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Old school PT Test at Old School

No need to describe the workout, you should know what it is by now. If you don’t, you’re either new to F3 Gastonia or too much of a wuss to come out and try it. The weather was awesome for the 1st of June!


Easy warmup, brief overview and then start the timer. Wiki showed his age, Slaw tried to chase him down and the rest of us did what we could. Strong work by all.

Wiki 36:01

Slaw 36:39

Broke 38:10

Wirenut 41:05

Chili 46:02

Def Leppard 47:32

Happy Trees 48:45

Pockets 49:57

Montross ??? didn’t record time

Gumby – did modified version



Annihilation workout at Gashouse next week (Hei Hei Q)

DBC starts at 0600 tomorrow at Crossroads

Lunch at Bubba’s 33 on third Wed

F3 Dad’s at Gashouse 6/15


Pray for Guffey family, Turtleman family (service 6/10), Montross aunt, Gumby mom, Westside father in law, friend of Pockets passed away


Slaw took us out.
I’m Broke

Walls and Balls

10 Pax posted at Old School Saturday morning. No EC was completed which is odd. Broke was noticeably absent. He was out of town and has now reached wine gala rich. No hate brother…..well maybe a little. SA was oddly early and Def Leppard came in hot, parking in an unusual spot which caused him to lose his trucks twice later on. Pallbearer left the cherry picking behind in pursuit of a grown man’s workout. I was proud of him until I saw his effort on the wall-ups.

Warmup: Just some stuff that came up at the time. I did throw in a cherry picker or two to ease PB in to it.

The Thang:

Mosey up to Main St. Run to Ingles with a route 66 of Bobby Hurley’s at the poles. Over at the side of Ingles we partnered up for some Dora. 100 Freddy Mercury’s, 200 Mtn Climbers, 300 SSH’s. The other partner runs across the grass to the wall of Ingles and does a wall-up. That is walk your feet up the wall until you reach balls to the wall status. Sadly we had a couple girls afraid to get their shoes wet and they ran around the grass to the sidewalk. Others looked like they were doing dirty hook-ups with their feet instead of wall-ups. HTSI

After that we hit Main St again for descending route 66 Bobby Hurley’s. At this point Wirenut and Leppard got in to a discussion about Duke and Carolina players in the pro’s. Of course as Carolina fans they had to go back 30 years to find somebody to talk about. Wiki had no idea who they were talking about and wondered if they were still shooting granny shots back then.

Back at the start I had setup a volleyball net. Wirenut had mentioned wanting some team sports at OS this summer so here we go. I read something some others areas were playing called Wazonka ball but I couldn’t quite figure out if they were using a net or not. So we played normal Vball rules but every time you hit the ball  you have to drop and do a burpee. The team that gets scored on has to do a burpee. You can’t score on the serve. All of these seemed to confuse everyone but I shouldn’t be surprised. It was hard to remember to drop and do the burpee after you hit the ball. SA was a good team mate and reminded me several times. Leppard and Wirenut had to be called out a few times after hitting the ball a dozen times in a row without doing a burpee. Leppard may still be out there catching his up. The grass was wet so the ladies had to suck it up. The ball got wet so it was slippery. It was something different and all in all a pretty good time. We did get to see PB do a little dance. He looked like the gopher from Caddyshack rotating his hips.



Announcements-Lunch this week, Extinction run next Saturday, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Request

Last Minute Q

Got to Old School for some EC and realized that Open had the Q again. Reached out to Wirenut and he was gracious enough to let YHC steal it. Trying to get back into the boot camps after some back issues so might as well control what we do.

No weinke was prepared and it was a pretty basic workout. We stacked some exercises on the track, did a 3 Way on Kotter Corner and then a meandering mosey back to the flag.

Extinction run 5/18

Pray for CMPD, US Marshals, Gumby family, Wirenut family and Hall family.

YHC took us out.

I’m Broke



7 Pax posted to Old School on Saturday morning. 3 came in early for this month’s mini misogi: farmer’s carry 25% of your body weight for .5 miles under 9 minutes. I believe all were successful despite GPS trying to cheat us. That’s twice now. Note for next time to use the actual measured area despite what Garmin or Strava will show. That being said it was tough but not tough enough with that much success. Harder dumber things to come.


Some stretching and what not

The Thang:

Mosey down the road toward the Cerebrus hills stopping along the way for some core exercises. Cerebrus is a 3 way intersection in which you have now choose but to climb a hill in any direction. We would climb each one and do a set of reps at the top and bottom each time.

Rd. 1 10 merkins at the top and 10 CDD’s at the bottom

Rd. 2 10 Freddy Mercury’s ic at the top and 10 Mtn Climbers ic at the bottom

Rd. 3 10 squats at the top and 10 shoulder taps, count one side, at the bottom

That sucked for everyone except Slaw. He freakin smoked it!

Now that we are done with that we have to climb one more time to get out of here, your welcome. Over next to First Baptist we stopped for some route 66 with crabwalks and WWI situps.

Once we crossed over the main st we did some catch me if you can for a block. Bear Crawl and 5 burpees. Over one more block we continued this with lunge walks and 10 star burst.

Back at the flag we finished off with a few minutes of Mary.



Announcements-2nd F lunch this week, CSAUP on May 4th announced see the preblast

Prayer Request-Hall family, Wirenut’s mom, several people sick, receiving treatments


All along the way when we stopped we had some basic Bible trivia. It was great that we got correct and confident answers. I’d like to thank Def Leppard for inspiring me to share some of these Bible messages in my Q. Also I got another 500 points for spreading the gospel so you can just quit now Seuss.

Freight the Forecaster

Well earlier this week Freight had a conflict with work and having the Q today or at least that’s what was said. Since I had the Q next week, we swapped weeks. Is that truly the case or did Freight know something I didn’t?  🤷‍♂️ Well, no big deal as there was great mumblechatter about crest white strips (ask Blart and Slaw) to the name of a female body part that Mayor pontificates whether or not this elusive thing even exists, as he hasn’t seen one.

Mayor did want to make sure we knew the motto of F3 so maybe he led us in this or maybe not STK!

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.

Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!




SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


Grab a block from Slaws truck and hit the shelter. 10 to 1 with thrusters, curls, tricep extensions, alpos, squats, and overhead press. After each round we farmer carry from the shelter to the upper parking lot, switch hands and return for the next set. Gold Digger joined us for the last few rounds after running to Folsom working out there and joining is around the 20ish minute mark.

Mosey to the front of the police department for some 11’s on the hill. Merkins at the top and squats at the bottom. Gold Digger ran though these like everyone else was walking.  We then mosey back to the shelter for some dips, step ups, and merkins 2 sets IC. Mayor called some more step ups to finish us out.

Announcements:  April 13 SFN > send Purple Haze a DM if you can run this, Rice & Beans send Anchorman a DM if you can attend Tuesday , Donations for mens clothing (Hei Hei) give to him anytime, BOS is leading a food ruck starting at 5:45 at the Yank on 3/16, Extinction Run on 4/20 @ 10:00, 2nd F Lunch Bad Daddys on 3/20

Prayer Request:

Slaw and Chili’s dad with Covid

Stogie and eye surgery/ recovery

Hall family

Bed Pan  step dad shoulder surgery




Breaker Breaker family

Gold Digger wife having gall bladder surgery Thursday

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead again today!

Hill Hustle

10 Pax posted at Old School and I don’t think any of them so this workout coming.


Let’s Mosey! Across town we went stopping at any intersection for 5 squat jumps and any power/telephone pole(gotta be specific for them Duke boys) on our left for 5 hand release merkins. I’m not sure how many but we went a good ways.

The Thang:

Over on the hilly side of town at the bottom of Brookgreen St. It’s a halfpipe style street. Partner up. Do 5 booyah merkins at the bottom then run in opposite directions to the stop signs and back. One side was steeper but the other side was longer. SSH while you wait for your partner to return. Do this until you get to 25 booyah merkins. There were some, lets call them frustrated, PAX at this point.

Mosey back up the hill to Queens st. 4 corners on the block stacking them as we went. 10 merkins, 20 starburst, 30 imperial walkers, 40 freddy mercurys. This block is made up of some good hill action.

On our way back we stopped at the cross section of Cedar and Puett St. We did the previous 4 corner stack’em by going in various directions of the crossroads but we did a lower number of the reps. This confused a few. Mostly because they don’t listen to the instructions. Wait what are we doin?

Some PAX were getting nervous as they thought we had 9 minutes left on the clock and a 10 minute run to get back. I had it all under control. On the way back we stopped at each intersection for 5 WWI’s. As we tried to cross Trade street traffic was heavy but a friendly driver threw on his beacon lights and pulled across the road to block traffic for us. Awesome good neighbor stuff right there.  It’s still exist.

Once we got back we had time for a few minutes of some Mary.


At this point a few runners came in from a long run. There was some debate about whether they should get points for this. While they were technically parked in the starting area they were not present for the workout. Now normally we allow it but it is game season so it’s time to break out the rules on’em. By the power vested in me as Q for that day I sided with those that were present for my workout. I will however mention that Broke, Gumby, Slaw, and the Nantan pushed some rocks by completing a 12 mile run. Well maybe not Broke and Flintstone. They run a 12 mile run weekly now a days.

Announcements for this week only- Weiner Nationals next Saturday. All other AO’s closed.

Prayer Request-Gumby’s mom, Wirenut’s mom, a few praise reports.


Are you really bothered by the point system and who gets points for what? Maybe you should stop being a puss or maybe this isn’t for you. Are you bothered by people talking trash about it? Maybe you should stop being a puss or maybe this isn’t for you. Did these two statements bother you? Maybe you should stop being a puss or maybe this isn’t for you.

I often battle with the things I say. I know many of you think I don’t think about it but I do. I mull over if I’ve gone to far. I’ve had to apologize many times. Many, times! I have concluded that often as hard as it may come across they need to be said. I play the role of Mr Vice(look it up) because there has to be one. While as harsh as it can be sometimes there’s usually at least an ounce of truth in it and let’s face it some of y’all are too soft and need something hard to smack you in the face. Other than when you were in the Navy.

Relay Games

I’m down with the stomach bug or food poisoning so I’m writing this from the toilet. I hope you enjoy that visual. Due to this scenario you will not get any more than this.

Old School Christmas Movies

Old School 11/25/23
Lively group of 13 mumblechatterers. A difficult part of a Q is being sure the bat flippers get enough work to do while not killing the non-bat flippers and any newer Pax. It’s a delicate process with lots of discussion along the way. Here was my attempt.

Seal Jacks x 10
Hillbillies x 10
Calf Raises x 10
CDD’s x 10
Low slow Squats x 10
Cotton Pickers x 10
MNC’s for a while. SA stated that the warmup was longer because the Q likely didn’t have enough Weinke so we shall see.

Mosey to Dallas Baptist Church intersection, 10 Mike Tyson’s IC called by SA.
Cross street, turn corner to Philadelphia Church Road, 10 Mike Tyson’s IC called by SA.
Cross road, go by Pelicans to Old Dallas Jail parking lot.

Partner up. Partner 1 performs the exercise written in the parking space while Partner 2 runs a lap around the outside of the parking lot. Partner 2 then performs the same exercise in that space while Partner 1 runs. Team must complete each exercise for each parking space. Bonding was accomplished. Crowd pleaser for sure!
9 Exercises are:
HR Merkins
Low Slow Squats
Flutter Kicks
Monkey Humpers
Freddie Mercuries
Toy Soldiers

Mosey back to Pelicans intersection for 11’s starting with 10 Imperial Walker Squats (do right crunch, squat, left crunch as 1 or whatever you feel like is what really happened) run to the top of the road for Mike Tyson’s at the top. Seuss and Wiki leading the way with a big group right behind them. As seems to be increasing common these days, I was the either the six or right with the six.

Mosey back across the road to the Court House Steps for a Triple Nickel as time was running low. 5 LBFC’s, run the steps, 5 Mike Tyson’s for 5 cycles. I think we only had time for 4 sets.

No time for ABs at the Gazebo, normally an Old School tradition. Mosey back by the Dallas Fire Department and back to the start where we pledged quickly to the American Flag and Time.

At several spots I read a few quotes from Christmas movies and had the guys guess the movie name.

Movie Quotes-
1. “Surprised, Eddie?… If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised.” – Christmas Vacation
2. “Merry Christmas you filthy animal.” – Home Alone 2
3. “Of course you’re not an elf. You’re 6’3″ and had a beard since you were 15.” – Elf
4. “I’m sorry, this is our family’s first kidnapping.” – Christmas Vacation
5. “My childhood was like the Shawshank Redemption, except I didn’t have some old, warm, black man to share my story with! “ – Four Christmases
6. “In The Heat Of Battle, My Father Wove A Tapestry Of Obscenity, That As Far As We Know Is Still Hanging In Space Over Lake Michigan.” – Christmas Story
7. “Boys, I don’t want to speak ill of your mother on Christmas, but she’s nothing but a common street whxxe (edited for language).” – Four Christmases
8. “Aaah! ‘Fra-GEE-Lay!’ It Must Be Italian!” – Christmas Story
9. “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.”- It’s a Wonderful Life
10. “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. And when he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” – It’s a Wonderful Life (My absolute favorite)
I told the guys to try to be a positive influence throughout this season and to try to be mindful of many who aren’t always happy during the holidays. We each can find ways to help.

Announcements- Christmastown 5K tonight by 5:30 and we are pushing 4 chariots. I believe this is one of the best things F3 Gastonia does and certainly is one of the most fun (other than the running part).
Christmas Party 12/2 and Convergence that morning
Beer Ruck 12/9
Prayer list- Medicine Woman, Turtleman, Huck, Purple Haze’s mom, Gumby’s mom, Wirenut’s mom, Jackson Hall.

*NMM – Slaw enjoys Monkey Humpers a little too much! I thought the extra running would quieten down Wirenut but it wasn’t happening. There was a discussion about which “supplements” he may have taken. Blart was back while still suffering through plantar’s which never seems to go away and Haze has had it for seemingly all year too. Good to have Gumby back after being sick for a while. Wiki ate enough food at breakfast to feed a family. Seuss did NOT order chicken in his omelet but ate it anyway as the server wasn’t accepting any feedback today. Broke and SA discussed the joys of raising girls when breakers start flipping because excessive hair tools being used. Slaw’s brother Chili is getting up to speed pretty quickly. That makes you wonder if Chili will also pass SA soon like Slaw did! Pall Bearer is quietly killing it lately with double posts, running and rucking EC plus will still talk some smack if necessary. Freight was out but some Pax were wanting to ask him if a wooly worm was seen in Greenville, SC and if so, is that 4 more months of winter! Not sure what that means.

Plantar Friendly

10 Pax posted to Old School on Saturday. Fighting the plantar fasciitis I planned for very little running. Station work with 2 minutes on and 45 seconds of rest with 11 stations in all. This is how it went.


I don’t know I just make this part up

The Thang:

The stations were as follows

Round 1/Round 2

Slamball/backward throw

Wojo point to point/lunge

Merkin/hand release merkin

40# sandbag thruster/Avalanche

WWI/Freddy Mercury

Suicides point to point/Karaoke

60# sandbag power clean/OH Press


Imperial walker/Hillbillies


high plank/low plank




Prayer Request-Jackson Hall, Gumby’s mom, Wirenut’s mom


I know some of the batflippers probably wished they would’ve gotten more cardio but I appreciate everyone’s participation. It was a good way for the mummblechatter get going and it definitely did.



Age is Just a Number

Old School 9/16/23
Gumby brought an FNG so the disclaimer was given. No professionals, modify as necessary, these are just suggestions, don’t hurt yourself.
6 Pax ready to go on the coolest day in a while.
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slow Squats, Hillbillies. Went through the 5 core principles of F3 as we warmed up.
Open to all men.
Always outside, hot or cold, rain or shine.
Led in a rotating fashion by a member of the group.
Ends with a Circle of Trust.

Mosey to Courthouse entrance where blocks had been dropped off for 30/10/5.
30 Curls with blocks run across the steps to other entrance for 10 HR Merkins for 5 times. The last time rifle carry block there and back. Slawbag and Broke leading the way.

Mosey over for ABs in the gazebo.

LBC’s, Hammers, WWI, Plank.

Mosey several blocks towards future new Aquatic Center site stopping several times for 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 LBC’s.

When we arrive at site of the future Aquatic Center,
20 Michael Phelps (counted by renowned swimmer Slaw but don’t ask about biking)
20 Water Pickers (same as Cotton pickers but sticking with the aquatic theme)
20 Flutter Kicks

Time was running out so mosey back to the start and get in one more round of 20 merkins, 20 squats and 20 LBC’s.

Back at the flag, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw and we pledged and time.

As I have been known to do, I threw out some funny quotes about getting older throughout the workout. I have been down in my back for a while and unable to do my normal routines and that will make you feel old. I am hoping to get back on track soon and appreciate the guys showing up for the old man Q.
1. “You can live to be a hundred if you give up all things that make you want to live to be a hundred.” – Woody Allen
2. “People ask me what I’d most appreciate getting for my eighty-seventh birthday. I tell them, a paternity suit.” – George Burns
3. “At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.” Ann Landers
4. “You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.” – Ogden Nash
5. “I suppose real old age begins when one looks backward rather than forward.” – Mary Sarton
6. “The older I get, the better I used to be.” – Lee Trevino
7. “Most of the grumpy old people I know used to be grumpy young people. Don’t blame age.” – Dr. Ernie Perkins
8. “Lord thank you for opportunity we have to come out here and act like kids.” – Steve “Slawbag” Lawing
9. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. – Psalms 73:26

Announcements: F3 Gastonia Lunch Wednesday 9/20/23 at noon at Pita Wheel Gastonia
JJ5K at the end of September
Tuna 200 looking for 2 more runners

Prayer Requests
Gumby’s mom
Jackson Hall
FNG’s daughter surgery

Welcome to the FNG Dwayne Johnson who is a golfer so the name Putt Putt was given. He was aiming to be The Rock but no such luck. He works night shift and hopes to make some Midoriyama Q’s. We had a nice talk at breakfast with most all of the guys.

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