Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 45 of 51)

Where a goat can go the PAX can go

So Midoriyama has a special feature that AO’s around here don’t have….A Mountain! 2 had climbed it once before and we have talked about doing again for some time. YHC figured since it has cooled down some and the leaves are changing it would be a good time to see the view from up there. That and of course we set the clocks back next week so Midoriyama will start posting in the gloom as well. There was a brief disclaimer about not knowing how much of the property belongs to the park and if the man comes it will be jailbreak time. We did a short warmup of the usual SSH’s, a few Hillbillies and imperial walkers then hit the mosey with the shovel flag in hand. We moseyed VIA the soccer loop trail and service road to the base stopping to do a few merkins and Al Gore’s. At the base YHC advised we would be walking from this point. The path up is the power line path and is nothing but rocks. Big rocks(some scaling is involved) and small rocks(easy to roll an ankle here). It is all straight up the side and about half way it gets pretty steep(leg burner). Everyone did a great job! Once we were at the top a few did hip slappers off the tower building wall. We posed for a pic and headed back down.


Announcements, Pledge, Prayer Request-Floppy’s M, Lil Sweet’s niece


12 PAX posted for one of the last days in the full light at Midoriyama. Daylight savings time will put us in the gloom come next week. We were planning to do a surprise post at Floppy Disk’s house since he has been MIA lately but While I was doing some scouting(trick or treating) Monday night he mentioned he was going to post. With that messages were sent to abort the plan and all made it to Midoriyama. Good to have such a strong crowd out today!


SSH x 16 ic I was going a little higher but noticed Def Leppard was hoping on one foot due to his broken toe.

Moroccan Nightclubs w/ high knees and butt kickers

LBC’s x 15 ic

Flutter Kicks x 15 ic

Sandy V’s x 10 ic ( for Billy Madison)

The Thang:

Mosey to the end parking lot at the soccer fields

Route 66- All in a line together, Bobby Hurley’s at each line starting with 1 then 2 then 3 and so on until 11

Fellowship mosey around the island to recover

Lunge between lines and 1 merkin at each parking space line. So I heard someone say “just 1 merkin”. The thing about doing one merkin is it’s basically doing a burpee. It’s a mental trick! We did this for the length which was about 20 lines worth.

Mosey back across the park to the stairs.

2 at a time do 10 calf raises on each step x 13 steps( For Tooltime ). Everyone else planks until they can get on a step. When finished plank until all are done.

Mosey back to the flag for the Pledge.

Partner up w/cement block. Partner 1 10 blockees Partner 2 wall sit about 20 yds away. Switch. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds=50 blockees each! Floppy Disk’s favorite exercise!

Same setup but this time we did curls x 30.


Announcements-CSAUP, Nomads headed to Isotope, Gastonia Convergence, Holiday Party in January

Prayer Request-Lil Sweet’s family member getting tonsils removed and tubes put in, Tooltime, Floppy’s M and family, surgery is this Friday.

Read-Colossians 3:15-17- And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body, and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


I can’t say enough about this group of guys. Week in and week out consistently posting, pushing themselves and each other. When you listen to the conversations they are always asking about and checking up on things happening in each others lives. That tells me they really care. I want to personally thank all of you for the support and prayers for Floppy Disk’s family.

Sprints and Burpees

As YHC composes this BB, he must apologize for the tardiness of the post. The guys at Midoriyama are renowned for their pathetic counting, now it seems as if their memory is starting to fail as well. Huckleberry asked YHC to pick up the Q due to a last minute schedule conflict. After agreeing to Q, YHC had little time to come up with a great Weinke. YHC went back to basics with this one. No FNG’s present, so with the usual disclaimer, YHC led 9 other HIMs through the afternoon Midoriyama gloom (that’s not a thing, just sounded kinda cool. The weather was great, actually!).



  • SSH
  • Moroccan NC (until Billy Madison joined the PAX)
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Don Quixotes

The Thang:

First up were Rugby Sprints. YHC picked these up from our brothers at the Deep. All PAX line up side by side facing in the same direction. At his discretion, Q calls an exercise. PAX begin the exercise to a random count until Q calls “SPRINT!”. PAX then sprint approx. 25-30 yards away then sprint back to start line. PAX then slow mosey back to other end of the 30 yard mark. Q then calls new exercise at a random count then rinse and repeat the sprinting. Thanks to Crabcakes at the deep for this one! Exercises were Merkins, Werkins, Mountain Climbers, LBC’s and Flutter Kicks. After 2 rounds, Billy Madison self-reported an attack of SV and headed home. Hope you get better, Billy! See you next time.

YHC decided to do a little “Turd Shack Tango”. PAX got on the wall at the Turd Shack and performed 10 Mike Tysons IC. PAX then lunge walk around the shack then performed 10 Hip Slappers IC. Lunge walk around again. Next was 30 sec wall sit then lunge walk around one last time.

Mosey to play ground and partner up. Partner 1 does 5 pull ups, partner 2 – 10 Merkins. Switch and repeat. PAX then rinse and repeat but sub Diamond Merkins for Merkins. Rinse and repeat but sub Military Merkins for Diamond Merkins.

Mosey back to flag for 4 count Burpee beatdown. PAX slit into 4 two man teams. Team one starts the Burpee. Team two begins their Burpee when team one is almost finished with theirs. Team three follows team two, team four follows team three. Once team four is finished, that counts as one Burpee. Q announced this would be performed until Q calls it.Through mucho mumble chatter and a constant struggle to accelerate/decelerate the pace, the PAX pushed through 12 minutes of Burpees! We lost count after 100. Way to push, men!

Sensing an impending mutiny, YHC called for more Rugby Sprints. One round of Merkins, one round of LBC’s.

Walk back to the Flag for some Mary. YHC cannot remember them all, but does remember Parker Peters, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, High Plank Hold, WW1’s and 5 Burpees OYO (thanks Lil’ Sweet!). YHC attempted to introduce an 8 count ab exercise called the Dr. W. Look it up on the Lexicon. After a demo, YHC got the “are you kidding” and “I don’t think so” stares from the PAX. It is an 8 count exercise, and we have a hard time getting to 4 at Midoiyama! YHC Omaha’d to Michael Phelps flutter kicks instead.

Finished up with 22 Merkins for the Vets.


CSAUP in 2 weeks, Advisory board meeting 10/30 @19:00 at On the Border.

Prayer requests:

Floppy Disk’s M and their family. Tool Time and his calf (muscle, not cow), Def Leppard (broke toe). Others were mentioned and YHC apologizes for not being able to remember them.

Thank you men for allowing me to lead. The men of Midoriyama are an awesome group of men, and YHC is proud to be one of them! Keep pushing the rock, men!



All up hill from here

8 men pushed the rock and each other on the trails of Midoriyama. This is how it went.


SSH, Imperial Walker, Hillbilly, Merkin, Sandy V, Freddy Mercury

The Thang:

Pretty simple today. We ran the trails mostly. 2.25 miles worth. Started on the Big leaf loop and added in some of the Laurel loop. We stopped a few times to do 20 jump squats, 30 sandy v’s and 40 merkins.


Announcements: Nomads heading to the mustang in the metro

Prayer request-Floppy’s M, Injured brothers.



Thanks for the push today fella’s. I was running on zero sleep due to taking some allergy medicine at the wrong time. I really didn’t want to do it today after tweeking all night. Good to see Stroganoff out at Midoriyama again. It’s cooler now so if you want to come visit you won’t melt now.

BOMBS and Bricks

11 PAX and my 2.0 came for a workout in absolutely beautiful weather. Sunny and 70 degrees. I was concerned to hear before the workout that at least half of the men there had some sort of injury that would prevent them from doing one exercise or the other. I even heard the term “merkin elbow” used. I assured everyone there would be no running, no merkins, and no squats, well maybe just a few.


SSH x 15IC

Don Quixote x 15IC

Imperial Walkers x 15IC

Merkins x 5IC

LBC’s x 5IC

Squats x 5IC

Lets mosey,

Slow jog to the soccer field where we will do BOMBS.

Partner up, 1 man runs to the other side of the soccer field while the other exercises, counted in aggregate.

B  Burpies x50

O  Overhead claps x 100

M  Merkins x150

B   Bigboy situps x200

S  Squats x250

Mosey back to the flags, the regular shovel flag as well as the ghost flag, for the Pledge.

Everyone grab 2 bricks from the back of the Jeep and lets mosey to the back of the parking lot.

9 parking spaces, each with a exercise written in chalk in it.

CDD x20, brick shoulder press (1 minute), werkins x 20, brick flys (1 minute), MNC’s x 20, brick straight arm raises (1 minute), military merkins x 20, brick triceps (1 minute), merkins x 20, brick curls (1 minute)

Times up.

Somehow we managed to run 2 miles throughout the workout as well.

Announcements: CSAUP, Nomads meeting at 5:30 at the mall

Prayer requests: Floppy Disk’s wife, hurricane victims

It was an honor to lead, I look forward to next time





pick things up and put them down

9 men posted to midoriyama for sparky’s first q at this AO. we all knew that a block party was upon us. stretch it out until 1730, let’s roll.

temperature: 80 degrees, cloudy and a slight breeze.

warmups: don quixotes, ssh and hillbillies.

mosey to the end of the parking lot.

partner up. p1 deadlifts, p2 runs. switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 overhead press with block, p2 runs. switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 curls with blocks, p2 runs.  switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 lbc, p2 runs. switch and repeat up to 200 in aggregate.

p1 block merkins, p2 runs.  switch and repeat up to 100 in aggregate.

cool down mosey. time is up.

COT announcements: CSAUP and gashouse nomads this saturday.  prayer requests: floppy’s wife, hampton family, each other. BOM: q took us out.


nice work, men.

Nice weather and Traffic

Midoriyama started off a little different today. The weather was nice and for once it was not hot as h#$%.  Also, there was an accident that had animal parts spill all over I-85 and this caused some Midoriyama regulars to run a little late….and yes I did say ANIMAL PARTS!!  Just have to love Gaston County!!  With the Ghost Flag present, I didn’t figure anyone from F3 Nation would come to capture the flag due to all the traffic and animal parts on I-85.  YHC had another good delivery for anyone coming to take the flag.  It went like this…………

Warm up:


25 Moroccan nightclubs IC

25 Don Quixote’s IC (for TOOL TIME ON IR)

25 Squats IC

The Thang:

Run to soccer field

Run to each corner of the Soccer field and perform one of the exercises X 25 reps:

Set 1- Merkins, werkins, military, diamond

Set 2- Lbc, str leg alt crunches, flutter, ww1s

The PAX was to perform 5 pull ups every time you run past a soccer goal (Total of 20 pull ups)

Circle up in the center of the field for 100 burpee challenge  (Perform each amount of reps on the min 8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8 for a total of 100 burpees in 10 mins)

Run back Playground for 2 sets of 5 pull ups and 25 squats IC

Mosey back to flag for 30 dips IC

Circle up for Clock planks 

End with 22 merkins for the vets



  • CSAUP Event
  • Nomads will be leaving the mall @ 5:30am and traveling to Monroe this Saturday



  • Noah and his family
  • Floppy Disk and his M
  • Billy Madison
  • Tool Time

Great work by the PAX!! Once again, it’s ALWAYS a pleasure to lead and hopefully push everyone to better themselves!!

Until the next delivery, Pizza Man OOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTT……….




46 and 2

10 PAX posted to get a workout today not knowing they would have so much fun!


46-SSH ic and  2 Burpees

46-Moroccan Nightclubs ic and 2 Burpees

There was a lot of mumblechatter during the SSH’s! A lot of confused looks as well.

The Thang:

Indian Run to the soccer field while carrying a 30 lbs slamball. Runner 1 carries it and passes it off to the last runner when he catches up.

At the soccer field we split up for about 15 minutes of bearcrawl/crabwalk soccer. The PAX really got into this. You could see the competitive spirit come out. There was a lot of talk about yellow cards but I didn’t see anything? Sorry Lil Sweet for not giving you a high five but you weren’t on my team. I think he was really trying to distract me.

Next up we took turns throwing the slamball. After each throw we walked up and did 46 ab exercises and 2 burpees. They went like this:

46 LBC’s and 2 burpees

46 Freddy Mercury’s and 2 burpees

23 WWII Situps, 23 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees

23 WWII Situps, 23 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees (OK so we modified on those two but they were really starting to hurt at this point. They still equaled 46)

46 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees

46 Dying cockroaches and 2 burpees

46 Hello Dolly’s and 2 burpees

46 In/Out’s and 2 burpees

46 American Hammers and 2 burpees

46 Plank hip dips and 2 burpees

We had a little time left so we played another 10 minute round of soccer then repeated the Indian run back to circle up. 22 Merkins. I forgot to the pledge today guys sorry!


CSAUP-looks like about 6 Midoriyama regulars have signed up so far. I see a team forming! We’ve got a crew headed out as Nomads this Saturday in search of a Ghost Flag. We may end up out numbering the home team when we get there.

Prayer Request:

Huck and Allen Tate’s family, Floppy Disk’s M and family.


So I heard the Tool song “46 and 2” on the radio today and it got me to thinking of Tooltime. As hard as it is for me to admit it I think I’m starting to miss him! Tooltime and I don’t ever really hang out outside of F3 but some how just doing this thang we develop bonds with one another. Amazing! So today’s workout goes out to Coretime with Tooltime! Get back out soon brother.



Are we doing more Burpees?

As YHC had reported on Twitter, 11 hard chargers posted for a great workout in the Midoriyama afternoon gloom. It’s been really great to see this many PAX post at Midoriyama lately. Before the workout began, Huckleberry asked YHC “Are we doing more burpees? We did burpees this moring at Folsom.” YHC just replied with a sinister grin. The look of hope and optimism quickly left his face and was replaced with a look of genuine disgust. The beatdown had begun, and we haven’t started the warmup yet!

As we began, I introduced myself to the PAX, gave the disclaimer (in detail) due to FNG among us, and got down to business.


  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Hillbillies x 12 IC (Don’t ask….remember who’s posting this BB)
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC


The Thang:

Indian run to the back of Midoriyama for some Deconstructed Burpees. Starting at 10 reps, Pax perform 10 squats, 10 Burps (from plank position, bring knees to chest and back out), 10 Merkins, 10 more Burps, then stand. PAX then repeato decreasing 1 rep at a time until down to 1. YHC was very surprised at the amount of mumble chatter this created!

Next, Indian run back to playground where the PAX partnered up. Partner 1 does 5 Pullups, while partner 2 does 10 Derkins. Rotate exercises for partner 1 and 2. Repeato except replace  Derkins with Werkins (wide grip merkins).

Mosey to parking lot closest to the flag for some B.L.I.M.P.S. Nearly all PAX requested demo (AKA Stalling). They go like this:

B- Burpees x 5

L- Lunges x 10 each leg

I- Imperial walkers x 15 single count

M- Merkins x 20 single count

P- Plank Jacks x 25 single count

S- Squats x 30 single count

Rinse and repeat.

Noticing PAX were getting gassed, YHC slowed the pace down for 20 Flutter Kicks IC (You know, to get our breath)

Next YHC set out some orange cones every 4 parking spaces for some CDD suicide ladders.

Very simple exercise, but the Suck factor increases exponentially. PAX runs a full suicide (first cone, back to start, second cone, back to start, third cone, back to start, fourth cone, back to start) then do 5 CDDs. The goal is to repeat suicides and increase CDDs by 5. After 2 rounds, all PAX (including YHC) were completely gassed. YHC Omaha’d and all moseyed back to the flag.

With 7 minutes to go, YHC wanted to ensure all PAX were getting their money’s worth. Last exercise is the Bearmuda triangle. 3 cones are spaced 10 yards apart in triangular shape. Starting at one of the cones, PAX perform 1 Burpee. Bear crawl to the next cone, 2 Burpees. Bear crawl to the last cone, 3 Burpees. 2 total laps were performed ending with 6 Burpees.

Circle up at the flag for announcements- wait- 22 Merkins for our veterans (thank you, Gomer). And…….TIME!


  • CSAUP- Nov. 11th- Nov. 12th. Sign up if you haven’t already.
  • Advisory Board leadership changes (to prevent burnout)
  • F3 Nomads- ask Freight- he has the lead Q for this


Please keep Floppy Disk and his M in your prayers. They really need them. We miss you at Midoriyama, sir, but we understand. Huckleberry and Allen Tate’s aunt passed away today. Lift these men and their families up as well. Pray for each other- as F3 men- to be the dads and husbands we have to be for our families. Also, ToolTime, who is on IR for a leg injury (or SV- just kidding, brother). Get back soon. Blart has taken the title of major mumblechatter in your absence!

Also, welcome FNG Oompa Loompa! You did outstanding for your first time out! Keep coming back. As it’s been said before- it doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger! Kudos to Def Leppard for EH’ing him!

YHC lead us out in prayer.

Awesome work by all today. Nobody was going to let their fellow F3 brother down. It got really tough near the end, but every man pushed that rock all the way to the end! AYE!

Until next time





I’m going to start off thanking everyone that was a part of the BRR team!!  That was honestly one of the greatest experiences that I have been a part of.  I would like to send a special thanks to Dr. Feelgood for all the inspiration and leading the 3rd F along the way!!

It was another Thursday at Midoriyama, this time it was a little different, it was a little cloudy and started to RAIN!! That’s right, I said RAIN!!  9 PAX made it out for another one of Pizza Man’s deliveries.  It went like this…


SSH, Don Q’s, and Moroccan nightclubs while waiting for some people to roll in.


I like to call this the supreme cause it works all areas of the body.  The PAX performed 3 exercises together then sprinted to the end of the horseshoe pit and back.  There were 5 different groups of exercises and they were…

  1. Merkins, LBC’s, Squats
  2. Derkins, Flutters, Alt jumping lunges
  3. Incline merkins, WWI, Calf raises
  4. Dips, American hammers, One legged lunges
  5. Clock merkins, V-up’s, Wall taps

After we went through each of these we had time left so I asked Tool Time, Huckleberry, and Freight for a number 1-5.  The numbers they said were the ones that were rinse and repeated…3,1,and 5

We finished those up and had a little time to finish in Midoriyama fashion with 22 merkins for the Vets!! Then I heard Huckleberry say, “I thought we were going to do burpees” so thanks for the advice, we had time for 5 burpees to finish the delivery.


Strong work as always from the PAX at Midoriyama.  Always a pleasure to lead and until the next Pizza Man delivery….Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!


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