Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: PainLab (Page 6 of 10)

IPC week 4. Murder Bunnies!!

16 for the final round or the Iron PAX Challenge.  It when like this.

1 Round For Time

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 25yds
25 Thruster
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 50yds
50 Alternating block merkins
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 75yds
75 Curl Presses
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 100yds
100 Block Windshield Wipers
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)

Gashouse Week 3 IPC

Week 3 of Gashouse Iron Pax Challenge, no coupons, no matter.  The bootcamp aspect wiped a lot of us out.  Time’s posted started in the mid 30’s.  All Pax worked extra hard.  What I have truly loved about Gashouse commitment to the IPC for the month of September is the Bootcamp and Painlab connection we’ve experienced with all of us working as one.  The running aspect needed to be modified for some, and other Painlab regulars worked on a great mosey.  All, and I mean all of us improved today.  Mumblechatter was great.  This gives me great ideas moving forward on combining a workout (maybe once a month) with Painlab, I’ll get with Tube on that.

Great credit to Linus for confusing COT location, hoping all is accounted for in this blast.  Truly enjoyed Saturday experience.


Mosey however you like to Grier field.  Slight warm up.

SSH, Merkin and Squats:  Why not?  Plenty more coming

IPC Week 3

400 M lap

100 Merkins

400 M lap

90 Squats

400 M Lap

80 Merkins

400 M lap

70 Squats……………….

I think you get the idea, we certainly did.  Last round of 10 squats complete 800 M (two laps) and record your time.  Total laps should account for 3 miles.


CSAUP this weekend, hope you made it

Mt. Mitchell Hike:  This coming weekend, see Gastone for any details


Dry Rub and wife

Clavin and family

Les Nesman and family

Hermie and brother (doing much better)

Singlet (F3 visit from Chapel Hill) and friend

Gashouse Rendition of Iron Pax week 2

24 HIM decided to fight off the fartsack and post for what would be the hardest IronPax challenge this year.  YHC arrived early to set up cones and flag.  The first thing I noticed was that 25 yards between the flag and the cones was a lot further than I expected – Not good when rifle carrying a 35lb cinder block.

We started at Schiele for a quick warm up of 20 SSH and 20 LBCs before heading over to Grier for the formal challenge – “A wheel of Misfortune” This was an AMRAP  43 minute wheel and spoke designed workout with a 400meter run to start and after each round.  After the initial 400meter run start at the center of the wheel with 10 squat thrusters. Pax then  rifle carry block periphery of wheel 25 yards away to one of 6 cones  to perform an exercise then rifle carry back to center for 10 squat thrusters – Exercises at each cone included, 25 Derkins, 25 Blockees, 25 Weighted Squats, 25 Block Swings, 25 vertical presses, and 25 Alpo’s (crossed arm block raises).  All Pax (Painlab and bootcamp) participated.  Rifle carries and squat thrusters proved to be the archenemy and mumble chatter was quite minimal.  All pax killed it – pushing themselves beyond the usual Gashouse /PainLab work.  In the end I believe all were fairly proud of their achievements.  Despite being gassed at the end YHC called out 5 additional squat thrusters to remind everyone that you are more capable than your mind would have you believe (see David Goggins).  Tclaps to Freight who proved that despite a diet consisting of livermush it is still possible to push through over 540 reps in 43 minutes. I suspect if he took better care of himself he would have beaten SA today.


Sept19 – CSAUP

Sept 26th JJ 5K

Sept 27th hike Mt Mitchell

Blood drive date TBD

Prayers requests:

Friends and families battling addiction, Clavin and his family, SA’s daughter, Pizzman’s family, Double Stuf’s friend in ICU, Breaker’s daughter-in-law


TAPs go out to F3Lake Wylie and the friends and family of Jay Grigg – F3 “Cash” – RIP



As always it was a true honor to lead this outstanding group HIM,



Iron Pax Week 1 – Gashouse & Painlab

People showed up.  Some jogged to the field, others hopped the fence.  We did the Iron Pax Week 1, modify where needed, don’t quit.

EMOM 3 Burpees

50 Hand Release, Hand Release Merkins

100 Leg Raises

150 Jungle Boi 2scoops squats

200 BBSU

250 Lunges (count each leg)

THis was fun, and a great push by all.  I can’t remember the order of finish, but I know Gump was ifrst, and he ended by working with the last few guys.  And, some finished the challenge and did some jogging (Nessman).  Again, great work.


Shoot up on 12th – see Huck or Whoopee

Csaup 2 weeks from now, get with Broke (options for all)

Mount Mitchell on 27th of September

Iron Pax next week at Gashouse/Painlab.  We hear there will be blocks.  You’re in my world now, Grandma.





Purple Haze

Sister Act

New Bulldog (gotta rename)

Double Stuff’s friend Corey

Herme’s brother David

MOLESKIN:  not much of a Q, but I will say my co-Q Broke is a really good guy, and you can tell he takes his role as 1st F Q seriously.   Lotta heart in his words and actions.   For some, this was second time doing the IPAX (I know Freight and Double Stuf).  Dope.  To my Painlab pals, great push.  John Q Public in Gastonia is lucky to have the leaders I see in this circle.


IPC Week 0 PainLab Style

50 Goblet Squats
30 Merkins
20 Weighted Lunges
10 Burpees
400M Ruck or Farmer Carry (Perimeter of Schiele) x4 
We had 10 PAX, 6 we signed up this AM, participate in the low 2 no impact #IPC2020 Week 0. Strong work! Les Nessman 30min TopHat 33 min Voodoo 37 min Pedal 37 min Dry Rub 38 min Hot For Teacher 38 min Tube 41 min Sledge 41 min Hermey 44 min HIPAA 44 min

Aaaaand we’re back!

Ok, totally stole the intro from 43feet but it’s fitting. Love PainLab! First PainLab Q since March.

Let’s get it!

After brief warmup with bootcamp we do our own:

Around the world’s

Good Mornings

Arm Circles

The thang:

22 min amrap
2 Dead Snatch Overhead (2 each arm)
2 Hand release renegade row burpees
2 wide bent over rows
2 Crusher Merkins or 💎 merkins

8 min amrap
4 single arm KB swings from dead

To the picnic tables

150 Arnold press (75 each arm)

SMOKED!set with bootcampers for Mary.

Thanks men!


hurry up,… weight

Light and easy work out today.  Kept it easy because my back was hurting.  Great group, great mumblechatter.

The Thang:  45 seconds of each, 5 exercise, 5 reps / Not necessarily in this order either

Morroccan Night Clubs / O/H Press / Merkins / Pull Downs / Burpees

Squats / Lunge / Imperial Walker / SSH / Calf Raises

American Hammer / WWI / Leg Raises / Flutters / Hip Raises

Mtn. Climbers / Crunches / Supermans / Shoulder High Punches / Wide Pull Outs

Overhead Triceps / Toe Taps / Lower Back Hammerstring / Side Static Lunge

Rinse and Repeat, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat………..



HIIT VQ at Pain Lab

We had 9 superbeasts at Pain Lab.  This was my first Q, because I had no idea what I was doing plan ahead, I pre-programmed an app to keep time and pace.  Bedpan gave me the idea a few weeks ago.  Links for the app and the workout are below:

Tabata Timer App

Tabata Workout for Import

6 Pack Promise App

I wanted to combine a workout that would shave some time off the quarterly fitness test in tandem with some strength training.  Naturally, since this was pain lab, everything was low impact.  Everything follows a 10 second prep/rest/transition time and a 50 second work time.  Everyone had an appropriate sized kettlebell/dumbbell for the exercises.

We began with an ab circuit to engage the core.  I’ve found this is one of the best ways to get warmed up, prevent injury, and not neglect an ab circuit at the end.

Fitness Prep Round #1

  • Kettlebell swings
  • Merkins
  • LBC
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Side Straddle Hops

Strength Training Round #1

  • CDD
  • Levitation squats (25 seconds each leg)
  • Single arm rows (25 seconds each arm)
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Werkins
  • Kettlebell Swings

Fitness Prep Round #2 (same as round 1)

Strength Training Round #2

  • Overhead Press
  • Lunges
  • T-Merkins
  • Curls
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Kettlebell Swings

Fitness Prep Round #3 (same as round 1 and 2)

Strength Training Round #3

  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Front Raises
  • Calf Raises
  • Dips
  • Pullup Superman
  • Kettlebell Swings

Fitness Prep Round #4

It was a privilege to lead.  Thank you to the always supportive brothers in Christ and a special thanks to Rudolph who brought me to Pain Lab in the first place.

Double Stuf

8/8/2020 Painlab Backblast

12 brave souls entered the thunderdome known as painlab this morning as a first timer named Nessman offered up his exercise plan. Hermie, Double Stuff, VooDoo, Tube, FNG Kooper Grossman dubbed Pick Axe later for his proclivity for FortNite, War Eagle, Pasghetti, Dobby, Rudolph, HIPPA, Sledge-O-Matic and Les Nessman. We celebrated 8/8 with 88 reps of the following exercises broken into multiples of 11 reps in various sets. This was accompanied by a 44- foot walk in the style of Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk or Duck Walk plus 1 foot for the magic number of 45 and the optional total of 45 burpees. The exercises were The Merkin, Dying Cockroach, LBC, Dips, Low and Slow Squats, Kettlebell Swings, Moroccan Night Club, and American Hammers. HIPPA blessed us with a barrage of Hurricane Flutter Kicks after a merry go round of you name the exercise. Tube provided us with a sweet 80’s Hair-band soundtrack. 12 men entered, 12 men left.

Lil Pain Lil Stretch

Saturday I had the pleasure of being the Q at Pain Lab. Growth and Development is strong with the Pax and the AO.
I had a great Weinki written out with some stretching included, once I seen that Rudolph was posting I asked him to call the stretch between each set. He always has a great Q but when it comes to knowledge of why you should stretch and how, he is the Man.

The Thang : four groups of exercises After each group we stretch and prepare for the next. Each exercise you do for 30 seconds.
Thank God for the Tabata app.

!. Burpees, Al Gore, (now called Bidens when you hug the tree and make a squeezing motion with your hands). High Plank, Mtn. Climbers, Burpees, Plank, plank Crunch.
2. Big Boys, Rev. Crunch, American Hammers, High Crunch, Freddy Mercury’s, Flutters, LBC, Dying Cockroachs, Back Crunch,
3. Squats, Calf Raises, R. Side Lunge, L. Side Lunge, L. Leg Raise, R. leg raise, Wall sit.
4. Butt Kickers, Speed skaters, SSH, Bobby Hurleys.

We completed the above twice.

Announcements: Mt. Mitchell hike coming up in September. F3 10 year coming Jan. 2021 look it up for details.
Prayers, several spoken and un spoken.

The Bed Pan is Full!

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