Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 40 of 51)








It was simple 4 stations run to each and perform 4 exercises

1ST Station= 40 Seal  Jacks IC , 30 Mountain climbers,  10 merkins IC , 10 werkins

2nd Station= 30 SSh , 30 mountain Climbers, 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Lbc’s

3rd  Station= 30 Seal Jacks, 10 Merkins , 20 lbc’s, Wide Merkins

4th Station=15 Mike Tysons  IC, 15 mountain Climbers IC 15 Hippslappers, IC

Give or take a few there ,

Then back to flag for a little leg work, it went  a little like this,  backward highknee lundge,squat thingamubob’s for about 25 yards . Not my best choice of the day but it got the blood flowing to the legs

I tried to keep it simple today and keep the heart rate up, I hope you enjoyed…..

22 Merkins for vets


Announcements;  Speed for need coming up; 4 miler, and Christmastown 5k,

COT; ToolTime Spoke A little and shared a blackblast about Lexington

PRAYER REQUEST;  Cheech’s Family, those traveling,

MOLESKIN; after hearing about the loss of a F3 brother I cant help but to exam myself a

bit ,I  have been thinking a lot lately about my time and how I am investing in others, I know I have a lot of room for improvement there.  I also mentioned that I hope to us this time with my brothers to become better so I can impact my family a lot more .


No Burpees – (Well, maybe)

If any Gashouse PAX have been around YHC for at least one workout, they will discover that I am a fan of the Burpee. When I announced to the Midoriyama boys that I had the Q, I promised no Burpees. This was met with immediate mumble chatter (ALL negative, I must say). Words such as liar, yeah-RIGHT!, B.S., were heard by YHC. Site Q Def Leppard stirred the pot via Twitter even more by posting a rather funny Ron Burgundy GIF stating “I don’t belive it”. Even when YHC showed up for the workout, he was met with more questions about the “no burpees” workout. With a total of 14 PAX posting, YHC decided to get things rolling.


  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Low, Slow Squats x 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes x 10 IC


Mosey to stairs at softball field across the parking lot for calf raises x 10 each step. Plank for the six afterward.

Form two lines and Indian run to the practice soccer field where each PAX grabs a coupon from the bed of YHC’s truck. Set up for some four corner work.

Corner 1: 21’s- bicep curls with 7 halfway up, 7 halfway down, 7 full extension. Mosey with coupon to next corner.

Corner 2: Block thrusters x 15. Mosey to next corner with coupon.

Corner 3: Tricep overhead extensions with coupon x 10. Huckleberry asked “why not 15 like the thrusters?’. Well, next round we will, sir.

Corner 4: 8 count bodybuilders (with coupon) x 5. THESE ARE NOT BURPEES! It may be a burpee with a plank jack, but it isn’t a burpee. Immediate explosion of mumble chatter ensued. Huckleberry asked YHC “only 5? Why not 10?”. Well, next round, we will sir! I love his motivated enthusiasm!

Mosey to first corner and drop coupon and line up at the base of the small hill for some 11’s. LBC’s at the bottom, merkins at the top. Good work by all PAX pushing through this. Great support encouragement during this evolution.

Grab the coupons and repeat the 4 corners except increase reps on the tricep extensions and 8 count bodybuilers.

Line up at one end of the field for some Rugby Sprints. Kudos to Pizza Man for guessing this one. All ab exercises with some 15 yard sprints. Exercises were Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, American Hammers.

YHC was contemplating another round of 11’s, but time was running short. Go to the hill and bear crawl up, 10 squats at the top, sprint back down. R&R x 2. Omaha’d the last bear crawl for Joe Hendricks.

Indian run back to the flag just in time for 22 merkins for the vets.


Announcements: Speed for need inaugural race July 4th at Dilworth in Charlotte. Gashouse’s first will be the Christmastown 5K the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

COT: Welcome to FNG Flounder. It’s great to have you with us.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: YHC also spoke briefly on encouragement and it’s impact on others. My first post at Midoriyama was a great example of how encouragement impacts others. My tail was dragging in the Midoriyama heat, and thoughts of laying down were running through my mind. But my brothers Tool Time, Pizza Man, Floppy Disk, Freight, and Def Leppard kept encouraging me through it. That gave me the boost to push through. We also should encourage each other through our spiritual battles as well. Life has its ups and downs. It helps me to know my brothers are praying me through when I am going through tough times. We never know what type of situation/issue our fellow brother may be going through. A word of encouragement may give him the boost he needs to push through.

Thanks guys for the encouragement. Thank you for allowing me to lead.

Until the next time,




18 warriors posted for a Westside Pizza Man delivery. The crowd started to arrive and I noticed that it was going to be a big number.  With that being said, its 5:30, a short disclaimer was said and time to begin…


Seal jacks X 15 IC

Don Q’s X 15 IC

Moroccan nightclubs X 15 IC

Enough with the warm-up, lets mosey to the parking lot for some 40/20. It went like this…The PAX were to perform each exercise for 40 sec and rest 20 sec.  After the set of 3 exercises were completed, the PAX were to complete 5 burpees and run a lap around the island.  After the 4 sets were complete it was time to rinse and repeat.  The exercises were:







Rocky Balboa


Mike Tyson’s

American Hammers

Calf Raises



Chop Sticks

Monkey Humpers

Rinse and Repeat

Not sure if the PAX really needed to rinse cause it started raining pretty good during the 2 set of exercises.  Way to push through the weather!!

With a little bit of time to spare we moseyed back for 22 for the VETS.



During the COT Freight mentioned that F3 Gastonia will have its own site thanks to the work of our own Floppy Disk.  Thanks Floppy Disk for the work you have put into this and creating the site.  Can’t wait to see it!!

Once again it’s always a pleasure to lead a great group of HIMS and thanks for sticking through the storm.  There was a minute when the lightning was pretty fierce and had me a little concerned.  Thanks to the man above for keeping us safe and giving us the ability and strength to push through.    Welcome FNG Coach K!!!

Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUUTTTTT!!




12 PAX, 3 FNG’s and 1 Wilson in spirit took the DRP on Tuesday at Midoriyama. I was thinking of our brother Tooltime traveling north to the metropolis of Tonawanda and his nephew F3 Wilson came to mind. Wilson came down last summer and spent a little time getting to know the men of F3 Gastonia. I’m pretty sure he was like 11 or something but judging by the picture i saw today he seems to be aging in dog years so he is like 18 now! Anyway I thought a shout out to Wilson was due.

Since we had 3 FNG’s a little disclaimer was given


SSH x 10 ic

Don Q’s x 15 ic

Low slow squat x 10 ic

Grab Wilson and mosey to the soccer field

The Thang:

The Wilson

W-Wave of Merkins up to 5

I-Inch worm across the field until you get to Wilson

L-Lazy Dora

S-Squerkin 10 then switch 10 again

O-One legged Burpee 5 each leg

N-Newtons Cradle x10 ic

Let’s do it again!

W-Whamo Lunge Walk to Wilson

I-Iron Hulk

L-LBFC’s x 20

S-Seal Crawl to Wilson

O-Ollie Norths

N-Nolan Ryan x 10 then switch x 10

Snatch up Wilson and mosey back



22 for the Vets

Announcment-Saturday convergence Downtown at the Rotary Pavilion, Something about a 1/2 marathon(sorry I stopped listening when he said run)


Be deligent and precise in your influence of our youth. Be a leader at home with your kids but also with any you come in contact with. It takes a village right! To you just a short interaction with a kid may happen without a thought but you never know what it may mean to them. They may not have that leader in their lives and that short interaction of attention they receive from you may mean the world. Go forth men and be that HIM!



10 manly men showed at Midoriyama to put in some sweat equity and learn a little about Gods word. We gathered up. The PAX are all chatty and full of energy. If only they knew what was coming. so here we go.

Warm up

SSH x 10 IC

Grass pickers x 10 IC

Moroccan night clubs x 20 IC

Dying Cockroaches x 10 IC

Mosey past the playground to the parking lot for the Thang.


We lined up across the curb and did 1 burpee and 4 lunges, then another burpee and 4 lunges. It was about the sets for most of us. Some did four. At the other side we turned around and came back. Only we added a burpee. So 2 burpees and 4 lunges. then at the other side add another burpee. All the way to 10 burpees. Halfway through some of the PAX thought that I would Omaha this. Remember we need to push ourselves to the limit sometimes to become better HIM. We figured that as a group we had completed somewhere around 1600+ burpees. That’s crazy. It made the mosey back seem like a cake walk. Halfway through I game everyone a break with a short lesson from the Lords Prayer. Mathew 6: 11 “Give us this day our daily bread” Yesterday has gone, tomorrow has its own problems, today is now. Praise the Lord today and listen to him today. Live now in the Lords will. After we finally rapped up what Burpee Dan had for us, I gave the PAX another rest with another verse from Mathew 6:7 “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.” God knows your many needs, your friends needs and your family needs. Its ok to change up your prayer time. Praise the Lord in prayer. Listen to the Lord in prayer.

Mosey back to the start for some warm down.

American hammers x 20

WW1 sit ups x 20

Flutter kicks x 20

LBC’s x 40

With a few minutes left we did some mary of

chop sticks

plank ups. regular plank to elbow plank.

And a few more that I cant remember because of all the burpees.

finished off with the pledge and 22 for the vets.


Gastone is q-ing in charlotte Saturday 6/3/17 at Indy. clown car meeting at harris teeter on Kendrick and robin wood.

convergence June 10 at downtown pavilion.

Christmas party get with whoopee

Prayer request

T-Square and family. Each other and our country.

As changes come and go through our lives I would like for us all to remember. Prayer is the only way to move heaven and change nations. Any one who sets aside his own desires and makes adjustments in order to reach people for Christ and seeks to make disciples will be seen as successful in the eyes of God. I hope that the Lord will use me as his tool to help others. Thank you for the time and opportunity to be here. AYE!!!

The supposed beatdown

Well this being my first workout that I lead my goal was to make some people sore. I don’t believe I accomplished that but I gave it a good try. Thanks everyone for following along!



Burpees X 5

DQ X 15 IC

Burpees X 4

PJ X 15 IC

Burpees X 3

Count off 1’s and 2’s then Mosey to soccer field. Found out after getting to the field people forget things easily and forgot what number they were…

1’s grab thin block and 2’s rolled out the tires.

1’s performed Curls X 15, Bench Dips X 15, then overhead press X 15 all with a 4 second negative.

2’s flipped tires 4 times each down the field until the other group finished.

1’s and 2’s switched and repeated twice.

1’s then bear crawled to far side of field and crabwalked back.

2’s burned out the shoulders with a 3 superset exercise.

Switched and cleaned up the field.

Mosey back to the flag for some core work.

LBC X 15

Penguins X 15

Side plank raise X 15

Finished with 22 for the vets and the pledge. Thanks for not giving me grief and will make sure the next one is a little tougher!


SPEEDFORNEED!!!! Gashouse men many of you have seen my Tweets and Retweets for SPEEDFORNEED!!!  TCLAPS to JRR Tolkein for bringing this opportunity to us! If you’ve Never heard of SPEEDFORNEED? Watch this cool Youtube Video “The Making of SPEEDFORNEED” which shows in ~4min what and why F3 Nation is doing this charitable initiative. Want more information? Read the SPEEDFORNEED Preblast  Like what we’re doing and want to support? Click for CrowdRise Donation Link  or  Click for F3Foundation Donation Paypal Link and make sure to put in comments “SPEEDFORNEED“. We’re still raising money for a few more racing chairs, Cool gear and a trailer, so please donate, every little bit counts! Below is the Race information (Gashouse PLEASE register early)


  • RACE EVENT: ChristmasTown 5K in McAdenville
  • DATE: November 25th(Saturday after Thanksgiving) ~ 6:00 PM Start time please arrive at least 30 mins earlier ( we will be running through the Christmas Lights so traffic will be heavy allow extra drive time)
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • OTHER DETAILS: $30.00 Cost thru November 21st / / No race-day registration (RACE LIMITED TO FIRST 1,200 RUNNERS)
  • MEETING POINT: F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent (look for the racing chair!)
  • HOST F3 REGION: F3 Gashouse
  • DRIVERS: TBD ( should have 4 chairs)
  • SPEEDFORNEED DONATION SITE: Click for CrowdRise Donation Link

As the date gets closer and I have more information i will continue to update you please take the first step and get registered for the race



*If your region wants  to host a SPEEDFORNEED race, please let us know ASAP! We already have 35 races on the annual schedule and would do our best to enable you to provide the ride of a lifetime for kids with disabilities, while showcasing what F3 Nation is all about to your local community.*

Contact: Twitter @F3SPEEDFORNEED or @JRRTolkienF3 or email

SFN… HELP Kids, GROW F3 Nation ~ JRR Tolkien & Tool Time

Nothing fancy, just a good ole beat down.

14 braved the traffic coming out of charlotte and showed for a beautiful afternoon to try and better themselves at Midoriyama.  We got off to a slow start as PAX were still filing in. we warmed up with

Goofball x 10 IC

Seal jacks x 10 IC

Imperial walkers x 10 IC


10 Burpees OYO

Before we could mosey 2 more PAX were arriving so we did Moroccan nightclubs while we waited. We then moseyed over to the parking lot beyond the fartshack (which lived up to its name for sure).

We did a 4 corner escalator with suicides. since the parking lot was filling up with kickballers we stayed on one side of the lot. we did an exercise at the top and then did suicides to every 3rd parking line until we reached the bottom. I believe it was 3-6-9-12 lines. The escalator exercises were

10 SSH at the top

20 Merkins at the bottom

30 LBC’s at the top

40 Toy Soldiers at the bottom

Since this sucked very bad and we did do an escalator, we had to do it again but only deescalate the exercises.

40 Toy Soldiers

30 LBC’S

20 Merkins

10 SSH

By this time the suicides had us wanting some rest so I got the PAX to grab some curb. First we did the Wheel of Merkin x 10 OYO that’s

10 Derkins rotate 90

10 Merkins with 1 hand and 1 foot on the curb then rotate 90

10 Incline Merkins rotate 90

10 Merkins with the other hand and foot on the curb

Next we did

Rocky Balboas x 20 IC two rounds of these

Next was some

Dips x 20 OYO

Russian Dips x 20 OYO and

Scorpion Dry Docks x 20 OYO

Then Mosey over to the hill behind the playground for a triple nickel.

5 Knerkins at the top and 5 Monkey Humpers at the bottom x 5 times.

then back to the parking lot to give everyone a little break I decided to do a Route 66 of Bulgarian Ballbuster.

Somewhere in all that we did 10 Burpees for a train whistle and 10 Flying Squirrels for the heck of it. We moseyed back to do some mary.

Freight did Peter Parkers

Swimmer did American Hammers

Pizza man did Chopsticks

Oompa Loompa did Don Quixote’s (AKA Tool Times)

Wee Wee decided to give us a Burpeethon to the finish. Pizza Man watched the clock and we done 10 Burpees and rested for the rest of that minute and then started again. I think we did 3 or 4 minutes worth.


COT and Prayer request

Freight and family, T-Square and family, F3 Sherman and family.

I would like to thank all you guys for your support, friendship and your prayers. I told the guys that Love has been a big theme for me this year.  Love for the World. Love for Self. Love for Others. Love for God. I want to thank you guys for the love in you. Please love God and others above all. and try not to hesitate to show and tell them. I believe we all could use and give a little more Love out there. John 3:16, Gen. 22 1-19 Thank you for allowing me to come and lead.




Just Chillin



NONE- it’s already warm enough out here!

The Thang:

Mosey to Hamburger Hill…..oh wait….what’s that I hear? A TRAIN!!

5 Burpees on your own!

7 Hill Sprints- (down and back counts as 1) Lucky 7 seven was on my mind or until someone splashed merlot! Great job here men the heat did not make this easy

Ok….recover…….that’s enough ….picnic shelter….

10 Dips IC

10 Derkins IC

Mosey to the turd shack ….wait there’s Swimmer and his 2.0!!!  For a 1min 30sec peoples chair 90 degrees …arms up/out/down and then up….

Mosey to the Flag

Oh you thought I forgot!!!!

On your Six Gents….we gots to do core time!

In and Outs arms up- 25

Freddie Mercury’s arms up– 25 forward 25 Backward

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide led Sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors (slow count) – 25

Hip Rock and Raise- 25

Heels to the Heavens- 25

V-up/Roll-up – 25

Oblique V-ups- 25 Right /25 Left

And 50 American Hammers legs up!

We had some time left and I wanted the PAX to get their money’s worth!

5 Burpees OYO x3

Slaw lead us with 22 Merkins for the Vets!



Mud Run this weekend, Speed for Need!!!! Donate if you can!


YHC spoke about the loss of Chris Cornell lead singer of Soundgarden and Audio Slave…. His death is a great loss to rock music …I spoke about the fact that it is being ruled a suicide and that it is a cowards way out of this side of eternity ….that we are called to be strong and courageous….that we need to look to the left and right and realize that we are part of a brotherhood, and if any of us at any time are feeling that darkness creep into our minds that we need to reach out to our brothers to help guide out of the darkness. That we cannot leave our families that way! If you are hurting WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! YOU ARE NOT ALONE REACH OUT TO US FOR HELP!


Billy Madison’s mom in law, Def Leppard’s M’s friend neck surgery, Papa Smurf’s family for peace in their time of grieving his return home to Heaven,

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.



It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Almost 21

9 men including myself made it out to midoriyama to push the rock today. Not exactly a record breaker but enough to get it done.


SSH  20 IC

Don Quixote  15 IC


Then we moseyed to playground for 8 pullups and 15 WW1 for 3 sets. Then next mosey to dog park hill for some (21’s) Merkins at bottom and lbc’s at top which quickly got Omaha d to 11’s for most, Tclapps to those that almost made it to 21. Then moseyed to small soccer field past Moms watching soccer practice. They were starring at Def leppards biceps before we even did curls. So to coupons for some curls , triceps presses, and  step ups X 3. Its a good thing Slaw wasn’t there with his tassels he might not have made it past those women. Then to Turd shack for some wall work  Hipslappers 10 IC,  Australian Mountain climbers 10 IC,

Announcements: Tooltime discussed SPEEDFORNEED ,mudrun coming up, memorial Day coming …ALL GAVE SOME,  SOME GAVE ALL


22 for vets

out with prayer

As always its an honor until next time …….


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