Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 5 of 51)

Nobody got hurt

For the first time this season, a game of Ultimate Frisbee was completed at Midoriyama without any injuries. Quite an accomplishment considering the age and skill set of the majority of the PAX who have been participating. Warmup, burpees, merkins, big boys and then 30 minutes of sprinting…good stuff.


A few observations:

  • Luigi is going to be as fast as Wojo one day
  • Blart is intimidated by hairy chested men
  • Happy Trees catches everything
  • The Q may have stacked the teams slightly in his favor (unintentionally of course)


Lunch 5/24 at The Lodge

Time Laps this weekend

Memorial Day Murph at Martha’s

New AO coming to McAdenville on Fridays


Be praying for Pockets Dad, Mike Williams, Ratchet’s 2.0, Happy Tree’s stepson, Huck and Turtleman


Defib took us out.

I’m Broke

Convergence at Midoriyama 4/29/23

It was a beautiful day for a convergence. The rain subsided and the temperature was cool. YHC arrives at 0615 to see some PAX getting some EC before the workout. The first of numerous flags are planted, and the PAX begin to roll in. They keep rolling in. It was an awesome sight to behold. The Midoriyama misfits gather and quickly rehearse their plan for the workout. We decide to move the herd to a large empty parking lot where the warmup would be held. We went into this knowing that a convergence is attempting to herd cats for an hour, so we tried to keep the group together as best as we could.

Pockets lead us off with some stretching and the core principles of F3. He handed it over to Broke who got the heart rate up with a 10 to 1 countdown of 4 exercises: SSH (IC), LBC’s (IC), Squats and Merkins.

With the warmup complete, Broke hands it off to Purple Haze. All PAX grab a coupon and rifle carry to the wettest, sketchiest hill behind field #4’s outfield fence. The instructions were simple – 1) rifle carry your coupon down the wet, sketchy  hill without dropping it on your head, 2) murder bunny back up the hill and perform one squat. We rinsed and repeated what seemed like an eternity. He instructs the PAX to partner up and alternate farmer carrying the coupons back towards the turd shack. YHC decides to Omaha and gather the PAX in the parking lot beside the batting cages.

Circle up for some block work. 10 to 1 block curls and overhead presses.  If a PAX set their block down it was 5 burpee penalty. Some intentionally set their blocks down to incur the 5 burpee penalty. They believed the whole group would perform the burpees. Negative, ghost rider. Only the PAX that set their blocks down performed the burpees. Thanks to Balljoint, Tesla and Roscoe for giving the others a break while you performed burpees! We then escalated 1 to 10 the same exercises.

We moved on to a quick round of core work. YHC remembers Big Boys, Flutter kicks, Heels to Heaven, Dying Cockroaches, Corkscrews and Freddie Mercs being called.

Back to the blocks for 10 to 1 with squats and block swings. We got down to 5 reps when YHC Omaha’d for the last 10 minutes. 100 Burpees in 10 minutes. With a EMOM timer set for 10 minutes, Burpees are performed in an ascending/descending order:

  • Minutes 1 and 10 – 8 Burpees
  • Minutes 2 and 9 – 9 Burpees
  • Minutes 3 and 8 – 10 Burpees
  • Minutes 4 and 7 – 11 Burpees
  • Minutes 5 and 6 – 12 Burpees

Time was up and coupons returned. We circled back up for the Pushing Rocks Challenge Awards. Flintstone and Roscoe handed out patches for the PAX who posted at least 20 times a month. The Midoriyama Misfits were given their awards for winning the Pushing Rocks challenge. YHC had the honor of receiving the F3 Gastonia regional championship belt. He must admit, that was freaking awesome! Even the baseball players taking batting practice were amazed as Flintstone held the belt high for everyone to see! Kudos to SLT for coming up with such an awesome award!

We said the pledge of allegiance, and some of the baseball players joined in with us! #Impact


  • Young Life Golf Tournament on 5/15 headed up by Buckshot. We are wanting to reach full sponsorship with a goal of $250. Chip in a few bucks if you can.
  • Annihilation workouts are resuming on 5/13 at Gashouse. JJ will be Qing the beatdown.
  • Memorial Day Murph at Martha Rivers Park. 0700 start time.
  • Purple Haze is Qing a Forest City bike ride/ arcade visit. More to come on that.
  • Stogie reminded all PAX in attendance to update their In Case of Emergency info on Slack.
  • Whoopee brought up the fact that someone in the group should be carrying a phone if/ when a PAX get injured. If no one else has a phone, it’s the Q’s responsibility to carry a phone.

Prayer Requests:

  • Jackson Hall (Ratchet’s 2.0)
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Mayor and Sargento with healing limbs
  • Tiger and his family
  • Radar’s sister

Kotter Recognition:

  • Dirt
  • Clavin
  • Hushpuppy

YHC took us out in prayer.


Kudos to Flintstone for initiating the Pushing Rocks Challenge. The number of posts for the first 3 months was higher than last year (and probably any other previous year). Having a goal and being part of a team to achieve that goal motivates men to push harder. He and Gearwrench have been crunching a lot of numbers to keep the challenge going smoothly.  Thank you for the hard work behind the scenes, men!

YHC also wants to re-emphasize the importance of picking up the six. Whether you’re picking up the FNG about to splash merlot (as Roscoe did for YHC when he first posted) or getting one of our other brothers, try to pay attention and pick them up. They may going through some rough times with family, their job may be crushing them, anything could be going on. They will appreciate it when their brother(s) come back to get them. YHC has been the six plenty of times and it was always awesome when one of the guys (usually Sister Act or Freight) that would come back and get YHC. That’s a big part of F3 that makes it more than a workout. It’s friendship, camaraderie and lasting relationships that matter. Remember that we are out there for the guys around us more than we are for ourselves.

Finally, YHC wants to give round of applause to the rest of the Midoriyama Misfits. All of these men gave it all they had and held each other accountable. Thanks to you for letting YHC be a member of the team that has set the bar for all other Pushing Rocks Challenges to beat. With that being said, cue “We are the champions” by Queen-


The Midoriyama Misfits



Meet In The Middle

Nice spring day at the premier afternoon AO with 12 strong Pax, Great to see the Mayor out after a recent shoulder surgery getting some steps in. Pledge.

Warmup: SSH, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s, Hillbillies, some stretches and 5 merkins.

Mosey to the small soccer field for the Thang.

Partner up and run in opposite directions around the field. When you meet, P1 does Squat holds while P2 does 5 burpees. Run again in opposite directions until you meet then P1 does the 5 burpees while P2 does the Squat holds. Repeat until each partner has done 25 burpees. Round 2 is Plank and Merkins x 10 up to 50 Merkins. Round 3, yes Round 3 is 6″ leg holds and LBC’s x 10 up to 50 LBC’s each. The bat flippers were rolling but the rest of us got there eventually.

Mosey over to the bleachers for Stationary 11’s. Step Ups x 10, 1 dip. 9 step ups, 2 dips, etc. down to 1 step up and 10 dips.

Mosey back to the flag for some Mary. I made Assshhh Pond stop at only 15 American Hammers. Pockets called Crunchy Frogs. Defib called Flutter Kicks. Broke called Big Boys and time is up.

I read a few quotes from famed duck hunter and Christian speaker Phil Robertson. One of my favorites is as follows: “I hope that people just do two things: Love God and love their neighbor. I don’t think there’s a down side to it.”

Announcements: 5K Friday at 6:30 at Common Ground
Convergence at Midoriyama Saturday at 7:00 am

Prayer Requests: Huck, Turtle Man, Ratchet’s Son, Virus’ Daughter, Blart’s Mother-in-law, Happy Tree’s Mother-in-law, Speed For Need in theft of their trailer, Defib’s daughter, Sargento.
Blart took us out.

The usual suspects leading the way today. There are always some bat flippers pushing the pace at Midoriyama. They know who they are. Happy Trees is getting better each time and keeps showing up. Me and Oompa had time to discuss our various injuries. Pockets ran almost 4 miles EC before the workout. Wikileaks will soon be 19. Mayor’s surgery seems to be a success but he is not a fan of the surgical tape. Thanks to everyone who came out today.

7 Glorious Years

On 4/2/2016 after finding out about F3 from a coworker who said, and I quote “I tried it but those guys are a little too hardcore for me”, I posted and began the journey of F3 around 7 years ago. For my Q today, I read a few personal F3 milestones which I have enjoyed along the way. Indulge me as I reminisce about the last 7 years. Let’s go!

Evidently since Slaw hit Respect, he is already slipping as the Site Q flag was still there from Tuesday’s workout. As Freight’s daughter Karli likes to say, “Hate to see it”. A strong 14 Pax at the best and chattiest afternoon AO around. Warmup: SSH x 7 IC, Low Slow Squats x 7 IC, Cotton Pickers x 7 IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x 7 IC. Personal F3 Milestone #1: My first CSAUP was at Crowder’s Mountain and we went up and down the mountain twice, had lots of obstacles and routines and a fun time and let me know these F3 guys are crazy but I love it.

Mosey to the small soccer field and read #2 Personal F3 Milestone: Talked about Relay Races, Palmetto 200, Tuna, 200, Bourbon Chase, Ragnar. I believe, other than the running part, the relay races are the most fun you can have in F3 so sign up for one. You’ll love it.

7’s: 6 merkins, run across the field, 1 squat, run back. 5 Merkins, run across the field, 2 squats and etc. until done. #3 Personal F3 Milestone: I was selected to be Midoriyama Site Q one year and loved the challenge.

Mosey to Dog Park Hill for Crazy 7’s. 7 Hand Release Merkins, Up the hill to touch the fence and back down. Repeat 7 times. Yes 7 times. Several guys picked up Happy Trees who is new to F3 and showing good progress. #4 Personal F3 Milestone: I was selected to be 3rd F Q one year and enjoyed leading that important part of F3.

Mosey back toward the flag stopping 3 times for, you guessed it, 7 burpees. #5 Personal F3 Milestone: In an unexpected honor, I was selected to be Nantan of F3 Gastonia. It was a wonderful year and I am honored to be on that list of guys who have served in that position. If you know the guys on the list, they are some of the finest men anywhere!

Now it’s time for some Block work. 7 Curls, 7 Overhead Presses, 7 Shrugs, 7 Tricep Extensions, 7 Swings, 7 on Your Six Chest Presses and run down to the woods and back. We repeated this 3 times and I ran a little around the parking lot to be sure we got in over 2 miles. #6 Personal F3 Milestone: I led all time F3 Gastonia Posts for a while before Seuss, Broke, Slaw and even Sister Act passed me but I was happy to be able to lead for a while and I may have mentioned it a few times.

And finally #7 Personal F3 Milestone: All the guys I didn’t know before F3 that have made me better in every way! Thanks to you all!

Announcements: QvQ at Folsom Saturday at 6:30 am.
Community Foundation 5K with Speed for Need Saturday at 9 am.
Pearl Baptist Church NYC 5K at Common Ground on Friday 4/28 at 6:30 pm with proceeds going for a mission trip. Sign Up at search PBCNYC 5K
LAPS Trail Run and Camping at Whitewater Center in May. See Flintstone if interested.

Prayer Requests: Huck, Turtleman, Clavin’s M, Lil Sweet’s dad, Ratchet’s 2.0, Radar’s sister, Gumby’s family, Charlie Ward, Mozart.

Slaw’s WOD 50

We gathered at Midoriyama on Tuesday where I planned to celebrate Slaw’s 50th birthday by doing the hero WOD I created for him. If you are unaware a few years ago I decided to create some WOD’s to celebrate guys that are important and impactful in my life. Slaw happens to be one of those guys.


SSH x 15ic

Low slow squat x 10ic

Merkins x 10ic

Lets mosey down to the soccer field

The Thang-Slaw’s WOD:

Each exercise is defined by Slaw’s age=50


run a lap


run a lap

A-American hammers

run a lap


run a lap


run a lap

W-wide arm merkin

run a lap

O-one legged burpee

run a lap

D-diamond merkin

With a little time left I asked Slaw for an exercise. He said SSH. I expected more but I guess he’s started his downhill slide. Hate to see it. So we did 10 SSH’s at each light pole on the left going back to the flag.




Announcements-QvQ finals this Saturday at Folsom 4/1, Community Run-SFN event this Saturday-try to be there 8-8:30

Prayer Requst-Gumby and Family, PP’s coworker, Rachet’s son

Broke 52

13 total on a Tuesday evening at Midoriyama for the hero WOD I created for Broke. I like to use it around his birthday.


SSH x 20 ic

Don Q’s x 10 ic

Let’s mosey to the field

The Thang: Broke’s WOD

52 reps of the below for his 52nd birthday

Bankrupt=Burpees(his least favorite) There was a less than stellar performance by the PAX here. I guess when you say 52 burpees right off the bat it takes the wind right out of their sail. There was lot of standing and talking by several. Hate to see it!(This part was copied from last years BB and the exact wording still applied)

Wojo-across the field and back

As poor as a church mouse=American Hammer(his favorite)


Destitute=Deconstructed burpee


Impoverished=Iron Mike(jump lunge)


Poor=Pretzel crunch


Penniless=Peter Parker


Down and out=Dirty Hookup


After the WOD we got in the low pank position in a line side by side with a bit of a gap between us. The pax at the end jumped up and started jumping over the other pax. Then the next pax started. So on and so forth working our way around the field. We did this for a bit then headed back to the flag.


Pledge-with some pauses suckas

Announcement-2ndF lunch happening as I do this BB, Community run 4/1

Prayer Request-We gotta a lot of folks going through some stuff. Stay strong and keep praying.

Naked Moleskin:

I spoke a little about why I created a hero wod for Broke. If you know him you probably have a good idea why I would do that. If you don’t then I suggest you get to know him.

Midoriyama 3/16/23

A beautiful evening at Midoriyama. This is one of the very few time YHC has Q’d and it wasn’t raining. The Q was resting a sore knee, so not a lot of running was planned. Def Leppard was a no-show due to product testing their newest mattress. He obviously overslept. Hate to see it. Let’s get going.


  • Seal Jacks
  • 5 Burpees (because Breaker Breaker was late. Not really.)
  • Grass Pickers



Grab a coupon and go to the parking lot on the other side of the turd shack.

15 to 1 – 15 curls, 15 overhead press. 14 curls, 14 overhead press all the way down to 1. A lot of mumblechatter with keywords “swole” “pumped” and “that’s what she said”. Freight was about to leave the workout to show his M his “awesome pump”.  YHC doubts it would’ve made a difference.

Next, we partnered up for some Dora. Partner 1 FARMER carries (NOT fireman carries) the block(s) across the parking lot, 10 CDD’s, then return while partner 2 performs ab exercises.

  • 100 Big Boys
  • 200 Reverse Crunch
  • 300 LBC’s

Circle back up for another round of 15 to 1. Exercises were overhead tricep extensions and squats.

We still had time for some 4 corners escalator.

  • 10 Mike Tysons
  • 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Freddie Mercs
  • 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Freddie Mercs, 30 Werkins
  • 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Freddie Mercs, 30 Werkins, 40 SSH

Time was up.


  • 2nd F lunch at J.R. Cash’s in Mt. Holly on 3/22
  • Community Foundation Run on 4/1
  • Whitewater Center Trail run on 5/19 – 5/20. See Flintstone for details
  • P200/ Mortimer coming up soon

Prayer Requests:

  • Ratchet’s 2.0 (Jackson Hall)
  • Mozart (Volt’s 2.0)
  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Tiger’s Mother
  • Termite’s brother
  • Radar’s sister

Praise Reports:

  • Oompa’s 2.0 has acquired employment
  • Thanks for all of our F3 brothers
  • YHC’s 2.0 and her college experience

Solid work by everyone who came out expecting a weak sauce Q. Great to see Happy Trees at Midoriyama. He’s rolling right in with the squad and accelerating. Breaker Breaker made it out to Midoriyama. Great to see you, sir! Don’t forget to say an encouraging word to your brothers. We have no idea what some our brothers are quietly going through.

YHC took us out in prayer.



Grapes of Wrath

21 toatal for the QvQ at Midoriyama thursday. This was a matchup we all paid a price for. Me vs Broke! Broke pulled a Freight by campaining a bit. When I pulled up he had voting signs put up with big check marks beside his name. It was great. He also had several bottles of wine sitting out to obviously bribe some for their vote. As you can tell he’s a democrat. He probably offered some money for people to stay at home and not have to workout.


Flintstone started things off with some very flattering words about both of us. Thank you kind sir we are both honored to serve.

I took the reins to start. No time for warmups it’s 5:30 in the evening.

The Thang:

Mosey over to the long parking lot across the street. Line up on a line. 117 yards away there was another line and some cones. Yes 117 yards for those that were asking. I went back and measured the parking spaces=9′ and counted the spaces=39= 351′. The Pax were instructed we would run to the other line and do 3 burpees. The kicker was we would be on a timer and for every man not across the line in time we would add a burpee. We started with 26 seconds. Everyone went a little too hard out the gate not really knowing how long it would take. Most settled in pretty well after that. After our burpees I instructed the Pax we would do the same thing going back, which is slightly uphill, and do 3 jump squats. After that round the fun part started. I informed the Pax that I would be deducting 1 second. It is now 25 seconds to get there. We continued this for my entire 20 minutes. We mixed in some 10 counts as I and I’m sure some others were near merlot. The Pax were hustling! We recieved extra reps a few times but no more than 3-4.

Broke took over and took us back to tha main parking lot where he had 5 cones setup about 10 yds a part for some suicide sprints. Yep more sprinting! By this point most of us were out of sprint. He had us do 10 reps of an exercise then suicide sprint all of the cones. Next 20 reps and sprint. We did this going up to 50 reps and then started back down. Perfect form merkins, squats,  wide arm merkins, hillbilly’s, and hammers I think. With 5 minutes to go he called us to circle up. He gave the challenge-5 burpees, 5 Big Boi’s, 5 squats as many rds as possible in 5 minutes. The winner gets a bottle of wine or if you merlot you get a merlot. Slaw, Gumby and someone else I can’t recall all got a bottle and Broke got 3 votes!

The vote was tight. It was tied coming down to the last vote where of course I was victorious! I retrieved my 2022 Best Q medal, which is kind of like my raslin belt for this competition. There were some laughs and some boos as I entered the circle as the champ. I felt a little like Rick Flair. Some loved him and some loved to hate him. He played his part just as I have learned to play mine. All in all it was smoke fest and a great day for all involved. If you didn’t a little better on Thursday you weren’t trying…..meow.



Announcements-Sign up for the community run/Speed for need 4/1, 2nd F lunch at JR Cash 22nd


Prayer Request-Gumby’s family, Ratchet’s sone/family, Purple Haze’s foot, Turtleman, Huck


I mentioned playing my part. I read Mr Vice, something Dredd wrote, and it just felt right. It is what many of us call a douche canoe but like most things it has it’s purpose. I’m not saying I’ve got this job nailed perfectly but I’m honing my skills. Either way for those that boo, get annoyed, and roll your eyes at my ways just know I’m not just a cocky A-hole. I’m a cocky A-hole that loves you. Read below a piece from the writing and a link for the whole thing.


But his main job, the one that (depending on how well he does it) makes the difference between a successful dining-in and one that just checks the block, is to be an asshole. Mister Vice is supposed to be an asshole, but not the kind that nobody wants to be around because he is a pointless irritant motivated by his own selfish reasons. Mister Vice is another kind of asshole, a guy who dispenses irritation with a point and purpose that is necessary to any gathering of men.

How a good Mister Vice does that is far more art than science, but there are some characteristics that all the successful ones have in common. He must be a tremendously observant guy with a sharp wit and acerbic sense of humor. He must possess an encyclopedic knowledge of arcane uniform and conduct regulations, violations of which he must be capable of spotting at great distance. He must also be self-disciplined enough to remain marginally more sober than everyone else so that he can stay one step ahead of them as the night progresses. And, most importantly, he must truly love both his unit and the men he has been tasked to serve as Mister Vice. Absent that last characteristic, he’ll devolve into the wrong kind of asshole, the pointless irritant

CHAPTER EIGHT: Mister Vice (

Midoriyama 2/28/23

YHC picked up the last Q for the month of February. The Rock Pushing Challenge is in full swing, and the numbers across the region are impressive! YHC wanted to bring a good beatdown, so here’s what he came up with:


  • Burpees
  • SSH
  • Don Q’s



Mosey to practice field for Blackjack. It’s identical to 11’s, just more reps. Number of reps adds up to 21 instead of 11. Exercises called were Hand Release Merkins and Squats.

That took 2/3 of the workout time allotted, so we performed Iron Mike Tyson Climbers. They are performed like Iron Hulk with a 1 to 4 ratio. Instead of Merkins and Air Presses, the exercises are Mike Tysons and Mountain Climbers. We made it through round 5 and paused for some core work.

Core Meltdown was an Ab routine provided by Short Sale a year or so ago. In rapid succession, we performed:

  • 20 Flutter Kicks
  • 20 LBC’s
  • 10 Leg Raises
  • 20 Freddie Mercurys
  • 15 Penguins
  • 10 Crunchy Frogs
  • 20 American Hammers
  • 15 Turtle Crunches
  • 10 Reverse Crunches

We then resumed and finished rounds 6-10 of Iron Mike Tyson Climbers. These were a real crowd pleaser!

Mosey back to the flag as time expired.


  • Extinction Run 3/4 at 0930, NOT 0900
  • Community Foundation Run 4/1. Sign up before 3/15. Prices go up after that date.
  • Tequila Sunrise will post at Davis Park this Friday due to a school field trip at the normal posting area.

Prayer Requests:

  • Tooth Fairy’s 2.0
  • Radar’s sister
  • Tiger’s mother
  • Termite’s brother
  • Wirenut’s mother
  • Mozart and Volt
  • Clavin’s M
  • Gumby’s mother

YHC took us out in prayer. Thank you to all the men who posted at Midoriyama today. It was great to see all of you guys!

Keep pushing the rock!



Do Good at Midoriyama

10 pax out on a beautiful afternoon at Midoriyama.
Typical Warmup, SSH, Don Q’s, Low Slows, Plank with some stretches and Merkins.

YHC has been sick so not up to Q strength standards so decided to play some Frisbee Rules football with a Youth sized football that is pretty old and kind of slick and autographed by back up offensive lineman Will Montgomery #66 at Carolina Panthers Training Camp in 2006.

Not much to report. Wiki is fast. Blart is tall. Freight is shifty. Pockets is a cherry picker. Defib is solid. My team won! Wojo drove by but didn’t stop.

Time is running out so back to the flag for a few more Merkins and time.


Word about simply doing good wherever we can. Be available for each man around you as we all have things we are going through.

3/4 Extinction Run at Primal Brewery at 9:00 am. This is a super fun event for all fitness levels. Bring friends.
4/1 Community Foundation 5K Run – We are running with Speed For Need. Just sign up and come on out.

Prayer Requests:
Hayes Family
Clavin’s M
Gumby’s Family
Wirenut’s Family
Slaw’s M
Sister Act

I took us out. Thanks to all who showed. We had a fun time playing like a bunch of kids!

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