Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: PainLab (Page 7 of 10)

PT test at Gashouse

29 PAX gathered in less than ideal weather for a PT test at the Gashouse. The disclaimer was the short form, we knocked out the pledge and then headed up to the track at Grier for the main event. It went like this:


400 meter run

100 Merkins, LBC’s, Squats and SSH’s (complete all reps of each exercise before moving to next)

400 meter run

75 reps of each exercise

400 meter run

50 reps of each exercise

400 meter run

25 reps of each exercise

1600 meter run


This workout looks pretty simple, but it’s a grind. The PAX really pushed this morning and it was awesome to see such a good crowd! I had a ruck option for those who don’t consider themselves runners, but everyone chose the run option and it was evident that those present were there to work hard and get better. Pizza Man and Sister Act led the way and both jumped right back in when they were finished to push and encourage others. The mumble chatter was low, but the words of encouragement were not. This is one of the things that makes F3 great, everyone wants to see those around them succeed and is willing to help them whenever and wherever they can.


If if you didn’t make it to the workout today, consider doing this OYO. Send me your time (or how much you complete in 40 min) and I’ll keep a record for the next time. I’m hoping to repeat this later in the fall when the weather might be a little better.


It’s truly a pleasure to be a part of such a solid group of HIM’s and I appreciate the opportunity to lead.



Annihilation workout at The Yank next Sat. – Pizza Man with the Q

Gashouse and Hollywood need Q’s

Be on the lookout for a blood drive in Gastonia to support the F3 effort – Freed to Bleed


Prayer Request


SA’s 2.1

Those battling addiction

Law enforcement

School teachers and students

Civility in our community and nation


Queso job interview

Sparky’s nephew


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke


Bobby Burpees

7 PAX for a fun Pain Lab that featured a few episodes from the show  “King of the Hill”.

Rusty Shakleford made an appearance and we learned self defense at the YMCA by shouting “That’s my purse.. I do not know you.”

The Thang:

As the episodes played we did AMRAP at two minute intervals.

The exercise were:

  • LBCs
  • Big Boys
  • Step Ups
  • Good Balls
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Merkins
  • Inclined Merkins
  • Dips
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Calf Raisers
  • Freddie Mercurys
  • Rocky Balboas

Everytime we heard “Bobby” a burpee was owed. We got in a little over 2 rounds then lunged walk to start to met back up with the Gashouse.

Great work by all and good fellowship. Thank you for the opportunity lead.

Big Pappy

Sauna at Painlab

6 Hims showed up for a sauna at Painlab. Tophat, Double stuff, Rudolph, Clavin, Hermie and Tube. The start was normal with your usual workouts, until I worked into my 2nd round of kettle swings. Pulled by back and went to my knees. Rudolph immediately jumped in for Q with my Blessings. I came back in gently and We finished strong. Rudolph will be showing proper technique on kettle swings next Painlab.

Breaker Breaker @ The PainLab

Today is YHC’s VQ for the Painlab. YHC has participated in a few painlab sessions, mainly when on IR list, trying to limit high impact exercises, ie, running. I really enjoy this workout, so it was time to step up and Q.

Warm-up with Bootcampers led by Hushpuppy. Painlabers then grabbed their coupons and formed a large circle to prepare for the beatdown!


10 minutes AMRAP

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 big boy sit-ups


For Time

  • 50 SSH I/c
  • 40 mountain climbers
  • 30 walking lunches
  • 20 American Hammers I/c
  • 10 merkins

Rinse and repeat 3x



  • 20 kB swings
  • 12 kB o/h presses
  • 15 high pulls
  • kB curls, 21
  • 10 kB snatches, ea arm
  • 10 kB upright rows, ea arm
  • 15 mountain climbers
  • 20 jump squats

Rinse and repeat


10 minutes EMOM

  • Minute 1 = 10 burpees
  • Minute 2 = 30 sec planks
  • Minute 3 = 10 merkins


Indian Walk around parking lot

Round of Mary and then Bootcampers returned.


  • Announcements
  • Prayer Request

Hushpuppy closed us out in prayer!


Thank you all for the opportunity to lead you this morning! Great work by all!


Breaker Breaker

D-Day – Remembering the Greatest Generation

  1. Today we remembered D-Day by making our sets in quantities of 44.

The exercises were

  • Rocky Balboa’s x4 (176 Total)
  • LBC’s x4 (176 Total)
  • CDD’s x4 (176 Total)
  • Squats x4 (176 Total)
  • Mount Climbers x3 (132 Total)
  • Calf Raisers x3 (132 Total)
  • Merkins x3 (132 Total)
  • Flutters x 3 (132 Total)
  • Moroccan Night clubs (132 Total)
  • Big Boys x 1 (44 Total)

We finished up with 6 burpees x2 to represent June 6th.

Michah 7:8  Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Big Pappy

3 years, why not 103 burpees?

Time flies when you’re having fun.  3 weeks back into F3 since we opened up, I thought that since we missed the 3 year Painlab get-up in April, let’s cook-up a beat down that would be a testament to what Painlab is about.  This workout was focused on muscles, core, and stay-in-place cardio.  Linus and VooDoo were warming up when I arrived, I set up shop, and was allowed to do the warm-up after everyone rolled in.  Good thing to warm-up Painlab is to stretch all parts of the body.  The following does that:

Warm-up (in cadence)

15 SSH

10 Squat

10 MNC

10 IWalkers’

10 Merkins

20 LBC

Only 2 campers today, the other 8 come with me to visit Frank at the circle.  Quick disclaimer about F3, why Painlab started and I encouraged them to challenge themselves today.  Keep in mind, it’s probably 7:10 at this point?  HIPAA came out despite his injury and was the shot-caller (great work!).  Today’s workout:

15 Swings – 10 Burpees
15 WWII sit-ups – 8 Burpees
12 Overhead press – 6 Burpees
20 Flutter Kicks – 4 Burpees
12 Front Raises – 2 Burpees  (10 count)
20 Calf Raises – 9 Burpees
15 Merkins – 7 Burpees
30 LBC – 5 Burpees
10 ea. Lunges – 3 Burpees
12 Wide Grip Merkins – 1 Burpees (10 count)
10 ea. Backwards Lunges – 2 Burpees
10 Diamond Merkins – 4 Burpees
60 sec. People’s Chair – 6 Burpees
15 CDD – 8 Burpees
10 ea. Skull Crushers – 10 Burpees
15 Squats – 8 Burpees (10 count)
15 Dips – 6 Burpees
10 ea. Rows – 4 Burpees
20 American Hammers – 2 Burpees

That put us at 103 Burpees.  But, it was only 7:30.  Well done!!  Doing the Burpees after a 60 second people’s chair was a new experience.  Highly recommend it.  Just then Hushpuppy and Linus show up from their run.  What timing :/

So what to do the rest of the time?  I asked each person to name their favorite exercise, and that we’d do it.

Clavin – Burpees – we did 10 (Screwed up my 103 number)

Sledge o Matic – MNC – we did 50 in cadence (nice)

Les Nessman – LBC – did a lot

VooDoo – CDD’s (I think, having trouble remembering)

Pedal – Freddy Mercury’s (of course)

Herme – Merkins (I think…)

Double-stuff – maybe he was CDD’s, I was pretty tired at this point.  Maybe burpees.  Blargh

Tube – cannot remember…

Hunch-Back – Bobby Hurley’s .  I don’t think I completed all these.  Felt bad but was busy yapping with HIPAA.

HIPAA – Burpees again?  I think he called 5 or so.

Rudolph – due to popular opinion, I called body-destroyers.

Still a great amount of time left, it flies when you’re having fun?  Double-stuff said he wanted to focus on core work, so I obliged. We went around a bit with various core exercises.  When about 8 minutes were left, I omaha’d to some yoga to cool everyone out.  I also enjoyed having White Zombie on the playlist while holding warrior pose 2.  TIME.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – keeping our eyes peeled for Ville to Ville guys today. Also the Farmers Market will have a mask give away tomorrow, 1 mask per car.  Most likely with HIPAA making it back out, and having his injury, the Matrix is on hiatus.

Prayers – Les Nessman family, our community, our nation in light of recent events, HIPAA gut.

MOLESKIN – A fun but tough workout.  I want the guys to have a sense of pride in what they accomplished.  I asked if they could have done 103 burpees and the other exercises in roughly 20-25 minutes a year ago.  The answer is they are getting better every day.  Be a HIM, push yourself when you can.

See you at Painlab 4th anniversary.  Always a pleasure.



Rinse & Repeat

0700 hits and Stroganoff is the substi-q for GasHouse.  He gets everything started, warmed and then we split…

PainLab circles up in the lower part of the parking lot.

A little more warmup:

15? Don Qs  IC
Little Arm Circles
Big Arm Circles

On today’s agenda is different version of “Garage Boogie” from Rock Region:


  • Squats x15
  • Over Head Press X15
  • Reverse Lunge X10 each leg

Rinse and repeat X3 – Bear Crawl ~120 ft between sets


  • Big boy sit ups x15
  • Bent rows x15
  • Burpees  X10

Rinse and repeat x3 – Duck Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Coupon swing x15
  • Curls x15
  • Tricep extensions x15

Rinse and repeat x3 – Lunge Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Merkins x15
  • Planks Jacks X15
  • Mountain Climbers X15

Rinse and Repeat x3 – Gorilla Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Some unremembered ab exercise  x15
  • Calf Raises x10
  • LBC x15

Rinse and Repeat x3 – Pick one of the previous movements ~120 ft between sets


At this point GasHouse was starting to show back up.  We joined them for the last bit of time and the rest of the frivolity.

It was really great to see those that posted.


SYITG somewhere.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Pain Lab VQ 2020

This was my first time Qing Pain Lab… the second best AO in the nation, next to Folsom.  😀

Tha Thang:

We started out with a lunge walk that followed the dinosaur foot prints painted on the parking lot.
– Our first stop we warmed up with 40 shoulder taps (20 each arm)
– We bear crawled to the second stop where we did 5 burpees (or flying squirrels (Pax choice))
– More lunge walking to the third stop where we did 20 mountain climbers
– More bear crawling to where we circled up for the real workout

20 – Carolina Dry Docks (CDDs)
20 – Flutters
20 – Plank Jacks
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – LBCs
20 – Werkins
20 – American Hammers
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – Mountain Climbers
20 – Freddy Mercurys
20 – Bobby Hurleys
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – Windshield Wipers
20 – Merkins
20 – Mountain Climbers
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

20 – Lazy Mike Tysons (Stogie-fied) plank to horizontal squat – no push-up)
20 – Gas Pumps (stogie-fied) in-out-together)
10 – Peter Parkers
10 – Parker Pers
40 – Fast High Knees with arms

We went around the circle with 10 Pax doing Iron Hulks (1 merkin to 4 air presses)

We then did Lt. Dans (4 lunge walks to 2 squats (I said one squat, but Rudolph got folks confused so we two)) following the dino tracks to the lower part of the parking lot and back.

Rinse and Repeat of the grouped workouts above, but in reverse order.

We then did hillbilly lunge squats (2 lunge walks to 1 hillbilly squat) following the dino tracks to the lower part of the parking lot and back.

We circled up in time to do 20 mountain man pooperz and for half the Pax to call out an exercise to finish up (I said no burpees, but two of the Pax called 10 burpees anyways… whatever, with my bad back and feelings of being spent YHC did more squats #YouVersusYou).

We met back up with the group from the bootcamp and finished with the COT.

While I don’t think this was a slopper-knocker, ball-bust’n beat down… I think the fact the temp changed to 5-10 degrees hotter within the first 30 minutes workout and the good company, and decent tunes (thanks Bed Pan for letting me barrow your speaker) I delivered what I set out to… a no coupon VQ that was lite on running, but not lite on effort.

The Iron Hulks and the second set of  “Randorama” got harder as we went (at least I didn’t think it got any easier). I was gassed out and seeing the FNG (who appeared more fit than YHC) having to modify was a good sign as well. I have done a similar workout at Folsom, but this time it had new meaning and intentionality. There was a theme of 20. We didn’t de-escalate with the number, but stayed consistent. 2020, from most accounts, has been a horrible year. People are getting sick (some dying), people are losing jobs, some taking 20% pay cuts until only God knows when, etc… The thing is, we need to stay the course… be consistent…  and do what is expected of us (by our Lord and Savior, but also those who depend on us… our families and friends).

Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning. See you guys around and thanks for the support.


And We Are Back… PainLab style

0700 hits and Roscoe asks if YHC wanted to lead warmup.

Sure!  Lets get after it.

Sargento brought a FNG, so the core principles were covered, but pretty sure the disclaimer was omitted.


Any way, on to the Pledge and Warmup.

10 Merkins IC
20?  LBCs IC

At this point, YHC called a split between PainLab and GasHouse.  But Whoopee requested one more warmup in honor of some Kotters.  The number done was fuzzy, but they were Joe Boos IC  (Monkey Humpers)

GasHouse ran off to do what they do and the PainLabbers gathered weights/bells/coupons and joined YHC in back part of the lot.

On today’s agenda is “Garage Boogie” from Rock Region:


  • Squats x15
  • Over Head Press X15
  • Reverse Lunge X10 each leg

Rinse and repeat X3 – 65 SSH between sets


  • Big boy sit ups x15
  • Bent rows x15
  • Burpees  X10

Rinse and repeat x3 – high knees one minute between sets


  • Coupon swing x15
  • Curls x15
  • Tricep extensions x15

Rinse and repeat x3 – Butt Kickers one minute between sets


  • Merkins x15
  • Moutain Climbers
  • Planks X15 second count

Rinse and Repeat x3 – 65 SSH between sets


  • Flutters x20
  • American Hammers x20
  • LBC x25

Rinse and Repeat x3 – 60ish SSH between sets


At this point GasHouse was starting to show back up.  We joined them for the last bit of time and the rest of the frivolity.

It was really great to see those that posted.


SYITG somewhere.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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