Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Fighting Yank (Page 6 of 18)

There will always be a Fighting Yank

So YHC got the word Friday that he would not be hunting birds on Saturday morning down in Anson County, NC which having heard that The Yank was going to be closed due to the CSAUP up at Folsom Saturday. So as I rolled into Primal Brewing for a happy hour beer YHC announced to the crowd that he would take the lead at the AO the next morning. And with that actually joined Slack and put it out there.  It had to be done. YHC was two things at that point. Available and committed. So on with the mission. Went like this:


SSH X 20

Cotton pickers X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mtn Climbers X 20

LBC X 20

Mosey off for an old Tesla Fighting Yank standby, the four corners of Belmont, NC!

1 st corner:

Fence squats

Mike Tysons

American hammers

Repeat 10X, 15X, 20X

2nd corner


Big boy situps

Jump Squats

Repeat 10X, 15X, 20X

3rd Corner

Hand release merkins

Freddie Mercury

regular squats

Repeat 10X, 15X, 20X

4th corner


step ups


Repeat 10X, 15X, 20X

Mosey over to the field of dreams for some grinders across the field.

Three man team:

P1 – Do the called move

P2 – Run to the other side where P3 is.

P3 – Do the called move.

Everyone gets two times on opposite sides of the field with this.



diamond merkins

tiger squats

Finish off with two runs of the Half Pipe!

Top: Plank jacks X 5

Bottom pad: HR merkins X 5

Top on the street : 5 monkey humpers

Finish up with some Mary on the pad.


YHC and two pax attended this session. So they had a place to go. As I said in the top there will always be a Fighting Yank unless we have convergence and a “scheduled” outage so to speak. I will to the best of my ability make sure that happens in real time if necessary.  That is my commitment to the pax who do show for the Yank and have made it the best attended Saturday AO in the region.  And we did have a little buttermilk for breakfast! BTW, Cherubs is now open so we have a much better 2nd F/ Coffeteria AO too. So we are back in biz there as well!






Iron Pax Challenge @ The Yank

10 of us this morning. I think most of them are trying to dodge the IPC. But I had other plans. With the speaker box set up with some Hairband music and a timer set we begin. After the bell on every minute. Complete 3 Burpees. While doing each exercise. scoring is done by time complete.

EMOM = 3 Burpees

50 Hand release release Merkins

100 Leg Raises

150 Jungle Boi Squats

200 Big Boy Sit-Ups

250 Stationary Lunges. Count each leg

since several PAX were done, we stopped and did some merry to finish out the end of the hour. I’m pretty sure they don’t want to hear another timer for awhile. 😂

Nice work men!!

Dueling Bluetooths (Blueteeth?)

YHC hasn’t Q’ed in a while so when BOS mentioned having an open spot at The Yank I took it. Most of our PAX know’s I fancy myself to be a DJ of sorts and it was time to bring out the jams once again. Fair warning or motivation was thrown  out on Slack the day before. Maybe that’s why we had 2 FNGs and a Cotter show to know! Here’s what happened…

El Tigre brought out his daughter’s boyfriend (memories of Broke and Golddigger anyone?), Boudin brought out his brother-in-law and Oh Wow was back after a couple year hiatus. Obviously they all heard the hits would be played this morning. The disclaimer was given and we had a lengthy warm-up of 10 Goofballs IC.

Mosey down to the Pit for stage 1

The mid-90s classic “Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison – On every time he says “you lied” do a burpee and every “return” do a merkin. Good for getting the blood pumping.

Mosey around the corner to the street with all the parking spaces for the classic Bill Withers jam “Lovely Day”. Right about when we were going to the funny guy Roscoe tried to override the DJ action but the mutiny was short lived. Lunge walk toward Main Street until he starts saying “lovely day” then do high knees until he stops. When he does go back to lunge walking.

Mosey across the tracks to the alley of death. During Usher’s party song “Yeah” we hold a V-Up position and every time he says “yeah” contract to the full “V-up. This was really really hard and most had to modify to LBCs and whatnot.

Mosey back to the big Glenway Avenue lot for Fall Out Boy’s “I Know What You Did in the Dark”. Many might say this isn’t a good song but it’s fast paced and perfect for doing karaoke back and forth across the lot, so that’s what we did the whole time. Heart rate is going now!

Stay where we are for the F3 standard Roxanne. This time we’ll hold the plank position and every time Roxanne is said we do a full L and R shoulder tap. Feel the burn.

Mosey around the corner while listening  to Roscoe’s death metal stuff. Good gracious! Stop on Main Street and grab some curb or brick shelving for MC Hammer’s “Can’t Touch This”!!! Every time he says “can’t touch this” we do a dip and when he’s not saying that do Rocky Balboa’s on the curb.

Mosey to the wall at the vet’s office, hold the people’s chair while LL Cool J sings “Mama Said Knock You Out”. Every time he says knock you out do an air press or air punch. It’s a pretty long song and holding the people’s chair the whole time sucked.

Mosey back across the tracks and up the sidewalk into the park to the covered picnic tables. Do step ups while Sevendust rocks out “Black”. The volume was up and that was good because four minutes of step ups is a lot.

Stay at the picnic tables for the finale “Flower” by Moby. We F3 guys know this one as “Bring Sally Up”. It sucks but will burn our your abs like nothing else. It was great.

Mosey down to the Yank statue for a couple minutes of plank and then we’re done.


The Yank is closed next week 9-19-20 but needs Qs after that

Mt Mitchell hike and JJ 5k later in September.

Young Life golf tournament October 5th. See Buckshot for info. Breaker Breaker wants to get a foursome together for it.

Prayer Requests:

Dry Rub’s wife

Roscoe’s wife because today is their anniversary and they’ve been married 22 years or so.

Welcome FNG’s Cajun Gourmet (Boudin’s brother in law Brad) and Scurvy (El Tigre’s daughter’s boyfriend Jake) and it was great seeing Oh Wow again. Come back soon guys!!!

Thanks for indulging my musical side today men. You may not like my music but you’re always up for pushing the rock! I had fun! Next time Short Sale might show up.



You dropped your pipe…

Starting out today with a different toy. A 5 foot PVC pipe filled with sand (except Teslas malfunction on Tiger) anyway that’s another story. We did several warm up excercises such as shoulder presss front and back , hillbillies etc. Then it got interesting we all held the pipe in front of us and when I said right you go right or left… leaving the pipe standing for the next one to grab. Needless to say it didn’t go well each time a pipe falls it was 5 burpees which turned into over 25 burpees. Then we took a stroll to Davis park for some Dories then finished a 3 mile tour with stopping each block to do various excercises. Anyway needless to say great day with the pax…

Announcements :

Tiger is forming a blood drive at first Presbyterian in Belmont more information to follow on slack

Prayer Request:

Stephanie McMahall ( God help my spelling)

Family was in a car accident that Nutrious mentioned

From Jupiter to Uranus

There seems to be a lot of talk about drinking buttermilk at The Fighting Yank on Saturday’s and since YHC isn’t a big fan of any type of milk I’ve been staying away. Figured it was time to man up and see what was really going on and no better way to do so than to take the Q. A total of 22 PAX, including one FNG fresh from the far reaches of the galaxy, were ready to roll at 0700.

The disclaimer was continually interrupted by a passing train, so we started off with 5 burpees and headed off to Airline Ave. where we got things started. The regulars at The Yank are well known for their tremendous upper body strength so YHC wanted to make sure the PAX had an opportunity to showcase this early on in the workout. Run down Airline stopping at each power pole for 5 burpee’s, run back with 5 HR Merkins at the same spots and then one last trip with 5 Diamond Merkins. We then took a lap around the town to showcase the guns and ended up at the Pit.


Time now for a 10 to 1. Perform 10 reps of each exercise then run to the far cone and back. Repeat with 9,8….all the way down to 1. Exercises were Dirty Hookups IC, wall jumps and Big Boy sit ups. Finish up with the 6 and take another lap around the town.

Back in the Pit where 5 sets of cones are set up. Perform 1 burpee then run to the first cone for 10 Merkins. Back to the start for 2 burpee’s then run to the first cone for 10 Merkins and the second cone for 20 American Hammers. Back for 3 burpee’s then 10 Merkins, 20 AH’s and 30 squats, then 4 burpee’s, 10 Merkins, 20 AH’s, 30 squats and 40 shoulder taps. Last cone was 5 burpee’s, 10 Merkins, 20 AH’s, 30 squats, 40 shoulder taps and 50 LBC’s and then we worked back down the pyramid. Time for another lap around the town and head to the flag for a couple minutes of Mary.

If serving is below you, leadership is beyond you.
To be an effective leader you must be selfless. The intentional focus on meeting the needs of others is where you find the motivation to influence and lead.


Gashouse boot camp workouts for September will be the weekly Iron PAX Challenge

Annihilation workout next week at Gashouse with Gump

CSAUP on September 19th at 0530 at Folsom

JJ5K on September 26th

Mt. Mitchell hike on September 27th

Shooting event on September 12th

Golf outing in October


Prayer Request

Pizza Man’s niece and family

Sister Act 2.1 and family


Doodle’s cousin – Dale

Doodle’s niece

Def Leppard brother in law

Belmont single mother battling cancer


YHC took us out.

Great group of guys this morning and the numbers for this AO are really growing. I kept looking for buttermilk, but never found it.  Maybe there is a buttermilk speakeasy in Belmont and you aren’t given the location until deemed worthy???

I think we also may have established a new record time for naming an FNG. Welcome Josh Grotke, now known as Uranus.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,

I’m Broke

Getting Tougher in the 4th Quarter!

So YHC and 16 pax showed to know in downtown Belmont in the humid gloom for a push to dink the buttermilk promised for breakfast. It id not disappoint. Went like this:

Form up by the park and mosey down behind Sammy’s for a COP warmup:

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side.

Grapevine stretch

Mosey over to the now named Hamburger Hill at Hawthorne for some serious Dora – Hill work

Partner up!

Dora 1-2-3

HR Merkins – 100

Big Boy situps – 200

Squats  – 300

P1 – Up to the top of Hamburger hill and back.

P2 – Called exercise


Got us to 7:30

Mosey back toward the AO.

Burpee suicides coming back.

Lunge two parking spaces forward. Nur back one. Drop down a burpee. Rinse and repeat until the end of the parking spots which was @ 10.

Got us to 7:40.

Mosey on over to the Field of Dreams for the 4th Quarter. Bear time! Bear Bryant. Bear Crawls.  Getting tougher when it’s late in the game, your tired and behind. Make the push!

New version of Bear Crawl Slalom. With 16-17 pax, it was time to make it competitive! And thus we did. Count off by twos. YHC took the 1s. Tiger the 2s. Goal was end of the field which meant at least three rolls per pax.  Three exhausting rolls. Loser gets 10 burpees. Winner gets to watch. It was as spirited and tough a 5 or so minute F3 experience YHC has ever had much less led. Saw real guts on display as the effort was fast and furious. So Q at the end called an Omaha. No losers. But 5 burpees for all. Seemed the right thing to do at the time. Sure was too!

Mosey over to Hearbreak Hill for a set of half pipes.

Top – 5 plank jacks

Pad – 5 merkins

Main street – 5 butt to the street Monkey Humpers.

2 sets. gets us to 7:55.

Reassmeble on the pad for pax led Mary. 1 pax calls move. Does 5 burpees while pax does called move. Went around the horn of 16 to finish it off. Had a little OT. Well worth it!



Probably about as good as YHC can do for a lead. Most def a buttermilk day. Everyone got pounded pretty good. Again, it’s really all a lead up to the 4th quarter because that’s where you win or lose it, it being life itself. Just keep pushing it and making it happen. Bear Bryant said to his 1957 Texas A&M team (aka the Junction Boys) that winning wasn’t imperative. But getting tougher in the 4th quarter is. And that’s where we find ourselves today. So the question is do we fold and hope for better or push and make the present time an opportunity instead of a problem. It’s up to you. I find the times rather exciting myself. And living in interesting times is a gift. Newsflash: This is just the beginning. So do we lead and make it great or cower and let it overcome us. I choose leadership! Hope you do too. Make it happen! We’re here to help.


Respecting The Fighting Yank!



  • SSH x 30 IC
  • IW x 15 IC
  • Don Qs x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC



ROUND 1 – 5 burpees, 1/8 mile run

ROUND 2 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 1/5 mile run

ROUND 3 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, 1/5mile run

ROUND 4 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks,1/5 mile run

ROUND 5 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1/5 mile run

ROUND 6 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 1/5mile run

ROUND 7 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 30 American Hammers, 1/5 mile run

ROUND 8 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 American Hammers, 40 shoulder presses in peoples chair, 1/5 mile run

ROUND 9 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 American Hammers, 40 shoulder presses in peoples chair, 45 side straddle hops, 1/5 mile run

ROUND 10 – 5 burpees, 10 ‘mericans, 15 LBCs, , 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 American Hammers, 40 shoulder presses in peoples chair, 45 side straddle hops.

At this point, Dr Suess says we have 2 minutes left. Well sorry guys, you will have to miss the grand finale, 50 Zombie Walks!

Back to the Yank for the pledge.



Prayer Requests

YHC closed in prayer!


It was an honor to lead this morning, thank you all! Hard work was put in by us all!


Breaker Breaker


‘‘Twas the day before my 49th Birthday and in front of the park, all the PAX were stirring as light replaced the dark…”

Ok … enough of that!

As I stated earlier, I will be 49 tomorrow … so 49 is the theme for the day!

Easy Mosey to the Pad

The Warmup … 4X9
9 Abe Vagodas IC
9 Imperial Walkers IC
9 Grass Pickers IC

The Thing … 7X7= 49

Let’s Mosey to 2 Chicks and a Sandwich
7 Burpees
Let’s Mosey to the Teacher Parking Lot
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins
Let’s Mosey to the Front Corner of Belmont Middle
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 Mountain Climbers, R Side
Let’s Mosey to the Belmont Middle Gym
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 Plank Jacks IC
Let’s Mosey behind Belmont Middle
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 PJs + 7 Big Boys
Let’s Mosey to the Track
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 PJs + 7 BBs + 7 Bobby Hurleys
Take a Lap
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 PJs + 7 BBs + 7 BHs + 7 Man Makers
Take a Lap

WOW … we made It to the top and now it’s time to go back down!

7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 PJs + 7 BBs + 7 BHs
Let’s Mosey back behind Belmont Middle
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 PJs + 7 BBs
Let’s Mosey back to the Gym where Sargento EH’d an FNG for the remainder of the Workout!
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs + 7 PJs
Let’s Mosey back to Corner
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins + 7 MCs
Let’s Mosey back to the Teacher Parking Lot
7 Burpees + 7 Merkins
Let’s Mosey back to 2 Chicks
7 Burpees

There is plenty of time for some Pole Work
Pole 1 for 1 LBC, Pope 2 for 2 LBCs and so on until we get to Pole 7 for 7 LBCs and back down to Pole 1 for 1 LBC

5 Burpees X 2 Trains = 10 Burpees

The Cool Down … 4X9
9 Dying Cockroach IC with Sargento
9 Freddy Mercury’s IC with Buckshot
9 Little Baby Flutter Crunches IC with Tiger
9 Low Dollys IC with Dirt

Mosey to the Flag for The Pledge

5 more Burpees for 1 more Train, that’s 106 Burpees if you’re counting!

Praise Reports
Queso got a Job
Norwood’s M got a good report

Prayer Requests
Parents, Teachers and Students
College Students returning to Campus
Law Enforcement and First Responders
Tater Hole

Tiger took us out with Prayer

Until next time…

Annihilated by Pizza

It’s hard to believe that it is already the last Saturday in July so it’s time for Annihilation.  This month YHC was fortunate enough to be asked to Q it.  There were several things that came to mind but keeping it moving was apart of all of them.  With that said, we had a strong group of 11 that was eager to get “Annihilated” by Pizza.  Several PAX figured that the bootcamp wasn’t going to test them enough so they put in some EC.  Strong work!!  7am hit and it’s time….


SSH X 20 IC (Explained what the plan was during this)

The Thang:

YHC created a 4 mile route and at every 1/4 mile marker the PAX were to perform a set of exercises.

The exercises were…

5 Burpees

10 merkins

15 squats

20 Flutters (each leg)

Then on to the next mark…strong work by all!!

With that complete and around 10 minutes to go we moseyed to the covered shelter for one last thing.

10-1 with Burpees and WW1’s (10 Burpees and WW1’s, 9 Burpees and WW1’s, 8 Burpees and WW1’s….all the way to 1)


(Overall the PAX logged over 4 miles and completed 910 reps.  Strong work!!!)


We all meet back up with the PAX that posted at the Yank.  Gastonia had a strong showing at the Fighting Yank with 22 total (including two that ran 16 miles around Belmont).


Annihilation –  August 29th at 7am – Gashouse

Mt Mitchell Hike – Sept. 27th – Gastone will be posting a Pre-Blast


Once again, there was strong work by everyone that posted at Annihilation.  Thanks again for the opportunity to lead a great group of men.  I hope that everyone got their money worth but if you didn’t make sure you come out to the August 29th Annihilation at Gashouse.

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!


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