Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Prison Break (Page 5 of 9)

Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



chilly PB

10 Men out for the chilly morning at prison break. We all got a little bit better this morning!



Convergence Oct 31 Martha Rivers

PT test Nov 14 Gashouse

West Lincoln Middle 5k This Saturday at 800


Prayer Request


Sister Acts Daughter


Each other


Def Leppard took us out

Round Up


10 out for a prison break run! IT was fun!



convergence October 31 Martha Rivers

PT test gas house


Prayer request

There were a lot of request this morning. make sure we are praying for those around us and our families.


Round Up

Prison break is back!

We had 11 men out for a nice morning to run at Prison Break! It was great seeing everybody back after 4 brutal weeks of the IPC! Looking forward to this cooler season. Hopefully it’ll bring out more guys!! Keep pushing the rock and motivating others to join us.

prayer request

Montross family

Sister Acts family

Brokes family

Barrel Racers friend

Each other!

Thank you men for allowing me to lead.

Round Up

IronPax Challenge Week 4 @ Prison Break

11 (plus 3 proctors and 1 random runner stopped in) completed the final week of IPC.

The prescribed wow (workout of the week) was:

  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 25yds
  • 25 Thrusters
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 50yds
  • 50 Alternating block merkins
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 75yds
  • 75 Curl Presses
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
  • Murder Bunny 100yds
  • 100 Block Windshield Wipers
  • Return to the goal line with your block
  • 10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)

If you need details on the moves or a video demonstration, go here.

F3 Greenwood did not lower the bar with this week’s challenge (nor this year’s).

Good work by all.


Note to all and self: MURDER BUNNIES SUCK…


That is all.

IronPax Challenge Week 3 @ Prison Break

13 Men (and 2 Proctors) took a “break” from a routine Wednesday to give week 3 of the ironpax challenge a go.

This week’s was called K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Stupid).  It consisted of the following:

  • Run 400m
  • 100 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 90 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 80 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 70 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 60 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 50 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 40 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 30 squats
  • Run 400m
  • 20 merkins
  • Run 400m
  • 10 squats
  • Run 800m

Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.


While not easy by any means, it was a welcomed break from weeks 1 & 2.

Shout-out to Slaw and Huckleberry for being there to encourage, proctor and well you know…

RoundUp’s Backup

YHC had been on covid lockdown for the past 4 weeks so it was nice to finally get out for some work. RoundUp actually had the Q, but had to leave a bit early to get Sargento’s concrete job going before the rain hit. I didn’t mind helping my brother out when asked to post a BB.

There were only 4 this fine morning to run. Many of the regulars were a few blocks away pushing the rock for the IPC. Barrel Racer said that he was glad he didn’t have to run by himself this morning. Not like I could actually run with him, but was able to enjoy a nice mosey and chat with Oompa Loompa. RoundUP was the fourth in attendance, but again had to jet out early.

We logged some miles and got better.

IPC Week 2 @ Prison Break

8 men definitely took a wrong turn and ended up at Cloninger Park for Week 2 of IronPax Challenge.  Shout to Slaw and Huckleberry for being there to proctor, encourage and mumblechatter.


The really short version of the workout:

It really sucks (and not in a good way).  Rep count for those that went the entire 43 minutes ranged from 440 – 625.


The short version of what was done:

  • Place coupon at Shovel Flag.  Start timer.  Complete a 400m run that starts and ends at Shovel Flag (do not carry block)
  • Pick up block and complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • Rifle carry coupon to cone A (please completely move beyond/around cone)
  • Complete 25 Decline Merkins at cone A
  • Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag (please completely move beyond/around Shovel Flag)
  • Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • Rifle carry coupon to cone B
  • Complete 25 Blockees at cone B
  • Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag
  • Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • Rifle carry coupon to cone C
  • Complete 25 Weighted Squats at cone C
  • Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag
  • Complete 10  Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • Rifle carry coupon to cone D
  • Complete 25 Kettle Bell Swings at cone D
  • Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag
  • Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • Rifle carry coupon to cone E
  • Complete 25 Vertical Block Presses at cone E
  • Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag
  • Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • Rifle carry coupon to cone F
  • Complete 25 Alpos at cone F
  • Rifle carry coupon back to Shovel Flag
  • Complete 10 Thrusters at the Shovel Flag
  • **This completes one full round**

The entire explanation from F3 Greenwood is here.


More opportunities to complete the challenge this week.  Come get you some!


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