20 Hand Release on the way back.

Finished just on time.

The Moleskin:

Mubble Chatter was higher due to slowing the pace of running and keeping the group together. Seal Jacks were comical due to the off beat clap sounds of our workout. We all had a good workout and burnt the arms up some.

Clavin attempted as the video shows to Whoppee puddle splash me on the Name-O-Rama. He failed greatly by missing the puddle by 20 yards. He tried to make up for this but at this point he ran over by himself to do this and got his shoes wet. Oh, the humor.

Prayers up as always for the family members.

Gastone Out!



Very brief disclaimer ( we are professional F3 brothers after all)
A SSH IC ( too bad for Gastone and Whoopee who keep on going ( EC?)
10 man makers

Mosey to Walgreens to read Joshua 6
Walls of Jericho
( took a moment to remember the 7 exercises I had in mind )
7 Imp Walkers
7 Monkey Humpers
7 Merkins
7 Plank Jacks
7 Mountain Climbers
7 Flutters
This way we would work down our body and perform at each wall going around 7 times but this was not to be an attack on Walmart Walgreens Wally World or any other institution … just an exercise
At second wall employee was coming in so on the fourth wall there is no parking and a very slim driveway plus  their loading/ unloading area … so in the interest of safety we forgo that wall and only perform on 3 walls but do so 7 times
Much mumble chatter ….. from the birds ( this group today was all business!)
Mosey back to start , once again Whoopee starts going another direction ….
I pick up speaker from tailgate and head to grass near Snoballs and we circle up in kneeling position for Jack Webb’s but we are to wait until the lyrics cut in …… We the Kingdom and Holy Water …… if you know the song …. play it again today …. if you don’t know it , find it and play it !
Opening line, “ God I’m on my knees again….”
Amazing song
If you REALLY love the song find and play the 7 minute version recorded in a church with Tasha Cobbs Leonard ….. woah!

anyway … plan was to keep building and stacking ( I was at 13 ) Whoopee begged for relief so I allowed the numbers to decrease until end of song

3 minutes of abs ( EZ rider tried to eat it all)

50 IC flutters

Whoopee with Jane Fondles

30 Squats from Captain Stubing

prayers for nation

Clavins M

Gastones Father in Law ( diagnosed late term dementia)

Growleven intro

12 Men showed for a Wednesday morning, pushing ahead of the fartsackers.

The Thang:

30 SSH

21 Imperial Walker

Mosey to Parking lot.

Backwards Running 20 Yards

Karaoke Facing the building for 20 Yards

Karaoke Facing the street for 20 yards

Mosey and then 20 Hand Release Merkins OYO

Mosey around to Gaston’s Hill

Growleven’s starting at bottom of hill.

1 Mountain Climber at the bottom of the hill. 10 Hand Release Merkins at the first mailbox.

Increase to the next mailbox each time while switching the numbers to 10 and then 1.

Everyone met at the top after completing. Plank, Shoulder Taps, Left then right arm up, elbow planks with touching in front while the 6 arrived.

Start at first mailbox at the top. 20 Squats

2nd 20 Monkey Humpers

3rd Squat Jumps 20

4th Calf Raises 20

5th wide leg Calf Raises

Rinse and repeat increasing by 10 each time.

We made it through the set of 40 each.

1 minute left so we mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

Oh, the fun we all had including me. The hill workout was hard for me as well. Everyone did awesome and it was great to see all the Kotter’s back out in the gloom.

Hope we keep with this energy and grow some more. We can help other men which in turn helps us as well.

Mt. Mitchell planning maybe.

Prayers to family members, Ending Covid, and for the country to heal.

Gastone Out


Done In Remembrance

We were not to gather together for a Murph this Memorial Day …. so I modified my weinke for today’s beat down …..

Pledge very short disclaimer ( we re  F3 vets here )

5 burpees
10 merkins
20 American Hammers
30 squats

We ran 1 mile by Strava around park and gather at picnic shelter area

Here I announce the WO

To honor Murph ( and those who’ve served and sacrificed):
A modified Murph ( no pull-ups)

50 burpees
100 merkins
200 American Hammers
300 squats

Either follow warm up and do it 10 times or modify however to reach goal

We would end with 1 more mile run around park ending 3 minutes late ( but since there was no JK 2 …. no one was harmed )

Announcements for Stateville to Asheville or was it Cherryville to Fayetteville, Arkansas or some other similar distance
Uber WO in the works for our area …. info to come

Prayers for EZ riders son, Gastones father and God daughter ( hydroencephalitis), Clavins M

Prayers also for Whoopee 2.0


check our Twitter for Gastone post about lady at Arlington this Monday who posted that she’d place flowers at graveside for anyone who asked ….. very moving

Never forget those who gave all or even some so that we can enjoy all that we do!

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